What is the Marxist explanation for why, despite Eastern Europe being poorer...

What is the Marxist explanation for why, despite Eastern Europe being poorer, it has fewer terror attacks per capita than Western Europe?

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Eastern Europe neither colonized anyone, neither bombed anyone, neither financed terrorists to fight communists.

I'm going to have to disagree with you on the first two points. As for the third one, why would terrorists harbor resentment towards those who financed them?

why don't you ask them? we already know for a fact it happened so your cute little gaslighting tactic isn't going to work.
so rejecting reality?
the eastern states were either being conquered or fighting amongst themselves. they never colonized a soul.

Eastern Europe is still overwhelmingly Eastern European.

They also tend to not invite people that like to commit act of terror into their country like Poland for example.

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Unironicly this
Unlike the western idea that Islamic terrorists are born evil ,follow the Quran fanatically and just hate everything non-Islamic
Most of their leadership has some form of ideology and hope for a future utopia and dislike the west cause they think the wars for oil comes from Christian history of dislike towards Muslims( that’s why they call western soldiers crusaders)
Also Russia has like a billion Islamic terrorist attacks per day so I call bs

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What point would there be to have a terror attack that will not affect anyone important
Nobody would bat an eye if a school in Serbia was blown up, or a shopping center in Poland or a public square in Romania.
Also this

Terror attacks don't mean anything if it's against people the rest of the world doesn't care about.

Zero in 2018, only one in 2017: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_terrorism_in_Europe#2018

Islamic terrorism

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Its not the fact that people won't bat an eye.

Places you described don't have terror attacks because they don't have mass third world immigration the levels in which Germany, Sweden, France, Britain do


suck my fucking dick you retard wikipedia is bad and you should feel bad

They are more or less third world due to capitalism.

Because we are the fucking third world you absolute mongoloid
Why would anyone come to a country where you get nothing

Kill yourself

yep its all capitalism's fault.

They're not third world at all. Sure they don't have huge metropolises like NYC but Eastern Europe is more similar to Western Europe than Mexico or India or the Middle East

What country is that? The batlics are a very nice place to live as well as Ukraine, and Hungry.

Can't speak for the rest though

Uhhh you do realize that the life expectancy and quality of life in the Eastern Bloc took a massive dive due to the SU dissolving. So, yeah, it was due to capitalism.

In 20 years of Capitalism, of cutthroat violent privatization the previous 100years were destroyed

Also Ukraine is in a fucking civil war and the average salary is basically unlivable even with everything being cheap as dirt there
You do realize that the EU pumping funds into a country doesn't make it successful

Right now there are protests in Hungary over a new overtime law labour law that allows employers to hold on the overtime pay for 3 fucking years
Why the fuck are you mongrels always so fucking moronic?

Correct, that post was way to hyperbolic. East European countries all have high hdi, and GDP per capita 60 to 70 percent that of west Europe. High life expectancy and good pisa ratings and good universities. But not because of capitalism, but despite of.

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Yeah if you believe the SU's stats

The USSR held them back technologically compared to western Europe

Why were they not as good as the western european countries prior to the collapse of the USSR? oh right the USSR was holding them back

Places uneffected by the civil war are quite nice

Protests don't effect the livability of a country.

Actually according to UN report from the 90's East Europe had high HDI as developed as imperialist west.


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If eastern europe were part of nato they'd be better off


how fucking stupid are you? Or are you balt or hohol?

Why are former colonies so poor? Why do american vassals like Indonesia,Pakistan,Philippines have lover life expectancy than North Korea?

Because it has less niggers

lol being this mad

low Autism Level

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you're the one that has replace arguments with butthurt comments

This thread is derailed as shit
OP's question is answerd
we have a general questions thread for anything else

imagine being this retarded

Mexico, India or the middle east didn't have socialist government which built schools, hospitals, apartments and so on and on.

How is doing infrastructure in those free countries from USSR exploitation? Why is it not renovating it's infrastructure? Sure, socialism was not perfect, far from it in fact. But it was the best regime our countries had.

scratch this part, it's not entirely correct

no Arabs, mahrebis, Africans, Palestinians, Bangladesh and other assorted subhumans

OP is a just another Zig Forumsyp mongrel spamming, and like all Zig Forumsyp mongrels he will such the dick of America as much and as hard as he can


Actually I would argue that Bangladesh and India are better of than Pakistan precisely because they were friends with Soviet Union , received aid from Soviets and had semi-leftist governments. Likewise in Africa, two countries with highest HDI's Algeria and Libya were both friends with USSR. M-L Congo is better of than pro western Congo etc.

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well you're implying the USSR only built infrastructure.

All of that was also built in Western Europe, though not by a totalitarian government force collectivized everything to their own detriment

up until the migrant crisis the west was better than eastern europe

Are you saying that somehow Eastern Europe has a highest standard now with the migrant crisis?
What do you think Western Europe looks like right now?

tell that to migrants from poland and the balkans
Also a random question ,what country are you from?

It was, but where is the proof it would be the same in countries of former washaw pact? All they are building now are shopping malls. Face it. Capitalism is wonderful in theory, but doesn't work in praxis.

Former easterb bloc was known as the Second World retard

american gibs and stolen resources

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I'm saying that it is safer and a more intact community than in the west

why are you here, balt?

the west bombed Iraq,Libya and Syria. The west caused migrant crisis, idiot.

people leave lots of countries for others for different reasons.

just because someone moves from Poland to France doesn't prove Poland is a terrible place.

Also I'm from Finland

yes and?

Eastern Europe was armed socialdemocracy but without imperialist exploitation. The second the arms went down, capitalism was free to ravage it.

meaning fuck western imperialist who assassinated Thomas Sankara, Patrice Lulumba, Sukarno and other good people.

why couldn't the west bomb the migrant boats too and kill migrants at the border

are you implying people left eastern europe cause they disliked the weather or to escape debt?
Maybe they all found love in the west
Or maybe you are retarded
fug so you dislike ussr cause of muh national borders

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I'm still trying to figure out how this is relevant to the original question

people leave lots of countries for others for different reasons.
just because someone moves from Poland to France doesn't prove Poland is a terrible place.

no i actually really like the USSR but I'm giving criticism where its due

People from these parts leave for West Europe because of money, because for the same shit jobs they will get a much higher pay
That's why there are so many Slav bouncers, lifeguards, plumbers and you name it in the west.
Half the people I knew in highschool are across West Europe or America

Few months ago in the middle of my city a guy pulled an automatic rifle the back of his car and shot up a place, lucky there were a couple of cops nearby that jumped him so nobody died but the cops were injured by the fire

And every city in the world has places that should be avoided at night, but you probably don't know shit since you never leave your basement and Zig Forums right?

Every place has bad areas does not = every bad place is just as bad as each other.

Eastern Europe is significantly safer than Western Europe in regard to terror attacks because they do not let in groups of people that commonly commit those acts to the extent the west does. fact.

try being a leftists rather than just the opposite of Zig Forums

Are you retarded you were proven wrong on that
I am not saying that if we literaly had 0 muslims in a counry muslim terrorism will be equally common with france but….
You really hate the fact that Alqaeda targets France england and the US for reasons other than "muh inteligence points" why?
Do you work for NATO or something?

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then what are you saying?

the OP question was What is the Marxist explanation for why, despite Eastern Europe being poorer, it has fewer terror attacks per capita than Western Europe?

the answer is that it has more Arabs and Africans the Eastern europe


What does this even mean?

Also what does being poor have anything to do with terror attacks?
Isn't the reason why all of them go to Western Europe exactly because Western Europe is rich
Nobody wants to move to Serbia or Hungary or fucking Ukraine
Smugglers in Serbia used to truck the refugees to Croatia and Hungaria by the hundreds

That wasn't to me that was a reply to someone who said russia had 0 terror attacks.

try again

Zig Forums has a tendency to side with capitalists on things like mass immigration or Bernie Sanders because Zig Forums doesn't like it

when did i say it did?

Eastern europe won't take them or they won't give them the welfare that Western euro countries would

for this to be true that would have to mean that no one has moved their which simply isn't true.

not at the levels of Western europe.

so russia is in eastern europe right and is more dangerous than the west right?
so you are wrong
Terrorist attacks countries for specific reasons dude thats why greece does not have an islamic terrorist attack despite being 5% muslim

do they not use sources and evidence in Finland cause you are wrong on everything…

that reply you're referring to is a reply to a claim (not my own) saying russia had 0 terror attacks.(a claim i never made) it is not a source saying that russia is more dangerous than the west

try actually reading it you idiot

such as? proof?

wut. leftypol has been full of Nagelites before Nagel even had a stance on mass immigration/open border faggotry.

that Reagan image is wrong. they’re a fundamentalist mujahideen islamic group but they are not specifically the Taliban since they didn’t exist yet.
I blame the Reagan administration for a lot of shit this country suffers from but if you misquote and exaggerate that just gives reactionaries a chance to look superior.

not that guy but you type like a teenage girl

Eastern Europe doesn't even give it's own people anything unless they are somehow related to somebody in any sort of government position, nepotism and corruption is the name of the game here
People who move to Serbia or other shit poor Eastern European countries are rich westerners that buy land in the countryside
The refugees try to escape this place as much as the locals
What are you even talking about, before Turkey closed the Refugee flood gates, the Balkans were how most of them got into Europe
The train station in my town had thousands of them that you couldn't actually even get a ticket to go north because the trains were full

what are you talking about?

"Eastern Europe doesn't even give it's own people anything" just means they don't have the levels of welfare capitalism that the succdems in the west do.

Social Democracy is just as bad.

Sure maybe the bad parts of South East Europe but most of eastern europe is quite nice.

they get to the bulkans through Turkey and thank god Hungry is shooting them at the border

Lurk more faggot, this is literally the opposite

yeah leftypol sides with capitalists only if it means being the opposite of Zig Forums


No, see