Zig Forums Anime bread

What Zig Forums themed anime do you like? For me its ghost in the shell.

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Not Area 88 or Macross Frontier ?

I'm also a pretty massive fan of GitS

Black Lagoon

Desert Punk.

Hellsing Ultimate was pretty fuc/k/ing good.

Girls und Panzer
Gunsmith Cats

Patrician taste, sir. The weapons even sound like they came out of a Zig Forums design thread.


The Cockpit

The author was actually very fucking Zig Forums.

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It's like you're not even trying.

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For real. A fucking desert eagle is more than half the size of that piece of shit and only weighs 1.9 kg.

Embed related. Hirano knows his shit. I wish he would make more modern stuff. His work on Drifters is pretty radical too but fantasy just isn't as interesting as modern-day combat to me.
The english dub is cancer, but I can't find this scene in the original jap sound

The jewish limp-dick DE doesn't hold a candle against the superior Jackal

Well of course a real gun can't hold up to the standards set by a Mary Sue gun.

They're blessed too :^)
13mm with explosive tip containing a charge of pre-blessed mercury. The casing is blessed Macedonian silver too. Has been proved to blow entire walls with a single hit and can penetrate Alexander fucking Anderson's blessed Jesus-approved regeneration abilities and shield.

Meanwhile the limpdick DE wouldn't even be able to kill a simple ghoul. Israel firearm industry eternally BTFO by superior Nazi top secret technology.

It's Zig Forums at a less memey point in the thread, when people are discussing impractical rather retarded ideas.

I see you already accounted for a pure Osmium build in your pic, but you don't seem to have accounted for the weight of the ammunition - 13mm is hardly a popgun after all and so the ammunition is probably not a negligible weight.

Ammo would make it lighter, because gunpowder density is much lower than that of solid metal, plus the air gaps between cartridges - about 25% by volume.

In case it wasn't clear - the calculations are for solid brick of metal shaped like a gun. If someone made a real Alucard's gun out of gun steel, it would be between 2.5 and 3.5 kg, loaded.

Shit, my bad. Hmm. Assuming that blessings are weightless maybe it's made out of Hassium? Granted only 100 atoms of the stuff have been synthesised so far, and it has a half life of about 10 seconds, but it is about twice as dense as Osmium. In a show about magical vampires fighting Catholic priests and Nazis it's not too much of a stretch to think that they might have developed a stable for of Hassium.

What is actually unrealiastic is how many shot it hold, but Hirano said the guns are basically DMC guns, reloading is just for show.

The gun is for style, vampire does not need firearm.

The werewolf captain had long ass mauser cuz it is just cool.

I really hope you meant Plus

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10 seconds half-life is for the most stable variant, the rest undergo fission even quicker. It's kind of like making microscopic black holes and expecting it to survive longer than a picosecond. Kinda weird that some people freaked out about this in the LHC, a black hole that lives longer than a few seconds needs to have the mass of the moon, molecular sized black holes annihilate instantly. And even if it didn't, it's gravitational pull radius is so small that it would fall through matter straight to the center of the Earth and stay there for billions of years without consuming a single particle.

Go back to 4Chan and learn how to greentext you ducking idiot.

Henrietta is cute! CUTE!

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True, but with a stable isotope of Hassium (forged in unicorn blood, naturally) and a moderate increase in the size of the weapon the weight doesn't seem so impossible. Although, if we wanted to match the magazine capacity and rate of fire we'd need to give him some kind of pistol scale MG.

I liked Triela better.
too bad she's a nigger

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Golden Kamuy is a top tier Zig Forums manga. Avoid the anime.

It's said to have capacity of only six rounds. The way it fires in the anime is hollywood physics.


Why? Without spoiling anything.

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Of course, but there's no harm in trying to make it work on Zig Forums. It's not like he'd have any trouble carrying an ammunition backpack containing a few thousand rounds of 13mm holy ammunition.

The anime removes a lot of the interesting survival stuff and skips an entire arc.
Read the manga.

The opening scene of Banana Fish takes place during the Iraq war. I'm curious as to why these soldiers are camping in the ruins of a city, why they seem to completely disregard the possibility of an enemy attack, and why they have removed all their equipment. And didn't they stop using white t-shirts?

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Thanks captain!

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Saddam Hussein did nothing wrong.

anime a shit

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It's almost as if the makers don't know shit about real life (not that western media gets a pass).
Anyone got that story about miyazaki(?) trying to get faggots to draw a dog with a sword in it's mouth like it's holding a stick but due to their sheltered sterile lives they just fuck up.

A lot of manga and anime creators do research and even hire consultants. So I was actually expecting the scene to be more realistic. But it's just a short flashback scene so it's not that important. The actual story takes place in NYC in the present day.

Miyazaki says a lot of shit and very little of it makes sense. Not everyone has spent extensive time with animals and that doesn't make them some shut-in weirdos. If animators don't know how to animate something–and they can't possibly know how to animate everything–then they do research.

Only if you're a Pleb, and I'm not joking.

This, but not the top line in this context. They could have done their research, but consider that they have time and money constraints, and as the other user said, it was just a short flashback assuming he's not a lying snake, I haven't watched this anime.

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Girls und Panzer.

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Only people ignorant of anime think his outbursts make any sense.

The original manga started in Vietnam. Highly disappointed that the production team didn't stick to that time-frame.

None of those are good

Girls und Panzer is exceptional. The other two are mediocre by comparison.

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Shit tier taste m8

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I don't expect an American to be able to appreciate such fine things

I don't expect a whatever it is you are to appreciate such fine things.

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Elaborate. Understand, by "pleb" I am referring to anyone that is base, not as a measurement of how far one's understanding of and experience with anime is.

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Upotte is shit, though I have not seen Jourmungand. Also, a britfag agrees with the other American.

Alright, I don't have time for this. The arguments I've heard are clearly based from emotions, insecurities. "W-well, he's just a grumpy old fuddy-duddy who needs to get with the times because it's, like, [The Current Year]!" From what I've seen, it makes sense. It's based on a deep feeling many nowadays would not understand.

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Colour me surprised.

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Haven't watched Uppote, I was under the impression that the raifus were good but everything else was shit. Jourmungand sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out


Miyazaki has been secluded in his Ghibli fortress since the early 80s, and we can reasonably assume he does not keep up with TV anime. His claims are also demonstrably wrong regardless. He is regurgitating the same shit as the average American "anime fan" who has seen five anime on Toonami. All kinds of people work in the anime industry, they've gone to art school, they study things as needed. There is a lot more to modern anime than just In Another World With My Smartphone. He has no idea what he's saying, but he's telling you exactly what you want to hear.

Anime Gun Jesus!

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R34 when?

There's apparently gonna be an American morning r/a/dio stream on the bunker tomorrow to accommodate Euros since it usually goes well into the sunlight hours for them of the morning during regularly-scheduled streams. Figured this was an appropriate thread to post it in.

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youre a gay togusa A GAY