Ocean plastic-cleaning machine set to tackle Great Pacific Garbage Patch,617,763 sq miles,79,000 ton

Scientists are preparing to launch the world's first machine to clean up the planet's largest mass of ocean plastic.

The system, originally dreamed up by a teenager, will be shipped out this summer to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, between Hawaii and California, and which contains an estimated 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic.

It will be the first ever attempt to tackle the patch since it was discovered in 1997.

The experts believe the machine should be able to collect half of the detritus in the patch – about 40,000 metric tons – within five years.

In the past few weeks they have been busy welding together giant tubes that will sit on the surface of the sea and form the skeleton of the machine, creating the largest floating barrier ever made.

Creatures eat plastic discarded in the sea thinking it’s food but then starve to death because they are not feeding properly.

Others are trapped and die of starvation or are strangled or suffocated by ghost gear.

More than 8 million tons of plastic is dumped into our oceans every year, according to the US-based Plastic Oceans Foundation.

The system to tackle the largest swirling mass of rubbish in the Pacific has been designed by a non-profit technology firm called The Ocean Cleanup, set up by Dutch inventor Boyan Slat when he was an 18-year-old aerospace engineering student.

The clean-up contraption consists of 40ft pipes – ironically made of plastic – that will be fitted together to form a long, snaking tube.

Filled with air, they will float on the ocean's surface in an arc, and have nylon screens hanging down below forming a giant floating dustpan to catch the plastic rubbish that gathers together when moved by the currents. The screens, however, will be unable to trap microplastics – tiny fragments.

Fish will be able to escape the screens by swimming underneath them.

The Ocean Cleanup team aim to launch the beginnings of the system from the shores of San Francisco Bay within weeks, start it working by July and then keep extending it.

They plan to have 60 giant floating scoops, each stretching a mile from end to end. Boats will go out to collect debris every six to eight weeks.

“Most of the plastic is still large, which means that in the next few decades if we don’t get it out, the amount of microplastics can be tenfold or 100-fold.


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Good job for white people
Only they can save the oceans from California and its spic majority

They may have solved the problem but not the problems that won't stop being created by the non-white countries.

cool i guess but until you solve the problem which is niggers and asians throwing their waste into the oceans and causing the vast preponderance of oceanic litter this is a feel-good measure for bleedinghearts and kikes to pretend that theyre making a difference while they furnish these third-world nations with the means to breed like the r-selected vermin they are and pollute the world with their retardation and non-existant morals

Now - scale this concept up some and start to clean up all the Space Trash orbiting Earth.

Now if only we could clean up the verbal pollution on the internet from pieces of shit like your self

Serious Coin to be made by harvesting this accidental island - All that recyclable plastic!!!

well he is technically correct as 3rd world nations do the most intentional pollution.

funny because you're the one that sounds full of shit, faggot.

Don't forget the dotheads, towelheads and beaners

The problem is that liberal scientists are the ones why try and solve these issues, but they’re far too bluepilled to realize that no matter how hard they work it’s all for naught as long as california remains beaner

This is good news for crabs! Yay!

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planet is fucked, people suck

Another perfect example of why the human race is the most repugnant fucking species on earth, and although this effort is Noble, it's like putting a band-aid on a brain tumor.

Humans are novices at repairing the damage and wanton destruction we are such experts at.

I'd sacrifice 1,000 humans' lives to salvage one animal's life if given the opportunity.

Oh, by the way…. Fuck Asians…
Yellow Alien Spacenigger Monkey Pieces of Shit…

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I think Hitler was myopic.

why not eliminate ALL humans and get it over with?

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here's your (you)

as long as the DNA if the Dermis is Human, I consider it to be Feces.

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79k tons over 617k sq miles yields:
0.128 tons/ square mile.

A square mile is a lot of ocean.
0.128 tons ain't much spread out over that area.

you're right. fuck the oceans.

embrace the new world order otherwise this is the price of your gay freedom

>as long as you're a native English speaker
fixed your shit dumb nigger now pay me

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You third world niggers need to be nerve gassed in order to save mother Earth

Vast majority of plastic pollution in the seas comes from the third world.

But hey guys
what if
instead of making a machine that goes through the ocean and cucks up plastic
instead of that
that's make a machine like that and
get this
we'll send it to Israel
where it's gonna drive around
drive around and
drive around and suck up jews
it will go to the ocean
and sink

Pretty good, huh?

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