Comrades, remember that anal waters said Einstein was wrong? Well...

Comrades, remember that anal waters said Einstein was wrong? Well, now he says math don't real! This is what Hegelianism does to your brain. Unbelievable how far someone can be so full of themselves like this pseud.

He's trying to defend himself on leddit against real mathematicians hahahaha

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is this him?:
"Ah, so this is where the sudden views and dislikes are coming from. I knew my video had to be posted on a math sub somewhere all of a sudden.

I don't get the hate, it's not a book *against mathematics*. It's a book about how virtually everyone who isn't a mathematician *thinks* math works, yet doesn't when we try to be rigorous. There's a reason the book only goes over arguments in a period before mathematical foundations were more rigorously set by the mid late 1800s, these were the times there were still mathematicians working with these mundane assumptions. The person who posted on r/Askmaths didn't seem to have gotten to the part of the book talking about how mathematicians abandoned the attempt to justify math in the way we everyday people think it's justified. The book *never claims negative or imaginary numbers aren't "real"* (whatever that means).

The book, nor I, do not make a call to "fix mathematics." It's to show that most of us non-mathematicians are utterly wrong and confused about the nature of math as something grounded in normal empirical operations of quantity. *If* we wanted a mathematics of *that, then* we *could* attempt to create a mathematical system that would more closely follow something we mean by a "real operation." Other than that, math can keep going just fine as it is, no problem and no issue with its formal intelligibility."

also that guy is very handsome

I really like the way Anal Waters smiles for some reason


and Chaplin, and Marilyn Monroe, however i wonder how far did their knowledge in socialism actually was, for all we know they probably thought the same thing people think today: socialism=equality n shit also free healthcare

Who cares? Anal Water is a fucking reactionary who uses Hegel to justify voting Democrat and attacking principled leftists.

who is dis?

That's his profile. You can tell by just looking at his post history: all hegel.

Einstein wrote an article about it.

Eh? Can't speak for the others, but if you read Einstein's "Why Socialism" you can tell he's drawing from Marx at least and maybe Lenin.


Who is this guy exactly?

old namefag from Zig Forums's "golden age" or so i remember, i came here a year ago

a lefty or a Zig Forumstard?

idk, i just know he was one of the many namefags back in 2016

jajaja pinche mapuche


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I don't take this guy or his Hegel fetish seriously. He's just a contrarian who enjoys bullying people. He must have low self-esteem.

Speaking of which, we need more "debunking Hegelian bullshit" threads. Insults are one thing, knowledge to defeat the enemy is another.

What kind of things has he said that are bullshit? Is it like pseudo left liberal "homosexuality is dialectically related to capitalism" stuff?

I think he denies the possibility of communism.

Well, we're not religious about it. It's not like he's denying Jesus and we're the church, right?

Does he say that because of liberal stuff like human nature?

I've never spoken to him so I don't know. I just remember watching his vids where he said social democracy is inevitable even with a revolution.

That doesn't sound like something anal water would say though, too simpleminded and clean. Not enough hegelian jargon to obfuscate his bullshit.

No, he does use Hegel to justify is reactionary mindset. I haven't watched his videos in like half a year so I'm pretty hazy on the details.

This poster is A.W., based on post history. Or at least tripfags as A.W., since he's the same one as who showed up in the other thread.

oh boy dis gon b gud

Go fucking figure.

Assuming this is Anal Water, why do you take Hegel as religious doctrine? In theory you deny it but in practice that's all you've ever done since you started posting on here. "Hegel has ALL the answers" isn't the mentality of a philosopher but a dogmatist.

Anal Water/Antonio Wolf is notoriously arrogant.

And he's pulling a Jussie Smollett here by creating a thread and writing posts attacking himself.