Deerfield, Illinois to confiscate Scary Black Rifles

I have never wanted anyone to not comply so hard in my life. This is the Left's agenda, never forget that.


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Hopefully lands in the Supreme Court and it gets ruled that AWBs are unconstitutional

What's the current good goy count on the SCotUS? Gorsuch seems like /ourguy/ but I don't know too much about the rest of the bench.

Illinois has defied federal law before, I doubt they'll listen now.

Nothing in the article says anything about confiscation, just the fine.
First off, how are they supposed to tell a person has an ((assault weapon)) unless they're dumb enough to self report?

And as much as I'd like to see it happen, this is how I see it going down.
>even if you win and the law is overturned, your house got sold at auction and demolished months ago so what are you going to do about it? :^)

time to go, user
politics is false hope. theatre and circus
as long as they bring their pawns in from the south nothing will get better
face the bloodshed

Reminder to shoot gun grabbers

Unless this is within Chicago it self then they shouldn't have to worry about any automatic or forced registration like in California. So it's basically a bunch a vaginas flapping due what seems like a slight amount of power has shifted to their side.

Well apparently Deerfield fags are rich(er than most of us) so they can and should all get the fuck out and take their property taxed asses somewhere else with cheaper housing and rebuild from there. of course easier said than done but it would be funny if Deerfield actually loses a nice chunk of population to steal money from and they get hood niggers from chimpcongo to replace the lost ones driving property values down

I think it's time to ban alphabet agencies. After all, they have had their hand in muh mass shootings as well. And certainly ban niggers and kikes.

What next, reintroduce the gold standard, putting a limit on how much money can be printed before people start killing bankers?

Deerfield instituted an (((assault weapon))) registration when they required all (((assault weapons))) to be secured inside a gun safe if I'm remembering correctly.

Illinois fag here. The ISRA and a bunch of other organizations are already suing the village. Its also literally against the state's constitution to pass local gun laws. I'm honestly just waiting for the dems to retake the governors seat so I can die in the civil war already.

fuck this state

Got more info?


How the fuck does Chicongo get away with it then?

find those responsible for writing the law and shoot them to death, simple.
there's no more waiting, they're coming for us. Therefore, we meet them and kill them.

Not that anyone should settle on this option, but if the police comes to take your firearms you could just give them a stripped lower receiver, right?

no, you unload everything you have on them.
I have an ar-15 heavily modified with a 60 round magpul drum waiting for that exact moment.

Chicago's specific laws got grandfathered in, because that's the vile nature of politics.

They should attempt a confiscation.

I'm sure it wouldn't make the supreme court justices happy, they would rule against it if just to save face.

If it's too blatant I could see liberals denounce the gun grab.

Soap box. Ballot box. Jury box. Ammo box. In that order.

Go through the 'proper' legal channels. Make a big show to demonstrate that, while you refuse to capitulate, you are making every attempt to resolve the situation without the use of force, and how the corrupt courts and police are forcing you into a corner.
When that doesn't work, or when they start kicking in doors, then you shoot them.

Liberals no, leftist yes.

Sounds like a waste of effort, just wait for gun confiscations. Problem is they will go 20-1 through each known gun owners house/apartment.

You can turn 20-1 into 15-1 before you bite it, and now it's even easier for the next guy. A proper war will require martyrs.

They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.

Why take them on in your home when you and your buds can be a dinner guest?

I know your feel

It is called Chicago. Please secede and form your own faggot ass state. Thanks for resuming the very same bullshit we just barely got rid of in the first place, just waiting for you loud mouthed cunts to ram the body armor ban through at this point.

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"lol these fucking idiots think their shitty bans will even do anything. pro tip CIAniggers guns aren't magical killing machines and I can just as easily stab a nigger cop and end his life in seconds as I could with a gun you dumb fucking shits. Every step you take will just force white people to take two steps forward towards rube (((goldberg)))ing you to death like a fucking looney toons holocaust" -Moonman

Well congratulations on wasting your life faggot, i'm sure you'll show up on the news and become just another "crazy gun totin 'murican" just like the media wants us to be seen as. You might as well make yourself more useful by shooting up your town hall tomorrow, faggot.

Can't wait to move out of this state. If I could only save up enough.

Attached: Woman Shoots Man In Head During Livestream.mp4 (204x360, 858.99K)

And this one is going in the folder, but
nothing of value was lost

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This is a pretty good example of what not to do. Will they bag her on negligent homicide, or manslaughter?

Maybe one of you Burgers who was awake during your civics classes can explain this, what is the relationship between state and federal government over there? Are the states subordinate to Washington? Does Washington have the authority to overrule state law? State government seems to do a lot more than just administrate local matters (the way British county/borough councils do), and I've never been able to work out exactly what the practical and legal relationship between them was.
Apparently the nigger survived.

States are supposed to abide by federal laws, but each state also has their own constitution and laws.
As long as those laws don't directly conflict with federal law (can't legalize cruel and unusual punishment for example) the state can do whatever it wants except secede

ids gombligated but, from what i remember:
The states have the right to legislate for or against anything to the same extent as any nation state provided that said regulation does not conflict with: the constitution, active federal law, treaties enforced by or against the federal government. The main issue however is that any state can, and they do, pass laws that breach these rules very easily since the only method of taking them off the books is to file a suit against the state in question. this is why you have some states with laws which violate the 2a, and some states with laws that contradict federal firearms legislation. In short, states are subordinate to washington, but are generally only answerable to washington through courts. Please keep in mind that an american state is equivalent to an individual nation within our union (engkland, wales, etc), with each american state having their own constitution which then defines the powers of county/borough level government within, so think of america as 50 devo-max scotlands.

Nine confirmed for shit tier animal control.
Wonder what'd happen, if it were just one millimeter higher, in measurement.

Get out of here, fudd.

State law must at least be as strict as Federal law, however they are free to make it more strict. There are times in which states create laws that conflict with Federal law. This is of course illegal, however the Feds are not interested in fighting it so these illegal laws remain.

If I were jokingly referred to as law enforcement in Deerfield, I'd move.

going to get a 10mm some day cause I fell for the memes

The memes

so this…. is the power… of 9mm….

Well, why wouldn't he? The bullet didn't hit any vital organs. (^:

lmao you urbanites sure want to demoralize us into giving up peacefully

My fucking sides holy shit

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>But whatever you do, don't fight back. That's exactly what they want you to do.

It's not like you faggots will do shit, so why even pretend? He might as well, like I said, go up to his city council and mow them down in cold blood instead of shooting cops doing there job because they have their chief is a fascist. Either way, tuff luck for you fags. I'll do my part in my own state.>>>569945

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Do your part being a limp dick bitch trying desperately to get those goyim to turn in their guns? Good luck Rahm you beanerkike

>don't fight back violently yet
fix'd. If we fight violently the media will use paint all gun owners as deranged nigs.

Stop acting like a defeatist blackpill faggot.

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Instead do it when all you have is a shotgun and maybe some bolt action rifles?

You don't want to get into our situation lad.

Burger, it's getting too late to kill politicians.

Everyone over here is waiting for confiscation, but those doing the banning know this and are slow-boiling around it with grandfather laws. They'll treat semi-autos like they do automatics now. No need to ban or confiscate, just wait 50 years and they'll be priced out of reach by the common masses.

Accelerationism is the only way we can get them to overplay their hand. They must start literally taking guns before the trajectory changes.

Deerfield has a population