French Yellow Vest Revolution

NEED Zig Forums INPUT TO HELP Zig Forums
Some anons on Zig Forums are trying to help Frenchbros overthrow their crappy Macron government.
Most of the Yellow Vest protesters or revolutionaries there are regular folks from the city or countryside who have never been in a street fight and have no idea how to conduct themselves. People are losing hands picking up grenades and losing eyes to rubber bullets. They could use a crash course on how to act, what to bring that won't look suspicious, basic tactics to stay safe and identify targets. If any of you Zig Forumsfags have ideas for things we could put into infographics to help the cause please advise. The more basic and the better, just easy stuff that would help the people stay safe and be more effective. Thanks!

Attached: sprayed.jpg (750x1255 54.44 KB, 242.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't think any murrican strelok woth his salt would want to help you.

Do it for France.

We literally have several threads in the catalogue about armed revolution and modern guerilla tactics applicable to first world countries.

Napoleon once famously said that an army marches on its stomach, how you overthrow the state is by attacking the systems on which it relies. I made this post a few weeks ago in relation to that Commiefornia senator threatening to nuke US cities and its just as applicable to France as it is to burgerland.

There is no simple "march on the parliament building and violently execute all the politicians" option if you want to overthrow the state because its made up of much more than just political figureheads, there is only "burn the entire fucking system to the ground". If the French want to truly make their country better there will be rivers of blood and people literally eating each other before it is finished.

-Big plywood or polycarbonate shields are pretty effective at blocking rubber bullets, taser barbs, and pepper spray.
-They can be used to push people (shooting rubber bullets) around without making direct contact, so you don't have to worry about getting grabbed.
-They also will draw less public backlash since a shield is primarily a defensive tool rather than a weapon.

-Carry fire extinguishers to put out any unintended fires within your own ranks.
-These are also effective at disorienting opponents if sprayed in the face. If it's a foam type it will cover visors.

-First aid kits are something that is sorely overlooked in situations like this. You need to have medics to treat you injured personnel on the scene. If a protestor dies due to police activity the cops and most media will spin it to justify the cops' actions.

It's great that they have the yellow vests though. It creates an image of unity without completely erasing each individual's identity in the crowd. Black bloc tactics are not popular with normies because it facilitates violent behavior by concealing bad actors.

I do it if you suck my cock and give me a Nugget.
Zig Forums lost my support when they kept supporting the AfD at all costs despite Frau Kepetry leaving and handing over the party to the mentally retarded.
We had one (1) legit chance to get Czechia tier gun laws and the duty to protect yourself and others from harm written into our constitution. It was her and the old AfD who stood for that.
Now it's just mouth-breathing retards pretending to be politicians but being incapable of using properly secured communications, getting caught literally sharing Hitler memes, and dragging the name of any proper "alternative" through the mud.
When you are too retarded to conceal your powerlevel, maybe not try politics?

AfD is shit anyway and voting won't change anything.
Read von Salamon, train and join your local Freikorps once shit starts happening.

Thanks, user!

Reminds me of the time AfD screeched about Sudetes to us, as though the issue was still relevant and Germany didn't have much bigger problems. I still can't fucking believe the only anti-immigrant party in Germany is completely retarded while the fucking Green party strenghtens and CDU elects Merkel 2.0 to lead it. What the hell is going on? Why do Germans keep electing pro-rapefugee parties?

The yellow vests need to do what the Ukrainian did at kiev

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Destroy their country?


Attached: FH9ar6L.jpg (4160x2340, 3.32M)

Fuck off

It's not just the unity, it makes them look friendlier because of what kind of job we associate hi-vis gear with. The usual assumption when we see someone in a yellow vest is that they're supposed to be there, they have a job to do, and they know what's going on.
it makes for a much better PR image than either riot cops decked out in all black or "peaceful protesters" with bandanas over their faces.

Op needs to be executed for bumpstock kikery

Attached: 14300000937755128168671004983.jpg (640x435, 58.2K)

Trump may be a fag, but there are dems calling for all out repeal of the 2nd amendment. It could have been worse. And you know goddamn well the dem candidate in 2020 will promise massive gun control to rile up shitlibs.

Voting means shit. We're getting fucked anyway.
Call me when americucks are burning down DC and slaughtering every politician there.

The revolution begins with you.

Under Obama did the Libs ever say about gun control "stop complaining; we may not be getting any of the bans we want, but at least there's not a Republican in office loosening laws"?
Fuck no, they refused to be satisfied, and they never stopped calling for more.

Last time the dems had president he

Obama was much more "right wing" (by amerimutt standards) president than drumpf is

Kill yourself.

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get off our fucking board you fags

Attached: download.png (225x225, 12.58K)

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You can't die from blowjobs and its also harder to get AIDS. Sorry but when you have to vote between anal and fellatio if not voting means taking it in the ass then not voting gives you the big gay.

Attached: justvotegoy.PNG (1067x657, 435.24K)

The glorious Chicago political machine.
Madigan genuinely needs to be whacked. She's the most corrupt state politician in the entire country.

So what is a voter losing by voting? 30 minutes from prepping for the DotR every 4 years?

Their dignity.

Attached: mirthful mongolian tapestry girl.jpg (444x600, 44.69K)

There's no dignity in allowing to get raped with a rake instead of a dildo.

Makes sense.

>not even my name, just gun toting nazi guy in the woods

Attached: light up.png (616x436, 368.62K)

What he wanted is irrelevant. That does not absolve him from bringing it on himself since he knew what not voting A meant.

MAYBE the Jerusalim embassy aside, there's absolutely no drawbacks from Trump being president instead of Hillary and there are also minor perks like overton window shifting rightwards past the previously established cuckservative maximum and the endless flow of lefty salt.


Where motorcycle gear. There done. Theyll just have to ban motorcycles next.

You are trash. Trump should have slammed a zero compromise, federalizing natty guardsmen and mqrched on Illinois and California for their Communist gun laws.

No. He isn't a faggot. He is a massive cock sucking, ass licking, cum stained faggot.
Stop. This is whataboutism. This is literally the definition of whataboutism. You are using the same gay tactics as both other sides of this shit. What about the dems who want to take your guns away? I don't give a shit. Trump is a homo, don't change the subject to something slightly worse to make one a bad look like a good in comparison.
Fuck off. Neither side is good. Trump is a homo for playing with hope and not delivering anything except suffering. Dems are faggots because they love cock.

Blut und Eisen!
Viva la revolución!
Ave Nex Alea!

This nigger knows what's up.

I take it back. He knows nothing.



Fake kraut, how gay can you be?

Is there any bunker? Where to migrate? 4cucks destroyed all the boards, even the smaller ones.

You know imkikey and chodemonkey were enforcing kushner's deal.

Hey, subhuman orange'd gook, I would be the "fake kraut" here.

Ach cucki
Es konnte NICHT unter dieser Regierung passieren. Aber ein Deutscher bist du auf keinen Fall.

Er ist cucki. Warum hast du ihn so was mit Respekt geantwortet?

Warum sollte ich ihm nicht Respektvoll antworten?
Wo kommst du her?

Attached: adj-peiper-smoke.jpg (500x582 131.16 KB, 36.88K)

Für deinen 'tismus, "n" und "m" liegen nebeneinander und ich habe eine Fehler gemacht, mmkay?

Here's my contribution OP.

Have CIA prop up their nationalists using backstabbing failure instead of a martyr murdered by kikes who actually gave ukraine independence?

Nice argument.

Nettes Argument.
Die Linke ist scheiße, weil wortwörtlich Kommunisten und Russlandfellaten. Internationaler Frieden und wenig Polizei im Land? Scheiß drau. Lieber Russland alles durchgehen lassen, in Berlin Kameras montieren und StaSi fürs Internet fordern.
Die Grünen sind scheiße, weil sie keine Ahnung von tatsächlicher Landwirtschaft und Natur haben und nur wissen, wie man in der Stadt einen auf "Grünes Gewissen" tut. Tatsächlicher Umweltschutz per Gesetz und Grüne Energie aus dem Atomkraftwerk? Scheiß drauf, lieber Jägern und Forstwirten die Arbeit erschweren und das Stromnetz auf Jahrzehnte destabilisieren.
Die SPD ist scheiße, weil sie nurnoch ein Bückstück für die CDU ist und die einzige Persönlichkeit, die bei denen ab und an mal etwas Rückrat zeigt, eine dumme Fodse ist, die noch nie einen halbwegs klugen und überlegten Satz gesagt hat. Arbeiterrechte und Verbraucherschutz? Scheiß drauf. Lieber Vollbeschäftigung mit Minijobs und die Autoinstustrie darf sowieso alles.
Die CDU/CSU ist scheiße, weil sie alle konservativen Werte über Bord schmeißen, wenn sie irgendwo Stimmen wittern (was Muttis Verschulden ist). Familie und Gerechter Umgang mit dem Volk? Scheiß drauf, mach alles damit Mutti noch mal Kanzler wird.
FDP ist scheiße, weil lol, was machen die überhaupt außer sich gengenseitig zu erzählen wie geil das BWL studium war?
Aber tu ja nicht so als sei die AfD von heute nicht genauso scheiße. Es gab mal eine Partei, die hat sich tatsächlich mit klugen Argumenten geschmückt, die hat sich eindeutig positioniert und hat nicht nur aus Prinzip, sondern aus gut überlegter Kritik am Status Quo extreme Positionen bezogen.
Das war einmal die AfD. Jetzt hast du da Idioten, die es nicht gebacken kriegen ihren Hitlerbilderordner zu verstecken, Vollspaten die offen irgendwelche Spenden annehmen, Wichskrüppel die fast schon aus Reflex immer das gegenteil von der CDU wollen, selbst wenn es dafür keinen Grund gibt außer "MERGL MUSS WEG" (muss sie auch).

Ich vermisse die AfD, welche die menschliche Ursächlichkeit des Klimawandels angezweifelt hat und vorgeschlagen hat, dass wir uns auf ein sich veränderndes Klima vorbereiten, anstatt eine einfach festzustellende änderung der Temperaturen und des Wetters zu leugnen.
Ich vermisse die AfD, welche sich für einen wehrhaften Staat mit genauso wehrhaften Bürgern eingesetzt hat, anstatt nach Waffen für Jedermann zu grölen.
Ich vermisse die AfD, welche mit tatsächlichen witschaftlichen und sozialen Argumeten gegen unkontollierte Massenmigration war, anstatt immer wieder beim rumhitlern erwischt zu werden.
Ich vermisse die AfD, die sich aufgrund von Sorgen um die Kulturelle Zukunft des Landes gegen den Islam gewendet hat, anstatt einfach nur gegen den Islam zu sein, weil Musel und Bomben und so.
Ich würde die AfD gerne mögen, aber es gibt keine Aternative für Deustchland mehr. Die letzte Alternative ist mit Petry gegangen.

Und ich dachte schon ich habe eine elende Weltanschauung…

>there's more revocations than there were votes
>out of the 2000+ revocations,

And there I thought Putin election voting fraud was a huge farce.

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Soap Launcher
Cut a length of 1"1/2 pipe for the barrel, and a bunch of short length "inserts". Cut slightly longer than the inserts pieces of 2" pipe. Put small diameter inserts into large diameter pieces such that their bases flush. Join them together, you can use PVC pipe welder or glue or bolts. Cut a bunch of evenly spaced L-shaped slots into the sleeve. Put a cap on the other end, with a small perforation in it. Put a large diameter ring a little bit off the end of the barrel pipe, and a bunch of evenly spaced bolts closer to the edge. The pieces are your breech and its locking mechanism.

Disassemble party popper, unroll the ignition paper until you find the chemical. Pour gunpowder into it and roll it back, glue the ends so that it doesn't falls out. Pour the rest of the gunpowder into some sort of additional sleeve and join with the "primer". You can use shotgun shells for this purpose, which are also the source of the gunpowder. Measure up just enough gunpowder to propell a 50 gram block of soap to reasonable launch velocity of 100 m/s or thereabouts. Use muzzle velocity calculator and gunpowder's energy density to figure it out, remember to give it some room to account for poor efficiency. The baseline should be about 0.5 gram of the stuff. Insert it into the breech and put the string through the hole. Use something reasonably rigid for wadding. A mousetrap can be rigged as a trigger system.

The operation is self explanatory. You can make multiple pre-loaded breech cartridges. The point of making it instead of just using a shotgun is to make it clearly nonlethal while keeping it nasty and long range. But of course nobody gonna go that length just to throw shit at police.

Attached: Untitled.png (595x491, 5.64K)

Not trying to defend Trump, but Obama's attempted green tip ban was a thing. He pushed, just weakly.

Don't pick up grenades and wear strong eye protection. Ideally, don't allow yourself to get engaged with police with rubber bullets/guns on their terms. There are about a dozen threads on overthrowing Western governments and dealing with civil unrest. Hell, even look at the other France thread up rn.

Can a froganon fill us non-frogs on the latest happenings?

Why though? If you know about DIN-standrd symbols you should know about CAD software. Just install FreeCAD and do the same thing in less time with better results.

Fight on French broes, the GODS are with you.

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It's not. French electricity grid is net built not point built. French infrastructures are basically the only thing well done in the country (for a considerable tax cost).

Irrelevant, the vulnerabilities are one of the flaws of society choosing Tesla for their mains electricity. Your power is still produced at a handful of nuclear plants and transported via high voltage lines to substations which then step the voltage down for distribution to suburbs which is then stepped down further to the wall voltage.

In other words, there are still critical pieces of infrastructure which are vulnerable to attack, and in fact having it as a net system where each suburb of a city is serviced by multiple substations is worse as when one substation is destroyed the load is then shared among the others which make them easier to bring down. For instance, say initially each one is at 50% max load, when one is attacked then the rest are now at 60% max load, then as more and more get destroyed eventually the remaining ones just fail by themselves.

The style of system which isn't vulnerable to this is the model that Edison envisioned where there was a small power station every few blocks, if you lose a power station then the outage is limited to only a few blocks.

Decided to throw something together in SW this morning.

Estimated cost (USD):
$14 - 7/16" x 4' x 9' OSB (can make 3 shields)
$3 - 1/4" or 1/2" x 2' x 4' OSB (can make 4 back plates)
$4 - Handle
$3 - 1-1/2" Heavy nylon webbing, 10 yds
$13 - 1/4" Hex head wood screw, 5" long (box of 50)
$7 - 1/4" Washer (box of 50 or 100)

Total cost: $44 for a minimum of 3 shields
*These costs are only an estimate based on locally available items at time of publication. Prices and availability may vary.

*Add padding to back plate to cushion arm.
*Attach 2 straps to back plate to allow 1 arm to support shield. Grip handle when using shield to push.
*Standoff gap between shield and back plate is very important.
*Clip or saw protruding screw points on front of shield.
*Wear gloves, long sleeve shirt or jacket when handling to avoid splinters
*Thicker board will be more effective, but heavier and more difficult to carry.

**This shield has not been evaluated by any government or non-governmental organization. It is NOT guaranteed to stop less-lethal ordinance typically deployed by police. It is NOT capable of stopping live ammunition.

That said, I think it should probably (I stress probably) be effective against a lot of rubber bullets (they come in a range of sizes), batons, mace (spray), and grabbing.

Compare with:
Military Tactical Anti-Riot Law Enforcement Impact Police Arm Shield - $49

Plastic Military Tactical Anti-Riot Law Enforcement Police Shield - $80

Maybe not as good but if you need to outfit a crowd it could work. What do you guys think?

Attached: Shield.JPG (1100x850 94.6 KB, 190.41K)

This is an impressive amount of autism for something anybody else would knock together from materials-on-hand over the course of a couple beers.
Your bioluminescence is showing.

I've seen the varied construction of homemade shields in the past. Some are functional, most are not. Only an idiot goes to a protest/riot with a pillow taped around his head but I've seen that level of ineptness in photos from multiple events.

Looking at the shields carried by protesters in this image:
You can see that any sharp blow delivered to the center of those shields is going to break the arm of the user. Real riot shields have a standoff to prevent that.

This shield is meant to be a template that you can crank out quickly and cheaply while still putting you on par with the average riot cop. The material requirements are minimal and everything that you don't already have on hand can be found in a hardware store.

As for the title block…it's the default for A size paper. I have to replace it but I haven't gotten around to that yet and I didn't want to futz with that detail right now.

Is that another autism crack? I'm not autistic. I used to have ADHD, but then I upgraded to AD4K.

Most important of all… how can I start a similar grassroots frenzy in my own country?

Unite the whites against the (((peronists))) and niggers they already hate both.Because are the same

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This is the most retarde-
That explains it.

How easy is it to acquire firecrackers there?
An angry mob of Frenchmen, each throwing a handful of small explosives is still terrifying
Are we really discussing shields? They're the easiest thing to construct
You just need enough wood (can be plywood) and some metal sheets at the edges curved outwards slightly
Handle offset to the side of the shield and arm strap, make 10 of these and give them to your "Frontline soldiers"

And if you're going for the whole only slightly violent approach, using expanding filler foam could be useful
Hear me out on this one, if you spray on the riot helmet visors it will make the cop's vision blurry, even if he wipes it off there's still some residue left
And please stop arguing about muh drump bad here, we should focus on helping the croissants for now

My apologies. This is why we have mandatory voting.

I find it funny how Switzerland with its decentralized tribal-federalist direct democracy never sees these kinds of protests yet liberals still think centralist (((representative))) democracies led by fat fucks who rarely see, think or act beyond the capital's richest gated communities districts and the whims of their puppeteering masters are the best thing to happen since Hitler's alleged suicide.

So last afternoon I asked my aunt who's a vietnamese expat in France, apparently the people hate the yellow vests because they destroy people's house, burn car and vandalize historical sites like L'Arc de Triomphe.

It's not good, bros. Antifa tactics don't fucking work.


It is a fucking parasite. It is spermutt larping as gook again. Of course it is going to shill against an actual popular revolt while hiding the fact that BLUMPF actually tried to present "steel slats" as "the wall".
I fucking hate this muttlarper. And it is still IP hopping.

There's no problem organizing, but burning down houses and cars, affecting other people, that's a problem.

And it's not just white people, my aunt said it has arabs as well.

It is a fucking popular uprising, of course shit is going to burn, you fucking spastic.
>my non white family is in France and not helping tearing down globohomo regime but instead bleating about muh poor poor little (((liberal democracy))) going away
Opinion negated.
Of fucking course a r_zognald shill is going to be against the yellow vest.

>Spermutt trying to discredit an actual revolution attempt against (((EU))) and globalism
Surprised: Nobody.

And that makes it UNPOPULAR, because instead of attacking the government, you are just destroying people's home.

Why not storm the government house? Why desecrate L'Arc de Triomphe?
I'm not against them, I just repeat what my aunt said.

Evidence where I try to "discredit" it?
Your aunt is a dioxin ridden subhuman just like you. Amerimutts were so stupid they just had to create a horde of ungrateful monkeys.
How do we deal with spamniggers again?

Attached: ministry of parliament relations being brute forced by yellow vests.mp4 (720x1280, 2.48M)

Now, that's good, but it doesn't excuse SOME of the Yellow Vests burning down house, cars and desecrating historical sites.

How exactly do I spam? Are my posts inherently spam?


Fuck you and your parasitic hordes. Europeans don't have to justify shit to you on OUR land.
Piss off and reported.

It's my aunt having an opinion, what the fuck do you want?

And as said, it's not just white in the revolt, my aunt reports arabs as well.

You don't have to justify shit, but I don't have to respect your shit either.

Spermutt confirmed, do not feed his thirst for attention

Attached: russian hunting blind.png (391x79, 33.76K)

Why didn't they pour in and drag the politicians out?

Do your duty and report it.

You are such an obvious glow nigger.

So they just break down the gate and cheer?

You can led the charge against government first, spermutt, seeing how you call all white people niggers and constantly criticizes us from the safety of your bottom value gook wife's home.

The fuck? I'm just asking why they didn't pour into the broken gate.
LOL I call any white who use the word "woke" white niggers.

You are absolutely shameful and even Hitler spits on you for your degenerate language.

You can start criticize the French when you start doing this first, mutt.
Stroking your guns like a dildo in front of feds is not as admirable.

Attached: Yellowvests beating the shit out of cops.mp4 (1280x720, 13.39M)

I have no problem with them attacking governmental entities, but when they attack people's house and burn down and desecrate historical sites, there's no defense for them.

Do not reply to trolls, do not give (You)s to trolls. He's isn't retarded, he's just shitposting to rile everyone up and derail the thread. Every time you reply to him you're just continuing the /nupol/-tier derail

That is even better if you think about it. This is an obvious freech tier subhuman who thinks shitting up the board will make people like his ideology better.
I say feed it but keep it controllable. Every post from the subhuman pushes people a bit further right.

Attached: 823395151917c892ffc37e3aa77122fe5ebb9740117ec689c80669f8c3f6b97a.gif (500x284, 1001.79K)

How exactly do I derail the thread?

Thank you BO and Chodemonkey for doing your job.

Apparently they're organizinf a mass bank withdrawal. If it's true and they are planning to hit all at the same time this will hurt the kikes something fierce.

He was a good lad, but those police officers were pussies. "Greek" police will charge you and beat your skull open until your brains are splattered all over the pavement, and then claim it was all in self-defense.
The only good cop is a dead cop. 00 buckshot will rip through their shills, through their suits and shred their organs.

I meant to say through their shields, but buckshot works well against shills too