California Now World's 5th Largest Economy, Surpassing UK

California's economy has surpassed that of the United Kingdom to become the world's fifth largest, according to new federal data made public Friday.

California's gross domestic product rose by $127 billion from 2016 to 2017, surpassing $2.7 trillion, the data said. Meanwhile, the UK's economic output slightly shrunk over that time when measured in U.S. dollars, due in part to exchange rate fluctuations.

The data demonstrate the sheer immensity of California's economy, home to nearly 40 million people, a thriving technology sector in Silicon Valley, the world's entertainment capital in Hollywood and the nation's salad bowl in the Central Valley agricultural heartland. It also reflects a substantial turnaround since the Great Recession.

California's economic output is now surpassed only by the total GDP of the United States, China, Japan and Germany. The state has 12 percent of the U.S. population but contributed 16 percent of the country's job growth between 2012 and 2017. Its share of the national economy also grew from 12.8 percent to 14.2 percent over that five-year period, according to state economists.

California's strong economic performance relative to other industrialized economies is driven by worker productivity, said Lee Ohanian, an economics professor at University of California, Los Angeles and director of UCLA's Ettinger Family Program in Macroeconomic Research. The United Kingdom has 25 million more people than California but now has a smaller GDP, he said.

California's economic juggernaut is concentrated in coastal metropolises around San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles and San Diego.

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Taxifornia sucks.

Leaving out the US(stupid),only China, Japan and Germany are ahead,making it the 4th largest

They need all that money to feed those poor illegal immigrants. Plus , I though they were red because of all the program's they fund.

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Cali is in debt so they are not rich.


"Quantity over quality" seems to be the case here.


Massive debt. California spends more than it makes.

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not trying to defend it, but don't all gov'ts do that? Is Cali especially bad with it?

Is 10%of cali pop really on food stamps? Bloody heck

Just the beaners that are here illegally claiming to be unmarried single women even though they are married to an illegal beaner that works under the table and doesnt pay taxes.

neck yourself retard.

But is it a weapon surpassing Metal Gear?

Man I bet there are no homeless people in California then.

Not too many homeless people of no color

How autonomous are american states anyway? Muricans seem to describe them as almost countries and US as closer to an union than country

Individual states are pretty much their own countries. That was the entire point of the union and how they were more or less run until Abe' Lincoln. They still maintain large autonomy, but they're responsible to answer to the federal government when the feds demand something of them. States aren't necessarily autonomous but they are independent of one-another- moreso the further west you go/get away from the clusterfuck states. You'll find the further East you go, the more likely you are to marry your cousin, and the further South you go, the more likely you are to fuck your sister, with Kentucky being roughly the "mid-point" between the two.

The closest example I can think of is the Russian Federation. All the Russian territories operate independently, but they are required to listen to the Russian "federal" government. The USA works basically the same way. Another example would be the European Union if the ability to secede like the UK did was nonexistent.

Also California is largely subsidized by the other large states of the Union. You'll find that even though California/New York are "economic hubs," the vast majority of the US military that protects those economic hubs comes from Texas and the South-Eastern states (with the exception of the Navy for obvious reasons), and the vast majority of taxes to fund those "economic hubs" comes from other cities (Kansas City, Colorado Springs, Texas), or their not-so-hubby areas (such as Northern Californians subsidizing the poor life choices of Southern Californians, or Chiraq/Detroit/Denver basically draining taxes from the surrounding cities). It's basically the fucking Roman Empire during its downfall.


If by success you mean its bleeding money at a ratio of x15 its total gdp, then sure. I mean they have the population equivalent of a small country entirely on food stamps, hollywood is crashing and burning with silicon valley soon to follow.
Sure. I mean I suppose success is a relative term.

Before this year "people" that live there could write off the state taxes they paid on their federal income taxes. I am curious how that will affect all those high tax states like california.

Too bad taxes and property values are so high that people are leaving the state in droves. The only ones staying are the wealthy, those who've owned their property for decades, welfare recipients (usually blacks/spics), or cucks who think taking a loan to buy overpriced property is a good long-term investment.

Don't forget that LA has been importing water for almost 100 years. The demand for water has only increased since and even started to sink the central valley. (Whose bright idea was it to build civilizations and farms in land with nowhere near enough water to sustain them?)

Is it worth moving to rural California or am I just better off moving to a better state?

The funny thing is that, with proper water harvesting methods, there is actually enough rainfall to replenish the aquifers even at current usage levels. Problems are that current industrial agricultural methods destroys the soil and it's ability to retain and infiltrate water. Agricultural irrigation, instead of slowly percolating back into the ground, runs off into the ocean. Same with city design. All the rainwater that would otherwise have naturally absorbed into the ground is routed into storm drains and sent to the ocean. It's ironic on one hand how water phobic modern cities are, and on the other how many problems they have with water shortages.

The only halfway affordable place in the state right now is the high desert. And even then it's becoming less and less so. If you have economics in your favor and can move out, then that's always the best option.

The governor of California is openly giving Trump the middle finger with his policy on sanctuary cities. That should tell you the level of autonomy states have

Google, Apple, and Disney all seem to disagree with you. Not saying its a good thing, but your statement does not exactly reflect reality. Hollywood and Silicon Valley are becoming more consolidated though
I see math isn't your strongsuit either

it also has the third highest homeless rate in the nation, "the economy growing" is a codeword for the top dogs getting richer and richer

The Hollywood and Silicon Valley areas are becoming prohibitively expensive to live in even for people who make a lot of money. Look into the numerous articles about tech workers in Silicon Valley who make over $100k a year who are struggling financially because the cost of living in that area is so god damn high.
While Google, Apple and Disney as corporate entities will be just fine. The people who live in the areas that they are based will be choked out.

Gentrification is not a sign of failure though. Complete opposite in fact. Of course the retarded liberal commies running the state preach wealth equality but turn a blind eye to that shit, but that's another problem entirely

In the case of San Fransico, it's a sign of the failure of zoning laws to keep up with demand.

The big thing right now is that the Californian government gives those companies massive tax breaks, turns a blind eye to them ignoring regulation (or has it in law that they can ignore the regulations while everyone else suffers, even if the regulations were passed to hit them), and otherwise lets them get away with a bunch of shit. As the tax revenue continues to bleed dry as people move to Colorado/Texas/Kansas and the Midwest, you can expect them to go after said companies as tax revenue dries up. It's the calm before the storm, the "bubble" if you will.

I'm from California, and the homeless populations in the bay area is like half white. Thats just a rough estimate, but you get thr point.

If you can afford land, rural California is pretty nice, you can basically build any kind of house you want. I come from San Bernardino county, which was a shit hole when I moved away to Hawaii, but is now starting to improve slowly. I really can see it becoming like a big "Rio De Janeiro" type situation though, with a huge split between rich and poor.

NY has about 14% on food stamps
MT has 11% on food stamps
GA has close to 15% on food stamps
TX has 18%.

There are a lot of factors that put people in times of need though. So I'd think it be best to not just judge.

Not sure which state has the lowest % and highest % though

I wouldn't say California is any worse than the other states tbh.

Uses its huge number of seats in congress to get more federal funding, that's it. None of the growth is sustainable.

Let them fucking leave and in one year they would turn into a desert.

NY and Texas are both full of socialists. Texas used to be a red state, but so many californians and new yorkers escaped their failing states that Texas is now brimming with them.


You're a joke.

I doubt you even break even, I doubt you produce more than you consume.

Protip: if you aren't at least breaking even then your economy fucking sucks, no matter how big it is.

And I'm sure with economies that powerful, the citizens must be just as wealthy and healthy, right? But living in a high-tax hellhole with designated shitting streets slooowly taking over entire neighborhoods is fine as long as the Government is well housed and fed, right? Such is life in Socialist paradise.

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just stop, you're not convincing, you're not funny, you're just sad

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NY and California pay in way more to the federal government than they get back. It's rural farming states that "leech" government subsidies. And it's a good thing, since it's important that a country be able to feed it's population without resorting to imports.

They developed naturally.

The UN is actually a huge leech on NYC's finances. They pay in nothing, while the City has to protect them. Not to mention diplomats are assholes because they know they can get away with anything.

Most military bases are in red states. I don't know about California, but most of NY's bases were shut down years ago by Southern or Republican Presidents.

Exactly the opposite.

A lie, just like everything else you said in your post.

Breaking even has nothing to do with the economy, but rather with spendthrift politicians in Albany and Sacramento, and voters, including the rich, who want tons of government services.

I wouldn't want to live in San Francisco either. Arguably the most fucked up city in the US.

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GDP is pointless as a measurement.

Cali inflation is almost god tier.

I could sell you a shovel for a million and you could sell it to me for a million and we've just bumped the GDP up 2 million. Fucking what.

Debt measurement is the best indicator of stability.

Debt measurement is mostly an indicator of how spendthift the state government is.

That doesn't count held back money, and does count taxes as "paid" for things like the income tax bullshit CA and NY have where it's refunded if it's already paid to the state. The shit uses (((math))).

Strange they are not number one…..or at least 5th. Sounds like California is not paying its taxes.

More likely their congressional delegation was better at getting federal money back than New Jersey.

History repeats itself and Commiefornia will fall from tectonic invasion.

I fucking hate everything that modern computers have become. I've been in the scene since the early 80's and it was a magical experience in those days. They took something wonderful and corrupted it completely.

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The link to doesn't work, I have no way of knowing what statistical tricks are being used to make that image, if this includes all subsidies or just some of them…

Is the cost of the military in California counted as federal tax LEECHING? Its the second highest in military defense spending and its A FUCKING WASTE OF MONEY.

The least White state in the union with the most diversity too. Could diversity be the key to success? Apparently, when you reduce Whites to 30% of the population or less, the economy skyrockets.

That would obviously be counted as federal money being given back to California.

Nigger you can't be serious.

The fact is diverse liberal states with lots of non Whites consume less federal funds and contribute more to the federal treasury. Believe it. White == parasite. White racists just accuse Jews and Mexicans of being what they are. Non-contributors who just suck up tax dollars from actual hardworking citizens.

You can't be serious.

Per capita Calis economy is awful. Being majority Mexicans who will work for dirt cheap has brought our GDP per capita DOWN. California is the 5th largest economy IN SPITE OF them, not because of them.





Except I've seen those "studies." The fact is, when you account for the fact that red states have far greater minority percentages than blue states even despite all the inner-city niggers, and that most of the spending comes from blue cities in red states when broken down along county lines instead of state lines, you're full of shit.

That's only San Francisco.

Propaganda isn't news.

Pick one

green grapes
make vera juice,loser

I've been to New York, Chicago and San Francisco on conferences. They all have garbage on every street, people in business suits jumping over dead cats and used needles, every place open to public filled with absolute degenerates of society…. It is not just San Francisco, it is everywhere.

my uncle who works at Nintendo can conform this

I live in NYC, so I know you're full of shit. The places where tourists like you go to conferences doubly so.
I've been to Chicago and San Fran, too, and Chicago isn't like that either.
San Francisco, on the other hand, was worse than I would ever have imagined.

I did it for work moron.

Love how you tried to deflect

It's not full of garbage. It's not as clean as some other cities I've been too, but there's not dead cats and needles and poop everywhere.

Travel out of the country, or go to the rural areas. Most cities are so clean you have to walk three blocks before you see a gum wrapper, in comparison NYC is a garbage dump.


The city of 8 million has even more concentrated services and even more money per square mile to clean up and police the fucking thing.

Crime is really low in NYC. Hell, it's pretty low in Chicago outside nigger ghettos.







Bullshit. I live there. It's not the 80s any more. I feel safe walking though the South Bronx at night. (And not just next to Yankee Stadium.)
Crime is the lowest it's been since the 50s! And that's with our incompetent mayor.

I can't believe you're so passionate about something you clearly don't know much about. Tell me, which neighborhoods are no-go? Even Queensbridge isn't a death sentence anymore.

They replaced the crime problem with a government/police problem. Instead of crimelords shaking down your business for protection money, it's police officers/inspectors shaking you down for "fines" when you "didn't comply with regulations."

A low crime rate is something like Norway or Slovenia, Switzerland, Ireland, which is about 10 times less than New York…

They still have a massive crime problem. They have a violent crime rate of 500-600 per capita, anything over 100 is shit tier. Just because american standards for "peaceful" are africa tier doesn't mean it's not a huge problem. I know a business that got based in Toronto purely because of the crime rate, even though the Toronto location is a third more expensive.

California is one of those 99/1 Economies.

Illegal Immigrants welcome for yard work skills & voting.

Fuck the Avengers and Disney honestly.

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Why would Zig Forums defend this shit anyway? This just means more hollywood porkies virtue signaling for fellow "victimized" rich people while stepping all over those who are actually poor. But regardless, this all just seems more like shitty burger inflation. The whole damn country, especially Cali are way in over their heads in debt.

It was a joke you triggered retard.

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