Visit 4chan Zig Forums first time in years

I know it’s cuckchan. But how did 4/k/ got this bad?

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It got this bad from what is likely normalfags taking jokes too seriously and "ironic" posting.

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In excepted ironic reddit faggoty. But I didn’t except Zig Forums fornite

Its pretty simple OP, the old guard left and the ruins were filled by ooga-boogas.

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Everyone worthwhile left in the 2014 exodus. Its actually pretty funny the furries went back after they burned their own board down over here.

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Careful about mentioning communist larpers. Our resident French poster will have to sally forth and defend Vladimir’s honor.

I’m sure he busy post on cuck Zig Forums

Well they are not wrong or else there wouldn't be kikes fucking shit up everywhere.

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Quite a bit has happened on half/k/ and im glad i came over here during the exodus, Hiroshima wants the reddit audience and anyone wanting proper Zig Forums tier discussion has to come here, which is fine by me.

Seems to be an upsurge in shitposting and containment breaking lately, but i guess these things happen. Am i doing an ok job so far keeping on top of it?

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Depends on if you define Germany as the current unified German state proper, or if you're willing to count the Prussian lead alliance that was victorious in 1871 as Germany. Also you'd have to choose to ignore several minor conflicts and colonial wars Germany won in the period post-unification and pre-WWI.

Board is pretty stable so far. I feel like we've had an uptick in low-effort OPs, but you've kept the board from becoming a Zig Forums subsidiary thus far which is my main concern as that board continues to shit the bed.

Thank you board owner for doing a better job than mark.

I love the shit posting and bant that happens here.
It's best when it's kept to the world of Zig Forums and you seem to keep it there very well.
Thank you.

Oh my mistake, I was talking about the world wars.

It's still Zig Forums and I still like posting here, so yes. Good moderation is like good plumbing, if you don't ever notice it it's probably doing its job.

It ain't normies. The radical liberal left is purposely attacking 4chan. They are trying to either silence it or conquer it, and the types of posts you describe show that they are conquering it. Its no accident what's going on.

I visited their Zig Forums and started to give sound advice. Considering if the place is truly infested with hippies and pinkos and reds, I made a mistake. I swear to be a better poster in the future.

you're doing good cunt

Good job, BO. Keep up your good work, this is a nice place.

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Well there's your problem.

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I suggest you look into O'Sullivan's Law.

O'Sullivan's law misses the bigger picture & doesn't really apply to internet forums. Leftists multiply behind the scenes until they feel confident in their numbers enough to socially lambaste or out-yell right-wingers, even if right-wingers actively try to kick them out, & especially so in the case of internet shit because only the moderation can actually do that.

But thats true
Thats true AND funny meme

Czszcześć, my fellow Pol-nutsy! How many jews have you gassed today in Polish Death Camps? I personally went for 88 jews today, trying too hard.

While Zig Forums is all but unusable I think /tv/ is a much bigger problem. It's become a haven for fucktards, who are leaking out onto other boards.

I don't know about any one else but I'm thinking it maybe time to find a new home. The only usable boards left, can be counted on 1 hand, and aren't getting good traffic any more.

I will probably get banned for calling people faggots but I will try and find smaller niche forums and go there instead.

Moot was personal friends with Gawker journalists and made all his SJW friends moderators. This isn't a purposeful attack from outside, it comes from within and had been that way for years now.

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tripfags seem to run rampant over there, as well. all in all, being on the majority of that site feels like pic related

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No one is bullying the tripfags any more. Many boards hare are full of them too.

Is that why they were constantly bitching at Britain and US to open a second front?
All memes from /int/ are Cancer by default

Do you define Poland as just the Nation that was founded in 1916, that France only exist as a Nation since 1799 or that the United Kingdom only exists since 1707?
Saying that Germany only exists since 1871 is fucking stupid and nothing but anti German propaganda.

But we won Kosovo War?

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Yes that is true, it was 2 separate countries until the act of the union.

Bit too tolerant to vocal Ayn-tier liberturds and karlcucks but otherwise nothing that the community can compensate for.

Reduce the amount of soy in your diet. All of her principles and ideas are antithetical to the concept of essential liberty.

This and karlcucks are BTFOd instantly every time they show up which is more effective than bans, ease mod's job and prevents banhammer-craziness. It's also not Zig Forums where you can just shoo anything you don't like by calling it jewish and mods doing all the rest for you, probably that's why the board is one of the last ones that are not shit

The Serbs were too busy with their accordions


Ayn Radn is no libertarian, but it's disingenuous to say her ideas are antithetical to liberty.

A tip for you, gyronigger–if you don't like the "liberturds" hurting your fee-fees don't invite argument from them and don't engage them **us*.

Fucking based. Actually go and read one of her books, man, the woman is nuts and she hates the rights of individuals. She ostensibly worships the dollar, more so than anything when it is very specifically used to deprive other people of those rights. If you want to trade goods or services or labour to another person or even just make them for yourself to have something that is marketable, Ayn does not believe you have any claim to own what you produce. If you make something, it belongs to the government if they say so. If you're employed, the company owes you jack shit in exchange for work, because working is its own reward, according to her. She's the toppest of kikes and you're being a dishonest faggot, almost as dishonest as her when she says things such as "libertarians and anarcho-capitalists are all copying my writing".

You're slipping recently, I've been seeing threads derail more frequently because faggots want to come here and cry nazi over and over again like that's going to shame anyone here into submission.
That's not to say everyone here has the same political beliefs outside of not banning guns, but it's obvious the cucks doing this shit are not from around here and frankly they strike me as underage.

You're telling me the people reacting to the /nu/pol rapefugees are the aliens, not the actual 4chan/Reddit/TRS rejects themselves who come in and consistently ruin threads with their incessant shitposting and >hurrrrrrr right to self defense is Jewish? Get out of here, Milo.

Is this some kind of bizarre Zig Forums troll? Atlus shrugged's entire argument is that the government isn't entitled to your work and that you deserve a fair compensation for it. The book argues viciously against an all powerful government who forces others to work for it and being a parasite off of them.

I'm not even close to a libertarian but this argument is dishonest as fuck.

And there we go with the smoking gun.

You're on Zig Forumschan. Deal with it Jew.



Honestly, your job is the one where if it's done right nobody will know you exist.
I don't ever have to complain/summon/bitch about you and I've never seen an overly heavy-handed presence.
I'd say you're doing a pretty damned fine job
Keep it up

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What the fuck are you on about? Atlas shrugged is a demonstration of what happens when you do away with morality and property rights. Did you not read "this is john galt speaking"? Did you forget to take your adderall?

Yeah, that's why we get people defending Soviet atrocities against civilians in late WW2.

is right. This is nu/pol/ territory, full of idiots and shills, and no better than halfchan's Zig Forums board since the Trump election invasion.

I left in 2014 and never looked back. I remember how slow this place was when I first came. It would take 3 days sometimes before anyone would reply. I'm happy it picked up as time went on. Even if I lurk more than post.

Have you considered the idea that some posters are just contrarian for the sake of being contrarian?

Are they the same ones that eat shit ironically?
Either way, there's ways of being contrarian without supporting stupid ideologies/views.

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But its the easiest one and provokes the most butthurt/replies, and this is what it is about

Think about it this way, back in the day before 8ch on /new/ you seen posts like "Hitler did nothing wrong", there wasnt much substance behind them because they were supposed to cause butthurt, bait people into arguments and generally be contrarian. But as the time passed said phase lost its "power" of shocking or being contrarian and the opinion became unironically mainstream on imageboards.
So if nazism is not contrarian enough and isnt shocking enough then its time to turn in search of other things that contain shock value. For example glorying Stalin, denying communist warcrimes or stuff alike. Not because of any ideology, but because it causes reaction.

Yeah, I guess /b/-type boards can't hold all the morons, all of the time.

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In other, unrelated news, are the images here from some sort of make your own comic site or what?

Well it didn't hold you did it?

The art of imageboards is dead. No one has any sense of trolling any more, they have no sense of just being a dick for the sake of being a dick. Everything is taken seriously to the point where they can't even filter through posts any more.

These people aren't even newfags. Newfags still have to deal with oldfags laughing at them. These are like 7th generation newfags who unironically post anime girls and gooks as avatars.

Amerimutt is accurate depiction of reality. I have seen US ZOGbots and resemblence is stunning

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Please liquidate the Canadians

The oldest of internet oldfags called it "Eternal September", because on the old internet, before it became public or at least common in almost every household, it was mostly techies and college students. Every September when new students would hit the internet they would fuck it up with newfaggotry, but luckily the new influx would end and the new generation of shitposters would be gradual hammered straight and made into good posters. It was cyclical. Now its an endless torrent of new shitheads that come sporadically, all the time, never ending flow. Thus the Eternal September.

I agree with some of what you said. I think the problem of the constant influx of shitty newfags leads to shitposters eventually becoming a permanent, thus common, part of the community. Instead of being a minority like they used to, in in cycles where the newfags were a temporary and small minority, they now are a subculture onto themselves. The best of new posters still mature and learn and become good posters, while other newfaggots, as you point out, now fall into the perma-new-faggot culture and never escape, shitposting in the same boards for years and years on end.

This is why there is such great hatred of autism on the internet. Literal kids can grow up. Newfaggots can become oldfaggots. But the autistic never learns, new grows, never changes. He spergs and blergs, he shouts and screams, he repeats the same threads and memes over and over for years, he gets into fights unironically and not because of trolling or even having fun, but because he flips the fuck out. He is the eternal problem, he fails socially and productively on the imageboard the same way he fails socially in life, he can't get along with people or stay focused on productive things. Its not because he does't know any better, he is the natural, Eternal Shitposter.

Its called "law for kids." A comic thing made with real Arizona taxpayer dollars which was so unbelievably shitty that it just became meme material.

That third sentence is ass backwards. Those are the people who make up imageboards and made them worth reading.

The endless arguments and insulting forced you to have a sharp edge to defend yourself. It made ideas really work or get torn to shreds. That kind of autism is 100% what image boards need. It's shit posters who just post pepe over and over which killed the place. chan started to die when Happy Negro and cockmongler took off.

Id say youre doing a damn fine job

By the way, how does one become a mod here? I lurk all the time and would like to volunteer if you need help

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I just want the stormfags to stop shitting up every board.

Wouldn't mind you running this place like 7chan runs their chan. Ban and mock shitty users

There's a few decent Tor imageboards user.

>>>Zig Forums

This is not true, go find better boards. Boards are great when they're small and the only people that are finding them are people that know to lurk. It's when they're yuge like 8ch is when they turn to shit.

Clinton voting boomer detected.


Why? Is that anti-semitic?


every fucking time someone mentions forgotten weapons in that hellhole people would go "communist commumnisst COMMUMNST COMMUNIST!!!!!" STFU I just want funny Ian memes again.


There's autism and then there is autism. Imageboards practically require regular users to have a touch of autism but only the kind of symptoms that place one on the highest functioning end of the scale. What that other poster was talking about are the literal autists, the kind who are basically closer to Terry Davis (but without the intelligence that made him relevant in his given niche) than to anything you'd consider a functional adult. There's also a place for the extremely skilled literal autists like Terry do have a home on imageboards but they are rare beasts that are more the exception than the rule when it comes to autismal posters.

Functional adults don’t post on image boards. Functional adults have lives and jobs to worry about. The only thing close to a functional adult you get here are college students.

Can't criticize Trump

Or Reagan

Or the direction of American Domestic and Foreign policy Post-Cold War.

So yeah, you forgot unironic bootlicker.

Our Aussie shitposter overlord only gets to keep his board and keep it good because he is within flying distance of Jim's soft, fleshy, ever so slittable throat.

Keep it up bruh.

Prussia learned its political strategems from Poland, and it showed once immediate need was satisfied. And they mixed it with extreme autism, autism so extreme and silly it drove out hordes of ethnic Germans out of Germany to escape the nonsense.

No. Never. And look at the rest of your post. Its either hypocritical or terrible opinions.

Strelok please

You would be surprised by the caliber of some regular posters here. Many functional and successful adults started here as college students and never lost their taste for imageboard culture. I was definitely one of those people who became engrossed in imageboard culture in my younger years but I will admit to leaving them behind after college because I had a life and career to attend to. I find myself back among you shitposters because imageboards are now the last remaining vestige of that early internet culture I grew up in. Boards like this are also one of the last remaining sources of information and entertainment that hasn't been absolutely destroyed over the past 5-6 years by the rapidly increasing rate of societal decay. As a repatively normal person, I crave honesty and sincerity in discussion and imageboards (albeit in a sort of fucked up way that can only be understood if you grew up in this crucible) are the last place on the internet where one can get that kind of frank and up front honest conversation.

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They were always allowed.

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Fuck off you niggers, you have your own boards.

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the furries are actually ok tho

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why are you inviting them over here if you want them to go back nigger

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Bad news lads, Gookmoot is shoahing all stw boards from cuckchan, so brace for Rapefugees.

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but at least i ain't a reddit fag

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Better infographic of what's up, but I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a rapefugee invasion.

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That's the thing it's getting as bad on the "tent pole" boards on this site.
If you don't have proper moderation the shills smell blood in the water and shit up your site.
Either someone is being paid to sit on this site because we're a little too influential, or it's the usual leftist faggots/goons doing it for free.


Gookmoot said they're doing this to attract more advertisers, but why would all of these hypothetical advertisers want to advertise on 4channel in the first place? It has neither the "brand recognition" nor the two most popular boards(/b/ and Zig Forums) that 4chan has. Don't those two boards make up something like 70% of the website's traffic? The SFW boards would still have a significant amount of users, but on the whole it seems like a wiser decision to keep 4chan in one piece.
If he really wants to make a lot of money he should just ask for donations. Cuckchan has more than enough redditors who gladly become Hirojewki's paypigs.

I can't believe I ever posted on halfchan. Fucking moot, fucking chink owner.

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make me

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Trolling is fun. Always has been and always will be. That's why it's very difficult to believe it's paid shills. Too easy a target to be worth paying for. Just send a spy into some trolling group like GNAA or the old SA Goons and point them where you want shitting up.

Is it possible he's planning to sell 4chan and wants to carve it up before hand? Try and steal some of the userbase to 4channel, get ads on them and then turn it into a "rental" website? Like how people buy houses to rent with no intention of ever living in them.

Get the fuck out of here.

Where do we go now.

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IDK, endchan I guess.

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Reposting, by the way, since the containment thread was nuked, enabling these faggots to run out everywhere else:

Just report the cuckchanners. If any of them are worth keeping around, then their posts will be high quality and thus indistinguishable from a native. If they show any of the signs that they are not from around here, bully them and tell them to lurk until they learn to act like goddamn adults. If they snap back or try to be edgy about it, report them. Rapefugees out, we're full.

Red flags:

Happy hunting, Stalkers.

If it looks like a post you'd see on /tv/ then assume that its a cuckchanner

We told you to STFU in that thread and we'll do it now. There is 1 rule, simply 1 rule that applies here.

You're one person, and you talk like a faggot. Also, you clearly can't read, because I mention lurking at the very top of that post, and none of the things I listed are in any way meant to be "rules". I'll say it again, you are trying way too hard to fit in, and it makes you stick out obnoxiously. Quit.

as a literal nazi i still commend you on trying to keep the Zig Forums insanity from spreading here. 8/pol/ is fucking finished anyway as far as i'm concerned. i just want to talk about guns, war and killing niggers tbh.
