Would Vietnam have ended like Panama or Grenada if we invaded the north?

Would Vietnam have ended like Panama or Grenada if we invaded the north?

Attached: nam.webm (500x264, 3.57M)

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Can someone explain the invasions of Panama and Grenada? Why did they happen?

If by that you mean the US army would have been hilariously crushed even more than in the south.

Grenada is when the US military decided to see if they could still lose a war when totally unopposed. They failed and somehow managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, against despite seriously aggressive palm trees.
Panama is just the CIA getting rid of loose ends in their drug trafficking business.

Attached: US military.png (1281x836, 962.4K)


What happened in Grenada?

Grenada got crushed, and a few SEALs died from drowning. A handful of Cuban "advisors" (SF and combat engineers) got killed by SEALs

Grenada is a Zig Forums meme by that point.
The US sent pretty much the entirety of it's special farces supported by a Marine expeditionary brigade against a bunch of prison guards and campus security…

And they almost had a total wipe of said special forces.
Seal Team 6 drowned.
Delta farce decided it was fun to sent light skinned helos land in front of fortified MG positions (by Somalia they still hadn't figure out it was a bad idea).
Another seal team ended up doing previous pic.
Rangers kept getting lost.
Rangers kept crashing.
And then the Navy and the marines showed up.
The Navy A-7 managed to do three bomb runs before the marines telling them to stop.
One hit a Marine HQ, one hit an hospital one hit an empty AA nest.
On the third day of the invasion (of an island 1/2 the size of NYC) they finally decided to assault the """army""" barracks.
The marines artillery missed.
Not the barracks. The island.
More helicopter rushed in.
More helicopters crashed.
More marines died.
Barracks were long empty.

The US ended up with 125 casualties and 9 helicopters lost (at least as special forces are classified), nearly all of it self-inflicted, in either blue on blue, completely retarded planning (let's insert a long range swimming team in a storm) and abysmally bad intel (the rangers kept getting into firefights with locals. As in the normal semi-criminal locals of a Caribbean island. Because they were looking for a university campus… and they just couldn't find it. When they finally found it, after a firefight with a couple of campus guards, the students had to explain to them there wasn't only one of them but three. As in literally US military intelligence didn't know where the school with """hostages""" were, nor even that it wasn't one school),
All in all maybe 5 guys got legit shot by what might be constructed as an enemy and one helicopter was lost to hostile fire (literally parking it in front of a MG nest).
Then the army quickly came up with a story of "cuban special forces" because there was a bunch of cuban slaves, sorry "socialists", workers building some socialist goodwill shit, even though cuban military advisors had all diplomatic visas and stayed in their embassy during the whole thing (but are still listed as "captured" when they weren't).

I repeat my previous statement.

You mean 19?

That was the 75th rangers

Is this a joke? Even ignoring the millions strong peasant read guard and all their home field advantage/tunnels/traps…. there were a million red chinese waiting for us to do that. Our guys would have been slaughtered.

Situation wasn't like today when China and America masturbate each other.

A "casualty" is anything that takes a soldier out of the field. Deaths during action are a subset of total casualties.

Vietnam would have been won if US read CIA didn't fund the Viet Minh in the first place and simply let Frogs deal with it without interference.

Considering France has fought with more wars with everyone in history, won quite a fair few of them including the American Revolution for you, did the whole "We'll take on the whole world at once and kick ass while doing it!" thing before Germans tried to make two autistic attempts at it, I'd say the French are more that qualified to tell fags how to wage a war even if their record for the first half of the 20th century was sketchy.

You forgot about the new UH-60's crashing cause the wiring literally rotted as they were tested to operate in basically temperate regions, not tropical.

webm related.

Attached: oh look at that.webm (320x240, 133.13K)

Didn't the Chinese get their cheeks clapped in Korea?

40% of their fighting force was axed in a breakout by some marines if I recall.

Considering the fact that the Chinese just spammed human wave attacks makes me suspicious of Mao Zedong's reputation. I think a lot of his guerrilla warfare feats can be attributed to the OSS in China

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Most Chinese "victories" in Korea were mostly because the UN troops ran out of ammo and had to retreat.

Attached: Centurion_tanks_and_infantry_of_the_Gloucestershire_Regiment_advancing_to_attack_Hill_327_in_Korea,_March_1951._BF454.jpg (800x556, 54.45K)

I get a big kick out of kids today who make fun of bayonets and say hand to hand combat is over, that it was finished before WW1. That they'll just shoot everyone before that happens.

Ask the boys in Korea how well that worked for them. Wait till there are more men then bullets, or more than you can kill before they are on top of you. The bayonet and the rifle still have their place.

And the fact the west outright abandoned the RoC.

No shit.

mfw know how to bayonet
mfw people would rather be shot than ran through

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Mao's main "feat" is that he managed to run away from the nationalist army while losing the majority of his men.

yankees die God laughs

… which was just as successful for them as it was for Germany.

Sorry, I only count a military as being a "real military" if it's large enough to actually do jackshit on the world stage.

>>>Zig Forums

Attached: wbc.jpg (187x244, 13.61K)

Comedy gold is what happened.

Day one:

>reinforcements take a full day to arrive despite being two fucking miles away through US-controlled territory

It though it was Grenadian soldiers? And they secured the campus they did win.


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was referring to

webm related again

Attached: oh look at that.webm (322x240, 134.27K)

top kek the yanks are so shit at war

China behavior in Korea is largely an artifact, what was really going on was a purge of the Chinese army and population.
Mao did two birds with one stone, he literally sent away generals and their troops that were civil war veterans either guys with clout in the CPC and weren't on his side or were nationalists that surrendered/switched size and then gave them basically no extra logistical support and telling them they better get results or else…
They literally had no other choice but suicidally march on and hope to win because all that was waiting for them back home was a firing squad if they didn't. You had entire Chinese divisions that starved to death once their own logistics networks ran out of food because there was no shipment from China and it wasn't because of a lack of capacity of big Chinese commands, it was because those guys weren't meant to survive in the first place.
Mao is the greatest butcher in the history of mankind. But he was a very smart butcher.
Instead of having large scale massacres (that given China size would have been in hundreds of millions) once the commies had won to purge society (as in russia/cuba/vietnam, etc…), Mao had the UN forces do most of the job for him.

Part of that isn't even true. After action "APC" and "Armor" refers to niggardly rigged technicals with MAYBE an HMG (more likely a guy with a RPD), the only "armor" that was on the island was a grand total of 4 BRDM-2 (some sources says 12, they're lying. The USSR had planned to deliver 12, but only 4 had been delivered at the time of the invasion, and only 3 of those saw combat, 1 at the airport 1 VS a seal team, 1 at some other place that I can't recall) and a BRDM armor isn't exactly protecting much (7.62 NATO AP go through it like butter, 7.62 NATO ball can go through it if you're close enough).

Except, you know, when something that laugh at 5.56mm shows up and someone forgot to packs the AP ammo and LAWs, you need to call in a fucking plane or a USMC tank platoon to save you.

I never understood why the burgers are so proud of winning wars even though they never fight enemies even 0.3/10th of their strength. It's like being proud for winning a street fight against a handicapped 6 year old girl.

80 IQ skinny farmers with slavshit weapons are not a serious enemy. 70 IQ skinny neckbeard goat fuckers with slavshit are not a serious enemy. Thousands of hungry manlets armed with chink knock-offs of slavshit attacking well-fortified positions in the open without any aerial support are not a serious enemy.
Have you ever fought against a competent army ever? Like, all you've been doing is wasting trillions on over-priced weapons and shooting skinny shitskins in the middle of the dessert. And yet you somehow still manage to lose 2K soldiers.

The closest thing to a serious foe you ever fought was the Germans in WWII. And even then you still fucked up. Eternal 24/7 aerial support, well-feed troops armed with objectively the best rifle in the war, infinite supplies, hundreds of thousands of tanks, naval support, artillery support always ready. And yet still loses 400,000 young lads to a bunch of bolt-action armed low morale Germans who need to travel during the night to avoid getting blown up by american aircraft. And let's not even talk about the battle of Monte Cassino which was a complete embarrassment.
Seems to me that the American winning-streak is just the result of massive industrial production and nothing else.

Let's not forget they still don't win against them… the US lost the Vietnam war, lost the Afghanistan war and lost the Iraqi war.
Yes they successfully managed to invade those places (30 to 1) but could NEVER deal the enemy a crippling blow, even by spending enough money to simply buy every single enemy fighter a mansion in LA with an infinite supplies of drugs and prostitutes and end up just giving up because they literally can't think of and enact a strategy to achieve their goals.
You can have the best soldiers in the world if you have shit strategy you will always lose. It's the "lions led by donkeys" paradigm.
Individual US soldiers are largely competent, the US military isn't.
Their unofficial motto is "if we don't know what we're doing, so does the enemy."
Instead of being treated as an appalling matter that should sent a lot of officers heads rolling, it's treated as a point of pride.

It checks out

Attached: the absolute state of america.png (500x367, 50.63K)

then america isnt real military

To be fair that's mostly because though they don't have regrets to kill more of their allies through friendly fire than their enemies do they and no remorse over carpet bombing enemy civilians they always get soaked in tears every time some of their ground troops either need some pootang or to defend themselves. Apparently to the American mind killing women and children is only bad when there's visual contact with them.

They had two BRDM-2s and six BTR-60s, all of which were accounted for afterward. I don't know where you're getting four BRDMs from.

Now take this clusterfuck of retardation here and imagine the commanders being switched out with half breed women.
I'm so glad I got out

speaking of blunders of all time, i want pentagon wars 2: the f-35 menace

I'm just waiting for some Syrian to pick a F35 up on radar and smack the fucking thing with something hilariously outdated.


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Speaking of Vietnam, I found this nice article about ww2 German weapons in Vietnam.

Attached: mp40vietnama.jpg (261x372 42.76 KB, 38.61K)

Do the Jews fear China?

i dunno ask on >>>/hkpol/

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Kinda of and kind of not.
>Original jews were foricbly assimilated to the point that israel doesn't recognize them
In china the diehard jew supporters are the peasants cause muh welfare. Not the city folk

Did all Grenadians fought with grenades?
We all bleed red but do Grenadians bleed grenadine?

Attached: non-grenadian beaner.jpg (600x600, 33.65K)

attrition is the burgers most powerful tool though, user

My money is on one being taken out by a kid with a slingslot or something as retarded as that.