Worried I'm a reprobate, fell into porn at an early age, and fell into trap porn pretty quickly...

Worried I'm a reprobate, fell into porn at an early age, and fell into trap porn pretty quickly. Trying to stop for over a year now, but I keep slipping up. Getting to the point where I'm seriously giving up. The heavy guilt I'm feeling is gone and all I feel is suicidal resolve.

I'm sure everyone here is tired of this subject but I literally can't stop worrying about it. Everytime I make good effort in improving myself my edgy athiest fetish porn phase keeps coming back and I wanna die.


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Oh I forgot to mention my whole point. Has anyone been where I'm at?

Good, that means you're not reprobate.

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The Bible says reprobates don’t even want to “retain God in their knowledge.” If you’re at all worried about God or being a reprobate, you are not a reprobate. Reprobates never know they’re reprobate, and reprobates don’t even believe such a concept exists.

I appreciate the responses. However to me, it seems impossible to get over the person I was in the past. The immense amount of shame and guilt I feel makes me so depressed I don't feel like doing anything anymore. I even fall back into pornography sometimes because of it.

It's hard to explain, but I feel that my natural sexuality is irreparably damaged, I've been like this for just about nine years and I've been so steeped in it I can't view myself getting out. Maybe it's not so much worrying I'm a reprobate as much as worrying I'll forever remain a sexual deviant.

Wasn't certain whether to post this in the nofap thread. Was worried about causing denominational fighting so I posted it here. Haven't been on Zig Forums in close to a year, too.

I've been exactly where you are now (porn at an early age, suicidal, etc), and I'm on the tail end of it, about the be free from it all. Do these steps:

1) Read this book and work through it slowly for about 2 weeks (or faster), trust what he tells you, it works: sites.google.com/site/hackbookeasypeasy/ You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from slowly reading this book and understanding each step.

2) Learn that it is NOT your fault for being addicted. No one chooses to be an addict when they first drink, do a drug, etc, neither did you for looking at porn that first time (that first session has caused all your pain). Sometimes you have to tell this to yourself until it gets drilled in (if you know something is true and accept it for a few days reinforcing it, then it will be natural to you).

3) Under no circumstance are you to attempt suicide right now. I've done it several times, trust me that it is not worth it. Do not worry about it, and if you must, forget God during this period. You are defeating the one cause of your pain (porn) right now, nothing else matters. Afterwards you will see the light.

You are not a reprobate, you are a child of God and you will get through this. You will not forever remain a sexual deviant, neuroplasticity is your friend, it can be reversed and new habits and thoughts built up. This addiction is obscenely easy to get out of (that may sound pretentious, but trust me I was in it deep and got free, you can too, trust the book in the first step), and you'll be wondering how you got into it in the first place. No willpower involved.

I am much more reprobate I draw Canadian cartoons, that's like spitting Jesus on the eye.

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This is why He died.

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It's probably not. I had a similar problem with shameful fetishes dominating my brain and thinking process for years. After a period of noporn my mind was mostly back to normal and I slowly started thinking less and less about it. There's no reason to torture yourself with guilt just ask forgiveness, try to go without porn, and move on.

He could have used his powers to prevent this, also to stop the relationship between Elsa and Spidey.

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Reprobates don't worry that they're reprobate. Go to CHURCH, confess YOUR SINS, be PATIENT, and TRUST. My porn habit went away.

I've considered the fact I might have Pure OCD. While it isn't diagnosed and I hate giving myself a self diagnosis, I do have a large amount of the symptoms. I think a lot of this worrying might stem from there. This is probably a shot in the dark, but has anyone experienced pure ocd here and had it effect their religious life? Are there any good materials on the subject?

On this now, definitely will work through it as you state, thanks.

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Maybe the problem is that you keep surrounding yourself with degeneracy a la anime, chans and the internet. Effeminacy is not something that comes from within, you learn it from the things you consume and watch all day.
So stop clinging to homosexual and worse shit and surround yourself with people and things that are normal and beneficial to you and your soul and the problem will fade all by itself.

Obviously also ask for help from God - but that should be natural for someone posting on this board

I have heard some ocd people saying that their porn addiction is a part of compulsive self-harm or something like that before. I had never heard of pure ocd before, but looking up the symptoms its all stuff that has bothered me a lot in the past, especially intrusive thoughts about harming others. For me at least intrusive thoughts become less frequent and powerful if you refuse to react to them with guilt and shame, but ignore them and pretend they never happened.

Confess your sins, I had to give a very difficult confession the other day, that I wasn't even obligated to, since they were older sins, but I did anyways as an exercise in humility. Confess and never give up. Ask St. Mary Magdelene, she's a patroness of people with temptations such as this, and try and learn contemplative prayer. Don't ever give up, that's the main point.


I've never understood the negative reaction to anime on this board, but I don't really watch it much anymore. I put that image up because I couldn't think of anything to put. I do agree alot of anime is degenerate garbage, but I don't get why it's equated to homosexuality?

They associate it with a gay poster here who they hate without cause. He's actually nice.

I hate Anime, therefore, it is Christian.

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What if I practice all the virtues of Christ and keep my degenerate shit to myself? Really, I don't have any intention of getting into a relationship with a woman, because I am a gay, short and deformed abomination with no greater wish than to die and then for God to erase my soul from existence. To have a child would be a disservice to my race if my ailment is passed to him or her, and I would have to attract a woman first, which I have no ability or desire to do. Would masturbating to porn prevent me from donating to charity, going to church, and voting for the interest of my country?

Yes. Porn lowers your energy and destroys your health (destroys the Temple), makes a dependency on something that is an addiction, not to mention sexual addiction which is lust and fornication with yourself. Porn then goes on to possibly cause hypofrontality which destroys discipline in yourself (then inability to properly follow God), PIED, etc.

If you have one vice you have all vices, if you lack one virtue you lack all virtue.

There is no debate about it, use the hackbook, it will free you with such ease you'll wonder how you got trapped in the first place.

Great post! These are dark times; we grew up in a generation where we weren't warned to protect our hearts and minds, and as we hit middle ages, those of us who aren't reprobate begin to see the damage we've done to ourselves. Once you've been regenerated by the Holy Spirit, and thus have your sexuality restored (it will take a long time but its possible) you will have a powerful testimony to give.

You're still looking at yourself with the world's eyes, not God's.

Be patient with yourself, addictions aren't broken in a day.
Just keep praying and keeping yourself on other things.
As a tip: Make fapping more inconvenient. Eliminate as much free time as you can, do things that take you away from your fapping spot.


You cant force a woman to marry someone she finds repulsive, that's abuse.

You can't improve height.

I will never have God's perspective, to have that would drive a man insane. In the medieval ages where true Christianity reigned, I would've been stoned at birth, and rightfully so. I don't know why He made me this way, but it has made me sexually marginalized. Unlike all of the 6 foot tall healthy men that squander such fortune on cigarettes, mgtow and nihilism, I have an excuse to be a angsty liberal, yet I dress with a tucked in polo and voted for a certain president that cares about his country. That's all I have the energy for. It may be pathetic to resort to the things that I do, but if you could see me, pathetic is all you would think anyway, you cannot see my soul. I don't feel shame for the shit I jerk off too, I know it's wrong, but I feel more shame for my fucked up wretched and weak body and face.

Get married and go wild. Thats the only solution god approves of.

Great taste my man! You like season 1 or 2?

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Just stop.

Why? Porn isnt ok, neither is extramarital sex. Its either get married to have sex or masturbate with no porn. Thats how im trying to get off porn for good and its working.

This is true. Its really messed with my sexuality. Dont watch that stuff.

No, it's either get married and have chastity and self-control in marriage, or live a celibate life with chastity of mind and body (no masturbation or desiring thoughts).

And with getting off porn, you must remove all thought in your mind that it is remotely good or pleasurable.You can do it easily, it takes much more effort to remain trapped in porn than to be free from it. Don't promise yourself anything, just know that you will gain many benefits (physical mental and spiritual) from escaping.

The addiction removal is not a process, it is an instant drop to zero and a rejoicing at how lovely life is without it.

I just know one, but I saw that video of the dude talking about season 2 and found a webm of it at best chan.

Its all on jewtube. I got perma'd from 4chins. Feels bad man. I prefer the season 2 verions of the characters myself. Go look up "george of the jungle" on jewtube. It has an official channel thats free.

If you do well, shall you not be accepted? But if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. It desires to dominate you, but you must rule over it. (Genesis 4:7)

I was in your shoes before, addicted to pornography at a young age. It took heaven and Earth for me to overcome my addiction, but it was done by the Grace of God. You need to do the same, what are you willing to do for Jesus Christ? Faith without works is dead, and you need to work at overcoming this addiction of yours and strive through the narrow gate. Jesus also said that certain demons don't come out except through prayer and fasting. I went on an Internet fast and abstained from websites, video games, etc. for months before I was able to overcome my addiction, you may need to do the same so start thinking of life outside of that computer box of yours and live for God.

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Would you still worry if there were no thing as sin?
Do you realize the innate harm or do you just wanna not be a sinner?
Do you know why it's a sin in the first place?

OP, you need to stop WORRYING and just keep trying your best and placing your hope and trust in God continually. Your guilty conscience is a sign that you are on the right path and thinking about things the right way. You need to be very patient because as I can partly attest to, it takes a long time to change an absolute heathen into a man of God. The latter is what you are in your truest nature, and it's what God wants you to be and will make you into if you only give him the time and wherewithal to carry it through. Don't be so preoccupied with psychological conditions like "pure ocd" - A lot of modern psychology is an attempt to do away with God. Just look at the "father of psychology", (((Sigmeund Freud))). Instead, focus on developing your conscience and heeding it by your action.

For now, run to confession as soon as humanly possible whenever you fall into this sin or other grave sins, then forgive yourself and carry on. Also, you should focus on developing a devout prayer life and a complete trust in God as well.

I hope this helps. A lot of this is coming from first-hand experience. It's not impossible - It is difficult. Everything worth doing in life is difficult at one time or another. By God's grace, you will persevere and conquer yourself in the end.

OP, please follow this advice as well and abstain from using the computer. You will be glad you did.

If it's trap porn, then you might consider using a SFW site that doesn't have that stuff one click away. Like questchan.org/cathedral.

Thanks so much for the helpful responses. I've fallen a few times but I'm working to improve. Sorry if late response, I don't use Zig Forums regularly anymore, and am working at cutting out the internet. (Only here to see responses.)

I disagree with the go wild part. I'd rather be in a marriage where I can emotionally connect with the person rather than rely on sex. I personally view my strong libido as my enemy. Thought of chemical castration but I'm certain it'd be better to not do that and conquer my lust a new way.

This is a good idea. I try to keep myself busy. But sometimes I get frustrated with what I'm doing and it makes it worse!

I hear you. I've tried multiple times from abstaining from internet and video games and such awhile ago. I left Zig Forums all together last year but would come back at least once or twice a month to ask certain questions that had been eating me, questions I've felt too shameful to ask. Truth is I don't come here anymore. Been five or more months off any chan before I made this post. don't want to use the internet anymore, either. It's very difficult though! The internet is all around me, and it's a useful tool. However, since I was happiest cutting the internet to a bear minimum, I'll be sure to do that.

>>would you still worry if there were no such thing as sin?

Yes, absolutely, I would given this moment. Lust is such a far distance from real love and emotional connection with people, in my eyes. It's perverted and clouded my actual wants in terms of emotional fulfillment for so long. However, there use to be a huge feeling that God absolutely despised me, and it made me feel like I couldn't do any good if I wanted to.That feeling was more of a guttural reaction.
Thanks to some reflecting, although I still fall into porn, the guilt is less, because I've realized what I actually want is in line with Christ's teachings. And I want to live a Christian life. It's the only way I can picture myself as happy or good.

Both. As I said, I believe strong lust and pornography takes away from natural affection, in an emotional sense. It has for me. It's like a carefully crafted lie that distracts you from living. I don't care about the physical effects in the slightest. I also want to live as Christ has commanded deep down. I think I'm beginning to understand your line of questioning. I've never been properly raised in a Christian home, have had a huge athiest phase, decided slowly I wanted to come to Christianity, but am still new. What I've read from The Bible has been life altering, but I am definitely new.

An explanation I would personally give is that lust takes us away from the important things in life, it creates the person as an object, it's inherently selfish and cruel and entirely materialistic. It denies the soul, and likens man to a mere animal, unable to see the ultimate worth of people as children of God. Strong carnality is always incredibly selective and selfish.

I appreciate the effort, but I don't know about forgetting about psychology. I don't believe pure ocd is a death sentence as much as a unique difficulty. Also look up William James, considered to be the father of modern psychology, was a Christian, and argued the faith from both a philosophic and psychological point of view. Though I agree pure faith is far better.

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sorry about jacking up my response to you! I put a lot of time into my responses but forgot that I accidentally responded to you more than once and messed up the green text. I'm pretty tired.

If you're gay, undesirable, and weird just become celibate. No woman ought to have you but there's nothing wrong with that.

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This x1000

didn't Brendan play in that movie?

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