Given that Communism is basically the logical outgrowth of Capitalism...

Given that Communism is basically the logical outgrowth of Capitalism, wouldn't it be the most logical choice to be a full on AnCap and have Capitalism consume everything with it free of any hindrances? I mean, Capitalism is what will destroy all nations and races and wipe out everything so that in the end there are only classes that people view themselves as and not White or Black, American or Iranian, those with the Means of Production and those without.

Why want Leninism or anything like that instead of letting Capitalism consume everything and get rid of Morality and other Spooks that will hinder Proles from taking the Means of Production.

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No, one full ancapistan is a dream that would never actually happen. Two, give what we've seen from our neoliberal hell its just as likely, if not more likely that the right takes power.

Nick Land basically argues for this

Whats even more puzzling is that quite a few "leftists" will support succdems who want to preserve capitalism from collapsing in on itself

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Can someone redpill me on nick land?

you have to read him to figure it out

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Fuck Nick Land, every user should read Neuromancer anyways.

whats wrong big guy

all you do is create a crisis in which anything *could* possibly happen, including another hitler figure taking power and getting rid of whats really ruining society, ie niggers and jews. you don't realize how fucked in the head most of the prole actually are. it's highly doubtful a crisis like that would have directed anger towards the owners of the means of production, unless that hitler figure directs it at them. but who would want to roll the dice like that besides far right wingers?

But a failed revolution could create a Stalin scenario

Nick Land literally doesn't understand the pivotal relationship between Technology & Class Struggle and as a result his Accelerationism can't be reconciled with a Left-Accelerationism, regardless of your position on whether Accelerationism is a viable option.

Can you expand on that?

Hitler was supported by the small shopkeepers. The Middle Class. Which is doomed because of Capitalism.

Yeah, and then he went on to tear down the shops of those same shopkeepers and convert their assets into the Total War effort (except for a few restaurants which were spared because Hitler personally liked them.)

Let this be a lesson: when you play with fire, don't be surprised if you get burned.

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Ehhhh, depends what you mean by that. The "one future race where everyone looks the same" is a myth peddled by Zig Forums and ironically enough is adopted by some liberals as well. It's literally impossible to have everyone look the same or look extremely similar to each other without extreme selective pressure. Even if you were to force a situation in which everyone had to "mix" with someone of a different "race", people would still look widely different because many genes are simply not mixable and skin color works in gradients in which the child can have the skin color from only one parent and or any color in-between the two. And even then the genotypes that determine skin color from one parent can very easily (and often does) resurface in the next generation being expressed as it's relevant phenotype. More so, such a situation would not negate ethnic conflict which is something that is exacerbated in capitalism (and its periods of market collapse) as conditions degrade. Also, ancapistan does not guarantee the destruction of nations. In fact, by being an inherently neofeudalist system, it is more likely then not that companies will simply merge and assume the role of governments (as capitalism requires a government to enforce property rights and having one is in the self-interest of the largest capitalists to utilize as a tool of public and private enforcement) and then divide themselves accordingly, with large areas of land put under the control of certain familes and conglomerates.

If only you knew how bad things really are. Capitalist evolution is looking more like a "Brave New World" scenario with regards to race; special divergence into dumb under-class brutes and intelligent upper-class slave-masters.


its another "why not accelerationism?" thread.
does everyone here think that the gate at the front of their country club is going to keep the world out when it goes to shit?

Because ancap 'utopia' is feudalism. It's a step backwards, not forwards.

If the outcome is then it would be overthrown. The bougeriouse overthrew the Feudal Lords, the bougeriouse will become Feudal Lords and be overthrown by Proles. And the Proles will be like Feudal Lords.

This is what the Bell Curve was about actually if anyone took the time to actually read it and not regurgitate the whole Racism thing when it was put in there to prove the point using poor Black neighborhoods.

I fail to see how that is a bad thing then with the Middle Class literally self-destructing. Except of course if it just leads to Rate of Profit jumping up again rebuilding the MoP. This is thinking in Dialectical terms.

I was more thinking of stuff like "Whiteness" and etc. Being White wouldn't mean shit while White people would still exist. No White Supremacy.

Accelerationism doesn't work

Marx literally advocated for it to force the contradictions.

Russian Provisional Government of businessmen were libertarians who forced Russian people to start Civil War, because they are shut down down fire fighting service with all the doss-houses and abolished all other social reforms to make 9 years old girls suck balls to gain a job.

Shitty conditions is the second bringer for Communism along with World Wars.

what in fresh fuck did he mean by this

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In this house we do not bump accelerationist threads.

Don't tell me what to do.

On a somewhat related note: how the fuck did accelerationism become synonymous with catastrophism? Why does everyone seem to think accelerationism means advocating for the opposite of your goal in the hopes that doing so will somehow bring about collapse and the magical restructuring of society? I expect this bullshit from illiterate Zig Forumsyps, but not from communists. Read a book ffs.

Proper accelerationism is suggesting that we finance additional capital for the sake of forcing automation to cause society to irreversibly collapse

I think China is probably your best model here tbh; 21st century state capitalism as a synthesis of the 20th century's dialectical struggle between the West and the Soviet model.

Nick Land did so many amphetamines in the 90s they induced a psychotic break. Ultimately he thinks we're all going to be eaten by an AI/Capitalism. He thinks that's a good thing because the alternative is that we don't and fail to spread Capitalism to the stars. The only reason he's not a messianic cult leader is he's too nihilistic.

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Sort of. It's both a theory describing a certain phenomenon within capitalist society (positive techno-capital feedback loops) and the advocacy of influencing or encouraging of such feedback loops to achieve a desired social outcome (this comes in both left and right wing forms). It doesn't necessarily imply collapse at all, simply some form of social transformation.

An actual ancap society wouldn’t be recognizable to any of you bigoted liars who fled here when Zig Forums got too spicy for you. Libertarians oppose force *and fraud*. Moving society towards economic freedom would require a regulatory crackdown that the terrorized aristocracy wouldn’t even tolerate, much less enforce.

So they're self-contradictory. You can't oppose fraud without force, its literally impossible.

I think your tard helmet fell off there, don't hurt yourself on your way back to >>>/liberty/

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Bernie is that you?

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You're right to point out that Nick Land is a right winger who doesn't think that accelerationism leads to communism (and for the record I don't think it automatically leads to such an end either), but holy fuck does he strawman the left hard in those comments.

While little Nicky's criticism certainly applies to some "left accelerationists", I think he's kind of strawmanning left accelerationism as a whole. At the very least this criticism doesn't apply to the likes of Jehu, who acknowledges that accelerationism is a capitalist phenomenon and seeks to use it as a means to an end.