Evangelicals. They are a problem. How do we fix them? How do we make them Catholic...

Evangelicals. They are a problem. How do we fix them? How do we make them Catholic? How do we make them stop being Zionist? How do we make them stop believing the prosperity gospel? How do we convince them that Christianity is a religion, not a relationship?

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We don't

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How could any Christian read this and not be supersessionist? The Church is now Israel. The Jews that did not convert have been rightfully dispossessed by Christians

Because it's unbiblical. The Church did not replace Israel, the Church did not become Israel, Israel was the Church. Galatians 3:15-18

What did Christ mean by this then? It seems to imply the succession of Christians as the chosen people of God.

Succession of Gentiles rather than Jews.

I think He means those who were holy and rejected by modernity will become admired later, like many of the saints. Whereas those who do wickedly will be removed, including the jews.

Catholicism needs to deal with its own problems before it can help Protestants. Unfortunately Catholicism is currently heading towards dual covenant theory and is also not trying to convert Jews. Under these conditions, Catholicism can hardly correct those Protestants who believe in dispensationalism.

Former Evangelical here. Zionism, health and wealth gospel, charismatic speaking in tongues nonsense, and dispensationalism are the biggest heresies of our time. They are an incredibly massive problem and it needs to be dealt with. They are the lies from the pit of hell.

Make them watch Marching to Zion

That's disgusting

Indeed. "Christian" zionism, in particular, is the biggest threat to peace in the world today.


What did Jesus say concerning the Kingdom of God in Matthew 21:43?

After Jesus' resurrection and then speaking with His disciples concerning the Kingdom of God as recorded in Acts 1:3, why did the disciples ask, "Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1:6)

What was Jesus' answer?

How many groups of people did the Apostle Paul reference in 1 Corinthians 10:32?

Why was the "Church of God" distinct from "the Jews"?

What did the Apostle Paul write concerning Israel in Romans chapters 10 & 11?


So how did you overcome your heretical ways and come to the one true faith? How can we as Christians learn from your experience when it comes to proselytizing heretics?

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This. Also increase the consumption of alfalfa sprouts across America.

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It's a long story, I was raised in that church, but I quickly got tired of that crap. I was told everything from "Jews go to heaven automatically and do not need to accept Jesus" to the rapture theology and woman pastors. I got tired of the milk toast, borderline childish ways. I was at a low point in life several years ago and this ""church"" was giving me no answers.

Honesty, just be truthful with someone when it comes to the teachings of the bible and how one should live a Christian life. Nowhere in the bible does it say the moment we convert life will be like winning the lottery everyday. In fact, Christ instructed us to carry a cross of our own.

Life isn't promised to be a walk in the park, it will be difficult, but through Christ we strive to be better people and treat one another well. The greatest commandment in the law is to love God with all our being and to love our neighbors.

I believe the majority of the problems people in this world face come from a lack of the gospel paired with a vitamin K deficiency. Luckily both can be cured from Pastor Anderson's preaching.

A bible in every home and an alfalfa sprout in every stomach that is the only way to achieve peace and health.

You're misreading all of those, user.

He is, but how have you helped him by simply pointing that out?

Don't you mean milquetoast?


I had a similar background with the dual-covenant heresy, which made my question my already weakened faith back then. Also, I never understood the concept of "feeling saved" and then your life will become hunky-dory after that. I think simply reading the Bible cover-to-cover helped clear everything for me and truly seeking God from my heart and repenting of my sins.

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There aren't any denominations without problems. And they are being lured with the concept of biblical israel. But I don't like to talk about denominations because there's only a mystical body.

Fix picture pls. Needs short hair and pants.