President faggot just signed the omnibus spending bill, enacting fix NICS...

President faggot just signed the omnibus spending bill, enacting fix NICS, and getting CDC free reign to advocate for as much gun control as they want. 256D chess, guise.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The slippery slope has just been thoroughly greased. A couple of fiats by unelected bureaucrats and we're going to slide a whole lot further.

Do you think the chesscucks will ever realize he was playing against them?

I'm just waiting for the torfag to come in to try and defend this.

Maybe after the 14 dimensional underwater monopoly gets old people will start to realize there is no salvaging the system and instead start prepping for it's inevitable collapse and the chaos that follows.

Remember to keep bringing this fact up between now and September to remind anons to vote against any congressmen that voted for this bill.
Obviously voting for Trump in two and a half years from now is out as well. If he's going to violate the 2nd and one of his campaign promises in one go then he be a one term president.

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My senator, John Cornyn, proposed the fix NICS bullshit. This is just a way to do backdoor waiting periods by delaying purchases. I called and wrote letters. I am going to send more to him telling hi. I intend to support whoever opposes him. I also wrote to Ted Cruz, but he voted against it and is known to be pro-gun.

Maybe Rato was a better choice than Trump.

I voted for him in the primaries. I would have had him or Jeb for sure. Jim Webb seemed okay, but dems didn't like him because he fucked up an NVA fag.

Don't you get it! He's going to use the bloated military gibs to build the wall using the Corps of engineers, get on my level of chess :^)

Hey, at least we don't have any storm posters, and by that I don't mean Nazis. I mean guys that think Trump is secretly sending people to Guantanamo or that Hilldawg is wearing an ankle tracking bracelet.

yeah no shit i could have told you this shit, but everyone thought a (((new yorker))) who had, until recently, been a Clinton fan, was the one to save the nation from the left. real fucking bright.

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Checked his twitter, confirmed real. So are they going to grandfather or confiscate? I'm going to start writing/e-mailing for confiscation. Accelerationism will help put a stop to this 100 year slow-boil.

Cruz got my vote in the primaries as well. I hope he runs again.

Piece of shit traitor. There is nothing worse than a fucking traitor. The insidiousness makes people weak. Trump is going to be a one term president.

Giving a legal basis to ban semi-autos by changing the definition of "machine gun" is fucking based.

ban assault fingers.
After all you can use them to pull triggers fast.

THOUGHT. He's calling them machineguns. They can't grandfather if they officially rule they are as the registry is closed. They'll either have to reopen the registry for an amnesty (in which case 30 bumpstocks shaped curiously like Luty SMGs appeared in my garage), or they're going to have to start confiscating.
They're really backing themselves into a corner on this one. Either the rules for machineguns are going to have to be fucked with and reinterpreted, or they're going to have to kick down doors and play their hand right here right now.

I know Trump is doing this basically, is that what you're referring to? Does anyone know Cruz's stance on this issue?

When they made cocaine illegal, they didn't have to confiscate it. They just prosecuted anyone caught with them. Now you cannot use your bumpstock legally and as soon as an overzealous cop hears you shooting too fast, he'll accuse you and you'll be run through the courts, no matter the verdict you come out a loser.


Yeah, that's what I'm going with. They re-classify bumpstock as a "machine gun" because it shoots fast, but still functionally semi-auto is the biggest slippery slope.

The sad thing is the thread about this started out well, made me remember old Zig Forums. About an hour after Trumps speech shills came flooding in, making every excuse they can.

there is a kind of "shooting too fast" that would leave overzealous cops unable to accuse you

>>>Zig Forums11407321


I see your point. They won't have some sort of bump-stock kristallnacht, but I see it most likely that they simple pass a law to make bumpstocks and similar devices illegal. There will be an amnesty in which cucks drop off their shit, and the roundup of the rest will be slow as the thugs in blue find them. It will be a popular accessory charge for violations of other firearms law. Of course they could seize production and sales records from manufacturers and use that to hunt them down, but that's more aggressive than they'll likely be.
We'll have to see if they're in a hurry to pass these laws. They could reinterpret in a weekend, but a bill to ban will take a while to wind its way through the system.
Not sure what ripple effects it will have since the nation will suddenly be awash in vaguely defined illegal machineguns.

Reclassifying, if they go for it, will open up a massive amount of worms. The only difference between a semi-auto and a semi-auto with a bumpstock is ROF. If they rule a bumpstock to be a machinegun that makes a very simple leap to rule anything with a decent ROF (i.e. any semi-auto) a machinegun.

>>>Zig Forums11407347

Jesus fucking christ, Zig Forums is absolutely pathetic now.

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This reminds of of Charlie from It's Always Sunny yelling out "filibuster" to the lawyer. They don't even know what those words mean. What exactly was I astroturfing?


>>>Zig Forums11407376
I mean, it's both comedic and tragic. Apparently ignoring congress to fuck us over is winning now. I'm getting real tired of winning this way.

Well shit. What now?


Start getting active and realize that Trump is not your friend and neither are the Republicans. We cannot be allow ourselves to become a captured voting block. They need to realize that we will vote for the other side just to spite them. If Republicans aren't going to fight for our rights, then fuck 'em. Next election cycle they'll realize different. After the 94 AWB, the people of this country cleaned house. We need to do the same. Primary these bastards and show them we have a level of quality expected from our public servants. keeps having a network error sorry for direct link.
The proposed rule change. Notice how they completely mischaracterize the function of bumpstocks. The trigger is reactuated every time. I'm not sure what implication that error will have.

B-But muh Zig Forums was RITE meme!
Could it be that BOTH parties are just being used? No, that could never be. The other side is always the evil one!

Post a screenshot of the ban-message. I need a good chuckle right now.

It's highlighted in red in that thread. It just says "Astroturf"

It's blatantly obvious Zig Forums is heavily compromised, 4cuck levels of it. As i posted earlier in the thread the veto thread on there was mostly good, legit Zig Forumsacks not taking any shit with Trumps cucking. Then an hour after the press release and it took a 180, rationalizing everything. Of course it seems like that's when the mod logged on to, they're on a complete shut it down power trip.
Here's the entire board log. It seems that the mods have been in full meltdown mode since yesterday.

lmao, glad to see the ideology of each board being reflected in their moderation

Upon further reading I see what they're trying to do. They're defining using the trigger as physically moving your finger to pull it. They're saying the bumpfire doesn't count since you don't have to move your finger to actuate the trigger. Therefore, since you don't move your finger, you're not pulling the trigger and therefore aren't performing the action if it.That is the most bullshit argument I've ever heard, but the BATFE will eat it up.

Where can I see if my Representatives or Senators voted for the bill?

Thread theme I guess.

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Wait, Dianne "Shoulderthing that goes up" Feinstein voted "No" on this? Why?

I got banned foe 4 weeks. By the BO no less.
I've never been more proud.
Zig Forums is fucking dead. The entire board is a lolcow. It's fucking depressing how far they've fallen and the really sad part is that I don't think they've reached rock bottom yet.

You will come back one day, and it will be like the /ksg/ threads on old 4/vg/, where the same old people keep talking about the same old topic all day, every day, for the past ten years.

All the shills in this thread are unbelievable. I've been posting on Zig Forums since 2016 and I've got to say, I've never seen anything like it since pol was cleared of heretics. Trump is playing 88D Chess and you're all too stupid to understand it. Look, the Jews are just too crafty to be taken straight on, so he's playing the long game. If you disagree, you're a shillblue Zig Forums goon and I've already reported you for thought crimes. Now, once the second amendment has been repealed and we're thrust into World War III thanks to our invasion of Iran, you'll see the true genius behind his plan. Just wait for it, guys, you'll be so amazed. t. someone who isn't American but has fallen for your president's cult of personality anyway.

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Big if true.


Neat my shoestrings are banned.

Belt loops too.

Do you really need shoestrings or belt loops, those are just nigger tier accessories, I mean they'e still pants and shoes without them.

Oh my god, fuck off.

Are you trying to tell me loose assault boots are good for your feet?

It's just a shitpost you autistic alien.

Well if your shoes are loose you can't have a high rate of running, checkmate.

Ask your sheriff candidates if they will enforce the law, meaning they arrest every politican with a shoestring. Any that won't isn't worth your vote.

/liberty/ has always been more or less like that

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so when does the obama panic buying 2.0 start boys?

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The sheriff in my area basically stated there isn't the manpower for a grab nor would they like to violate the Constitution, aside from that given word gets out that a grab does happen his family and everyone elses families are fair game. His words not mine.

What did he mean by this?

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The turk likes you (^:

it already has. all the cheaper aluminum stripped lowers are out of stock or the prices are jacked up. my LGS, which is tiny by the way, sold out of all 40 of their ARs in a single day. I went in one day and got a Spikes lower and they had a display of DPMS rifles in boxes stacked chest high. totally gone the next day.

jej, I personally was banned by the turk today for saying that this shit would lead to self loaders and detachable magazines being banned, even used his fancy red text to alter my post too.

Managed to get myself banned on all cuckchan boards for 3 days because I posted a cap of one of the H scenes from Fate on /a/ and it had an exposed nipple I didn't notice.

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Starting cell recruitment for 1776 2.0 on Monday. Over the weekend I’ll start making homemade shit like prison guns, slap guns, IEDs, etc., and start going lake fishing as well as take up gardening. I’d recommend any Streloks start preparing and get groups together as soon as possible. 1776 isn’t going to start itself.

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I've said this for the last two years. Majority of Zig Forumslacks should be liquidated. They are literally the dumbest of the dumbfucks on this site.


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Any alternative bunkers? En/pol/ is dead as shit and /polk/ and /zenpol/ are too slow and will probably get POZ’d too.

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The problem is that they went to the other extreme of gullibility. Where as normalfags usually just buy the narrative, Zig Forumstards can't simply take facts as facts, which has resulted in shit like q posting, the belief that Trump was going to help them, or even retarded shit like relativity not being real.

The only way alternative boards work is if people use them. Be an early adopter. I prefer /polk/ over /zenpol/ but whatever strikes your fancy.

post your MAGApede wojacks

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Dude, if anything it's become an echo chamber where only one idea is pushed and anything going against the narrative is banned.

The base is crap, totally agree. But it wasn't always like that. In 2014 during the exoduses it had a wide variety of political positions and smart posters. Shit, pretty much all the major neoreactionaries used to post there, as an example. Before Zig Forums was created, a ton of anti-SJW leftists also posted there (which was good for us to cut our argumentative teeth on). One of the big problems from the beginning was imkampfy as a hotpocket. The endchan leaks showed that from as early as 2014 he was busy banning threads, getting rid of mods, and told the original BO when he was hired that people would shill specifically against him (he really said this, how naive is Zig Forums to ignore this?). He set the tone for the rest of the mods. Heil is his bitch now, and moonman is an imkike clone. imkampfy set the tone for the board, and now you see his creation.

fpbp (because it was mine)
the lengths those retards go is beyond me
why they keep going along with trump is just baffling

this is straight up confiscation. the faggot literally said "take the guns first" like a fucking kike. stop giving him any benefit of the doubt. he is 10000% worst than obango.

The hilarious thing about that one is you see the same people mock radfems for calling relativity sexist, deriding the idea of rejecting reality in favour of ideology. Then they go on to insist relativity must be wrong on ideological grounds.
And their argument doesn't even make sense - they call it Jewish because of Einstein, despite SR following directly from Maxwell's equations, and they say it's a fraud meant to discredit objectivism, despite the underpinning of the theory being that certain constant and equations hold for all observers regardless of reference frame.

It's completely artificial. It's a handful of posters that spam threads, with the same talking points and same "meme's" over and over. All enforced by the BO and his bitch boy mods.

I should have known better. The only way to fix things is to have everything crash and burn. Collapse when?

the sooner his ass is thrown out of office. tell everyone he is the biggest traitor in america. he is putting Woodrow Wilson and FDR to shame.

He didn't restart German intelligence operations, embolden terrorists with "we can negotiate" bullshit
He's getting there.

Hilldawg would've launched nukes over muh emails. She also Accidentally gave the world the parameters for a formula on how to do a nuclear sub strike with no retaliation.

This is retarded, and there's no evidence. It's the same retarded conspiratard shit always pushed on Zig Forums.

I’m just asking for it at this point. Fuck the roach.

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who the fuck cares about the german cucks dirty ass slav rape baby.
he was actually anti zionist lite.
no she wouldn't have. i could foresee it already. parkland would have happened, and the bill would have stalled in congress, just like it has during the obama years. trump being elected has emboldened the traitors to betray us.

don't vote republican at all. let them suffer. fuck the system. let it burn. Accelerationism now.

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Hates speech laws USA here we come

This is wrong, the process is backward.
Also, Zig Forums wasn't le epin natsi for years. You're just too new.

Is this what normies feel when they find out that their girlfriend cheated on them?

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No, because you can't even dump this one. This might be worse if you actually had faith in the traitor.

2014 honestly greatly surprised me with how many very intelligent well spoken people we managed to round up on one tiny corner of the internet. Everyone who wasn't a complete fuck wit was banned at least a year ago though

So I guess either go to /polk/ or we fuck off to a different chan

Are you a niggermaniac by any chance, user? Seems like something I'd see there.

I'm fucking done with him.

I'm usually the torfag. am i the torfag today or is that someone else?

You do know there's more than one of us, right? I'm not defending this horseshit. I always said Trump was a cuck and I'm smug as fuck now.

Simmer down kiddy fiddler, the magapede he is referring to isn't even a torposter. IIRC the guy was from some shithole like Hawaii

Ironically cuckchan is in the midst of drumpflet purges

If there someway we could kick Imkikey out of Zig Forums?

imkampfy is the BO now, that is why that's happening.

easy there cowboy