If Ian McCollum from Forgotten Weapons is gun Jesus

If Ian McCollum from Forgotten Weapons is gun Jesus.

Then I think I found gun Moses.

Does Zig Forums know about Paul Harrell?
I find his videos to be great quality.

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Other urls found in this thread:

smallarmsreview.com/articles.list.byauthor.cfm?art_author=Christopher R. Bartocci

I don't know, do you know how to check the catalog faggot? Also,

Have you forgotten where you are user? You deserve incessant bullying for your ignorance.

Sage because you're a faggot, albeit one with marginally good taste.

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Fuck your eceleb worship and kike idoks

Paul has a good show though

Kill yourself. You're not even worth being called a newfag.

Give it a month or two, everyone will hate Paul for some reason or another.

I'm pretty sure OP is trying to force a hatred of Paul through spamming threads. It seems to happen every once in a while with anyone Zig Forums finds interesting.

Uh no, fuck off.

I don't know, have you?

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yeah, great guy, the only gun youtuber I seriously listen to.

Ian is a fuckin fag. FW is a great idea but I can't handle watching it anymore because of him.

Ian is a cuckold, Paul is 100 times better than that hippy pushover

Hickock45 may be the gun grandpa, but does Zig Forums know about plane grandpa?

(kermit weeks is a rich old guy in florida who owns a plane museum full of warbirds and antiques, and he keeps most of them in flying condition except the very largest like his lockheed constellation)

His museum's website with a list of his aircraft. All on this list are in flying condition, and he has many more being restored now in hangars all over the world(specialists for an aircraft from a certain country tend to be in said country)

The man is basically the Howard Hughed of our generation. Look into him if you like pre-jet warbirds, he flies a lot of them.

Zig Forums is a terrible board.

what's wrong with Ian? i only know of him what i've seen on a few episodes of FW. is he a mega fudd or something?

He's outwardly bluepilled(see his and Karl's video on the race warrace doesn't real guys, just the human race) and is keeping ForgottenWeapons an apolitical project, so expect a tidal wave of shitposting every time he's mentioned.

It's less that he's bluepilled himself, but that Karl is the goodest of goys and pushing leftist shit on inrange, and Ian is unfortunately too much of a bottom to push back against him.

spotted the Ian dicksucker

a liberal faggot. He's the kind of retard that is into guns but will vote for politicians who will confiscate said guns.
1) he wears an obvious ponytail
2) nasaly, very gay voice….chirp chirp chirp chirp CHIRP, that's how he sounds

Karl is actually less overtly liberal. Internally he is the same but he doesn't parade it around like a faggot as much as The Ponytail.

I'm prepared to believe you, but on what are you basing this? For me the big thing is that all of the lefty shit is coming out of Inrange and not out of FW. Also, more recently, every one of the posts made on kikebook and similar shilling for Pornhub and making fun of Infowars and the like were signed by Karl and not Ian.

nigger I live in an urban environment, why would I agree with some faggot living in the middle of arizona about race not being real?

Is it because I called you a shitposter and hurt your feelings?

on watching, or once watching the inrange videos with him and Ian, I of course don't watch anymore, haven't done so in months.
Whenever a political issue arises in the inrange videos, regarding nations especially, Ian is always the first to attack race, sex, or any type of pre-poz notion those nations held, and Karl gropes along dutifully agreeing, but it's funny to see him get triggered when Ian refers to German armies at the time of WW2 as Nazis, and Karl interjects that they were the Wehrmacht
Karl actually isn't the whiny sjw faggot, though he is internally, and I think that is because of his affinity for German weaponry, so there's like this redpill power always holding him back from the unbridled liberal faggotry of Ian.
let's hope Ponytail man gets an out of battery discharge in his face soon.

I can tell you live around niggers, given how stupid you are.

I also like Paul because he isn't a pretentious dipshit. Ian and Karl are constantly bickering about "progress" in firearms, and Paul then whips out a .338 win mag and does some testing showing how deranged all of that pseudo-intellectual dickery is.
My all time favorite Paul video is his 9mm vs .40 vid where he states what everyone knows, that the .40 is objectively a better round than the 9mm. 9mm shills on reddit cry when they see this.

So, regardless of who do we blame for it, I think we all agree that InRange is cancer. The question is, why bring this up in the Paul Harrell thread when we have three Ian and Karl hate threads up, and why do we have three Paul Harrel threads up anyway?

That's that crazy old Jew in Colorado with $5 million of privately owned guns and a fully functioning T-34 tank with matching shells.

Every board is terrible in its own special way. Zig Forums's biggest problem is there are people that think Upotte! isn't shit.

He owns a tank? Sauce please, that's news to me.

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Guys. Chris Bartocci is kill.

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I see people say this a lot but I really don't hear it. Maybe his voice is slightly high-pitched but there's really nothing gay about it. I suspect it's mostly californians with a skewed view of accents saying this.

Literally Who?

That's absolutely not what he says.
The whole thing is about how 9mm and .40 are about the same. Except for barrier penetration where .40 does better.
For against human size target you have to be pretty careful about which 9mm ammo you pick but you can get results that are similar too.

So yeah with random ammo .40 is better than 9mm, but if the ammo was picked properly, there is very little difference, be it in speed, accuracy or effect on target to justify the investment of switching from one to the other.

IE: Switching from .40 to 9mm is stupid but the opposite can be argued too.


That's patently not the case at all when you look at pauls range of videos regarding 9mm and other calibers. both sets of tests against the meat target revealed that .40 was outperforming the 9mm and i think you are misinterpreting the test. The latter wave of tests showed that the "top shelf" 9mm wasted large amounts of energy on their exit vector out of the meat target, likely due to poor expansion from HP9mm which is further explored in many of his other videos on the subject. 9mm is a good round, but it has its applications, and that video clearly shows that 9mm is atleast sub-optimal in a personal defence scenario.

Ian is cuck Jesus. Yes we know who Paul Harrell is, retard.

Seems like if Ian is no longer Jesus, we need a new jesus. I'd like to put this guy in the running

here's another good one

Clint doesn't give a fuck, I love that shit.

I was wrong, it's a T-54. I can't find the one where they shot it, but this at least shows it drives.

I think we have a candidate. Absolutely no chill on this man, and he's too old and too stubborn to start giving a fuck.

No, I'm pretty sure most agree it isn't good, they just like it because "hurr qt 2d waifu"

Wasn't always. Some tards thought it would be a good idea to start advertising the board—on reddit of all places.

click here

so which is it old man?

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Gee, thanks user

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The forward assist is 99% of the time a useless feature, until you run into that 1% problem. The entire reason for the inclusion of the forward assist on the E1 and forward was the Army's concern at the lack in the inability to use the charging handle to beat the round into chamber. One of the supposed issues with the M110 is marksman use to a system like the Mk.12 will slowly slide the bolt forward to cut down on metallic sound and use the forward assist to seat it into battery, but if you're not deliberate with charging the bolt, it won't go into battery…

smallarmsreview.com/articles.list.byauthor.cfm?art_author=Christopher R. Bartocci

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And 99% of the time, if you see a need to beat the gun to get it into battery you're only making the problem worse.

But even if this was true (it really isn't, if you want to lock the bolt and be quiet about it just pull the charging handle back a couple inches and let go. The buffer spring has more than enough force behind it to seat the bolt), that's no reason to make this feature standard on a service rifle. At best, it's a reason to put this feature on a small number of weapons specifically meant for quiet operations.

His youtube videos were very nice. His in-depth overview of the HK USP lineup was great.

I can't believe that is all. I've already heard of that mall ninja movie before.

I just figured out who this guy reminds me of.

Listen to his voice when he gets exited and drops the deliberate monotone. Same verbal tics, similar facial structure, same mannerisms and body language.

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where can i get his yellow jacket? /fa/ as fug

It was a sears hunting jacket or something. Not made anymore.

God I've seen him before but I can't remember his name, what is it?

His stuff's getting transferred over to bitchute and a few other places apparently.

thank you anyway user

Uncle Paul released another vid.

remember what clint said though. if you silently lowered the charging handle to maximize sneaki breeki, you can just shove the bolt itself forward the rest of the way with your thumb.

You don't even need to to that. Just pull the charging handle back a couple inches and let go. Almost silent and you still have enough force to get the bolt in battery.

Brety Gud video. I had previous figured 9 mm would be preferable in a carry pistol (due to what people were saying on here), but he made a great case. My only question is regarding ballistic performance from the front.

Full metal jackets would have likely been more efficient than hollow points.

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He has a few other videos in which he shoots at the meat target with 9mm and .40 from the front. Not both in the same video, but from other comparisons he did.

To be honest, I still prefer 9x19 over .40 S&W mainly because 9x19 is more common, cheaper, and easy to find. .40 has it's place in the world and it's certainly no slouch, but I just feel like I would find more 9mm brass than .40 in a scavenging scenario.

Ideally you should pistols in both 9x19 and 357 SIG.

I have .357 Magnum, but why .357 SIG?

Because if you don't, you're an ANTISEMITE.

Well looks like I'm sticking with my GP100 then.

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For 125gr projectiles it almost matches .357 magnum ballistics, but unlike the Magnum you can stick it in autoloaders that aren't Deagles. Going purely by performance and not cost it's better than .40 S&W if you're okay with the recoil. Also, because of the bottlenecked casing it's far more reliable and you'll get almost no feeding issues. Basically, my comment was meant to address that you should have both a handgun chambered for readily available ammo for plinking/SHTF (9mm) as well as a pistol chambered in a memecaliber that's ballistically superior which acts as your carry gun. I have an autistic fascination with bottlenecked pistol cartridges, I think it works as a memeround, and I'm a swissboo.

Fuckin goddammit

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Autoloaders, same capacity as .40 or 10mm, high velocity, has all the reliability and feeding bonuses of a bottlenecked cartridge.

Kek, same tbh

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Jesus Christ 'lurk more' couldn't even handle this

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why… why does it have to be this way

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He lives in Oregon mane

He's not talking about Harrell, but this guy:

He's not talking about Harrell, but this guy

he is so insufferably cringy.
In the video he makes the same retarded jokes 5 times in a row as an explanation why he has several plastic dolls arround his house that he decorated sexually. And then he goes off, that they don't spend his money and don't talk back. What a bitter, pathetic slob of fat, /r9kk/.

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Why does Paul Harrell look so weird?

I think it's more an effect of cinematography, or the type of lens(es) his crew use. Now keep in mind that I'm illiterate in all matters cinematographic (and optics in general), but judging by virtually any picture/ video of him where you have a linear fixture to judge by (such as OP's picture), there seems to be a noticable distortion from the type of lens he uses (I think they call it 'barrel distortion', or something). Notice how in OP's picture, or the thumbnails in >>574139 or 's embeds, lines parallel or perpendicular to the horizon (e.g., the edges of the desks, the window frame in or the car door) seem to buldge away from the centre.

He's jewish.

Way better explanation than what that faggot above you posted.

If you're going to call me a faggot, at least have the common courtesy to give me a (You).

Where do you get this from?

Rat teeth, jewish locks, eyes of a psycopath, and fat lips perfect for the act of circumcising.

He is atypically masculine and has a strong chin, which makes him look significantly less Jewish than average. An example of a similar looking Jew would be Scooby.

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He does look similar to the jude they have playing the werefranken in the capeshit films.

Too much flat nose for it's size, big lips, weird hybrid hair, something fucky with his cranium.
100% pure aryan.
The meme might as well be his portrait.

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harrel isn't a jewish name, he has no jewish features.

accusing someone of being a jew without absolute proof should be a permaban offense.

Says the kike hiding his flag.

For the last time THIS is what it looks like when a flag is hidden.


Question mark flags and no flags are the same as far as I'm concerned, you reddit-spacing retard. Now crawl back to your gas chamber, schlomo.

You can't have been here for longer than a month.

Cut the rhetoric, kike.

don't even compare Harrell to that antifa faggot

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It doesn't seem like it would be that hard to replicate it. Pad the inside shoulder(s) of a sturdy jacket to help with recoil. Make sure the jacket has enough pockets for carrying shit that you'd need to get hold of very quickly.

There are multiple armed forces which perform even more punishing tests than Karl's mud test when doing trials on rifles and such. The NZDF is one of them and the AR15 was basically the only gun that passed without shitting itself which is why it was adopted to replace the AUG.
Get the fuck back to 4/k/ Strelok

Also Karl and Colion are the only people in that pic who properly care about fitness with respect to shooting.

Not really anything negative listed on this lot for Colin.
Dems are faggots, wanting to fuck your guns is normal, and being a nigger means the left have a much harder time of bitching at you.

Paul seems pretty fit to me. Just because he didn't make a crossfit-tier video of him flipping tires like Karl did doesn't mean he never exercises.

I'm of the opinion that only most negroes are niggers, not all of them. Tail end of the bell curve and all that.

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Made me kek more than it should have

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Paul was literally a US army fitness instructor, kek
Also, stop stealing my images :^)
Also also, sage for doubleposting