Man has an altercation with some muzz kids

I don't know, Zig Forums. Would you have presented or just started shooting?

Other urls found in this thread:§ionNum=417

I would have used so that jewtube gets less traffic.

Thanks. That shit never works for me, for some reason.

Why do teens talk like spastic niggers? It makes my blood boil.
"Aw mah gaaawwdd! wow just wow!"

Killing them all would be nice. Media complains? Fuck it, kill 'em too.

Because they are spastic niggers. Kill them until they either learn to stop or are all dead.

mag dump on niggers

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Obligatory post I guess

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Nice clickbait title as well.

Attached: White Man Pulls Gun On Muslim Teens at McDonald's.webm (288x360, 1.79M)

Going to jail. Fucking moron.

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Good. I hope more incidents like this get recorded so these little shits might finally realize what it means to fuck with random people.

Honestly, I hope he didn't get punished, they were about 1-2 seconds from swinging.

I would have my hand on it and wait for them to swing, unless they prove their desire to bring harm you end up in a legal battle. Let em land one, it will be their last and make your life much easier in the end. Not ideal but that's what I would do. Media won't let you off easy for killing brown people.

I had a meth head fuck with me the other day, I showed him my empty wallet and he fucked off. I could have egged him on but I don't really see it as a victory when I have to kill someone over 20$. If I actually had money in my wallet it might have been a different story. Has anyone here had to kill someone? I am worried about the legal battle so I hold back when maybe I shouldn't.

Presenting is totally legal, warning shots, not so much.


Presenting is open carrying.

Holding it in your hand is called "brandishing" and is punishable by law pretty much everywhere, he's going to jail.

Brandishing is illegal when you do it to protect yourself and deescalate a situation? What are you supposed to do, wait until they hit you and hope they don't knock you out?


You don't know what you're talking about. Most crime prevention with guns happens without taking a shot. Stay in Canada talking about Canadian things. It's obvious you are uneducated on this topic.

Doesn't matter. You're brandishing, you go to jail. When you unholster your weapon, take the shot, and most importantly, do it on reflex for best defense.


No, that's not what brandishing means. If the threat stops when you draw your weapon, then you can't shoot. Advice like yours is what gets gun owners put in prison. If the threat stops, as it did in this video, you can no longer shoot, which is, frankly, a good thing. Less hassle, and you don't have to mentally deal with killing someone.

Nobody said otherwise, you're arguing with yourself.
Just because it's true, doesn't mean the law will agree with you.

Then there was never a threat. By jewish court of law, these niggers are innocent because they didn't get one good swing in. The white man, however, has disobeyed the law of brandishing a weapon in front of innocents, and has already been nipped and charged for felonies.

In situations like this I think stand your ground laws protect you from brandishing during a confrontation. However in states without stand your ground laws but have castle doctrine, attempt to/retreat to your vehicle (if owned it's a legal extension of your residence). If they try to attack you in your vehicle, shoot through your windshield.



Good thing that's not what our laws are based on. You are free to defend yourself until the threat stops. This is not brandishing. This has a specific definition.§ionNum=417

Even California will not prosecute you if acting in self-defense.

The man who pulled the gun has been arrested on felony charges and is being held without bail. He really should have just shot them.

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Notice that this phrasing makes the law easily applicable to anyone obviously defending themselves. Like I said, it's actually more legal to take the shot like zimzam rather than just ward them off.

Nope. You need the legal excuse of "fear for life" to actually get by. This is why when it's time to die, you kill and not just wimp out.

Again, a defense to this is self-defense. Read the whole thing. Zim Zam took the shoot when pulling the gun out didn't work. It's more of a spectrum. If Trayboon had stopped when he saw the gun, Zim Zam could not have legally claimed self-defense.

He did nothing wrong, but he should have been aware of the (((law))). It should be legal to shoot niggers on sight as their presence is a deadly threat

Zim Zam pulled to shoot when he was already getting beaten up and zero means to esccapd since tray tray was on top of him.

No bail? He gonna have a rough time in jail mang. Lots of them coloured in there too.

Fuck no. A charge is not a conviction. He may be able to get this plead down, reduced, or even dismissed if he has a good lawyer. Popping some hoodrat and then doing 5+ years around other hoodrats is going to be a bad time.

What if he started a race war?

US jails are already full of giga-niggas and straight up, out-and-out nazis. if there was going to be a race riot it'd have already happened. one old coot won't change that dynamic, though it may get said old coot beat into a coma.

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Nazis shitpost on imageboards, abide the law, vote their local right wing party and overall, they don't go to jail

We've already had armed racial conflicts in the past.
Those are just meth head larpers.

I understand your point, but you made it very poorly.

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Zim Zam got away with it.

Well, a chimpout themed with "justice for nigger of the week" could've sparked it.

>That (((white))) cuck protecting the precious shitskins

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lol @ the GoodWhite™ who yells at the manager for kicking them out of the store. Kind of interesting from a psychological standpoint because he clearly sees it as the manager throwing them to the wolves when they were the agitators. It's kind of like how a lot of people really dont care about the …uh… perks of diversity but if you point out or notice the crime/changing culture/etc they treat it as if noticing it was the real crime.

btw kudos to Enoch Powell for pointing this shit out way back in 1968

>Above all, people are disposed to mistake predicting troubles for causing troubles and even for desiring troubles: "If only," they love to think, "if only people wouldn't talk about it, it probably wouldn't happen."

>Perhaps this habit goes back to the primitive belief that the word and the thing, the name and the object, are identical.

Yes, but that doesn't matter. Zim Zam could have pulled it out earlier and maybe Trayboon would have backed off, which is both legal and a red line to shoot. If Trayboon had instead gone full ape, ZimmerBang could have shot him, again legally, but not until that moment. What would be questionably legal would be George firing a warning shot, because then he used deadly force when he did not believe his life was in danger. Pulling out a gun does not constitute force, it's like putting up dem dukes when some jive turkey wants to rumble.


You have to be in reasonable fear for your life to pull the gun. If the attacker then backs off, the reasonable fear is eliminated and you can't shoot. Doesn't mean pulling the gun in the first place becomes retroactively illegal. Pulling a gun when you can't demonstrate you were in reasonable fear for your life, or going through with shooting when the threat no longer presents itself, are two ways to end up in prison. If you spent literally any time at all in the self defense community you would know that pulling the trigger is not always the answer. Take a fucking class or something.

I've never understood why niggers are so fond of DBZ. Is it the mindless destruction that they like? That's the only thing I can think of.

It's because Goku's path of "self-improvement" involves being gifted the ability to be stronger than all his opponents. It's sheer laziness

Niggers think popular = good. They have no taste or appreciation for quality.

I don't know why they like it, but I can tell you why I do. It was one of the few "adult" things I was allowed to watch as a kid, and Goku is actually a pretty nice guy. Plus, every kid grows up wanting to be stronger. I used to want to be like Terry Bogard. That was my favorite character as a kid. Of course, SNK has ruined that by genderbending him. Dragon Ball is still popular in Japan. I can't really fault nigs for having good taste.

your opinion belongs back on reddit where you came from

good times create weak men. you are a weak man.

replying to this nigger

Not to derail, but I don't think you actually watched any DBZ because Goku spends all of his time training, fighting or dead. And when he's dead hes still training.

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As a Muslim even I know their fucking retarded
Man get the fuck outta here, If your gonna gang up on a old man then you deserve to get shot

It's the women we should gang up on, right habibi?

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It's spelled they're, Mohamed.
Kind of like when the Arabs ganged up on Israel, amirite?

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You can't gang up on someone who has the playground bully on their payroll.

I like these 5.7mm rounds on your pic, user.

Those are dummy rounds. Negev-chan wouldn't have the chutzpah to use live ammo just for fun. What do you think she is made of money? 5.56 cost money, and the 5.7 dummy rounds were on sale because nobody actually owns one. Of course, she got them made in China because it's cheaper that way too.

Hey now, she'd use live ammo if America bought it for her. She might be cheap, but you've got to be able to hit those Palestinian kids across the street when you decide to go on another rampage.

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Obviously you aren't part of the tribe. Even free stuff can be wasted.
While it is fun to kill Arabs, this is not for fun. Those kids were obviously terrorists and whatever video you saw is just Pallywood.
Negev-chan is truly America's greatest ally.

pic related, Negev-chan asking for foreign aid.

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Come on, we both know you've got to invest another person's money if you want to make money.
Obviously Iran was using that daycare center as a training center for Hamas child soldier divisions, as evidenced by their plentiful supply of hand-propelled rock grenades but it was still fun.
If we're being honest, she is everyone's greatest ally. It's a shame only America realizes it.

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Exactly, which is why we sell the surplus rounds and patriot missiles to China.
Exactly, and everyone knows that Palestinians don't even exist anyway.
Too true. I mean, just look at that smile. You can definitely trust her.

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Would you trust her with your foreskin?

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fucking figures. cucks.

Why would a Jew have foreskin?

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As a snack or a beauty cream.

That's actually really gross. I still have my foreskin, actually. My parents don't practice and they also think circumcision is fucked. I'm actually really grossed out now. Thanks, Pole-user. Now I'm not hungry.

You're in minority of americans who didn't fall victim to trauma based mind control.

Rare enough, but
Clown world tier.

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Would you believe me if I said that I am also an uncut American jew

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It’s not just blacks, almost every non-white out there likes dragon ball.

Fuck I thought it was their, also I'm pretty sure isreal tried to take over Palestine and claimed it as they're own

Yes habibi, woman and children only