Literally every historical right-wing reactionary dictatorship has collapsed from declining popular support over time

What's wrong with alt-rightoids? Why can't they come up with original ideas?

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You do realize that the exact same thing is said about marxism right
Or is that the joke?

The PRC, Cuba, Vietnam and Laos still exist tho

Because they are overwhelmingly American.


Most from Eastern bloc and USSR polled regret the collapse of USSR

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Socialist states collapsed because of economic mismanagement while reactionary dictatorships collapse from sucking ass.

Because U.S. wants those countries that they set up the dictators to fail in the future and keep those countries down so the U.S. corporations can use these failed countries as cheap labor farmers.

But the alt-right wants a reactionary dictatorship in the US itself?

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Alt right are useful idiots user. And in "useful idiot" there is an "idiot" part.

Reminder that not a single fascist state emerged from a popular uprising or at least real elections, pretty much all of them were the result of a military coup or powers that be handing the reins over to strongmen. That's what makes it so funny when rightists talk about muh "communist bureaucratic elites" or how the working class is "naturally right-wing", all historic fascist regimes were oligarchic as fuck and ignored the vox populi

Also reminder that fascist regimes that did survive WW2 like Spain or Portugal quickly turned into stagnant neolib shitholes that did nothing of note except embarrassing everyone. You know why Zig Forums tries so hard to pretend like Sankara or DPRK are/were crypto-fash, that's because if they can't make up shit about Hitler they simply have no achievements to talk about whatsoever. Italy? Portugal? Spain? Greece? Lmao. Even Pinochet is only wanked to because he le epicly helicopter'd commies, none of his fans can name any of his achievements because he doesn't really have any.

To be fair, the Falange in Spain was a popular movement with lots of workers organising themselves in it, but they were betrayed by Franco once he emerged victorious and pretty much established a run-of-the-mill center-right liberal regime.

To be fair, the NSDAP in Germany was a popular movement with lots of workers organising themselves in it, but they were betrayed by Hitler once he emerged victorious and pretty much established a run-of-the-mill center-right liberal regime.

Holy fuck.

They collapsed due to the whole world against them.

PRC and Vietnam went capitalist in the 80s. Laos became a Vietnam puppet and Cuba was never socialist (never abolished private property).

Pol Pot was right

Except 1) "Marxist" states usually don't collapse from declining popular support, at least not without the friendly helping hand of imperialism and international financial elites. 2) "Marxism" is alive and well in Cuba and enjoys broad popularity among the populace there.


He meant capitalist

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Liberals are Fascists

This, also vise versa.

Except the Muslim theocracies.
The alt-right will become Muslim by 2025 and shall expell the kaffirs from the west. Inshallah we shall expel the Godless decadent westerners.

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tbh most of the anti-soviet(they were not really anti-socialist) movements in those countries were heavily supported by westerners so we can make an arguement that the regimes fell due to sabotage

wrong, and even if they were anti-soviet why would they turn to capitalism again instead of just cutting ties to USSR and doing things their own way?
why would they support socialists? do you have proof that this happened and had a significant effect?

Literally every single Nazi that survived World War 2 became a Muslim.