Lads, I want to get into spear hunting because gun licenses are expensive and hard to get in my nofuns country...

Lads, I want to get into spear hunting because gun licenses are expensive and hard to get in my nofuns country. Do I just need to get this spearhead, sharpen it with a whetstone and then put it on a broomstick? Or do I have to buy one of those expensive >100€ LARP-tier spears?
Also, medieval weapon thread I guess.

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Fug, forgot the actual link to the product.

Spear head is probably ok but I would not recommend using a broomstick. WAY too flimsy. Go try to find a proper spear shaft to attach the head to.

Wouldn't a 30mm diameter stick from home depot/Leroy Merlin be good enough? If it breaks, I just gotta get a new one. I'm not paying 20 € for a LARP stick.

Ideally you'd have an steel cored Oak shaft. That is, however, expensive and hard to get hold of. It's a bitch on the upper body as well. A broom handle will shatter pretty much ever time you put pressure on it. You can get a good guide for construction from studies of historical weapons, but the cost of the book might be a significant chunk of the price of the spear there. Whatever you end up using I'd suggest that you put a version of it through destructive testing before you actually use it.

Possibly. Though make sure it's made of a sturdy type of wood like oak. otherwise when you go to kebab the boar or deer or whatever you're gonna get your shit fucked when it snaps immediately.

Is such hunt legal in your country?

I don't think the average soldier's spear had a metallic core. I'll just get a sturdy yet cheap long, smooth oak stick, cover it in varnish or gloss so I don't get splinters and it looks nicer and call it a day. A steel core is a thing you want in your shaft if you want to block sword attacks with it, really. I'll wear leather gloves for that extra grip and get a step closer to full no-funs commando.

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It is legal. Even kind of popular, leaf.

what do you hunt my dude

Buy a crossbow instead Reconquista-bro. Easier than trying to get close enough to a wild animal so you can hit it with a spear

lmaoing at you

true, but you don't have to produce enough of them to equip an army. Out of interest what sort of game are you planning on hunting with this spear?

I've never hunted before, but my neighbor does. He goes with a shotgun and goes for big game. I also want the spear just to have a nice weapon made mostly by myself hanging in the wall. Thankfully, I'm not a Brit like you, so the cops won't take it away from me :^).

But I want to get close to them, GreekAnon. Also I can throw it too if I want so problems weren't.
As a gift to everyone ITT, I offer an infographic picture of dubious quality, do as it says at your own risk.

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This. I don't know much about hunting, but considering he is no guns it's best if OP doesn't try to hunt anything that might not run away unless you can launch spears like Olympic Javelins into the heart or brain stem every time. If you have the space I would set up a target and practice throwing a broomstick from a chambered posture, so you get stronger and telegraph less. Also bring as big a backup knife as possible since you'll loose your best defense.

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I've personally done that infographic on a smaller scale and can attest to it working pretty well even with ordinary baking yeast but so much better with a proper white wine or mead yeast.

1. Check if spear hunting is forbidden in your country or not. I know its illegal at least in Germany.
2. The german name for a boar hunting spear is "Saufeder", look them up. You will notice that all of these spears have wings or a horizontal bar, this is for stopping the boar from running up the spear if it charges at you.
3. The shaft of a Saufeder is usually around 200cm long, has a diameter of 3-4cm and was either made of ash(Fraxinus excelsior), Cornelian cherry(Cornus mas), hazel(Corylus avellana), olive(Olea europaea) or oak(Quercus) wood.
(there are other types of woods used for spears, but that are the most common after my knowledge)
4. Boar hunts with spears were usually done with the help of several hunting dogs that distracted the pig.
5. For fun look up the "Cologne Fechtbuch", it doesn't teach you hunting but how to use the boar spear for self defense.
6. There are some youtube videos showing how its done.
This is how you should do it:
This is how you will get killed by a boar sooner or later, but its a good demonstration of what the wings do:

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my father is a beekeeper and makes mead, and its easy as shit. he uses a 5 gallon bucket, puts 1 gallon honey in, 4 gallons of water, and mead yeast, puts the lid on with a p trap, and lets it sit in the basement. the stuff he makes is probably 30-40 proof easily.

How long does it take?

i think a couple months to ferment, but im not really sure, i'll have to ask him. but 5 gallons of mead is a lot of fucking alcohol. he probably has like 50 bottles just sitting in his basement

How does mead taste like? I've never tried it.

Can't say I have either, but it's generally described as sweet. Not surprising given that it's mostly honey.

You can do a dry mead, just like grape wine. Sack mead is the really sweet variant, but your normal simple mead is about as sweet as a typical white wine, undertones of honey instead of fruit.

Like alcoholic honey water. There isn't much to say about it. I imagine that it might get some more interesting flavors depending on the type of honey or on the kinds of spices in it, if it has any.

ooga booga

Did it taste half decent? Did you start it warmed up at all?

I think OP really shouldn't go boar hunting if he has to ask the types of questions he is asking. Maybe tag along somebody who knows what he's doing for a very long time. And get dogs.

pretty much what said. it tastes like alcoholic honey. you can add other flavor sources too, like fruits or syrup, but so far my dad has just made plain mead. his friend has a maple syrup farm and hes gonna trade some of his honey from this seasons harvest for some maple syrup and try to flavor the mead with that this time around.

I'd suggest ash. Very strong wood that commonly used to make spears.

Is bamboo a good alternative?

Depends on the species. Dendrocalamus strictus, or Iron bamboo would work

The brits used it to make lances.

Attached: british-military-lance-with-bamboo-shaft-2-4506.jpg (695x522, 35.77K)

Then bamboo it will be.

Wait, where the fuck do I get bamboo? You think Leroy Merlin sells it?

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Just go to a lawn ornament store and get any of a dozen wooden dowels there.

I guarantee you that you'll catch exactly nothing, spear hunting is something that demands skill and dedication, training with a master for decades before you get good. Wild animals have excellent sense of smell, excellent hearing as well. Imagine what it takes to sneak into spear chucking range! You have to fashion a ghillie suit, cover yourself with twigs and mud, and lie next to a river bank for days hoping an animal decides to take a drink of water within range. Then you have to get up and throw it without making a noise. Fucking insane.

You're better off doing bow hunting, at least then you have maybe fifty yards extra to work with, at that range the animal won't be hearing you breathe.

Best case scenario is trapping. Is that allowed in the free state of Catalonia?

I'm not a Catacuck. Also, the hunting thing is just an excuse to not look autistic. I just want a spear and to train spear fighting with it.
HEMA has no spears or lances.

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Get one of these, can kill a rabbit with it if you're good.

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Don't be gillipollas OP. Boar or not to be taken lightly if you think you can just grab a bit of steel and strap it to any flimsy piece of wood you're in for a rude awakening.


Now that there is a thread about Spears/Polearms, I have a question that I thought to post in a QTDDTOT thread. The question that I would like to know & see examples of Spears that doesnt have cutting edges, but that arent just a oversized tack. Im not sure if there were that kind of Spears or similar.

How much monies does it cost?

Spanbro, I am pretty sure you're going to get gored by a boar if you try to go cheap.
It's your money, I guess, but, I'd really recommend you look at proper hunting spears.

A few hours labor, minimum wage, in my country. Likely in your too.
There are more expensive ones on the market (pic 1) but I prefer the cheaper types (pic2) that use simple lead fishing weights as ammunition. Also can use a screw nut as ammo.
Or you can make it yourself out of parts easily bought anywhere.

It'll go clean through a plywood board at point blank range.

Hunting boars with a spear when you could get a gun is really stupid period, but building a historic weapon is something everyone on Zig Forums should try at least once.

It does, I even posted a source for it. Equally youtube is full of videos of medieval spear fighting.

You are asking for javelins and lances if I understand you right.

At least get a proper demijohn. No need to be a savage, even if you are making ghetto hooch.

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If you can find some nice long sprouts of glossy privet then you could use that. Also known as wax wood. It's what the Chinese use to make polearms from. Privets tend to form tall multi-stemmed shrubs so if you can find a patch somewhere you should be golden.

Do you mean cut bamboo or live bamboo?

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Hey I know those guys, they run a fencing school in my town.

Cold steel has some decent spears. Decent quality blades, probably even much better then they would of had back in the day, and good oak handles. Around $100us

European boar spear pictured. But they have other blade shapes, with, and without the lugs on the side, although I'd recommend them, so a struggling animal can't work its way up the shaft and Gore the shit out of you.

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