Zig Forums here, I really hope we can work together to get rid of these bankers...

Zig Forums here, I really hope we can work together to get rid of these bankers. We may have different "why"s but we have a very similar idea of what needs to be done, and then different end goals. I acknowledge we will probably not agree when this is over, but for the time being can we please work together against the globalist oligarchs killing this world? You may view Lenin the way I view Hitler, you may think private property is bad while I believe it is good, you may believe in equality while I believe in the harshness of evolution, but none of that really matters. We can academically debate these ideals and what it means to be human ad nauseam, or we can work together against the forces who may be radicalizing and promoting hatred among us in the first place. Right now, we have a chance to say fuck you to the global financial system plaguing the world with subjugating debt. To me that is a far greater threat to humanity than my local baker having communist sympathies or my mechanic being a nazi. I would stand with both of them against this existential threat to the human spirit, though we may disagree as to what that means.(1 sec ban: Despite the ban evasion, you're not coming here in to aggressively shitpost - this is appreciated. However, we've several threads for the discussion of this topic, please continue it there)

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The yellow Vests need our help, they are planning a bank run to hit the capitalists where it hurts them the most, spread the news and if you are french, withdraw money from the bank (if you even have it in there for some godforsaken reason), this is our chance boys we can have this victory our continue bickering

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While the sentiment is admirable, there are more than just minute or nomenclature differences in the realm of philosophy that separate us from one another. It would behoove you to know that regardless of your how you orient yourself with regards to our "common" enemy, you are intimately identified as being a part of it. This is not, as many assume, a negation of you to the benefit of our views regarding the "enemy", but that helping you is the same as helping the enemy

Vive la France. Cooperate to end usury.

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You could have said that in about half the words. Stop trying so hard.

so even though I just showed we have common goals in this part and according to you we have nothing to gain from this, you refuse because?

End usury.

LMAO bottom text

so riddle me this, if we have nothing to gain by doing this and crashing the banks since we are the banks footsoldiers

why are we doing this and inviting you, it would seem counterproductive right?



You can quit LARPing anytime, we're talking to each other on an online forum. Also, go to the GJ cycled thread to discuss

go here

Seriously, why would we do it even though according to you it goes against our interests
maybe we dont really support the banks

So… leftypol openly supports the banks, the CIA, mossad, the federal reserve, the Rothschild IMF, Dick Cheney mining in the Golan Heights with Genie Energy, and they refuse to do anything that would hurt the banks. When it comes down to it, you defend the system tooth and nail.

I'm not surprised, just perpetually disappointed. It makes sense though given that you celebrate the cult of moloch with the hammer and sickle of Saturn. Symbols don't mean anything though right? Fuck learning any history, just rewrite it.

Whatever. We'll end usury without you. It's a shame no one here practices what they preach. You sure do like empty big words though.(muh words oppressing me)

did you just call Zig Forums international banksters tho

so THIS is the power of intersectionality

i just had my financial advisors move 50% of my assets from various swiss and canadian banks to french ones to offset those currently attempting to withdraw their money.
you won't win. i more than covered the equivalent for 150,000 people.

Attached: oy vey goy you cant win.jpg (1162x850, 360.26K)

Your swastika is backwards.

Here's one you might like, use it. Maybe your favorite orange president will like it.

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fuck it I give up, its a waste of time trying to find common ground with you, you are more stubborn and retarded than Zig Forums and thats saying something, even if you have an opportunity to fuck over your supposed enemies you wont do shit
Fuck you idiots
Mods you can ban me now

At least read Marx before you come here telling us what we believe. Also, reminder that every time leftists have collaborated with the far-right, the far-right has been there to stab the left in it's back. There hasn't been one incident where this hasn't happened. You're system does nothing to actually end banking or remove corporations as whole, you just reduce those things to the national level. Which is why whenever you're given the chance you align with the national banks and corporations and sell out hard, killing off any part of your own movement which could even tepidly be called "left". Not only that, but then you collaborate with the bourgeoisie of other countries to provide you funding and factories and then also go as far as to collaborate with Zionists to oppose the left. It's no wonder Mossad funds people like you abroad.


You are the enemy retard.
Fascists are just capitalists in decay. Hitler despite being ""anti-capitalist"" in speeches was basically a full blown capitalist who just put emphasis on German capitalists and not international ones, both Mussolini and Hitler also mass privatized railways and government owned products while cutting back workers rights till they had none.

Apart from opposing some Jews and lgbt people did Fascism really do much to end capitalism? No
Did it end commodity production or even work towards it? No, war economy doesn't count since they would preferably still keep commodity production
Did it end capitalists owning the MOP? No, if anything it empowered those few capitalists and as long as they weren't Jewish or Gay they were given full rights to take shits on their fellow German workers
Did it even increase union power which isn't even anti-capitalist against Capitalist interests and for the workers interests? No it destroyed them and made strikes illegal effectively killing all Union power. Think of it this way you fucking Fascist retard if suddenly 100% of Earth governments became fascist do you think money and trade between countries would stop? Do you think big American businessmen would stop existing? Do you think large wealth inequality would stop? Do you think private production for a capitalist economy would stop? NO for all of them. Fascism is right wing edgy Bernie Sanders dictator minus his actual economic plans so you only oppose capitalism in word while on paper you're off signing deals with big oil corporations raking in billions paying your workers nothing. FASCISM IS CAPITALISM JUST BECAUSE NO JEWS AND NO GAYS DOSN'T MAKE YOU NOT CAPITALIST. EAT SHIT GO GET SHOT INTO A TRENCH YOU CAPITALIST FOOT SOLDIER