ITT: Screencaps, copypastas, hot takes, anything to initiate a newfag or curious lurker

ITT: Screencaps, copypastas, hot takes, anything to initiate a newfag or curious lurker.

Does anyone have any screencaps of gender non-conformity or immigration?

Attached: 4.png (815x1462, 1.3M)

The only bad thing in that screenshot is pacifists, the rest is stupid to purge
I feel like the only reason this was made was to appeal to Zig Forumsyps who will soon be turned into dogmatic ☭TANKIE☭s

I agree completely

Wasn't his decision counterproductive tho?, like she or whoever else he kicked out was american and it weakened the movement somewhere.

But that would be a clear improvement. The image works, then.

They could all barely be called socialist, Woodhull is the best example of this.

Attached: b982c05b10518ccec3b04f97092c4931aa6ec568.jpg (1176x552, 126.74K)

Attached: Untitled.mp4 (720x1280, 8.45M)

lol that's totally normal female aggression

Yeah, it's plain wrong to look at those groups and think that they were defined solely by a good stance on a legitimate issue. Woodhull for instance was literally a con artist and porky. What was actually happening is (not too different from today) these issues got used as fronts by groups who wanted to take control for other reasons. Like how you get christian fundies posing as radical feminists to explain why sex is bad.

This is clearly some shit stirrer (in the same vein as Crowder) doing a stunt pretending to be trans. His acting is really fucking bad.


These 2 recent caps

Attached: conservative pride.png (1486x424 123 KB, 190.14K)

agreed tbh

If they retain that Zig Forumsyp mentality, they drag us down. I'd rather them kill them selves.

Like another person said, a lot of these people maintain the Zig Forumsyp mentality. They’re drawn to the bourgeois caricature of figures like Stalin (i.e. evil maniac) rather than who he really was – a great leader who, despite his flaws, lead the USSR through its greatest challenges, massively modernized the country and greatly expanded the socialist sphere. Zig Forumsyps are just edgelords

Woodhull was a literal banker retard.
Also, anti-racism didn't make much sense at the time since there where federal troops deployed in the south, to help construct a new foundation for southern society, granted this project failed when it should have succeeded

the first one becomes a hot take (or at least a lukewarm one) when you consider that M-Ls will never admit that the ends do not always justify the means

No, that's the mental maturity of the bullshit you people are pushing.

Most of us literally do not give a shit about trannies one way or another. It is a textbook example of a wedge issue.

what do you mean? that's not an "anti-tankie" point i don't think

How come nobody has fixed that stupid Wikipedia entry yet?

Woodhull was expelled because of what this post says, she was a dumb middle class bitch who hated labor unions and was trying to take over the american International chapters and turn them into lifestylist shit. This idea that Marx hated her for feminist and anti-racist views is how liberals have stereotyped the event to attack Marx since.

Going by modern experience, keeping them has been more counterproductive.

Victoria Woodhull was such a proto-SJW in every single aspect. Not only was in-fighting and factionalism her passion (even after she was expelled from the International she joined a Spiritualist organization and started drama there) but after she married a rich banker she completely retreated into the safety of traditional values and not only started preaching sexual conservatism and female purity, but she also got super into eugenics like a dumb bitch would.

If she was alive today she'd probably be one of those Democrat Cops of America chicks who talks about nothing but identity politics and astrology

Sounds good to me. Looks like a clear Zig Forumsyp to ☭TANKIE☭ to possible not-retard socialist in the future. Not all of them will convert, but hey. Some will.
I think for the cost of making oldfags roll their eyes but with the added benefit of repelling redditors, it's worthwhile propaganda.

This literally doesn't matter. Some retard who might have been trans or might have been a shit stirrer pretending to be trans made a scene at the mall. Who gives a shit. It literally doesn't matter either way.

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