Maryland man murdered by Police for refusing to give up his guns

I-is this it?
Second American civil war soon?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shame he didn't nail any of those pigs.

No. Civil War 2 never.
Americunts would clap for the police for killing this man.
The few people who might do anything, won't because of "muh PEE ARR" or because they're worried they won't have backup.
Americans are mostly useless and would happily accept becoming slaves as long as they keep their McCancer and niggerball.
Shit's fucked. Game over. Only nukes falling will help us now.

Hi, Mr. Blackpill Rosenstein. Go back to Zig Forums with your aut-right faggot buddies, and leave the revolution to people who actually own guns. I'm fucking livid over this 'red flag' shit - which was endorsed by Donald Trump, in case anyone has forgotten - and I've been riling up everyone I know about it. If you do any less you're a pathetic traitor. Disingenuous fucking lefty kike piece of shit.

So where's the results? Are you ever going to proceed to the next step, or are you going to feel like you've done enough by riling folks up and sit there confident that somebody else will be the first to pick up the gun?

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He's just going to sit there and be angry and not do anything because he knows nobody is going to back him up.
There are no such thing as friends anymore. Your friends, neighbors, and even your own family will turn on you if they think it'll make them or you "safer".
For how much we go about wanting Civil War 2 Electric Boogaloo, we won't get it. Just a slow boil until we're good little slaves.
Let's see someone actually fight back. Of course telling people to go and shoot government employees would get people calling me a fed or a terrorist because "muh PEE ARR."

The NRA supports this.

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Daily reminder NatSocs fully support gun control and they approve of this. Look at their D&C. All socialists are sides of the same die.

Try again kikeboi

Only if niggers, spics, and kikes don't get them.


They kill you and make the country shit.
Your government rapes you.
You lose either way. One way is just faster.

The absolute state of /nu/pol's reasoning abilities.

They are still beating their meat to dead gnatzees and commie nemesis.

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Take your cuckold fantasies elsewhere, Spergkraut. You will never be white, or even German. Stop pretending anyone besides you loves race mixing.


Subhuman getting it's brain fried with real facts and logic, I see.
Come back when you grow up, lel.

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Everything's fucked, m8. The sooner we get nuclear war, the better.

That's because Zig Forums is dead. This is just a trash heap made from nu/pol/, /int/, and /tv/.

So where is the famed murca uprising?



funny enough: no.
germany deregulated from the wiemar republic massively, & had less registration than the US at the time. for example, provided you had the weapons license you import effectively any firearm you wanted

Correction: 101st AD. Nat Guard was deployed to block students from entering.


Attached: amerimutt went to breed with niggers at gunpoint.jpg (620x486 284.83 KB, 53.78K)

what is the story behind these pics?

Attached: adolfshasanquestions.png (299x315, 55.12K)

All I see:
-Amerimutts have bayonets pointed to them
-Niggers are protected

Attached: Just doing their jobs now go and breed with niggers for Hwhite Nationalism 2.jpeg (600x471 393.51 KB, 61.61K)

Ah, another fake kruat!
Google mal Little Rock Arkansas 1957.


Attached: 1920px-101st_Airborne_at_Little_Rock_Central_High[1].jpg (1920x1267, 502.53K)

Yeah, because they wanted to kill the niggers for going to school. One of them had acid thrown in her eyes.

Say goodbye to your rights and hope your deaths will be quick.

And what's wrong with wanting to kill them?
That was clearly an operation to force whites to breed with niggers, btw. Did you honestly believe what the (((media))) and (((Wikipedia))) told you?

I wish. But it will probably turn out to be nothing.

It's just niggers.

Well, for one, it's murder, and two it's a violation of the law. As the government is pressed with upholding the law, it would be wrong for them to not enforce this.

>That was clearly an operation to force whites to breed with niggers, btw. Did you honestly believe what the (((media))) and (((Wikipedia))) told you?
I've gone to school with plenty of blacks, and have never needed to sleep with one. In fact, I've never had anything more than a black acquaintance. If I can manage this, I'm sure those poor white students could manage as well. Or are you concerned about the irresistibility of the black students? Maybe you find them attractive.

Also, Jew baiting doesn't work on me, so you'll have to find actual arguments.

Don't know wtf is going on rn but it looks like the militia in my town is mobilizing. Will update later.

Oh, you're a normalfag then. Your opinion doesn't matter then since you'll happily destroy your race. Or maybe you're a kike. You'd be better off dead anyway.
Please, go back to stuffing your face with McCancer and cheering on your niggerball squad as they rape white women to death.

The feds within the group pushed them to do something stupid.
They'll all be arrested and/or killed before the week is up.

Thucydides warned us.

Again, no arguments. Where are all your arguments? Did the niggers steal them?

Don't worry, all the ones I care about carry. Maybe you should get to working on that instead of being a scared faggot. Second Amendment is for everyone.



Other being armed isn't a problem unless you're planning on being a fucking idiot.

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There are people on Zig Forums, RIGHT NOW, who watch the superb owl and NigBallAmerica

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KYS kike, fuck off this this d&c.

How many Democrat voters would be left alive in the second week following 3 simultaneous high altitude nuclear detonations above the western, central and eastern continental US?
How long would it take for cityniggers to resort to cannibalizing soyboys and feminists, and how long would that delay them from inevitably trying to raid farms owned by whites outside large cities?
Which areas of the US are best suited for surviving an EMP and its societal fallout?

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I would say I hope NK nukes the US, but seeing as they are just a media boogeyman it is extremely unlikely that this would happen.

You know those fags who say nukes don't exist, well fuck, they may as well not exist with the use they're getting. What a shame, all that power, untapped.

Not just that, man. I played it from elementary to university. I even coach the kids at my church. Spooky stuff.

Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho are the promised land and are likely safe after such an event. Northern Nevada too, if you already have a self-sustainable homestead there.
Unless the chinks glass all of that land (or if they're culturally enriched in the next few decades), we'll always have a fighting shot.
I heard nice things about Alaska too, but be weary of the natives.

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Everything's fucked, dumbass. We WANT nukes to fall now.
Either we die and don't have to live in clownworld anymore or we survive and laugh at clownworld burning down.

How hard would it be to nuke the US from the inside?
I vaguely remember reading something about an undercover journalist walking in and out of a current decade British ICBM launcher facility with no authorization or security checks taking place at all a few years back.
Guy could even access schedules and classified info which was lazily strewn across the place if I remember correctly.

This isn't a thread for your cuckold activities.

Yeah, I know about deterrence, but it's just a shame is all I'm saying. Too many people on this earth, I would welcome the nuclear fire. It would be the best way to go IMO, if i was close enough there would be no pain, the many billions of wrongs that have been born into this world could be righted.

If we had an absolute madman with the balls to do it perhaps.

White people are cowards that hate other white people and will gladly see white people getting killed. Thus, there will be no revolution or anything like that. White people will just roll over and become cowardly slaves. Or field fertilizer.

Those niggers were not wanted there, the locals didn't want them there, and they didn't want to be there. This was an attack on white sovereignty, forced integration by the kikes. Slavery was a mistake fam

You really are a mouth breathing retard famalam

Cool it there gook, there is a nugget of truth to what you say, but Germany was in a much worse state than it is now before good ol' uncle Adolf has some fun.

meant had

I'd ask for more info, but let's not give anything to the Feds if there's a chance they don't already know.

I don't. I own a small ranch, make good money off the current economy, have a good family and friends, and don't really feel like this is somehow fucked. I mean, be sure to tell me why you think the world deserves nuking. I feel pretty good.

I bet your parents are real proud of you.

Sounds like you're depressed as hell, man. I'm telling you as someone who dealt with that. Unironically, I'm here if you want to talk about it. Shit's no fun.

No, violent psychopath was removed for the betterment of society.
He shouldn't have struggled with the police who had every right to enter his house and seize his child-killing machines with no warrant, permit or solid basis.
American constitution is outdated piece of paper, First amendment doesn't apply to internet, (it didn't exist back then, duh) and 2nd Amendment never covered fully, semi-automatic firearms or weapons manufactured outside of america. :^)
This is what cuckservatives americans actually will believe.

heh, and I reported you to the authorities for raising multiple red flags, first one of them being that you're not gay transgender womynz of color.

Daily reminder lolbergs fully approve of that and only shitpost online about ebil government they'll totally shoot and have a stand off against once the smell of cumsocks and "don't tread on me" larp raises a red flag™ in the neighborhood.

Nobody will save you, jews learned their lesson and they'll ensure you can always afford your child prostitutes and drugs this time, at worst you'll have to go to mr Bezos' wage cage for the majority of the rest of your life, but it'll be worth it.
Asking to prove me wrong will be met with accuastions of fedposting so I'll beat you to it and say that I'm an interrogation expert at a CIA black site in Stare Kiejkuty.

Too bad it wasn't up to them.

But they did.
As opposed to forced segregation, amirite?
It was a product of it's time and an economic resource that helped society from the beginning of time. Distasteful, for sure, but I wouldn't call it a mistake. Not many societies got by without it.

This is why I'm still a Kimi Räikkönen fan.

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Congratulations you missed the entire fucking point, the #1 lesson to learn from American history. It's not "segregate them", it's "deny them entry and recognize that their very presence injures your culture". Like Sparta's lifestyle changes, American culture had been affected by the slaves many decades before abolition. It doesn't matter how strong you think you are, no matter what your power is, you can't live among these people at all. They'll ruin you.

You are not welcome here, reddit.
You are from reddit. Am I on Zig Forums or reddit? It is reddit already. And it will be so from now on. No one believes a word you say. There's one of you in every thread. I get it, you've browsed reddit your entire life, you have a tugging in your soul that says "none of this is true." But you're still a fucking moron. Lurk two years. You are not intelligent enough to post here. End of story. You fundamentally do not understand what this place is. Go back to reddit. Reported. >>>/reddit/. Viral marketers and redditors came in and turned the thread into India. That fucking reddit styling. I expect nothing less from a redditor like you. Literal fucking redditors. Look at these pathetic faggots. Why are you butt fuckers even here? You should be on reddit. The easiest way to tell someone here is a total basement dweller from cuckchan, a newfag from reddit, or just a kike shill, is by comparing their posts to yours. I feel like t_d has moved in, a hundred excited magapedes all descending upon us like a plague, patting each other in the back and being 'outraged' when we tell them to kill themselves. Great job admitting you support jew paid shills, you dumb fuck redditor. There, that's it. That's the entirety of this meme website that isn't reddit low IQs slapping faces on random photographs. We lost, congrats, you stupid faggots. I'm pretty sure I'm not even on the smartest chan/imageboard anymore. Holy fucking christ, YOU are the problem. Only redditors and paid jewish shills have a problem with this. Why do you have a problem with it?
Keep crying, reddit. If you want to worship nogs, go do it on reddit. What good is leadership when you are a redditnigger that doesn't do what he's told and GTFO? Op stop gargling so much soy and cock at the same time. Its not good for you.

This is seriously your argument? hey if you're following the law everything's ok right?
Jesus christ you retard, forced by who? It's local whites versus a jewish government.
You missed my point, niggerlover.

I've never posted on Reddit. And since you're posting walls of text, I'm going to assume you're just butthurt over someone disagreeing with you while you thought you were in your safe space.

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The government is supposed to follow the law. Don't see anything wrong with that. If you have a problem with it, change the law.
Pretty sure those soldiers aren't Jewish and neither was Eisenhower, or most of congress, or all except one of the supreme court, which ruled unanimously on this case.
You didn't have a point.

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It's an imageboard, retard. Every image has been posted and re-posted. I see you still have no arguments other than

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>teaching kids to play niggerball at (((church)))
this isn't /r/the_donald

*NFA supporting
But I'm sure that was clear since this fucke obviously wants to keep this shitshow running.

Did you get bullied by kids that played sports or something? Also, if you don't engage with your community and make connections, how do you expect anyone to side with you in case of your "civil war"? You do know human relationships depend on actually having a relationship with another human, right? Internet is no replacement for human interaction. I'm out, guys. I'll come back to see if potentially-depressed Strelok wants to talk, because depression sucks.
For the rest of you, go the fuck to church. It's good for you, even if you don't like it.

Be sure to breed your daughter with a godly nigger, based boomer man.

Stop shitposting.

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please don't, we already told you this isn't the place to recount your saturday night cuckold sessions

You find a final solution to the kike, leftist and cuckold problem, and I will stop, Onkel.

You can't get shitposters to stop shitposting. It just can't be done. Filter him and move on.

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Start at the base level; in your local community. Form an expansive social network as much you can. It's kind of like what Lenin did. He would travel village to village, gaining more support before his October revolution.
There's only so much you can do online and by ones self.
There's a hint of truth in what that one poster said about church. The important thing is meeting people in your community, influencing them, assimilating them to your social circle and, when the opportune time comes, galvanizing them against your foes; making them angry and ready to hang kikes from street lamps. You can always get much closer to another man's heart, if you talk to them in person, than any talking head on tv, any social media craze, or any social stigma can.


Load times slowing. Is that you watching, federales?

Anybody here bothered by this? Pretty disturbing somebody (including the gov't because law enforcement can file) can just claim you are mentally ill with no evidence and then take your guns. Seems like that completely destroys the 2nd Amendment.

Seems like classic bolshevik legal system, no worries, leaf.
if you're worried you're already raising a red flag.

Guess I better return my AR-18 home and show you Yank boys how it's done.

You know, glow in the dark, we may say we are pissed, but NONE of us are stupid enough to use a goddamn image board as a basis for revolution.

No amount of blackpilling you cunts ever do will rile up people into blowing their plans over the internet.

Lot of D & C ITT

Attached: thinkingjew.jpg (620x349, 11.5K)

>>>Zig Forums
don't ruin this board too with the "KIKE SHILL KIKE KIKE SHILL KIKE" brainlet bullshit

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you too, FUCK OFF

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Lol, I'm back. And I didn't know being a role model and interacting with people was cuckoldry. I'm sure your alpha ass gets all the girls by being a recluse and having no positive things to show in your life. Oh, wait, you're probably only into 2D. Maybe when you're over 20, you'll change. I'd tell you to enlist, but you'd have to deal with dem darkies, especially if you want to man up and go to Benning school for boys. All the dfac workers are black ladies. A black DS might even make you push while yelling at your fragile ass. Of course, we both know you're not really cut out for that.

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Very depressing thread.

>Who cares about the world as long as I can die without guns on my shitty ranch
The irony of all this.

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Its like someone let opchan out of its grave again, and things like that when they come out of their grave deserve to be set back into it.

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Listen here, guy. You have some fucking problems, and I think it'd be healthier for you to work on yourself before you try to save the world on retarded scheme at a time. Last I checked the gun laws in my state were better than Germany's. I also don't know why you're obsessed with my non-existent daughters.

>Wage cube slavery should be the future of mankind as long as I can die eventually disarmed, and my children with no mean to break the cycle

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I never knew there was a level beyond merely putting words in someone’s mouth, this is shoving entire paragraphs in another person’s mouth and then jamming your boot down the poor bastard’s esophagus.

Bravo spergkraut I love you.

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I don't have the vaguest idea what you are talking about. You keep going on about sucking nigger dicks and we keep telling you this is not the place for that.