Why didn't the British eliminate Menachem Begin as a threat after he armed the Argentinians due to the hate in his...

Why didn't the British eliminate Menachem Begin as a threat after he armed the Argentinians due to the hate in his blood for the British decades after he fought them, and because of his radical views such as nationalism, Irredentism & Zionism?

Ironically the British have a more legitimate claim over the Falklands than the Jews have over Israel.

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It literally says in the Torah and Talmud that the Jews can't have a sovereign state until the messiah arrives. Unless they suddenly start recognising Jesus and stop following Leviticus, Israel's very existence is against Judaism.
We also have a more legitimate claim over Israel too, we won it off of the Ottomans

Liberia has a more legitimate claim to the Falklands than the Jews have to Israel.

You tell me, Mr U "Greatest Ally" SA.

White Christians have more right to Israel than Jews, because the Israelites were white, and so was Jesus. Judaism is "we wuz god's chosen" when in reality they (the Jews) are the seed of Satan
Cuckianity is not true Christianity, just like peaceful muslims who don't bomb shit aren't real muslims. Real Christianity entails the complete genocide of all non-whites, and the condemnation of all Jews to the Lake of Fire. The Bible even warns about lukewarm Christians who are too weak to fully believe this harsh stuff, aka cucks

Reminder that Easter invalidates the legitimacy of judaism.

Jesus was Judean not Jewish. Jews are Hebrew and Semitic. Jesus was not Semitic. Fucking read nigger

Jews are Canaanites


To be fair, at certain point in being indebted the most logical course of action is to murder your debtholders
Not like they can reasonably kill you since you're an extremely valuable asset to them

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You started it, idiot. It's just that after you got BTFO the Jews all left you and went to the colonies.

Jews are Akkadians.

But we didn't?

Germany won WW2? Never knew.

Your empire got BTFO, I thought the "colonies" was a temporal clue. I also thought jews were smart but I keep being proven wrong every time I talk to one.

>tfw even though jews were parasitizing Poland over centuries, they only made us lose a third of our territories and 2 biggest cultural hubs and helped with removing Poland from the world map except the ottoman empire maps for 123 years.

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The Jews, Christians, and Muslims were better off under the British than under Zionist rule. They need a strong middleman who's neutral because he has his own goals that don't have any of the three becoming too powerful.

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No, it got stripped from us due to American anti-colonialist, anti-white foreign policy.
And still, even if our empire did get BTFO due to total war. Germany literally became an occupied colony for the allies.

Nice projecting


You told the Juden they could settle in any Britbong colony of their choosing, so yes, you did.

You're not wrong that the states had such a policy, but the Brits did as well. At best, you still share the blame.

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America rebelled in the 18th century, that's when your empire started falling apart.

Immediately you decided to go on a crusade against slavery, in late 18th and early 19th century, in order to deprive your former colony (and other European powers) of a workforce. You began organizing anti colonialist sentiment for other European powers as well. This is when you fucking invented anti-white foreign policy, not even the Jews were against Europeans before you were.

By the mid 19th century you were already a joke in terms of power projection, because your own abolitionism and anticolonialist weapons infected you.
By the 20th you were abandoning former colonies because even street shitters were walking over you.
By the 21st century you are worshipping niggers, the cat ladies running your immigration policy are importing more nigger boy toys to blacked them, while your daughters are getting AIDS in Africa.

Your empire didn't get BTFO due to total war, you gave it up.

Could someone remind me why was it that Uncle Adolf didn't want to attack Bongistan considering their absolutely jewish tactics and behavior?

This. American revolution was mistake :^)

Care to provide a source for where I mentioned the start of WW2?

Estados unidos wasn't a colony anymore at the time, lad.

We hat a policy of taking colonies off of other empires, not starting/supporting wars of independence for the locals. Israel is a good example.


See above. Taking clay off of other empires for yourselves isn't "anti-colonialism"

Err, no sweetie, see above. America's foreign policy did, they did it to the French as well. They were supporting the Viet Cong during the Vietnam war simply because they were also fighting the French at the same time, so "the enemy of whitey colonialists is my friend an shieeet"
Seriously, read (((Woodrow Wilson)))'s hilarous 14 points he suggested after WWI

He did, retard, he just got BTFO and was unable to.

Britbons were BTFO because America is better version of Britain. What is Britain? Island state that shits on the continental cucks. Islanders can invest everything in teh fleet, rule the waves and control riches of the world.
But as time passes and and technology advances sea size between in Engalnd and continental cucks became awfully small for real safety and England is small land itself too so it limits development of metropoly.

US? It is England only larger, better, further from dangers. Better in everything. What should Britbongs do is to move their metropoly to US but they were caught into "muh motherland" and "muh aritoractic ass inherited lands" memes. US is everything brtibongs wanted to be.

You're forgetting Rhodesia, lad. The US might have been ultimately responsible due to its influence on the Security Council, but the Brits were no less enthusiastic in their cucking for ZANU/ZAPU, they just had less political clout to translate their rhetoric into action.

Tell that to the German Protestants, the Orthodox, the Roman Catholics, theā€¦. wow every Christian group got fucked by Britain. The brits even invented their own version of ""christianity"" just so they could fuck over real Christians harder.

British were a mistake. They all have Pictish blood, and the Picts are one step below the average negro when it comes to civilized behavior.

Anti colonialism is anti colonialism, you didn't take others clay, you literally freed niggers.


Yeah, we both fucked over Rhodesia, but you continued the trend in Israel, Vietnam, Ulster and many other places.

That's how it started, and why the british government initially supported it. But then the propaganda got too real and the common person as well as the aristocrat started actually believing that Britain is virtuous and trying to save the oppressed. THAT, when THAT happened, THAT was the moment your empire fell. You got high on your own supply. After that every sign of life from the commonwealth was just inertia.

The eternal anglo destroys Europe time and time again and wonders why they persecute him so
Really makes you think

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Stop deflecting, I asked for a source of where I mentioned the start of WW2


They invented it only because their Kang could not hold his dick in his pants. Speaks volumes about real role of Christianity in Europe in that period.

British empire felt in the 1890 but they, like all other euros, were too busy with their aristocrat circle-jerking to read the memo.

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He was very hesitant to attack bongland initially.

of course they do

If I remember correctly, it was a Spanish colony, and that is what gives Argentina some kind of claim over them.

It was a Spanish 'colony' the same way that Russian Antarctica is definitely sovereign, ancestral, Muscovite land. Then they gave the rocks to us and we colonised them. Your claim ended with the Spaniards giving the islands to us.

Possession is 9/10 of the law and the overwhelming majority of those living there >99% voted to stay British. You even tried to take them before and failed.

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England was once a great place before all the monastaries were sacked. It's no surprised that the Catholic north is less cucked than London.