Do any videos or other pictures exist of the mp-412 Rex? it's been on my mind recently cause of escape from tarkov

Do any videos or other pictures exist of the mp-412 Rex? it's been on my mind recently cause of escape from tarkov.

Attached: mp412.jpg (280x180, 8.38K)

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No, everyone wants one, nobody's getting one, our politicians are to thank for that, the fact that the populous didn't rise up and riot and murder the entirety of DC after the passing of the federal reserve act of 1913 is the direct catalyst to the societal decline we've been experiencing since, including pointless import bans

Well goy, there is one certain other country that manufactures a top break .357. Pay up.

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Couldn't an american manufacturer just make a bootleg?

No, that would violate our Anti-Antisemitism laws, because that would be out-jewing the jews and the jews in jewland can't have that much jewry going on.

Attached: businessman.jpg (326x368, 89.45K)

Innovation is scary and expensive, goyguy. Better to make another AR-15 or copy the Glock again.





I've, not once in my life seen bagged milk, I understand it's only done in Manitoba.

It's done everywhere and it's the reason why Canadians have less gynecomastia compared to Americans. Milk cartons are literally lined with BPA you idiot.

Canada is truly the gayest country.


You sure showed me for never seeing a product packaged in a certain way.

It's done in Ontario too.

A trap is a boy. It's a cute boy, but it's a boy, and boys shouldn't have tits. If you want tits then go for a futa or dickgirl instead.

So what you're saying is we should put our traps through total identity conversion into full-time shemales? Fascinating.

US milk is also full of female cow growth hormones, despite being banned in pretty much every other country on Earth.


Revolvers are not relevant.

No it's not.

Yes it is.

The fuck is milquetoast?

A piece of toast soaked in milk. Far blander than the superior cheese sandwich with mustard. English cuisine smh

A timid or feeble person or it's another word for bland

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A lot of it at least says that it doesn't have any now.

I've been everywhere I've looked, and I've been all over the country. Fuck even America has it in a few places, although the biggest hurdle seems to be that they don't know how to use it from a bag.

It's all about the ass you giant faggot. If you can easily put a finger in and hook it, and pull it, and the ass stretches out…. it's a good one.

Baby food basically, it's toast put in warm milk and made into a thing a baby can eat. It's meant as an insult for someone who's weak.

So how do I get one?

The term milquetoast, meaning a timid person, is derived from the cartoon character Caspar Milquetoast, not the food milk toast. You fucking idiot.

Really, smart pretender, why don't you tell the class how that character got his name?

Oh wow, it sounds like you're a

That sounds disgusting, I've never heard of it
Dog bless

Milk is nasty regardless of package or presence of hormones.


Were you fed father's milk by accident and are coping?


This. Uberti makes great shit and the .44 russian schofield is the tits. :^)
Just click find a dealer and then have it sent to your ffl.

Well, let's compare something simple. You mentioned cheese, so let's use that.
I will give America credit; they're ironically NOT responsible for the shitty, plasticized "American cheese". It was a fucking Leaf who invented that.

Stilton and all the other various blue cheeses too.


What about Wisconsin and Minnesota.

I feel horrified for making this post now. I'm sorry, really truly sorry. It's just that at that exact moment I found out via text message that my wifes daughter was dating a street shitter.

No, they take credit for all the good things we do, let them take credit for the bad things as well. American cheese is 100% American.

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Like what.

I just wanted to look at revolvers you absolute shitheads.
And the English couldn't make an extra sharp cheddar to save their fucking lives anymore. That knowledge died with with kingdom.

Off the top of my head? Pfft. There are too many to list. Just google it retard. I'm not paid to educate you.

Attached: sweat.gif (1280x720, 2.61M)

I concur, Texas. The only people who can get their cheddars to have that particular spicy bite anymore are America and Ireland. Irish cheddar's fucking goooood, by the way.

If we're being academically honest you should add Maytag and Liederkranz to the US list.

Didn't we also invent Colby? I mean, Colby is fucking weak and gross, but.

The Garand

The Garand gas system was inferior to the Pedersen and Williams systems. Proof me wrong.

If it was inferior then how come it got adopted?

t. has never tried English cheddar
Cheddar isn't meant to be spicy, and it's mature, not "sharp", only amerifats call their cheeses "sharp".

That is why the Pedersen went nowhere. Needing special snowflake lubrication on the cartridges in order for the rifle to work is ludicrous. The Garands problem isn't the gas system, its the fact that dirt can fuck with the rather exposed action also a problem with the M1 Carbine as well.

Attached: I will post this just to torture you.jpg (600x709, 181.72K)