Climate change is creating a new kind of grief, and we’re completely unprepared for it

The sign on Schapira’s booth read: CLIMATE ANXIETY COUNSELING 5¢ THE DOCTOR IS IN. Time to earn her pennies.

On that muggy June day, she had set up shop in Kennedy Plaza in downtown Providence, Rhode Island. Schapira is not a trained therapist—a fact she makes clear to visitors—but she is happy to chat with anyone suffering from anxiety about climate change. “A lot of what I do is listen and ask questions,” she said.

Over the coming decades, rising temperatures will fuel natural disasters that are more deadly than any seen in human history, destabilizing nations and sending millions to their death.

It was a slow day when Schapira spoke to the young man. She recorded the number of dogs who scampered past—four—and the number of skateboards—more than 20. She also tallied the number of visitors—12—drawn to her booth, stationed just across the river from Brown University, where she teaches English literature. She looked up from her sign and updated her notes. Number of people who recognized the Peanuts reference—two.

The tall, sharply dressed man said humans were a cancer on the Earth. He said that he resented his parents for raising him to be “super hedonistic, just monstrously gaining things.” He said he had grown nihilistic, that he wanted to take up chain smoking and die a slow death. When Schapira asked if he was angry at his family, the young man replied, “I love my family. It’s so hard to know that you only have five years left to love people.”

The man was undoubtedly troubled, his vision of the future decidedly more apocalyptic than the one offered by science. But, his anxieties were real and, perhaps, understandable given the dire predictions of climatologists. While none believes human civilization will crumble in the next five years, the forecasts get hazier 30, 40 or 50 years down the road.

Mental health professionals are just beginning to grapple with this fact. Renee Lertzman, a psychologist who studies the mental and emotional dimensions of climate change, believes few people have managed to process their grief about the slow decay of life on Earth. She said that many people are caught in “a state of arrested mourning,” what she calls “environmental melancholia.”

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Nothing will be done until there is great suffering to draw profit from

Fun fact the only continent that wouldn't be hurt the most from the icecaps melting would actually be Africa,
it wouldn't be out of the question that in the far future the strongest bloc would be in Africa.

I've decided that I'm not going to post my opinions about that stupid, fat, bumbling, lying, delusional, psoriasis-riddled idiot Donald Trump anymore.

I'm remaining neutral

not only can they not prove global warming uh I mean climate change is actually occurring, but we have plenty of evidence that it isn't.

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Nobody cares. Go hang yourself in the park already you homeless fuck.

Don't let depression and anxiety lead to denial user.

The earth is doomed, accept it

Project much?

Fucking leftys can't even come up with original bullshit these days

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I am dumbet for having read this.

Kill yourself!

no you have poorly gained or interpreted data that is just a one-off, while thousands of other data points confirm climate change, idiot. go back to your flat earth boards, there's better and more lively debates about that there.

This is trash. Grief is universal. Also
have been around since the mid 1950s.

Only if the Boers conquer the continent.

Eight years.

One of the more successful bots.

And what do you have?

Kill yourself reddit fag

What grief? The climate has been changing for millions of years before humans and will continue to change millions of years into the future regardless of human activity. Man made climate change is a joke theory for so many reasons. Are climate scientists autistic? A symptom of autism is unwillingness to cope with change of any kind. And climate scientists seem to want to keep the Earth climate in limbo which is simply impossible

Man made global warming is a brilliant scam because
1.) It lacks falsifyability. All climate data can be asserted to be man made

2.) Its perpetual and cannot be stopped. Any change to Earth climate good or bad can and will be blamed on us and be twisted to be a bad outcome to fill the narrative

3.) Goverments and organizations are willing to spend billions into stopping an unstoppable and perpetual force

Pic related. I trust a NASA scientists views on Climate Change a lot more than I trust some fakes on MSNBC who give sob stories before flying away in their smog producing private jets

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Sage because samefag
Sorry, not giving enough credit. ASTRONAUT who went to the moon and back!

Middle class problems. Those actually wealthy are too busy grabbing more wealth and power, while the poor are too busy just surviving or trying to ignore all the self-hate bullshit propaganda.


You mean a (((masonic))) filmstudio?sorry user, it's a reflex at this point

I believe 3 things:
If anyone gave a shit about climate change they wouldn't be flying in private jets from their well kept lawns of their mansions to galas where they use more power in a month than the average person. They'd do it from Skype in a small "green" home

Climate change is not caused by human activity, it is caused by God. We must pray to the Lord and ask for His forgiveness, only then will the weather improve.

More anti-White marxist garbage.

tbh we need a noah scale flood to take out major metropolitan areas around the globe. filthy degenerates need a purge more than ever.

LOL! I know something you don't know. and the fact you don't realize this about your orange leader, after all this time, just shows how blindly ignorant your are.

Your own graph shows that climate change is occurring.

It just that its normal for the climate to vary.

>The earth is doomed, accept it

the best part is that apocalypse is always about 10 years ahead, and in that time people simply seem to forget everything..