When did Sweeden's military started to go downhill? How can they fix it?

When did Sweeden's military started to go downhill? How can they fix it?

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The same way you fix all the problems in the western world: war.

It's not fair.

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Stop pandering to female recruits for a start but that would require fixing all of Swedish society.


I expected %GDP spent on the military to be a good proxy. But while Sweden is pretty shit, they aren't really bucking the global trend. Everybody seems to be either peace dividending themselves or just seeing their civilian economies grow faster than military expenditures.

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They single handedly doubled the length of the Thirty Years War from a Fifteen Years War and caused the slaughter of countless innocents.

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you know how

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Will they ever get the chance to fire in anger? Or are they going to rust away, never getting that warm feeling right in the chamber?

When they started buying German turreted tanks they had no use for.
Sweden military doesn't exist there is nothing left to fix, it would take a whole generation to rebuilt.

When they put a girl teacher in charge of defense (c. 2000). They were fine until that point, but the teacher and her subsequent scissoring partner (pictured) redirected critical funding away from the ability to build native tech into purchasing tech from NATO. I bet some faggot in NATO is to blame for them being elected, I bet a CIA related NGO funded their fucking ascent.

Seriously both UK and Sweden were two of five countries that ''had the ability to build a jet engine from iron ore", along with France, US, and Russia. Now both UK and Sweden are losing that ability, they've erased aeronautics from every STEM program, and the techs who know what's going on are dying from old age. Even France is losing that ability…. we're close to reaching a monopolar cold war-era type world except it isn't based on social disciplines, it's based on technology and knowledge.

This is swedish political atmposphere:
- Their Left are split into three groups: Leftists, Socialists and Environmentalists.
- Their Right are split into six groups: Nationalists, Snowflake, Libertarian, Christian, Common sensers, Zionists.
As a result of the fracture, the two largest parties are Socialists and Zionists. They are the only ones contributing to the position for minister of defense and have been steadily driving it into the ground with females and literal faggots.

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there's so many pieces of nice swedish equipment
Stridsvagn was such a nice concept, especially for their terrain, their airplanes are fine too and I wish poland fucking bought gripens instead of F-16s
Their infantry weapons are great, vide Carl Gustaf, AT-4 and BILL, small arms are ok tier too, never read a bad thing about them.
and the fucking bandkanon with the fucking 15 rounds per minute

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Since the day they abandoned state enforced eugenics it was only the a matter of time.

I love the concept of an angled charge that you fire over your target.

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It's sad to remember… ;_;

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How hard is it to send an email to the Chinese or Arabs to get them to make this?

Yukari is not a piece of equipment, she is a fluffy girl.

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Pretty much this. Although there's a snowball's chance in hell of that ever happening

Socialism isn't inherently bad if it's something like Hitler or Stalin or Tito but ain't gonna happen considering those kinds of socialism fly in the feels of Sweden majority thot led government. What that place is a nice nuke

*What that place needs is a nice nuke.

A nuke is probably overkill

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The only good part of these regimes was the nationalism
Literally nothing good came from the socialist part. Even the explosive growth would have been more explosive if it were cigar-chomping fatcats in tophats building those railroads.
You do need the national unity and the cool uniforms, but those can be accomplished by an Alexander Jackson without the hassle of a command economy.

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That last image of yours is a screenshot of a game/simulator. DCS to be exact.

Every time someone brings up a good and proper aerial schwacking some Brit decides to derail the thread into "MUH WARCRIMES vs. MUH WARCRIMES" shitposting.
And it works 100% of the time.

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Here's something bad for you, the AK5C can sometimes spit oil residue and other fun things into your eyes while shooting.
The upper receiver isn't the tightest girl on the block.

You're the only one derailing here.

Any word on an upgrade/replacement for the Gripen yet?

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Nazi Germany was an expand-or-die proposition, their economic system wasn't geared for peace and they would have entered a permanent depression if peace was declared.

The only progress during this system is when the Soviets adopted certain Western practices like modern medicine and science. Both of these things would have been adopted by Imperial Russia as well, so it's not a success inherent to socialism.
Everything else was a continuous spiral into the fucking ground, for the majority of its existence USSR received food aid because they couldn't even manage to feed their people, like some African country.

Actually most advances and adoption of western tech were made prior, during Kingdom of Yugoslavia. From its very start, to the end in 1980s, Yugoslavia just steadily decreased in living standard. There were no increases in living standard due to socialism.

P.S. Difference between Tito and Stalin explained in image.

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Why didn't NATO just starve them?

An army is a reflection of it's people. At this point, speaking to people around me, seems like it's 50/50 whether we go full on race war or just collapse like rome a century down the road.

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NATO wanted titanium and other assorted shit found in the vast wastes of Siberia.


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Firebombing Tokyo was a special case and exception to the rule. The casualty numbers correspond very closely with the population density, as shown in your pic. You also have to account for the unusual number of wood and paper buildings in Tokyo at that point. Also, how many people suffered from radiation sickness after the Doolittle raid? Considering the long term health and environmental damage from both types of attack firebombing would seem to be the more humane option.

Because America is a communist country since 1938/40 and the entire cold war was theatrics on a global stage.

In fact 1940 to 2040 looks like it was and is going to be a battleground of whose version of communism is better. Hopefully Gen Z saves us before the developed/developing world ends up like Venezuela or Occupied Rhodesia-tier failed state, and usher in a new dark age that lasts 5,000 years.

Last I checked the guys at SAAB are tinkering away on the Gripen E and the carrier version (never ever).
But since the state gives more money to "migrants" than the military, seeing any of these is more likely in video games than meatspace.
And with the pressure from the EU to form an army, it wouldn't surprise me if they force the eurofighter typhoon on us.

Ouch, they're pushing that POS pretty hard, we're relying on a mix of Europoorfighters and F35's pretty soon they went for model of the F35 that won't work from our current aircraft carriers, because of course they did

It's just a StuG with a fixed gun.

you think they have it in them?

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…autoloader, rear facing driver, extremely low profile, automated hydraulic system for aiming, comparatively small crew size (with a possibility of being fully workable with one man) and pretty much everything else Sweden would need for a defensive tank. For something designed in 1956, it was a novel idea and I'm incredibly disappointed they've never been battle tested.

I said it once and I'll say it again. Give the lion his pee pee back.

What does the image say?

You're an idiot.

You think you have it in yourself not to post thumbnails?

>inb4 dew it again


