Be me


Give 1 reason not to rope rn, without God I only have lookism and I'm at best a 5/10

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Sounds like it's time for confession, friendo.

Confession won't make the Old Testament any more compelling

Attached: 1484932495204.png (697x360, 454.3K)

Is God an ayy?

If he's an ayylmao I don't even give a winnie the pooh, what difference is it when I die if God is not really transcendental or does not exist at all
If I could reinforce my agnosticism with Biblical study I'd just be more at peace with the idea of death since I'd take hell over oblivion even; I'd NEET it up even if the Bible suggested strongly that it was divinely inspired

Because of that fact that you are posting right here and now, have not roped yourself yet, and looked for God (in the very wrong way) like some Gnostic proved to me that you desperately need God. Also:

Give it a few more years and they will say every Christian is a racist, our Lord Jesus was a queer, and marriage is slavery. Only maniacs or fools believe everything Wiki said without questions, and the only articles not engulfed in flame war, edit war, culture war are strictly hard science and that is change at this very moment.
And the Bible said that that was not the case and it is true. Our world floats in the void more commonly known as space.
Not your own "standard", but with the grace of God. Every fedora-tier atheists out there wants you to argue within their arbitrary "standard" which basically summed up to: "lalalala God does not exist I win trololol."
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. - Genesis 1:27. Guess who lives in you, in your very own reflection of "5/10 at best".

If you believe in cold, hard fact so much you should know that "theories" get disproved constantly, even Einsteins, Stephen Hawkins, etc. With every discoveries, the more evidences turned up and they all pointed towards Him. God exists, and that is a cold, hard fact.

Attached: first_cup_of_science.jpg (403x403, 47.17K)

"But if cattle and horses and lions had hands
or could paint with their hands and create works such as men do,
horses like horses and cattle like cattle
also would depict the gods' shapes and make their bodies
of such a sort as the form they themselves have. "

Anything but that few lines that described God as human-shaped and I would have been willing to beleive

There is only 1 excuse for this and maybe that the transcendental deity manifested Itself in the shape of a human just for the purpose of that encounter; Or that God gradually manifested in more abstract ways as befit the times. But I find that a gigantic coping mechanism right now.

My issue is that if this single line did not compromise the Credibility of the Jahwist source then the Adam and Eve story could have remained firm as an inspired tale that has some truth to it, the truth of the Original Sin, which is the predicate for Christ's sacrifice to the redemption of man and the kernel of Christianity. But that foundation was rocked.

I am open to any more counterpoints to my despair from you or other people because that's the object of this thread

You should watch this when you have time.

That quote isnt real. Please post real sources if it is.

Why would you kys? 'Philosophize'more

Looked it up. It was supposedly misattributed to Werner Heisenberg, but the source that said it is not really trustworthy. The source remains unknown though, but his protege and close acquaintances quoted very similar statements. Many mysteries shrouded about that quote. The man himself has his own personal conviction though it seemed, and like a proper academic of that time unlike the (((academics))) of today who work iniquities, he did not let his very personal view into his published works.

Who knows, maybe he said something like that to his proteges and associates in private. Maybe he did not.

So its just made up. Its obviously bs in the first place sonce its the most posted so called "truths" on alt lite nibbas

Like I said, maybe, maybe not. We are living in the age of wanton historical revisionism, blatant lies, fake news, degeneration of culture, etc.

The only Truth with a capital 'T' we can really trust is in Him. Anything else is very dangerous to tread upon.

And you can only know exactly what He said if you speak Koine Greek. Everything else we know could be imaginary.

Just admit that you're an idiot who easily gets duped on stupid images.

The trolling is far deeper than just images. The education system is telling us communism works.

Thought it was real until you asked about it (got it from this board some long time ago, thought it was genuine). A blunder on my part. My bad. Was trying to find some quotes/picture by scientists who are strong in faith to get OP up and ended up with maybe a huge lie.

Why does God having a body make Him seem less believable to you?

Psalm 121 also talks about living in the shade of God, and how He will hold the left and right hand of His people by laying His on it, but i doubt i worship a umbrella with disembodied, telekinetic hands.

setting aside that poster's weird reasoning, that we can throw source-checking to the windows because da jooz and communist coverups, or whatever, Heisenberg was a devout Lutheran. Quite an interesting read.

That God really was man-shaped in the (J) fragment of the Pentateuch makes it seem more like (J) was fabricating another piece of iron age myth instead of being inspired the Supreme Being revealing Itself

Please stop this. JEDP isn't even trendy anymore in academia and higher criticism is cancer in general.

Man didn't anthropomorphisise God, God anthropomorphised man by creating man in his own image. The Logos appears as a man because that is the closest physical incarnation to God

Shouldn't that be God theophised man, technically?
pardon my amatuer attempt at throwing words together/making them up