What the difference between being "God's chosen people", and thinking that your race is the "Master Race"?

What the difference between being "God's chosen people", and thinking that your race is the "Master Race"?

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We’re all God chosen people

Being God's chosen people means you get free gibs from Evangelicals.

Answered your own question.

Seriously, "Master Race" is just skin worship. God's chosen people are the Christians, since the Jews forfeited it.

"Christian universalism certainly played a major role in the destruction of our world. We should have lynched every missionary who had the crazy notion that Blacks needed Jesus instead of their own voodoo gods or that Mexicans needed the Catholic Church instead of their jungle temples, where they liked to cut the hearts out of their prisoners and eat them."

Final Redpill:
Christian universalism will ultimately destroy the West. The world would be a much better place if the goys worshiped the original Volcano God and doubled down on that Olde Time Torah genocide. Exterminated the shitskins, bean men, chinks, and abbos like the (((tribe))) exterminated the Canaanites.

Absolute heresy.

>Christian universalism will ultimately destroy the West. The world would be a much better place if the goys worshiped the original Volcano God and doubled down on that Olde Time Torah genocide. Exterminated the shitskins, bean men, chinks, and abbos like the (((tribe))) exterminated the Canaanites.

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The jews control the media enough so there's a difference. That's it.

This is true. """""Christian""""" beaners and nogs don't even behave like Christians. God didn't think the Canaanites would change their evil ways. We were stupid to expect that from these neo-Canaanites. Just look at them in the US, voting for child sacrifice just like their ancestors, this time in the politically correct form of abortion.

What a bunch of New Age crap

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New age bullshit sincerely believed, or way to protect your hate group from the IRS via exemptions?

Don't know. Don't care.

But spend ten minutes in a nigger Church and you'll realize it's a cargo cult. If everyone who wasn't black died overnight the nigger "Christians" would be back to worshiping fire and grinding up albinos for magical charms within a generation.

Missionaries engaged in history's most disastrous LARP when they went to Africa and the New World and, on account of their religion, refrained from exterminating the locals. When the Indo Europeans came to England they killed off 90% of the original inhabitants and turned the whole landmass into pasture for their cattle. The world would be an objectively superior place in 2018 if the Dutch murdered every nigger on the Dark Continent/bleached the remaining 10% until they looked like Britney Venti.

Now we done fucked up. We gave women and the (((managerial state))) too much power.

In two hundred years when we're as dumb as niggers from dysgenic breeding patterns the Chinese are going to grind us all up for dog food. And what's worse – we'll fucking deserve it because of people like you.

You can join God's chosen people. You can't join a race you don't belong to, though (you can LARP at best).

The chosen Hebrew people were admittedly imperfect and the Tanahk even refers to several nonjewish people or peoples which find favor with God. This is generally brushed over by nationalist Jews. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddists have all been guilty of fascism in the past. Although Christians and Hindus have no credible source for this belief.
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Nope, only saved people are.
12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

>>>Zig Forums
Mark 16:15
'And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.'
Matthew 28:19
'Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:'
King James Bible

Yup, totally Christianity's fault. Stupid Christcucks conquering the world 'n' shiiieeet. Should a just stayed in Europe worshiping trees.

Good to see a fellow reasonable Christian here. Are you by any chance me while I was sleepwalking? Anyways, I love you for spreading the truth. It is not like all niggers and chinks aren't able to become civilized Christians, but it is betting on exceptions, and it is never a safe to bet on exceptions. The Bible is a book about the Adamic/white race and is demonizing race-mixing for many reasons. By the love of God, I hate the Western world so much for what it has become and am seriously considering to move to Uzbekistan or another central Asian country, where it will take at least a couple decades until the traditional mindsets there are wiped out of the people's memories.

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I'm close to your opinion; even if I hope you do not generalize the racial/ethnic groups to white, black and yellow like some do (begin Italian, I always saw myself as Italian and European/Caucasian, never used the term "white race"…)

One is beautiful and white the other are scheming kikes.

>blames Christianity for our (((modern))) woes

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When people mean "white" they really mean "anglo" anyway.

Neither Hitler nor any other White leader ever called Whites the "master race." The term was pure jewish projection.

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It's funny only "Jews" (whom are NOT Jews in the biblical sense) work off the "master race" angle as if faith lives inside of the blood. They are either very crafty or very arrogant or both. Jesus flat out rejects this belief in John 8:39.

Faith has never lived inside of the blood, modern Jews are Babylonian pharisees that like to lull gullible Christians into a false sense of commonality using this belief.

Lol, he said nothing of the sort. Jesus is saying they aren't telling the truth about their lineage. If they were they would act like Abraham.

That's because faith doesn't live in the blood

Galatians 3:7

Faith does not and shall never live in the blood. That is good news for the world, but the world must still accept Christ.

And how could you be certain of this? Perhaps those who truly practice the faith and not either anarchocartel or the gospel of cuckoldry, are descended from a lost Israelite.

If faith lived in the blood there would have never been any rebellion in the OT, God can't force people to love him as that is the opposite of love.

Think about it, if God could program you to love him, then what was the point of giving you free will in the first place if he was only going to enslave you? In that case there would be no difference between humans and animals and existence would be meaningless, as love is the reason for being. God even gives his angels the option to rebel, that's why we're all in this mess to begin with.

God wants love to be given freely to him, as that is the only love worth defining, anything else is slavery and God would never enslave the creation he loved.

Define free will.

I’m still waiting. But assuming you mean the capability of a rational agent to make decisions then our free will is most certainly determined by biology. And even if you believe we have some remote ghost puppeting our bodies there is no guarantee that they are all the same, as that would go against what we’ve observed in history.