Independent Swiss Lab Says 'BZ Toxin' Used In Skripal Poisoning; US/UK-Produced, Not Russian

"Somebody has some explaining to do… or did the Syrian airstrikes just 'distract' the citizenry from the reality surrounding the Skripal poisoning.

Remember how we were told my the politicians (not the scientists) that a deadly Novichok nerve agent - produced by Russia - was used in the attempted assassination of the Skripals? Remember the 50 questions (here and here) we had surrounding the 'facts' as Theresa May had laid them out? Ever wonder why, given how utterly deadly we were told this chemical was, the Skripals wondered around for a few hours after being 'infected' and then days later, survived with no chronic damage?

Well those doubts may well have just been answered as according to the independent Swiss state Spiez lab, the substance used on Sergei Skripal was an agent called BZ, which was never produced in Russia, but was in service in the US, UK, and other NATO states.

RT reports that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, citing the results of the examination conducted by a Swiss chemical lab that worked with the samples that London handed over to the Organisation for the Prohibition of the Chemical Weapons (OPCW), that Sergei Skripal, a former Russian double agent, and his daughter Yulia were poisoned with an incapacitating toxin known as 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate or BZ.

The Swiss center sent the results to the OPCW.

However, the UN chemical watchdog limited itself only to confirming the formula of the substance used to poison the Skripals in its final report without mentioning anything about the other facts presented in the Swiss document, the Russian foreign minister added.

He went on to say that Moscow would ask the OPCW about its decision to not include any other information provided by the Swiss in its report.

On a side note, the Swiss lab is also an internationally recognized center of excellence in the field of the nuclear, biological, and chemical protection and is one of the five centers permanently authorized by the OPCW."

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well, clearly Russian spies are so far ahead they take Western-made toxins, and use them on their targets to make it seem like a false flag so they get away with it. (^:

I remember seeing a bald man entering the building of the attempted assassination.

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wasn't there a wiki leak article about this..?

Serious question: How is stuff like this evidence either way? Is it really that fucking difficult to either acquire or manufacture a compound used by another nation's military? The media narrative on this sounds like:

I believe that the US did obtain access to the Soviet Chemical/Biological program to a degree in the areas where they were located outside of Russia (Eg;Vozrozhdeniya Island). Plus. They don't need to bear proof it was actually russia because the UN sec council and the media is already stacked against the odds. It'd need something like a US defector to Russia providing a hand signed letter on the president authorizing this.

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There have been a couple different chemists who claim to have leaked or discovered the synthesis process, and while some of them are contradictory it only takes one of them to be telling the truth. There's also been chemists arrested in the past for selling Novichok, so who knows who's gotten their hands on it.
In any case, Western governments clearly must know what the compound actually is to be able to identify it.

The US (and NATO) had access after the collapse, multiple Western agencies, both military and civil monitored dismantlement and reclamation of all manner of Soviet facilities located in former East bloc states. In that same vein, there is some documentation on Soviet/Russian acquisition of Western developed agents/organisms.

What's the joke I'm missing in the second picture?
Gentle reminder to never ever trust a russcuck.

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The point is more about pointing and laughing at US government shitposting and the normies that actually buy it.

This tbh. Unless I can read the "report" myself I will reserve the right to be doubtful.
After doing literally 5 seconds of research and finding that twitter post on their twitter page, it is clear that RT lied once more.
To make things clear:
SpiezLabs never had any samples of the agent used. They simply claim that they have no doubt in the findings of the British Porton Down laboratories.
This does not mean that PD is correct, but it also never says anywhere that any NATO poisons was used. SpiezLabs never made a claim that NATO poisons were found. They simply state that they believe the findings of the Brits to be correct without having access to the samples themselves.

So, this is some random guy rewriting an RT puff piece for clicks. On the one hand it wouldn't surprise me if this claim was true, but this article doesn't prove a damned thing.

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lol retard

What facts? None of the labs mentioned by RT or ZeroHedge ever said that some NATO poison was used. Spiez simply backed up the findings of PD, without having access to the material themselves. Proofsters are literally making claims without having any proof themselves.

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It's not, the only reason it's even being brought up is as a counter argument to an very stupid argument in the first place.

It's like some nut calling you a pink elephant and then pointing a gun at you. Despite the fact that any drooling retard can see you aren't a pink elephant, you still have to argue the point because you have a gun pointed at you.

The point isn't the prove anything, it's to challenge the narrative being put forward by London.

The Russians filed a protest with the UN, it would be childs play to whip out the Swiss labs results, disprove the Russians, embarrass them internationally, and add another nail to the claim that they did do it.

Neither does the original fucking claim of Novichok, see

The Swiss lab literally says they arent PERMITTED to confirm what Lavrov said. They didn't say what he said was false, they just said they are barred from confirming it.

Post the rest of the thread you fucking cowards.

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so many useful idiots for Russia

talk about cuckservatives. back in my day being right meant hating russkies, communism, and Nazism.

So many useful idiots for Israel.

Back in my day being right wing meant loving your own country and your own people. Not loving some other nation because Jews convinced your pastor the hebrews are the "Chosen Ones" - but failed to mention circumcision is Cain's mark and the only thing Jews were chosen for by God is causing suffering to themselves and others, and your pastor skipped the synagogue of satan parts of the teachings of Jesus.

American Evangelists need to be lined up and shot, none of them read the Bible.


You're exposing yourself as a Jew lover, if not an outright Jew. It is well established that Jews are parasites, evil to the core, and desire nothing less than the enslavement or annihilation of all non-Jews. If anyone truly wants to prosper they have to do the opposite of what Jews want them to do.

If you side with that kind of evil, you are siding against humanity itself, and since everyone on this board is a human… Yes, I win. lel.

oy vey user thinks I'm a jew I guess I am because it will help him win an internet argument.

>>>/reddit/ is more your speed, retard

How many roubles are you banking from this?

Do you think it's even theoretically possible for something to happen without it being caused by 'muh joos'? Or do you think they're omnipotent and omnipresent? If you do then doesn't that mean you see them as God? America always was bestest Goy.

Where is proofs?
God shave the gueen.

To be fair no one should be shocked or surprised if a spy gets assassinated. The worse thing you can do if a spy gets killed is make a big deal about it, but governments are and have always been giant faggots who always have to be the victim.

Eh, if the Russians had had him stabbed or shot (i.e. if they'd tried to have even the tiniest shred of plausible deniability) then this probably wouldn't have gotten further than the local newspaper. Staging a chemical weapons attack on a nation you're not at war with goes a bit beyond the normal underhanded shit that most intelligence services get up to.

oh wow. I don't know if you're a putinfag posing as a brit, or have really drunk that much Kool-Aid, but we wouldn't have won the cold war without defectors helping to fuck Russia. Do you Putinfags even care about freedom? and I mean, actual freedom as in liberty. not "liberated from oppression" freedom you 3rd worlders experience.

CHEMICAL WEAPONS WEEEEEEEE HE POISONED MY SPY WEEEEEEE they didn't even get a poison permit WEE WEE WEE WEE never forget the 6 gorrilion ppms of poison released into our smog, it's like the blitz all over again

Not a putinfag, read the rest of my posts in this thread - retard. Defectors are traitors, they betray their own people and nation to serve the enemies of their people and nation.

Wow, summer came early this year.

they "betray" the government and expose their secrets, you statist piece of shit.

I shouldn't be surprised to meet a Burger with no concept of loyalty.



Again, if the UK/USA wanted Skripal dead then why would they use an experimental Russian nerve toxin rather than having him shot, stabbed, blown up, hit by a car, or just disappeared?

To make a big deal about it and blame Russia on it, you absolute retard

As I said though - double retard - Russia is already in the cross hairs, and Skripal hasn't been relevant for a few decades now. Even if NATO wanted their former asset dead for no reason whatsoever they gain nothing beyond what they already have from killing him with Novichok. I'll admit it's impressive the lengths that Putinfags will go to for 'le baysed shaver of le huwite reyse', but it's getting kind of silly at this point. He's not your saviour, he's not your god, he's the head of a foreign power that profits from your loss.

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Whether or not Russia actually did it, Russia has done nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with using chemical weapons

Excuse me, my ID changed. I am 87a7b5

It's not a joke, he really was missing. He could also pass as agent 47.

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1. Being mad over Jews getting called out
2. Nazis are bad
3. Syria should be destroyed
Hmmm what (((mysterious))) group in the world most thinks like this….
Look at how it recoils, how it shrinks back, I've been found out! it shrieks.


A) Not conclusively proven.
B) Why would Russia? Why would they do any of this bullshit?

Skripal knew jack shit about Russia, he didn't have access to actionable intelligence since 2001, and he was in fact RELEASED FROM A RUSSIAN PRISON AND SENT TO LIVE IN UK. The fuck would they kill him? Let alone with an experimental nerve agent they don't even have stockpiles of.

By the way?
UK produces and stockpiles Novichok.

And Britain is not a foreign power that profits from other nations loss…. except for the last thousand years or so.

Not NATO, we are talking about UK specifically.

Britain is afraid of America and Russia agreeing on anything because it might ruin the extra Special Relationship between US and UK.
Every time Russia and America sign a ceasefire or lower hostilities in Syria, magically some chemical weapons from Britain make their way into terrorist hands, who gas an apartment building of civilians, and UK media goes into overdrive blaming Assad and demanding America take him out.

UK also started Maidan in Ukraine to cut Russian gas ties to Germany, hence ending any possibility of friendly relations between Russia and Germany.

They did.

I'd actually be quite happy if I knew that the British government was responsible for the variety of false flag gas attacks in Syria, at the very least it would mean that those fuckwits in Westminster are actually able to do something productive. However, this is not something that seems remotely likely. Who are the White Helmets? Who do they answer to? What would they and their handlers have to gain from trying to false flag the US into dethroning Assad?

If you're just getting a rage dump out of your system then don't let me stop you, but if you're looking to be taken seriously then maybe try dialling back the crazy a little bit.
Or just keep A FUCKING LEAFing, I suppose it's what you're good at.

Which is the entire point

UK has the motive, destruction of relations between america and russia. UK has the means, the novichok scientists and chem weapons stockpiles. UK has the opportunity, given that Skripal lived in UK.

Meanwhile Russia has no motive, Skripal was irrelevant to them. Russia has no means as OPCW confirmed the destruction of their stockpiles. Russia has no opportunity, they had no access to Skripal and would have to carry out the deed past UK law enforcement.

Is this a serious question?


It's always a shame when you see someone trying to justify their nonsense.

Was that?
