Let the thread become a treasury of Images, valuable and wholesome to the autistic sheep amongst our ranks.
Let the Holy spirit expand our faith by using all means necessary to allign our heart with the pure and divinely virtuous.

this time, let's not give anyone any reason to delete the thread.
that means:

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Other urls found in this thread: from outer space

anime is a sin

Anti-anime are LARPers.

Anyway the thread is deleted, threads like this will always be filled with cancer like him. Protestant puritanism I swear. Maybe weebs have already flee for another board, disgusted by the arrogance of posters here.

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Do you believe it is possible to be a weeb/furry/kemonozuki and a Christian?

idk, ask Jesus.

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I just think it's very easy to fall into sin when "living" on the outskirt of society. I am a furry/kemonozuki and I like anime to a degree…and it's hard to find good stuff without falling into sin or coming across lewd stuff.

We are constantly bettering ouselves, we subscribe to an ideal, that being the life of christ itself, and if we love Christ we will never cease to chase that ideal. Thats what it means to follow christ, and as long as we do this in pure intention, he will not abandon you. Jesus loves you, he is always there for you no matter how low you sink or how often you stumble.

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Do you believe the path to perfection is progressive and you can't be a pure desert ascetic already ?

but furry come on man

I hope so…I got hurt in the past and I had to go into escapism to "forgive" humanity and myself.

No, I know it was unhealthy, and it's still quite unhealthy, but I had a lot of troubles in the past…almost died of anorexia, got into homosexual relationships, even ended up being raped when trying to give up my homosexuality. In a way, God and escapism into that world is what helped me not committing suicide (something I attempted in the past, after almost destroying my liver at the age of 20 with alcohol).

I feel sorry for you, I don't really know what to say, I have been lucky for not having those troubles :/ Don't forget God has also a living Church that can help you, like monks or spiritual fathers,…

I am trying to get in touch with some priests in a good church here in London, I hope one day I'll be able to get over my issues and be just a normal person who loves God.


Big O probably has the coolest usage of Christian imagery and themes in any anime ever, I do not care even if it means nothing in the end, it's blasting cool.

Anime, even as a medium, is harmful for it's paganism. It's an unrealistic idealization of beauty, akin to the pagan gods and goddesses. Yes, this includes the Christ Chan meme. This is the reason why weebs post anime reaction pics, have waifus, and even turn into traps. Almost like the pagan idols in it's usage, the anime girl infiltrates the subconsciousness of the watchers through the unrealistically big and expressive eyes and face, petite and shapely body, and adorably feminine personality. They yearn for this idealized beauty and resent reality. It's a perversion, no matter how little technical lewd there is, it's a perversion.

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I was hoping someone would post this, thank you.

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Am I not right?

No, you're just an autist.
Also you should be banned for inslting christ-chan

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What is the difference between anime as an art form and what you posted here ?

Wasn't there something in scripture about putting away childish things? Oh well…

You do realize that was drawn by a DevianTart who also lit candles before an icon of some fucken anime character, right?

Let's also throw away all cultural accomplishments of ancient civilizations or any civilizations different than ours while we're at it. It's like you imply that all ideas coming from a non-christian point of view must be inherently evil, even though our culture is based as much on what ancient Greeks and Romans thought of as much as it is based on Christian ideals. It's not like we can use and appreciate the ideas different from our culture and even sometimes learn from them to improve our own culture without compromising our own ideals.
It's what happens in every single culture, we also idealize and romanticize beauty to an incredible degree. We've been doing that for centuries already.
If Christ-chan is supposed to be harmful then it's doing a terrible job of it, more people became Christian with the help of those memes. And I'm not saying that it's the sole reason that they did, but thanks to the fact that Christianity became a part of the board culture this way, far many people definitely felt that it was easier for them to talk about it on the boards.
I don't know about you but I actually know a few of those traps through some of the people I know from Zig Forums. Guess what, ALL OF THEM were homosexual from the start. I have never seen a heterosexual weeb turned into a trap, it's not anime that turns you into a degenerate, it's homosexuality.
All fictional characters infiltrate the subconsciousness of people who view them, it doesn't matter what kind of character it is. If you like a character, it will stick with your subconsciousness. If you think that's a danger, then we can just stop writing fiction altogether. And to prove that, I will prove that this was happening since always. Do you know how many people killed themselves after Werter?
Not a problem with anime, this is merely a symptom of people who have problems with their psyche as well as real life problems escaping into fictional worlds to combat stress. You're trying to combat the sickness by curing the symptoms instead of cutting it at the source. Also, was happening in the past even without anime, do you know what type of person Don Quichotte was writtena bout?

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Oh well

You guys know the depictions of Jesus and Mary on all those prayer candles and such are heavily stylized and drawn in such a way to make them more attractive and closer looking to modern Westerners right? What's wrong with a cartoon?

I think we can all agree that Japanese cartoons are all equally shit, though.

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Read this and apply thyself

what’s up NERDS

That's a painting of ancient roman pagan worship.

In this case it is, read Romans 1 about the harm of idealization and idolization of corruptible beings.

Just because we do doesn't mean that it's healthy, it's a form of escapism.

It became some sort of waifu like figure, idealization of the female form.

A large population before the renaissance became christian due to forced conversion, but that doesn't mean it's a right method.

Buddy, people who draw trap hentai usually like girls as well. So do the traps, they usually mimic female characters instead of boys so that means they do like these girls in the first place. Oh yeah, they're probably gay, but they wouldn't be that gay if they didn't know about anime girls. After all, anime promotes (and endorses) effeminacy.

And affect them to some degree, some positive, some negative. For an anime, it injects effeminacy into the male subconsciousness.

I don't deny that anime harms the mentally ill, and it makes it worse. A fiction with positive value can help people endure their depression and even direct them to better themselves, but anime injects effeminacy and autism to the already mentally ill.

That's because white people drew them, and whites are most familiar with other whites. It's called inculturation.


There are no "inherently evil" symbols for symbols are material and not spiritual and unlike gnostics we do believe that "everything that God created was very good". Ok sign were used in War world I to signalise that there is 0 kills. It's hopeful. And Satan and his host do not create but corrupt (see for exemple rainbow)

*1 Corinthians 13:11
You know the thing is … if you like anime and "obsess" with it or play pretend to be one of the characters or whatsoever (I'm explicitly mentioning this because of the huuuuuuge cosplay "culture" that has gotten grip on the degenerates), that should actually mean that you're 11.
The problem is not people that watch an episode of Dragon Ball or Naruto once every few days. The problem is faggots like OP identifying themselves with cutesy cartoon girls. You see grown "men" act like effeminate faggots, because that's apparently something "cute" or whatever the fuck.
As I've written in the other, gladly deleted, faggot anime thread: If you have to go out of your way to defend this shit, even choose anime when you have to choose between your anime degeneracy and Christ, then at least one of the following statements are true about you:
1) (closet) homosexual degenerate
2) "I didn't transition yet" or "yes, I just had my transition"
3) pedophile scum
Anime is degenerate in- and of itself as it caters to the desires of faggots and socially incapable degenerates that should seek Christ for their life and get their asses up through Him rather than dwelling in this faggotry. Or why do you think are these people addicted so much and so fast to it ? It's essentially the same mechanism as for porn - but it's really worse as it's more subtle and the slippery slope is less obvious.
Again, the simple fact that weebs go out of their way to defend this shit and to annoy others on purpose with it, causing potential sin is - you might've guessed it - maximum scandalous. And the fact that these people need to spread this degeneracy here as well as on the discord server rather than going to other places where it's actually fine to do so (except of course that Paul tells you explicitly to NOT do so) shows that these people are having severe mental issues rather than just enjoying a cartoon or two at the weekend.

I'm going to assume you mean this part:
"21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
That is referring to the worship of pagan deities that the ancient people held as real, there is nothing here to suggest that it's immoral to idealize a fictional character knowing that it is fictional. I'm also going to completely disregard your belief that anything coming from non-christian point of view is inherently evil as that belief is unchristian in itself, as it would imply that a non-christian cannot become Christian and become a better person as he is only capable of producing inherently evil thoughts, which is illogical and dare I say, Heretical.

All art is a form of escapism, escapism is not an inherently unhealthy thing, we need stress relief through our biology and for that we take part in fictional worlds. It's not the problem of indulging in escapism but doing it too much, just like there is no problem in playing video games, reading books or any other form of entertainment that doesn't involve masturbation or direct self-harm. The problem lays in the fact that people do it far too much, letting it control their lives.

That's implying that idealization of a human not only female form is something inherently bad, it is something that we have been not only doing for centuries but also which I would argue is beneficial to society. Putting ideals in form of any art, not only anime allows us to inspire people with an ideal and promote right behavior. I doubt that the ideals promoted by the Christ-chan meme are in any way immoral.

So because forced conversion is immoral, converting people by making them interested in the subject by putting Christianity in an appealing way for them is also not the right method? Seems that we're limiting our options a lot.

That's called bisexuality, they're still not heterosexual.

Well the burden of proof lays on you here pal, can you prove that it's anime that is making men homosexual and endorses effeminacy? I've met and personally know weebs that are completely heterosexual and found girlfriends although they're still into anime, people who actually idealize masculinity more because of anime. The only weebs that acted effeminate or even became traps were not heterosexual to begin with.

As I said, if we had to worry about the effect that art might have on people, we would have to censor it so heavily that there would be no art. Not only that, but the burden of proof still lays on you there.

That's completely not what I said, if there was no anime those people would find some other way of escaping their problems. What I'm saying is that those people watching so much anime is not because they were influenced by anime to become that way, but because they escaped to it due to problems that arose from other things. Not only does that happen with other media as well, including video games, books, movies and so on and so forth, but it happened before in the past. I mentioned Don Quichotte not without a reason.

You're implying that anime cannot have positive values in itself, and the arguments you gave to that are few and lackluster at best.

Again, burden of proof. I'm still waiting for some studies or actual evidence that this is the case.

yeah, it also stands for whitepride and analsex, but do you know what it also stands for ?

You're the only one that implies that one has to choose between anime and Christianity.
Any form of art or entertainment plays off of endorphins user, it's all a way to get dopamine. Video games, books, movies, music, they all work the same way.
I can paraphrase your sentence with "It's scandalous that people who do not agree with me try argument their case" and noting about the meaning will change.
We're on Zig Forums, are you new here? Do you not know that the trend of imageboards started with weeb discussions? Anime is a part of imageboard culture, one of the most ingrained parts of it. Granted, it is not the only part of imageboard culture, but still a pretty big one. This site IS "the other place where it's actually fine to do so". It's like complaining at national food of the country you're in saying that it's overriding local culture. The problem is that it's not, IT IS local culture.

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I didn't say Christianity. I said Christ explicitly. You have to choose. Because either you indulge in what the Bible says particularly not to do - stop doing stuff children do when you're adult - or you actually obey Christ and the inspired Scripture of the holy Apostle Paul.
And that is exactly what I was talking about. You're going out of your way to make up shit to defend degeneracy. There are whole boards dedicated to anime and cartoons, yet you degenerate choose to spread the degeneracy here on a board where you know a lot of people are at least being annoyed by it. You don't even care whether you're causing scandal or not - which you are.
It's great that you are able to "paraphrase" my sentence right there. But that's not what I said.
Your whole post is proof to everything that's wrong with anime "culture" in first place, even on an entry-level.

I would like to claim the opposite.

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You have to go back degenerate

What kind of retarded theology is this?

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I am pretty sure that you have never in your life read the whole of the New Testament, not even the Gospels.

It might not be degenerate, but a lot of modern entertainments are extremely effeminate, chief amongst them is playing video games.

And what gave you that spark of revelation? Because it's completely wrong.

Here's your (you).

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It's actually true though.
Video games, most especially mainstream ones, are infantilising rubbish for bugmen who live for comfort.

Anime does not inject effemina-

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Anime needs to be banned because it turns young boys into homos, stop it right now.

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Anyone have any good Christian anime to watch

pick one

I agree with you on just about everything
Anime is your idol. Repent and remove it from your life. The Church needs men who are soldiers for God, not overgrown children who can't stop watching cartoons or playing pretend.

contemporary art style

We arent talking about the same thing when we say "anime" bud.

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Calvinist here:
You clearly don't understand the concept of ideals then.
And why did they idolize creation instead of the Creator? Because they rejected God in their own unrighteousness, but what how is this connected art, including anime? remember, the Ark, Tabernacle, the First and Second temples were decorated, by God's command, with things of creation to aid in the beautifying those housings of the Lord.

You're right, the desire and expression for beauty beyond what is currently experienced on this corrupt, sin-stained, broken, and cursed world is escapism. But that is not sinful. We seek a heavenly world filled with only goodness and beauty (Hebrews 11:8, a city and world described heavily in Isaiah 65:17-25 and Rev. 21-22:5). Yes that beauty can be idolized like anything God or man has created and yes it can be bad escapism if the object of our desired escape is not the dwelling place of the Lord. But you need to prove that this desire and form of beauty and escapism if inherently sinful, and you must prove from Scripture, else you sin by adding to God law.

See this post's pics for example. You have something that only some people will only experience for a brief, brief moment this side of Heaven. But it still shows that a stable family is a worthy, joyful goal and a blessing from God. Just because it's not possible for this to exist constantly this side of Heaven does not mean that this pic is sinful through its depiction of something almost unobtainable nor through trying to idolize the family by making it look good. In fact, a person who will idolize family-hood will not even need this pic. Now I would agree with you if you argued that depictions of a happy, stable family like in Clannad are a rare occurrence in manga, anime, and other Japanese art forms. But that's only due to Japan's godless, degenerated state at this moment. Hopefully, that will change, soon, and majority of the Japanese will repent. It has nothing to do with anything inherent with any of those art forms.

No, a person with a wicked heart turns something created, by God or man, into an idol. That Christ-chan is drawn as pretty young woman is no sin. That some make idols even of things of God does not put guilt on that which is of God, but rather on the idolaters.

memetic evangelism =/= forced conversion

It is true we ought to preach the Gospel in a manner pleasing to God (2 Cor. 4:2, Phil. 1:15,17), but what in particular makes Christ-chan a bad meme? By the way, even if Christ-chan was a bad way to represent Christianity on the internet, it is not completely evil if the mascot is truly spreading curiosity about the Gospel, see Phil. 1:18.

Irrelevant to the discussion, since of course evil people will use art forms degenerately. Sin affects every man totally, but you must prove that anime is utterly evil.

A sick culture that denies God promotes effeminacy, no matter the medium they use to promote. The burden is on you to prove how anime is inherently effeminating.

All art forms do this, and not just with characters. Many use these art forms for good and others for ill, but what makes anime inherently and utterly evil?

Again, you keep saying this without proving it from Scripture, science, history, cultural commentary, or any other reputable source. For all intents and purposes, you're just making things up to promote your boogie man theory. And like the user said, if you want to truly fight the bad parts of the anime medium, then you must go to the source and convert Japan to Christianity.

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What would the Puritans think of you liking this effeminate garbage?

Has nothing to do with worldly adulthood vs world childhood. Paul is condemning the Corinthians' over-reliance on the temporary and miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit to the detriment to their spiritual growth in Christ. And the Corinthians were a group very much obsessed with appearing mature without possessing the childlike maturity God demands.

Here something Paul really and clearly told us:
"Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath…Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism…If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations— 'Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch' (referring to things that all perish as they are used)—according to human precepts and teachings? These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh. " (Col. 2:16,18,20-23)

And God:
""You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you." (Deut. 4:2)

I'll leave with this:
"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." C.S. Lewis "On Three Ways of Writing for Children" in On Stories and Other Essays on Literature pg. 34

No proof. No Scripture. They would say "Repent of adding to God's word."

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The point of that verse is deep down they knew that the deities they worship are false, every living being is born to worship God, but due to their cruel hearts they chose not to.
It's not about whether the belief is christian or not, it's about the harm anime does to the youth's psyche.
That's a bull wank. Dostoyevski, Tolstoy, Tarkovsky (Both Andrei and Arsenyevich), Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, Bunuel, Bruegel The Elder, these artists never produced any escapist art. They challenge our endurance and charity in facing the harsh reality of life.
The values in art exist beyond the explanatory form. The purpose of art is to infect the feeling of the artist to others, a meta-language that transmits emotions and even supra-emotions. What language does music speak? Yet music moves our senses.
It's very easy. The most obvious case is chris chandler, but there are many more out there, like and even more if you dare to lurk /a/, /jp/, /r9k/, /d/ and /g/ to look for traps. You've never been to /d/, haven't you?

Mostly okay but it's got a bunch of cute side characters sometimes and a lot of power trip.
Naked boy fairies, lots of sexual content and almost erotic sadism, Guts was raped as a little boy, and Griffith was a feminine gay prostitute.

Masculinity in anime always exist with effeminacy and harmful philosophy as the side dish.


Chris Chandler was a mentally ill individual from the beginning. He managed to turn Sonic the Hedgehog - a video game series with no sinister undertones, as well as Pokemon, a series for kids, into unhealthy psychotic obsessions.

The rest of your argument basically boils down to "Go look at these boards that are where mentally unhealthy people gather (or in the case of /cow/, where the worst of the worst mentally unhealthy people are literally selected and curated for display) and see all the mentally unhealthy people." Chan boards, whether 4chan or Zig Forums or whatever other micro-chan out there, tend to be gathering grounds for people with issues (which quite frankly says something about all of us here.)

It's akin to if a fedora wanted to "prove" that religion/non-materialist spirituality turns people into psychos, they'd cherry pick by saying "Go look at ISIS and David Koresh, and Mormonism and the Catholic pedophile scandal and the Hindus dipping their children into cow feces."

Still has nothing to do with idolizing fictional characters, they still treated the deities as real even if deep in heart they believed them not to be.
Which you still have to prove.
No, that's all bull wank. Those writers still provide escapism, the very act of investing yourself in a world is escapist in itself, it tears you away from the real world, and no matter how harsh the reality of the other world might be, you're still only an observer who although feels empathy for the characters is not involved in the problems directly. People use drama and tragedy for escapism as they would a moe show, just in a slightly different way. Hell, it even provides escapism for people who agree with the meaning, or even start agreeing with it during the work, because they are proven right in a safe environment where they cannot be proven wrong because the author engineers the environment in a way to convey a message, so one side must be proven right this is not a bad thing, we wouldn't be able to convey messages otherwise but the point is that it's still escapist. But you're especially wrong about this part here:
No they do not, they make you face the reality of the story. You are still facing only fictional events as an observer, no matter how closely the world of the book resembles real life, it is not, it's an illusion, always an imperfect one at that. You can learn a lot from that illusion, but it will not change you as a person the same way that a real life event is, otherwise through reading fiction, people would easily become better accustomed towards life not needing any practice in the real world. You are an observer, you do not partake in the events of the book, you're not facing any reality. I'm not saying that fiction cannot change a person, but that's a different statement from one you made, your statement is completely factually incorrect.
Doesn't disprove my point.
>It's very easy. The most obvious case is chris chandler, but there are many more out there, like and even more if you dare to lurk /a/, /jp/, /r9k/, /d/ and /g/ to look for traps. You've never been to /d/, haven't you?
This user already said what I wanted to say.

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This user here already explained it so I'm not gonna bother repeating his points twice.
Where the hell did I make ship up? The only thing I did was that I gave arguments against the opinions you had. Your arrogance blinds you to the point that you cling to the idea that you must be right so much that you have to convince yourself that me, or any other person participating in a discussion is a sign of desperation, instead of just addressing the points made.
No one spread anime to this board, how long have you been lurking? We had anime discussions here for a long time now user, that's because a large chunk of people who were lurking those boards were weebs from the original userbase. Dare I say, most of the original userbase of Zig Forums was consisting of weebs.
Because the idea of jap cartoons causing a scandal on this site is idiotic, because anime was always a part of this site's culture. Besides, this is an anonymous imageboard, what scandal are talking about? This place is made so that you can post whatever you want so that you can express your opinion and challenge your and other's views. Not posting something because you might "cause a scandal" is exactly against the spirit of this place. How long have you've been on Zig Forums user? You talk like you've joined us yesterday.
Yes that's exactly what you said, you're just blind to it.
Your whole post is proof that you're too arrogant.

What was the name of that anime which had the main characters going around the world on behalf of the church, checking whether something can be classified as a miracle or not? I know next to nothing about it but I always thought that the concept is interesting.

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I found it, it's called "Vatican Miracle Examiner". It probably will have incredible misinterpretations of the church and will just use the whole theme as a "rule of cool" thing, but I remember a Christian friend actually recommending it to me, so I don't know. No idea how good it actually is.

The fact that you people are still arguing about this goes to show how big an idol anime is for a lot self proclaimed Christians.

If someone made a thread saying "Christian furry" or "Christian brony", we'd have a fit. However, for some reason, the people here have rationalized anime as somehow acceptable.

Leave this childishness behind and become the men that the faith needs.

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Since dealt with you, I'll just add some of my own points.

First let's deal with your comments on those anime choices.
If you avoid anime like the plague, how are you giving an accurate description and assessment of each anime? No, saying you looked at some pics or memes is not sufficient. That's how atheists treat the Bible. No, looking at some vid somehow showing anime is from the Illuminati is also not good. That's how Muslims treat the Bible.

I find especially your assessment of FotNS funny: "Mostly okay but it's got a bunch of cute side characters sometimes and a lot of power trip."
Oh? Since occasional children and women are shown as cute, that means the anime is effeminate. What utter nonsense! Women can't possess femininity in any art form; otherwise, it's effeminate.
Irrelevant to his argument, which is anime is not inherently effeminate

Now this is adorable! You talk about harmful philosophies and then post Tolstoy (See Paul Johnson's Intellectuals), Hesse, and Bunuel. You cry effeminacy and you post two homosexuals and a sexual sadist! Hypocritical!

You post those artists and and the next breath say:
Which is it? The best artists explain endurance amidst harshness of life, or art is merely emotional and supra-emotional. If art can't explain how can you extract abstract concepts like harshness and charity from those works? You especially don't understand Bruegel, who very much was using his surreal art to commentate on contemporary events. You seemed to only to pick him at random to make your argument sound more sophisticated than it really is.

Wrong, the purpose of art is, like everything else, to glorify God (1 Pet. 4:11) through the craftsmanship to imitate God as Creator and make things of beauty and understanding.

Exactly, so why use it in this debate?

I can play that game too! The fact that you people are still arguing against anime goes to show how big an idol Zig Forums is for a lot self proclaimed Christians. Can you LARPers from Zig Forums just screw-off already?

What on earth are you talking about? Pol loves anime and I don't know what those guys have to do with this.

I'm disappointed that faggots have tainted anime on Zig Forums.

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And anime directs their mental illness towards something negative. To become a false prophet, you need to deviate from the true teachings, but to become a trap, anime doesn't speak against it.

Uh, not exactly. Back then people created gods based on the attributes of the universe they considered to be awesome.
There's a porn drawn for every anime character. That's due to the damage done to the pornographers' psyche by anime.
What is escapism? Distraction and relief from unpleasant realities. Entertainment and fantasy. No, those authors didn't play with fantastic elements and they didn't intend to entertain the audience.
Story as a reflection of reality as experienced by the author.
It's not an illusion when the artist speaks their true feelings. Art is a medium of communication of feelings, and therefore art counts as a good art when the feelings conveyed are authentic. No, it's not about how well the artist recreates reality in a technical term, but it's about how the artist reflects emotions.

I've read a lot of manga.
No, just saying that even FotNS isn't safe, but it's okay except for the power trip.
And yet it inherits it.
Philosophy is different from religious doctrines.
Un Chien Andalou isn't the only Bunuel film. I'm praising Nazarin in particular.
Exactly, these abstract concepts can't be easily spoken using conventional language. They need to present themselves in meta language to ingrain themselves to awoken the spirit of the audience through poetical means. Bach's Erbarme Dich speaks of remorse that can only be spoken through musical notes.
His best paintings aren't surreal, they depict the realistic life of peasants, and such barebones and humble depiction of human life speaks of emotions that are digestible by everyone. Of course every art must commentate on contemporary events, but on a spiritual level and not political. His Nativity painting is eloquently set in the contemporary Dutch setting, and it therefore it spoke of language that would affect the Dutch people back then effectively.
And how does it do it? Here, purpose means the reason of it's existence in the first place. What does the artist, regardless christian or not christian, aim to do by making art? Certainly art doesn't exist in a vacuum, an art has to be consumed by others, so what does it take to make art consumable?
Because so is anime.
Zig Forums is a weeb board.

People are still arguing on this topic? Anime is a form of medium, saying all of it is bad is just as crazy as saying all books are bad because some naughty ones exist.
Not to mention the website you are using is a knockoff of a knockoff of a Japanese Anime Imageboard. Without anime, this community wouldn't exist.

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It's terrible. Probably one of the worst shows I've seen in a long time.
If you don't mind spoilers, one of the first story points involves a secret Nazi cult attempting to resurrect Hitler by impregnating women with his preserved spunk. This is followed by a short aside about a man plagued by demons his whole life eventually realizing that he's half-demon and his father was Satan. It's also filled with heavy yaoi undertones.
The show is only good for caps of the exorcism in the first few episodes. Don't bother unless you enjoy "so bad it's good" entertainment.

>It's very easy. The most obvious case is chris chandler, but there are many more out there, like and even more if you dare to lurk /a/, /jp/, /r9k/, /d/ and /g/ to look for traps. You've never been to /d/, haven't you?
So you have no evidence whatsoever that isn't anecdotal. Get outta here.
Also, if you really think what happened to Chris is the result of anime, you don't know Chris very well. This

lmao, i was literally about to type that.

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Arsenyevich is the director, Arseny is his poet dad.

In fact, I criticize it as a medium. There's no cuteness as enchanting as anime, it possesses a dangerous power. And the fact that the target audience for most anime isn't little girls despite being that cute makes it even more hazardous.

No need for scientific research when the evidence is right in front of your face. Not an argument.
It wasn't exactly, but anime contributed by not directing him to a positive direction.

you generalize immensely. There are anime devoid of even a single element of cute, much like there are rennaisance drawings without nipples in them.

You cannot generalize a medium as you are doing:


Also, as OP would i like to note that this thread was about weeb elements of immageboard culture focused on Zig Forums not necessarilly even animated show, this isnt /a/ therefore this isnt an /a/ thread.
A lot of the stuff considered weebery has nothing to do with animated movies or series, this threads focus is christian themed weeb immages and memes, which ofc doesnt mean the former can't be discussed.
I just want to remind everyone.

and yes, pic related was intentionally moe.

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And yet here you are posting the elements that are responsible for injecting effeminacy into adult males.

Yes I can when anime is defined as an art direction, and when 99% of the products are like that.

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Categorically untrue. This is absurd and I refuse to believe that you think this is true.
The entire foundation of modern statistics is based on correlation ≠ causation. This is the case because it's incredibly easy to draw a connection between two things you think are connected when it could easily be another underlying factor.
Unless you have legitimate, scientific research to back your point, you cannot claim that your theory is anything more than your opinion. Bottom line.

There was a Catholic who posted on here last year and wrote essays about how anime was turning people gay – he'd post pdfs of his writing, meticulously researched and cited with studies from different journals. There was plenty of arguing in threads he would show up in, naturally, but he found evidence to support his perspective. He was given credit for that even if some people thought the argument he was making was ridiculous.
Unless you're willing to do the same – find studies that support you – you have no basis for all of this outside of a personal vendetta. If that's the case, fine; just admit it.

Didn't said user eventually conclude he was mistaken?

Yeah, he actually ended up posting an unfinished copy of his last essay and apologized.

that was the joke

what’s up NERDS

You people defend your sin vehemently the same. Every side will say "I'm not a freak, umm I just like the cartoons, they are pedos!" (said the furry about the weebs) "You are the freaks! You like animals, I just like the cartoons, thats all!" (said the weeb to the furry).

How about just no cartoons or "fandoms" in general? This is childishness and idolatry.

Worthy of respect in it's own right.

Season 3 when?

That would be an impossible task, especially for a non statistician like me. And there's not even a linear causation/correlation in this case, that's not how human psychology exactly works. Does philosophy need accurate statistics? Can you even imagine how cuteness in anime can be translated into statistics?

Anime does a lot of things to the youth's psyche, and I'm saying that homosexuality is just one of the results, along with chronic masturbation, pornography addiction, autogynephilia, self identification as a cute anime girl, and so on. Basically the causes of indulging yourself in fantasy. Such things can't be turned into statistics. All I can say is there are a lot of these victims out there. It would be hard to calculate it into percentage numbers, but they're many.

But hey, in fact I actually have a simple statistic that shows how perverted anime as a medium is. Look at the top categories of nearly all mangas and doujins ever written. It's a perfect representation of the psyche of the anime audience.

I'll start off by recommending Vatican Miracle Examiners, it was actually fun with some parts being even more hilarious concerning hitler conspiracy theories.

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Now you're switching the goalpost.

First it was:

"Anime is inherently degenerate and makes people mentally ill."

Now it's:

"Anime twists the already mentally ill."

Which is it?

The fact is, the mentally ill can twist anything into perversion. As said before, There is literally nothing inherent in Sonic that encourages effeminacy or deviancy, yet CWC turned him into his own personal god and went down the road he went.

John Lennon was assassinated because Mark David Chapman took the book "The Catcher in the Rye"'s main character's wish that the innocence of children should be preserved, to mean John Lennon should be killed before his "innocence and purity" was lost.

Also, in your earlier post you posted all chan boards as your "evidence" of anime's inherent degeneracy. As stated before, chan boards collectively tend to be the the Mos Eisley of the internet: "a wretched hive of scum and villainy."

Your opinion seems to be shaped by exposure to the worst of the worst rather than by going outside.

Like a Stormer who thinks all Black people are murderous psychos because they read nothing but the curated articles in the 'Race War' section on that site. Or a Black Lives Matter activist who thinks all cops are murderous psychos because of the police behaving badly articles curated on their sites or getting their opinion from the Liberal media.

Yet when you simply go outside and interact with human beings and get out of the internet/media bubble, reality is very different. I've been to some anime conventions, and the general demographics are just like most other groups: mostly chill people, with some jerks and weirdos here and there.

What are you doing to say next? That the inverted cross is the cross of St. Peter?

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This isn't philosophy, you're making a sociological claim (consumption of anime leads to effeminate behavior). And there's no need to be a statistician to use research – if you remember, the internet was actually created to allow universities to share their academic findings with each other. Even today there are loads of paper and studies available online that you can find with just a google search, many of them being entirely free and others having their entire abstract posted.
Using figures from a popular website like you posted is a good start but I can do you one better. I'll give you some direction.

The idea that you have is founded, I think, in the trend of infantilized young adults in the West. Many people don't 'grow up' until their mid to late twenties and you can see this trend embodied in the rise of terms like adulting. Most people here are traditionalists and would agree with this observation, that this trend is a real thing and that it's unhealthy for society.
I actually agree with your argument insofar as that anime is correlated to this infantilization. I just think that the popularity of certain kinds of anime is a symptom, while I believe that you think it's a cause. I also differentiate between different shows in the medium, while I get the sense that you don't. Your goal should be to convince us that anime is fundamentally infantilizing, that it plays a role in this trend.
To do that, I think you should first establish a link between cartoons and anime – cartoons are much more popular in the West, and this will allow you to use all sorts of info about how the public perceives cartoons. You could easily do this by showing that most people don't differentiate between cartoons and anime.
From there, it would be pretty easy to make your point. If you could point to any sort of trend between the popularity of cartoons (especially revivals of cartoons like the Teen Titans reboot) and the problems the West has with millennials (like people living with their parents or the rise of new "sexualities), you'd be set.

I always thought this was hilarious. A few years ago on Zig Forums I saw someone post an infographic of "Illuminati/Satanic symbolism" and it had that all-ok hand gesture listed as 3 overlapping sixes. I asked the guy why the Illuminati would weaponize scuba diving signals and he told me I was a Jewish infiltrator.


"Weebs" are people that like anime, manga, or Japanese culture in general. There can be pedos or other perverts that are "weebs", but that doesn't mean everyone that's classified as "weeb" is, and it doesn't make liking any of those things a sin. On the other hand, the entire point about "furry-ism" is having a fetish for animals, so it's inherently a sin to be a furry.

ysm the inverted cross is the cross of st. peter, its actually on the popes hat, lmao

fine post

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What's that?

Where did cartoons touched you, user?

Nope, seems like you forgot your original question.

Didn't I say from the beginning that anime preys on the depressed, desperate, and disordered? Also, like a sin, there are several degrees of mental illness. First, there is a discovery, then there's abhorrence, and last you can either overcome or accept it. Cuteness in anime directs people towards the later. And when you indulge yourself in that mental illness, it'll become worse. You'll even discover or even try out new interests that would add a few more complications to that mental illness.

You forgot that CWC is a also a fan of nintendo games and a bunch of 90's-early 2000's animes.

I've never said all.

More often than not we have absolutely no idea of a person's personal life, especially the ones we met in real life. I'm not saying that all weebs are sexual deviants, absolutely not, but my argument is anime psychologically encourages that kind of behavior. Such as masturbation, anime is the most popular illustrated porno in the world.

There are some sociological assertions I made, but mostly it's a discussion of art philosophy.

I've been looking for research papers, but there aren't many out there that are relevant to this discussion. For example, the connection between testosterone levels and obsession with cuteness, the only research that has been done was to analyze the maternal senses of women and it's link to female testosterone levels.

That's not how it works. The link between cartoons and anime was broken in the 50s-60s when Osamu Tezuka established his artistic style that combines the cuteness of Disney characters and the perverted and dangerously escapist nature of Japanese popular media. We can pretty much say that he's the father of anime and manga, every anime and manga ever made borrowed an inspiration from him and passed it to others. This is where the inherently sexual tone of anime art style can be seen, and this is the reason why despite it's cuteness most anime are targeted toward the male demography.

I didn't even ask a question. Did you make a typo and mean your own question?

Though your ID has changed you may be the same person I was conversing with before. If that's the case, your very first post in this thread started with:

From there, you proceed with your argument that anime is inherently harmful to it's core; period, and is the causation of mental imbalance:

Though I will say, at this point, your were also trying to have it both ways:


So now by your own admission, it's impossible to know for sure. Once again, your only real evidence is anecdotal experiences based on hanging out on boards dominated by people with issues.

So if you're the same poster as before, you are officially recanting on your original "inherent harm" argument and officially switching to the "aggravates the already dysfunctional argument." In other words, switching the goalposts, exactly as I said.

Debatable at best. European porn comics have had a sizable presence as well. But once again, we come down to the central point this entire thread and conversation boils down to: it's all anecdote and opinion based on limited spheres of experience whether it be fringe boards or anime conventions. No hard statistics, no hard studies, no hard science.

>and the perverted and dangerously escapist nature of Japanese popular media.

This statement comes off as extremely ignorant of Japanese media. I remember reading this book from way back: from outer space

…and it discussed the concept of "Aesthetic Distance" in Japanese media in contrast to Western media. To make a long story short: Western media (movies, TV shows, etc.) tend to be designed to be as realistic and all engrossing as possible. To truly attempt to take a person to another world. Meanwhile Japanese media, especially live action, would literally employ such things as exaggerated emotions (which can be especially seen in anime and is also an influence from early pre-modern Japanese live theater) and cheesy special effects in order to create "Aesthetic Distance." Or in other words, little reminders here and there that "Hey, viewer, remember: what you are watching is not real. Don't get too caught up in this." And thus helps the viewer maintain a more dispassionate objective distance from the media being consumed.

And if someone does not feel a natural sense of such distance from non-live-action animation, what does that say about the inherent mental state of said viewer?

what’s up NERDS