Is pro gun rights sentiment growing because SJW LE fake geek culture and Nu-science Demonized real geeks and nerds...

Is pro gun rights sentiment growing because SJW LE fake geek culture and Nu-science Demonized real geeks and nerds? Now that Actual consumers of trading cards/PAPRPG, comic books and gamers are being chased out by corporate progressives. I been noticing geek culture becoming more libertarian if not outright more conservative. I’m onto something or am I just going crazy? It like Anti-SJWism becoming the new counter culture or something.

Geek culture was always libertarian in the broadest sense of the word up until the Great Scourge of 2007. There were people in it who leaned right-wing, left-wing, and any other political ideology that could possibly exist, but there was a general acknowledgement that freedom of expression and rational thinking were paramount. It was anarchic and anti-authority in every way. But around the mid-2000s, the liberal academics and media caught wind of this and decided to try to appropriate the culture for the express purpose of driving out freedom of expression and rational thinking because those things meant a lot of nerds had a lot of completely correct views that flew in the face of liberal restrictions of all forms. The cuckservative boomer faggots who'd been attacking nerd culture up until then were just the liberals' distraction.

I can tell you that most /tg/ groups were mostly not that politically bothered. You got some who leaned right, some who leaned left, and a small number of people out on the far wings of both but the general attitude was basically 'small l' liberal n.b. stop using this word to describe 'progressives', SJWs, or the American Democrat party. A lot of the early progressive stuff was just brushed off as the latest Satanic Panic bullshit. That grew and developed and lead to the situation you're starting to see at the moment. I've no idea where it's going to go from here, but it seems like it's starting to spread (in a weakened and watered down form) to the general public as the 'progressives'/SJW groups and organisations start to get more and more blatant.

Soccer mom logic in a nutshell, and yes, there is a growing counter culture against nanny state globalists. Unfortunately, when it comes to hobbies, you're just going to see the industries crash, as the parasites eventually kill off their hosts.

So…. we crash the industry with no survivors?

I now understand why the British government doesn't let its populace touch anything sharper than a spoon.

Eh, not so much 'burr murr urn enterlergernce' as 'by regular exposure over a period of a few years'. Places like tabletop and computer gaming have seen higher than normal amount of these anti-liberty anti-human retards over the last few years. People in general are starting to be exposed to them as well (at a slower rate due to the SocJus monopoly on most widely consumed media) and are now showing the first stages of the reaction /tg/ exhibited a few years ago. I guess that needed clearer explanation, thanks for pointing it out. Having said that though your overreaction to your misunderstanding shows why your ancestors needed to be sentenced to Transportation.

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I agree with strelok, Gygax (guy who made D&D) used to conceal carry and was a member of the Libertarian party. Here's a pdf of the FBI on Gygax (go to page 5).
Nowadays though, SJWs are getting into just about every tabletop out there. They're changing the wording to be inclusive, and even worse, loosening up rules so everything's easier to get into. If you don't want brainlets playing with you, they call it 'gatekeeping'. I'm thankful that everyone I play with at my lgs are old programmers and military.

Call them what they are: Cultural Marxists who want to use every piece of media and entertainment to spread their propaganda.

They really are cancer cells in human form. They are the first ones to call for loosening rules in order to allow their brainlet friends play.


I had a friend link me this video in OP. Goddamnit it rages me hard, the entire schtick of the video seems to be that government has to be a "good parent" and take away all things in the "house" that someone fucked up with. I don't even do that with my own kids- if my younger son goes and takes his older brothers stuff and breaks it, I don't ban my older one from buying the thing he likes, I give the younger one a severe punishment.

Pro gun rights as a whole is growing because the issue is becoming divisive, and fence-sitters are becoming rare, as they get skewered by both sides even harder than usual. And you are right, Zig Forums has for a while noted that young culture is steadily growing conservative for the now largely because the current PC is leftist; the big counter culture now is, funnily enough, being a non rights infringing moral person, saving up money instead of always living in debt, understanding and studying, and raising a family. It's the hip thing to do- be a decent person.


Go back to /liberty/, fagoli. Oh wait, you can't, because it's been completely overrun with leftists.

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This is a /b/ tier thread and to answer your question, yes, you ARE a faggot OP. Kill yourself.

Except being anti liberty, as per being anti life liberty and property is being anti-human, since you think it's ok to use another man for your collectivist means rather than using your own grunt.

Come on mate, you know better.

Sounds more like you're peddling communism than liberty to me. In a libertarian society, do you think that people won't hire other people?

Everything has been radicalized since Trayvon Martin. The media blew it's load to get Obama re-elected, and since then no one can put the Genie back in the bottle, or wants to. We're headed straight for civil war, thank god. I WANT civil war to happen, I WANT to openly murder and rape liberals to death.

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For shame, polite sage.


There is no stopping national socialism now, look at paul nehlen or arthur jones. It doens't matter if the they get elected, the mere fact that they are running is a testament to how close we are.

:^] ebbin!! upbote!!

For what? I was advocating not rapping people. As for civil war I said nothing about it.

There's a large difference between voluntary exchanges and shit done by taxation and coercion.

>>>Zig Forums
>>>Zig Forums

So government workers aren't paid? And they don't choose to be employed? What?

Go back to jacking yourself off to the gadsen flag, nigger.


Did you read literally anything in this chain?

Tell me, how is taxation voluntary?

It's not, and nowhere have I said or implied it is. That's not what we're discussing, brainlet. Hierarchy intrinsically has to exist in libertarian society; people being paid by others to do things. The government pays people to do things, it doesn't magically and involuntarily 'coerce' them to do shit. What's the difference between the government hiring people and a corporation hiring people, and what makes the latter not a hierarchy?

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So are you baiting or are you legit retarded?

America, never change.

he literally said none of that. what is your iq?

Oh look, he has a VPN.

do you have an argument or are you going to keep baiting and making up shit?

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All I see are two Amerimutts sucking off chairman (((Trump.)))

I'm not making anything up, you are.

baiting, got it. i don't even like trump, fag

That's funny coming from a britcuck

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Wew lad

It's an even bigger irony seeing a britcuck post on Zig Forums of all places.

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Wew lad

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Point taken.

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You haven't memed anything here. This is what America was always like. In America, freedom is only okay when "muh degeneracy" and "muhsoggyknees" fags aren't offended by it. America is the most completely hypocritical country in world history. It's a goddamned cancer that's never followed a single one of the values it claims to hold dear, and has in fact done everything possible to destroy said values, not only at home but around the world.

I wonder who is behind this post.

Angry because your big daddy gov won't let you staple loli porn to your BAR.

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Someone who's heard of the Gun Control Act of 1934, the National Firearms Act, the Hughes Amendment, and every other needless gun restriction America has passed, not to even mention the slew of other ridiculous laws banning completely harmless things because some constantly outraged fuckwits took offense at them.