Trump to Trudeau: 'Didn't you guys burn down the White House?'

President Trump claimed Canada burned down the White House during the War of 1812 while on a phone call with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last month, CNN reported on Wednesday.

It is not clear from the report whether Trump was joking.

According to CNN, on May 25, Trump and Trudeau were discussing the Trump administration imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Canada.

Trump says the tariffs are a matter of national security, something Trudeau reportedly contested during the phone call, sources familiar with the discussion told CNN.

"Didn't you guys burn down the White House?" Trump reportedly said in response.

Trump was apparently referring to the War of 1812, when the White House and much of Washington, D.C., was burned by the British.

The British marched on Washington, D.C., in August 1814 after the Americans attacked York, Ontario. That territory, part of Canada, at the time was a British colony.

Former first lady Dolley Madison famously rescued a portrait of President Washington before fleeing the White House as it burned.

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Are we supposed to act like Canada isn't still a British colony?

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The context is what makes it so nuts.

Trump is using something the British did 200+ years ago, decades before Canada was even an independent country, to impose tariffs against them.

Tariffs are too good for them. Day of the Rake when?

Canada separated from Britain in 1867. Are all Trump voters this stupid or just you?

Canada is still subservient to the crown according to their political process so you can hardly call them "separated."

this has no practical effect on canadian politics, the (((crown))) does literally nothing nowadays except for siphoning taxpayer money and having weddings with niggerjews

i hate jews

"If you impose tariffs on the enemy, they win."

This is unironically what the huWite House should have looked like.

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hi imcucky


Leaf here. We were taught to gloat over this in our history classes. The damage control from the left is unreal.

Even though you didn't actually do it?

>the (((crown))) does literally nothing nowadays except for siphoning taxpayer money and having weddings with niggerjews
Which is all they do in their home country as well

lol didn't the British monarch dissolve your parliament a few years ago? nice independence you got there xddd


no, the prime minister did. it gets rubber stamped by the queen.

lol your nation's leader has to run things by the queen of england holy shit lmao

Not even Australia has to do that.

no. do you know what a rubber stamp is?

lol no wonder canada is so fucked up, its citizens subjects are in denial of reality

"rubber stamp" just means it wasn't given much thought. it's still an approval that must be sought lol

Reminds me of jews and the holocaust and blacks and slavery.

Wong. Canada separated from Britain in 1982. Ar you going to act like Canadians aren't descended from the same Brits who burned down the White House? Are you saying there was no Canadian history prior to 1982?

t. Chinese immigrant to Vancouver.

As far as Canadians are concerned the distinction of being Canadian or not starts after the colonies had riots and rebelled somewhere between the time all the colonies are bunched together then split into a north and south group and the US breaking off from the empire.

how often do you think Trump bullies lil' Castro? The correct answer is every day

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hey guise is great

That's like saying that Lambings Flat was caused by England just because Australia was controlled by them at that point

It should look like this tbh

Yes they do retard, it's just that the Governor General works on behalf of the Queen

Dude brought up something another country did over two centuries ago because this fucking buffoon thinks steel from Canada, our closest ally, WHO WE ARE CURRENTLY FIGHTING ALONGSIDE ON THE BATTLEFIELD is a national security risk.

What a weird thing to say.
Canada was still Canada when it was part of the British empire. It wasnt another country.

What kind of beta response is that?

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don't play dumb

sounds like he's getting bullied, but you're an animesperg so you couldn't identifying bullying considering you've spent your entire life attempting to convince yourself you've been trolling everyone by being a jobless NEET permavirgin who watches children's cartoons while everyone laughs at you, including your parents.

so you saying the bits didn't burn down the white house?

Canada is still a British colony just see their money of which the British queen is on…TO THIS VERY DAY. They are still still subservient to the crown… regardless how much

Found the soyboy

A coutnry doesnt become a different country when it stops having a king or queen. Theres plenty of example s of that.

Plus modern Canadia is still part of the British commonwealth.

Because a lot of you Burgers seem to be confused about the monarchy. This is the queens role in politics
It's been that way for longer than your country has existed.



Uh huh… Not buying your shit. Because if that were the case it would beg the question of "why even keep the monarchs around?" The Royals might not have a direct hand in politics but they still have veto power and personal wealth that is greater than most smaller nations.

lol sad. many such cases!

found the virgin

you mean like niggers crying about slavery which ended 150 years ago. got it.

So trump's a nigger, got it

canada formally declared independence in the 80's and the only connection to the queen is the governor general who is just a figurehead and only there to sign bills

spoken like a true roastbeast

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The answer is that parliament could do that shit, but like how American soldiers have sworn to defend the constitution, British soldiers have sworn to defend the Queen. If parliament tried to get rid of the monarchy the army would get rid of parliament.

lose your virginity fag

Found the leftyfaggot.

Found the leftynigger.

How much fucking damage control is being done in one thread?

We DID burn the White House down. Madison fucked up and paid for it. Those so-called Brits were Canadians. Trump is correct and anyone who says otherwise is a balloon-knot.

That gets into a lot of messy, poorly defined, issues surrounding the Civil List and British Constitutional questions. Putting it simply the monarchy receives regular (basically welfare) cheques from the treasury and in exchange grants the treasury the much higher income from rental of royal land. If the UK abolished the monarchy it would be a net financial loss to the nation, and that's before you factor in lost tourism income. You also have the role of tradition and the fact that there aren't many politicians keen on completely rewriting all of British law.

Theoretically, yes, absolutely. In practice loyalty to the crown fades dramatically the further you go down the org chart, spiking with junior officers, but still progressively downhill. in British garrison town and sharing pubs with squaddies most weekends

The Trumpcuckery is real.

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Down the chart, you say? I would have thought that the upper tier would be more corrupt and the grunts would be more patriotic.


Raphy has pillowy enjeru tits that begs to be bullied.