(((Gun Control))) Sentiments in Commiefornia and Other Western Nations

I made this thread in Zig Forums already but this is somewhat Zig Forums-related in a way, too. I've made some few edits, so here it is:

Anti-fun (((US media))) kikery is seeping everywhere in the West and the foreign NPC's are buying it.

This has been getting on my nerves lately, and I hate these types of people the most. Those Silicon Valley "White guilt-ridden" SOYED™ cuckolds who have over 9000+ genders and love shoving up over 9000+ "POC" cocks up their gaping bungholes. Along with their unbridled sheep mentality and the fact that they get a kick off of one of the worst types of (((materialist capitalism))) aka Hymiewood blockbusters, and not to mention their brazen support for (((MSM))) outlets, "free press journalist" websites, and just all out degeneracy (homosexuality, feminism, open borders, race mixing, refugees welcome, trannyism, etc.). I might as well say Mexico can have Commiefornia all to themselves at this point.

It differs went it comes to the opinions of Western European, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealander NPC's. They'd make jokes and assumptions that arming yourself is a "backwards US-centric obsession", often times equating it to America's obesity problem. Let me clarify a little bit of something here, calling Americans fat is universally accepted, but these NPC's get the worst ideas from it, as they would imply that being armed is also "terrible, racist, bigoted, and backwards". They're unknowingly selling their souls to Jewry. In a way, these European, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealander NPC's are unknowingly supporting (((AIPAC))) narratives, one of the world's leading organizations of Palestininian murder. So despite some of these said normalfags being against Israel and Zionism (only because they think they are "White racist colonialists" oppressing brown Palestininians), they still support some of their ideas.

They don't know the main cause of gun violence in America, because at the same time, to them, it's "racist" to notify people that most gun crimes in America are done by niggers, spics and other shitskins. And it gets even higher when it comes to non-gun violence. Countries like Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand still don't have enough Third World immigrants, illegal and legal, to see a significant increase on their crime rates, so it makes them think (((gun control))) is what made crime go down.

But this has been changing for quote some time now, if (((they))) have finally made the US virtually less Whiter than 100 years ago, they will do the same with these other countries. If they keep up with the "jokes" of arming oneself being "backwards and an American obsession", the results will not be pretty in the end. So the question here is, how can Zig Forums redpill them without rustling their jimmies? Also I would really love some insight from European, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealander user's ITT
to talk about your current state on this touchy subject (for your NPC's, that is). So far I know that when it comes to European NPC's supporting (((gun control))), it's usually the Brits. When it's Canadians, it's the ones living in major cities liek Toronto and Montreal. When it's Australians, it's the ones living in Melbourne or Canberra. I don't know much about the New Zealander ones, but I suspect they follow the same trend as everyone else.

Also on a last note, commies surprisingly support gun rights (but not for Whitey, of course), it's sort of interesting (not that I think they are "baste af fam!!!" or anything, just some simple references):



Pic related. Last one made me chuckle a bit when it mentioned Israel being a "good example" for (((gun control))), lel. Second to last one is just plain retarded and outlandish, and I thought this faggot was an actual Marxist. I hope Brazilian leftists don't have this much mental gymnastics, but then again they are leftists. Would like to know from Brazilian anons as well.

Attached: (((gun control))) is good goyim.png (1029x4529 219.82 KB, 1.45M)

Another thing I should clarify here, I'm not a flip user. I'm just a burger visiting my cucked race traitor femicunt cousin's wedding because I'm still 16 and my family's literally baby boomer incarnate. She's a victim of the Soycon Valley poison, these are one of the reasons why I made this thread. I apologize if my IP changed after this post.

you dun fucked up boy

Yeah, I've been noticing that lately. It's horrendous to live around my godforsaken family. I hope I an hero myself once they kick me out for being on the "wrong side of history".

Putang ina mo.

Is that you, nano?

Get the fuck out LARPer.
On a side note, you are still an amerimutt, you still get to play with guns. If you want to end it, visit google and facebooks CEOs first. 🤫

Math checks out.

Already one!

Sounds fun to me.

Also fuck me those unique IP's, I really hate mobile data.

I love newfag plagiarism.

Attached: 1356139745634 (1).jpg (1391x1000, 556.61K)

No user, you are the fag here.

Interesting, Yakuza? I mean assuming they didn't just make those numbers up enitrely.


Stop playing video games because the developers are taking our gun rights and other rights away from us. They are trying to funnel is into their imaginary worlds by restricting our real life opportunities.They won't even let us have sex with farm animals. They want us to pay to do everything in their fake simulations that we would normally do outside.


I think I'm actually dumber from having read your post.

Lol, finish school first, kid.


Git ready for some bullyin', kid. But I feel your pain, my uncle-in-law's married a flip. At least he had a qt redhead aryan daughteru beforehand.

Attached: 497b21ff942f94142aa45cc3d7e021c61929a36a791e18e1c54f5625626b9b41.png (1240x866, 1.85M)

Did he get fed up dealing with white women or did he catch jungle fever?

Plagiarism is actually pretty common on imageboards. You guys have that screencap of the Universe being like the Central Park but without police, guess where this was typed beforehand. It was on no imageboard, and it was from no internet site.
It was from a book.
sage for off topic

Liberals are always counterintuitive, user. At least commies know well enough that their precious "revolution against oppression" (whitey is not considered oppressed though because of muh ebil racist colonialism) can't happen when guns are taken away from them.

Attached: 756765.jpg (220x364, 19.28K)

They're virtually powerless. Most of our population actually advocates for gun ownership, but our government stole them from us anyway. Our leftists only survive because people in power and in the media are on their side, to no one's surprise.