Guys I need help...

Guys I need help, please present me your arguments and reasons why religious holidays shall be National holidays also in a secularised society. Simply put, why there shouldn't be anyone working on public holidays, which are tied to religious tradition, regardless of one's belief. Deo Gratias in advance Guys

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Those shouldn't exist. Period.

I agree with you on this, but unfortunately I live in one, although we celebrate Christian holidays as public holidays, but many people seem to have problem with it, arguing that it takes away their "freedom of choice"


Can you give more details of these people?
I refuse to believe someone autistic enough exists to use that argument without ulterior motive. I mean, I'd imagine cutting down on the minor celebrations if there where already a ton of recognized holidays (that is a problem in some countries), but still.

Are they of a different religion/culture?

I am in no means a debater, but I'd ask if they felt it were just for a workplace to ban Muslims from praying at the times they need to. The holidays are a period meant to allow people time to become closer to their god/gods and families, and although we call them the Christmas holidays or Easter holidays, there are actually several religions that have their holy days during the same period. If that fails, ask why they hate the idea of mandatory vacations, for they harm nobody but those who seek to be offended by them.


There's a difference between a secular society and an irreligious society.

A secular society has a *separation* between church and state. This doesn't mean the state must not recognise any form of religion, it just means the state has the flexibility to reject religion where it wants too. It need not reject all aspects of religion, e.g. religious holidays.

An irreligious society would reject all religion without any flexibility.

OP here :Basically, on days like Great Friday we have holidays as usual, but they feel "opressed" because if they aren't religious, they would like to work on that day, and the most common argument is that "on such days, it should be up to the store owner whether he wants to open or not under the circumstance of 100% increase of the wage on that day and a choice of going to the work (if you are Christian you don't have to)" I debated this with my friend and the only arguments I had were that in the constitution it's stated that we "uphold spiritual traditions", then that based on the demographics (I live in Slovakia) we have signed a concordat with Vatican, and that under his conditions (above mentioned) what would differentiate between a normal day from a holiday

All of Europe is doomed huh. this is sad.
Feels like it all becoming that way

secular societies tend to fawn over "democracy" so if the mob wants its holidays it gets its holidays, regardless of their source.
secular societies tend to be culture destroyers, people get alienated form their roots and lack identity, national holidays help maintain some sort of national identity for people.

Religious holidays are a sin and should not be observed by anyone.

Gee, I wonder who can be behind this post.

Not much of a reason for a secular society to do so, unless that secularized society has a high population of people who identify as religious. e.g. The United States

Also worth mentioning that it's a hard sell to remove a national holiday. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, that's a free day you get to take off. So even if there are no more Christians left in a country, chances are, they would still celebrate Christian holidays in a perverted and secular way. If there ever were a high enough population of Christians to establish Christian holidays as national holidays, chances are it's going to stay that way. People like having days off.

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Žiješ v Bratislave? Ak áno, potom sa nečuduj, že ľudia okolo teba autisticky škriekajú, keď počujú slovo Vianoce alebo Veľká Noc, na východe s tým nikto nemá problém.

t. východniar

a pagen holiday to celebrate yule that was taken over by (((them))) to sell more cheap chink shitware that falls apart in 1-2 years and doesn't do ya any use in harvest time for growing food nor to edify other christians

Decorations and making idols are two different things

You can't watch this and tell me it isn't eerily similar to Christmas

Yes, eerily similar to Christmas.

Yeah sure buddy.

Wipe this meme from the face of the earth

Why do people just assume that this passage is referring to wholesale cutting down a tree and then placing it in ones' front room just as it is? It's clearly a reference to actual sculpted idols, like the Hebrew teraphim which would be carved out of wood then coated with gold or silver or jewels.
Also, the point it's making is that it's just as ludicrous, because regadless of whether or not you are worshipping a wooden idol or a tree itself, you are worshipping the creature rather than the Creator.


Only the gift giving is similar to Christmas.

Don't pretend these aren't part of Christmas

They're not. Try again.

Maybe they shouldn't. Make the society notice who has to separate, and force us to choose to separate on those days.

Som ani nečakal že tu stretnem slováka. Hej, žijem v Bratislave celý život, ale až v poslednej dobe som začal počúvať tieto argumenty typu: "Však žijeme v sekulárnom štáte, nech sa zamestnávateľ rozhodne či chce mať otvorené cez sviatky." Pomaly ale isto to sem ide :/ ale aspoň sa dajú v Bratislave stále nájsť kostoly ktoré slúžia tridentskú omšu.


That doesn't exist. If God is not placed inside of mens hearts then something Satanic will instead be placed there. The common population doesn't understand this. All men are religious. Some follow scientific dogma while others idolise materialistic possessions or ideals; such as that guy who destroyed a Ten Commandments statue because he placed the Government higher than God's will.

You cannot remove religion from this answer. Religion is the reason why there are more slave workers in communist/Islamic countries than in western countries.

What secular/objective reasons are there to doing anything that doesn't benefit you? Even atheists can participate in donating to charity, but their efforts without God will be a waste of time and resources, better spent conquering; raping; and pillaging other people to place themselves as dominant alphas in evolution.

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