Paramilitary organizations and political armies

A thread dedicated for anything and everything that is not a "normal" army, from the SS to Hezbollah.

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To begin with, what do you think of Iran's revolutionary guard? They seem to be incredibly goofy, but their duties kind of justify their existence for a would-be regional power in the Middle East, because it exists for non-conventional warfare.

Forgot the vid.

None state aligned forces or fourth generation fighters are the future of warfare due to the US spreading Anglo puritan ideals and destroying the concept of the traditional nation state.

Do non-regular or so called "active" reservist units/formations count? If so, then picture might be related and I might be able to answer questions.

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They exist to make sure the US can't do to Iran what was done to Libya. You need fourth gen fighters to squash western funded rebellions or you get ghadaffied quickly or at best have a prolonged civil war like Syria.

Who are They?

Basically national guard or hezbollah. Except without the whole allah thing and cool shit like ATGM's.

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Well, I'd certainly say that the Volksturm fits the thread, as it was literally the NSDAP giving firearm looking garbage to kids and old men. In the same vein we can speak about other reservist forces too, as they often have second line duties. Actually, we could even discuss the gendarmerie.
Now, what is the name of this organization? Is it part of the regular army, or is it completely independent? Would it be mixed with army formations during war, or would they officially transfer members to the army for that? What are the secondary duties? To begin with, what's the name of this thing?

And that's the story of RONA, the Russian National Liberation Army, or Kaminski's Brigade. Pretty interesting story tbh, and tragic too.

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What's the deal with Russians are rape? Is it just the influence of tartars and Mongolians or were they always like this? Where ever they go to war they rape everyone even other Russians.

A year ago Poland created Territorial Defense Forces. It's their fifth military branch designed to "operate in hybrid warfare". Unlike Reserves which are meant to be integrated into regular military forces in times of war, TDFs are supposed to operate locally and fight against enemy's reconnaissance and sabotage units, fight as guerillas behind enemy lines, protect strategically important locations and support conventional armed forces, intelligence gathering, sabotage as well as crisis management during natural disasters. They're still being formed with estimated size of 50 thousands by 2022

von Pannwitz is another interesting one.

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Yeah, maakuntajoukot is basically like Polish territorial troops. Except ours is not a separate branch but works under navy, army or possibly even airforce, and we don't do guerrilla stuff. However I completely suspect that these formations of territorial troops are just going to be adhoc "do it all"-sort of troops practically. After all, once x percentage of navy's vessels have been sunk, what point is there in wasting reservist that are better trained than most other reservist in guarding some naval ammunition depo in bumfuck middle of nowhere?

As to how that whole thing is supposed to work organization wise, after the shit has hit the fan and I have no clue. From what I have gathered it's either probably going to be "who screams loudest gets the whole lot" type of thing or "let's gather all the redundant territorials to one big unit and see what happens".

Wasn't this the guy who surrendered to brits with his whole unit, and the brits, being the eternal anglos they are, sent the unit back to bolsheviks to be killed?

Him and countless others, the allies wanted Stalin happy, so they forced them at gunpoint then had the train go over the crest, which immediately lit up with machinegun and cannon fire, then they sent the next one.

UPA lasted until the mid 60's and in total killed more reds than the Afghan War.

It's highly likely it was the Americans who agreed (and proceeded to get British troops to do it) to it as Churchill wanted to continue the war until the Allies hit Moscow.

Churchill was a cunt but I don't think he was that much of a cunt, as he allowed a bunch of Ukrainian SS to live in Britain after the war (including my grandfather).

the entire Yalta Conference was utter shit, never make deals with Communists

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Greetings, побратиме. I'm glad for your grandpa, even if he would've been no warrior and stayed here there would be still a huge probability for you to never be born. Two of my uncles being little boys died of pneumonia during the post-war commie mass deportations, just daily reminder to never ever trust neither russcucks nor commies.

Thanks Ukrainebro

checking those two pairs
They also answer directly to the MOD (Antoni Macierewicz at the time) which unfortunately was replaced with a more kosher approved one.
They use "muh russians" as recruitment drive ad but their structure is an answer to a german/CIA funded Wołyń 2: hohol boogaloo
Unfortunately everything went to shit and ground is slipping from under PiS' feet so they look for help in jew arms.
or rather try to secure themselves positions as loyal shabbos goyim when ZOG does an official takeover while selling the general public "we tried™"

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Is there actually any difference between Eastern Slavs?

I'd definitely say there's even a noticeable difference between Slavs from different cities not so far away from each other, not to mention different nations. For example, polls show 77% or us hate Stalin contrary to 21% in russcuckistan. Sage for offtopic.

There are three types of Slavs: The Kievan Rus (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine) and Russian culture is so vast and monolithic that they can be considered their own entity instead of east Euro, the standard Slavs like Serbs and Bulgars and Hungarians, and the "please let us be westerners" such as Czechs and Croatians.

Bydlo are bydlo in every country, hohlanon. Our bydlo thinks of Stalin as some sort of good old days sugardaddy, from when Russia was the biggest and grass was the greenest.

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user I thought they are uralic.

But Uralic people are slavs too. Shit, all the enhtinicties that are white on east side of Urals are slavs.
There are at least 5 big branches of slavs, and tens or currently remaining dfferent kinds of slavs.

They're not though, they're not even Aryan/Indo-European
We're literally closer related to Persians and poos than we are Finns, kek.

Reminder that Lenin was a Jew and that none of the General Secretaries of the USSR were Russian besides Gorbachev, and he was the one who ended it.

Malenkov and Khrushchev were typical russians. Brezhnev was some weird fuck, you can consider his parents either an assimilated Ukrainians with russificated surnames (russian empire and ussr did practice that) or ethnic russians living in Ukrainian soviet socialistic republic, this way or another the one can call him russian. Lenin was a mongrely mix of different nations, constantly buttmad about own Asian eyes and cock. You cannot tell anything certain about Andropov, officially he was russian. Gorbachov's mother was Ukrainian and his wife's second name was Tytarenko which is Ukrainian as well, but all this info isn't the point. You are falling for the maymay that gommunism was invented by ZOG to enslave naturally free and capitalistic spirit of the russian people. That is what some conservatives unironically believe, and that makes almost all actual Eastern Slavs laugh to tears. Take any russian history textbook and you'll see it's as anti-capitalistic as it gets. That god-forsaken frozen swamp has always been incredibly centralized, bureaucratized, corrupt, anti-individualistic, deceitful, inefficient, undemocratic and violent - in one word, socialistic. Usual sage for offtopic.

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Are you Aryan or Turkic.
He was always an incongruence to me, out of the big 5 no one talks about him and seems to have done nothing significant except stagnate growth somehow.

I understand that the SS grew out to be some kind of a "nobility" of the NSDAP, and at first the Waffen SS was their own special club to play soldiers, but are there any sources on how they were supplied and equipped on the field? Could they request food, ammo and fuel from the Wehrmacht, or did they really had to rely on a complete separate suppy chain even for the most basic items?
Also, did the SS buy them their tanks and whatnot from German factories even in later of the war, or did the Wehrmacht issued them Tigers and Panthers out of necessity? Because the former sounds quite scary.

Indeed, calling us Slavs is worse than calling the French Germanic. Genetically we are close to our neighbours, and that's to be expected after more than 1100 bloody years. But Slavs are Slavs because of their culture, and so we certainly aren't Slavs.

Because the Turks and Mongols thinned the ranks of all other ethnicities quite a lot, then Russia conquered the Eurasian steppes and started settling the area. Also, all the Uralic peoples whom you'd call huwite are on this side of the Urals.

I wouldn't go as far as to say they were "naturally free and capitalistic." Certainly not as much as more Western nations, because Russia didn't have the intellectual pedigree of Aristotle, Cicero, the Salamanca School, Locke, and so forth to work with. However, late Tsarist Russia was becoming increasingly free-market prior to the Bolsheviks taking over. Also, not strictly speaking relevant to its historical leanings, but Russia's libertarian movement is firmly Hoppe-style, covenant ancapism, contrasted with the dudeweed (((moderate))) cuckery of the LP.

The communist purged farmers who bought their way out of serfdom by saving up.

The farmers were better as serfs than as communist citizens.

Huns settles in the Hungari plains, because it reminded them of the grasslands of home. When Huns got too big for their britches their Germanic allies rebelled and snuffed them out. You are a descendant of those Slavs and Germanics who were the closest to Huns before their destruction, you speak a language based on theirs, and have some of their genetics. Huns were similar in genetics to proto-Slavs. Your language was further modified by contact with Avars, who were more asiatic than Huns/Slavs. In essence though you arent that different, only your culture.

Slavs are a collection of thousands of small tribes, that used to conglomerate into about fifty nationalities in time of war and the time of migration for safety. Since the fall of the Roman empire they absorbed Byzantine culture, which prevented the Slavs from fragmenting into basic constituents, and we are thus stuck with the dozen or two Slav states we have today.
There is a Persian prophecy that says when all the Slavs unite under a single banner and faith, it will be the end of the world. It could be true, there are 500 million of them in the world. More than the English, German, Spanish and French speaking world put together.
Slavs started out as Sumerian refugees travelling north to escape Akkadian (Jew/Arab) attacks. They made their home among barbarians the Greeks called Scythians, and later evolved into Huns and other Slavs.

Uh actually Russia was heavily influenced by Byzantines, who were a mixture of Greek, Slav and Persian. They had access to the classics for longer than the West.
The reason why the West went more individualistic is because of later philosophers, influenced by Catholic/Protestant belief of "made in imge of god", ergo every man should have the same rights. This is actually a misreading of the bible, but a happy enough accident since it does work to an extent.

Isn't there some Scandinavian blood mixed in there as well, from when the Varangians controlled Novgorod?

The School of Salamanca and John Locke aren't exactly classics, and they were much more influential in the idea of natural rights and individualism than their predecessors, but you have a point with the others.

Early SS used non-standard equipment, as in they were considered second-line soldiers. Many of them used Vz-24's and ZB-30's nabbed out of Brno. Later on they were in contest for the best stuff with the Heer, i.e they'd become some elite-tier units fanaticism is a great thing innit?. Most of their supplies came from high command, the rest of their stuff was their own, i.e SS camo and SS patterned feldbluse they did use/steal Heer patterned uniforms due to obvious shortages. They were for under control by the OKW, minus some units which Himmler had total control over.

No. The SS were just Hitlers bodyguards, the Waffen-SS were the armed wing of that organization. in regards to the nobility part the Heer fucking hated the SS because many of the officers were of common non Prussian birth. Dietrich is a prime example of that. To back how the OKW felt about non-Prussians ever further, despite being part of the Heer and a highly decorated WW1 vet Rommel was shit on by most of the high command due to him being of common swabian birth. Now that I look at it the Heer didn't like anyone who wasn't a Prussian Junker.

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Yeah the varangians were foundational elements of Russian society, and a lot more mixture than that is true for other Slavic groups. Like I said they just started off Sumerian, there were maybe a few hundred surviving refugees who brought civilization into camps of hundreds of thousands people of the Pontic steppe. Who then engaged in river trade, raids and interbreeding with the North European types. The first larger grouping of Slav tribes was likely the Cimmerians, who banded together to raid the ancient world as far as Phrygia.

What survives of Cimmerians are a few mentions, like the names of their warlords, which show ties to Marduk the Summerian god. The location and culture of Cimmerians seems to be tied closely to Scythians, and to modern Slavs.

So later on they only did their own recruitment, and the equipment mostly came from the Heer, I see.
Do you think I used those quotation marks only because I like to randomly put them around a word for no reason whatsoever? No. The SS was a much greater organization than what you were describing, it had three branches to begin with:
Hitler's bodyguard, the later core of the Waffen SS.
"General SS", an organization with tens of thousands of members, with their own HQ organization. In practice it was an additional tier for members of the Nazi party, because most of the members were pretty much what we'd call activists of a party today. This is the main reason why I referred to them as "nobility", strictly in quotation marks, because members of the SS were looked upon favourably by the establishment.
They run the concentration camps.

In addition to all of this, most members of the various police forces were also members of the SS, and during ww2 the police and the SS were different organizations only on paper.

I don't know what kind of a historical sci-fi you were reading, but that certainly wasn't an up-to-date history book that took into acount the newest archeologic and linguistic findings. No, Hungarian is not related to Hunnic. and there is no evidence for a significant amount of population living in this area after the fall of the Avars and the Hungarian conquest.
Must I repeat myself ad nauseam? Take away the culture and language of a group of Slavs, and they stop being Slavic, because that's what makes them Slavic. Yes, over the centuries we did intermix with neighbouring people, but it was never such an en mass event that it led to the loss of our culture and language. If that wasn't the case then we'd be indeed Slavic, just like how Bulgaria became Slavic, even though the original Bulgars were Turk nomads from the steppes. Here is the trick: in our case a bunch of Turks brought so many Ugors with them that they too became Ugric. The whole thing about Attila and Huns is because Western Europeans couldn't tell apart nomadic peoples, and because it was good propaganda for the Árpád dynasty to claim to be descendants of the Huns.

Depends of what do you consider free market, but it was still crap. During Nicholas I number of bureaucrats increased in SIX times since he's been turning bureaucrats into the pillar of his crumbling power, and it's not like there was less revolutionary tendencies under Nicholas II. You may imagine how corrupt and inefficient those bureaucrats were. Data shows that only 34% (!) of an empire's major businessmen were ethnically russian, while, for example, empire-born Germans were 25% and that without mentioning of the foreign German investors. So no wonder ethnic russians supported commies in desire of seizing their property. City of Donetsk was first called Yuzivka as it was founded by British businessman John Hughes, that's a typical story because 90+ percent of investments in that-day Donbas were from Western Europe. Education was so nonexistent only 1/3 of people could read, and yes, fair share of them weren't ethnically russian. "Prosperous" empire maymay in being cultivated by modern russian stormfags like pic related, they are simply buttmad about the fact their frozen swamp is shit now, was shit during commies and was shit before the commies.

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Not one published by the Ancient Aliens university of Hungary, likely.

Are you implying Slavs don't have genetic similarities??

Hahahahahaa fucking lol!

You mean the MTA, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the most important scientific organization of Hungary? Because I'm referring to research accepted by them.
I'm not implying anything, I'm merely repeating that the recipe of vodka and the proper form of squatting aren't written to the genes of gopniks. Similarly, take away a Slav child from his parents, put him in a genetically similar but culturally different family, and you won't be able to tell the difference. How hard is it to understand that?
You are right, they are actually migrants from Atlantian Hyperborea, as attested by antediluvian receipts from Niburu! Although historical research suggets something else:

Yeah, you're clearly uninformed.

By the way the thing I was laughing at was your using "Turk" to describe asiatic steppe people. Turks are a mixture of 60% persians, 39% greek, and 1% asiatic steppe nomads. The word you SHOULD have used is Altaic if you were educated in any respectable institution, which even that is just a language group. I'm done laughing, this is just sad now.

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Unlike someone who spreads ancient ayyliens-tier "theories".
Did you know that different languages are different? In Hungarian we use török for the people of Ottoman Turkey and türk for the steppe nomads related to Mongolians. It's not my fault that in English "Turk" can mean both of them. Will you now start going on about how they are actually dwarves who were living in the shadows of the wall Alexander the Great built to keep Gog and Magog outside of Europe?

…. that's what I said here

Nigger think up your own insults.

All Nostratic languages are most likely mongolshit.

I firmly believe in pre-historic White supercultures but by geographic distribution it seems more likely that a Basque/Georgian/Sumerian complex was the original White/"Atlantean" language instead of the fingol+indoeuropean clade with its close affinity to "altaic", tungusic and koreanippon mong-tongs.

That's not an argument. Give me your definition of Slav, and also define what makes a person or nation Slavic.

A non-muslim person of eastern European and natural slavophone ancestry.

No shit sherlock, it's an insult. You insulted me, I told you to be original, neither of those things is an argument.

I literally gave you an image of a genetic map of europe that defines the clustering of Slavs, showing Hungarians closer to Slavs than even the Balts are.

What the fuck else could you possibly want.

A kurva anyádat then. I'm arguing against the idiocy that we Hungarians are Slavs here. What are you doing?
A definiton of the word "Slav", sometning like
Because "an image of a genetic map of europe that defines the clustering of Slavs, showing Hungarians closer to Slavs than even the Balts are" doesn't define what makes a Slav. Also, that map doesn't define anything, it merely shows data.

Meant to quote obviously.

And I'm saying your only difference is language, which is the CORRECT STATEMENT.

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but your own graph shows that Hungarians are as distant from the average center of west and east slavs as germans are from czechs. you cant compare a single average datapoint with the closest datapoint in a suite of multiple samples.

Are we looking at the same picture? Hungarians are basically a mix of south, east and west slavs. Which makes sense given their position.

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Oh no, they did their own recruitment throughout the war including the foreign legions. Almost all of it was volunteer aside from some draft allocation the OKW did in the early days, unlike the Heer which did draw manpower from mass drafting.
Armed trooped formed for Hitler that were not part of the Police or Army. They were soldiers that did what the old uncle asked, not his personal bodyguard given they did take part in actions from Czechoslovakia to France before becoming the Waffen SS. Everything else is spot on when the organization became a big part of the political apparatus, where as when Himmler originally got power they were solely bodyguards and in dire straits in comparison to the SA. Man did that weird looking fucker turn that organization into something impressive and he took a wage that was essentially minimum

again, that circle isnt showing an average position. you're just making a circle that fits all outliers and claiming that it's one population, it doesn't make sense. by your own logic (if you had drawn the purple circle properly) then swedes and krauts would appear to be west slavic outliers. you need to find the single average point (the size of one shown sample) which equates to the middlemost point between all samples of a selected group and then compare how close hungarians are to it in relation to how close others are. even your own method shows hungarians are related as little as possible to any one group while still being related. based on this graph, i cant see how different slavic groups can be distinct, but hungarians cannot. either interpretation is not really good enough though since on that graph hungary has a sample size of 1.

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Hungarians are unironically as Asian as Finns and Serbs are a Slav/Turk mix

Russia had plenty of ties to the western world as well as Byzantium, so I don't know what you're talking about. I think if there's one argument in favor of saying that Russians weren't naturally free, it's that the Tsars would have people beheaded for smoking tobacco, but that's about it.

I mean, regardless of whether or not ZOG created gommunism, they certainly used communism and capitalism as a means of destroying traditional monarchies, feudal societies, and culture. It's kind of hard to make a living when Jews suck you dry either as politicians or businessmen.

During the occupation here were lots of reported German atrocities due to their spergouts but rape wasn't among them.

I think the latest credible instance of Germans raping people was at the sacking of Rome.

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They are genetic cousins. But if I place a circle over Swedes, it sure as fuck doesn't cover Hungarians.

They aren't. All slavic groups are the same population, they only have distance between them due to intermixing with locals, which is what happened to West Slavs and Krauts…

Well it is by far the most interesting topic, they're over 1/2 of all whites by population size.

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I don't know how, but you took that the exact opposite way that I meant it. West slavs are slavs which had kraut admixture, it's not the other way around…

Going to agree with the Greek Germans don't seem partial to rape and very few nations outside of Africa are as pro rape as Russia.

Its more the mongoloids from the far east that like to do the raping and Ukrainians. The latter really have a thing for dicking polaks forcefully and their own for whatever reason.

Russians employed a lot of asians in their armies, it was a good way to genocide them by sending all their men to the front line, which resulted in military grade rape machines. Same as America did with Negroes in WWII, recruiting a ton of them from ghettoes and sending them to be meat shields in Europe…. negermischlinge sure as shit wasn't done by Ivan. But even so both Russians and Americans are still lagging behind in rape magnitude from other European colonial countries of the time, because a fucktonne of mulattoes in every colonized country didn't come from nowhere. Same holds for Japan, east Asia, India, South America, Central America, all of the Muslim world, and America. In the [current year] Russia is likely the country with least real rape in Europe, I at least never heard of mass rape gangs raping thousands of little girls in Russia, whereas this seems to be a common thing in UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Italy…. that's the cost of demographic changes, and the European countries aren't anywhere close to the level of multiculturalism of Russia or America, you can only imagine the horror that will happen when Pakis are 30-40% of the UK. Also given how some countries are falsely accused of "genocidal rape" like in Yugoslavia, there is also a lot of doubt that any claim of rape in war is a real one and not just some woman deciding to fuck an invading soldier for her benefit.

Because you said “and krauts” instead of “because of” or “from krauts.” Learn to Engrish.


I don't see anyone ever talking about our militias. Is there a list of active militias somewhere? Their leaders/rank system?

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I'm American

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So if Russians or mudslimes rape Russian women, it's not real rape?


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First day on the job ATF?

I am part of a pretty large militia myself though we are too secretive for meetings. It is called all able bodied men age 17-45 and the very idea of these guys being armed scares the piss out of .40 S&W carrying weaklings. Some rough dudes, a lot of them ex military.

Freikorps a best

Attached: gondolafreikorps.webm (720x480, 3.63M)

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Operation Citadel was in 1943.

This guy is obviously a student of Carl Schmitt, who predicted the crisis of "4th gen warfare" almost 100 years ago which, as the video says, is just a symptom of the state's collapse. This book in particular directly addresses that collapse.
What is the solution? Totalizing the State, that's what Putin has done. 4th gen warfare means a subversive kike professor brainwashing your upcoming citizenry is far more deadly an enemy than an official soldier of the Russian army. Therefore you round up such professors and execute them.
The trouble is that the rot has gone so far that formerly traditional elements of society are now in the role of state subversion because, as the guy says, the subversive kikes now control the state.

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basically we are returning to the Ancient world where ethnic/racial/religious cleansing was the status quo. However, we have modern technology. Therefore, if the state is to survive, which is to say if any semblance of the world as it now is will survive, then the state must openly accept such a reality or be shred to smithereens by all the competing identity-groups, or mini-state substitutes.

thanks again for posting such kino

"opening accepting such a reality" means that the State must decide who the enemy is politically, and that means basically "discrimination," total exclusion of the Other.

I really don't think you grasp the nature of the crisis. Yes the liberal arts professor preaching is dumb bullshit is part of it but not all of it. All European states including Russia are currently undergoing a crisis of legitimacy due to a lack of ethnic religious and cultural solidarity. You cant be le 56% and have people give a shit about your country, when they dont care about the country they shift loyalties to things they do care about. Russia is a cluster fuck of 4th gen fighters, islamists, communists nationalist separatists Chechen warlords monarchists you name it.

Russia has a rate of violent crime and rape that western Europe hasn't had since the middle ages even now with the refugees. Russiaboo pls.

Is this a joke? European countries are at African levels of violent crime and rape. This is despite their governments actively cooking statistics to make it seem otherwise.

Their crime stats have to be LEAKED to be publicly known, they don't publish them.

Russia and China are right now more free, more peaceful, more civilized and more capitalist than any western country, period. You believing this to be wrong is just proof positive that media control of public opinion still works.

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Any free pdf?

You mean among the White part of the population? Very likely.

I really fucking doubt that.

well you do have to take into account the fact that many African countries are borderline lawless, so the percentage of unreported crimes is much, much higher. While it's true that flooding Europe has made the crime rates skyrocket, saying it's Africa-level would be a lie and thus make your argument look like a lie.

Well the fact that a tribe of foreigners with connections all over the world is in charge of your "state", supranational organizations are imposing regulations and flooding it with immigrants in direct contradiction to the national interest and people's wishes is a pretty clear indication of the collapse of traditional state authority, don't you think?

And what percentage of unreported crimes exists in Europe? Sweden does this as a point of regularity, although they're mostly cooking up propaganda to prevent people from associating the crime with niggers. German police were ORDERED BY GOVERNMENT to suppress reports of gang rapes.

Police in the UK are worse than Germany and Sweden combined.
They seem to have done as much as Germany on a far larger scale, going so far as to arrest fathers who tried to stop the rape of their daughters.
So far I know of three towns (newcastle, telford, rotherham) in UK which have had over 1000 girls raped, these events being exposed by accident and leak suggests the same thing is happening in every town in the UK. That is potentially over 2 million raped women and children, which police is actively supporting.

I'm sorry but this shit is hard to find outside of Africa.

Both topics are interesting. Knowledge is beautiful.

Well now I understand why militias use surplus camo. This guy looks like the ones on this pics.

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Russia has one of the highest rates of migration in the world and more Muslims then any other European country.
Russia either kills or imprisoned it's political dissenters and this website is banned in Russia.

and how the hell do you think that happened, asshole? By giving subversives the right to speech, allowing them to infiltrate your institutions, and then legislating against you.
I agree but you need to also understand *how* that happened.

This is pure disinformation, Operation itadel was in 1943 and the RLA operated until the end of the war.

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Fairly sure he just made a mistake due to the Warsaw uprising happening in '44, RONA and RLA/ROA were two different paramilitary groups and RONA was disbanded after Warsaw.

also have a colour version of that RONA picture

Attached: QvYwlld.jpg (1713x1227, 265.65K)

My 2017 numbers it's 52nd in the world according to CIA:
In the 90s its true they had high migration rates, but this was due to Russians returning from former SSR like Poland, Ukraine, etc where they weren't welcome anymore.

Russia has 6% Muslims according to the 2010 census which is the latest census since USSR fell apart

These are the sixth or seventh retarded claims I've debunked in this thread, where are you guys coming up with this shit.

It kills or imprisons spies and NGOs that take foreign funds.

The fuck does this have to do with rape and migration? This is what clutching for straws looks like.

Another survey by the Pew Research Center, in May 2017, found that 10% of Russia's population is Muslim.[6] According to a news article of Russia Today, Muslim minorities make up approximately 15% of the total population of Russia

According to UN Population Division estimates, as of 2013,  the Russian Federation was second only to the United States in the sheer number of immigrants. 

Everything you said was just talking out your ads. I have never encounter a Russiaboo who isn't a complete piece of shit liar.

Meant for

I take you are familiar with the SA as the GAY COMMUNITY's arm in the Nazi party's ass. But did you know that the organization still existed after the Night of the Long Knives? They even had their own equivalent of the Waffen SS in the form of a single unit called Feldherrnhalle, named after a monument where some SA members were killed during the Beer Hall Putsch.

Attached: SA Soldat der Standarte Feldherrnhalle mit Ringkragen und Ärmelstreifen in Sütterlin Schriftzug.jpg (394x500, 25.87K)

Huh, interdasting
Kikipedia says they were part of the Heer in the regular Wehrmacht, were they? Or were they kind of independent like the Waffen SS?

From the first link:
If I had to make an educated guess based on the available information, I'd say that Lutze (the successor of Röhm: ) was in no position to be autistic about independence, so the SA just gathered the men and gave them to the Wehrmacht to do as they want, and they only received some special privileges. From the two links in my previous post: