Help me resist unrepentant sinners in my family and peers

My mother is a former Catholic. She raised me outside of religion. I never got to visit a Church. I am now accepting God into my life. She visited me today at college. I was disgusted to see how hateful she is to God and really just humankind in general. Out of nowhere she started spewing vitriol at me telling me that Christians are not logical and that everybody should be cremated because "science" says so even though she doesn't really give a damn about science or anything. I'm going to be honest, she is the dumbest person I have ever met. I recently took an IQ test from mensa's norway website (in English though) and I got a result of an IQ of 121. She however is barely literate. I am so severely disappointed on her. I still depend on her to pay for college (she has money that my father, who is completely absent in my life, allocated to her for some of my expenses).

I used to think that atheists simply lacked morals. Now I am convinced that they are consumed by Satan himself. I asked her why she was so fixated on cremation. She literally used the phrase "all the bodies should be burned". It was so absurd because I never even brought up the topic in the first place, I was just asking her why she left the Church when she was younger. I wish I had recorded it because it was simply the most shocked I have ever been. I told her, and I rarely take offense to things, that I was simply offended by what she said. And she told me that SHE was offended by MY FAITH IN GOD!

She also heavily criticized me for speaking of wanting to get married when I am still young (I'm 19 and want to find a wife as soon as I find a good opportunity). Obviously I do not want to grow old without a wife! I have THREE siblings and none of them are religious! They are all unrepentant sinners! My oldest sister is perhaps the worst of them all, she compared Kim Kardashian to the Virgin Mary! She is obsessed with worldly possessions just like my entire family!

Please for the love of God and your family do not tolerate those speaking and promoting atheism! It has taken my family from me! I have literally nobody! All I really have are my cousins and Grandmother but I am not close to my cousins and only some are religious and I fear even they are moving away from God. I am so sad for my grandmother that she has seen her family go astray! My grandfather is resting in peace and I fear my grandmother will pass away soon but all I want is to show her I will find a God fearing wife and continue our family's lineage without defaming God!

How do any of you cope with corrupted family? I am so severely disappointed. I say this as a very new Christian. I would like to say that I was only misguided and have just become aware of Jesus Christ our savior and his greatness. I never had the independence and autonomy in my upbringing to decide but now that I am an adult I declare my faith! I am so sorry for my family. I do not believe I can help them. Most of them will not even talk to me beyond the most basic of small talk. They are consumed.

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Huh… I actually agree with ISIS for once

What the winnie the pooh is wrong with you.

Deuteronomy 7:5 But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire.

Deuteronomy 7:25 The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God.

Deuteronomy 12:3 And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.

Yikes, Ahmed.

Interesting. Waiting for the replies on this one. I was raised by agnostic-atheists. My dad is we wuz kangz (literally) tier and only cares about christianity to argue about MUH WHITE JESUS!!! I'm also your age. Unfortunately, I see that my family are pretty much lazy, with no drive, and no connection to God. I also see that my mother isn't very bright, nor is my father.

Oh yeah what makes it worse is that my dad gives reverence to spirituality and they both believe in ghosts and "karma" but somehow God is laughable. They're morons.


Not an uncommon situation you find yourself in. Satan - through modernism and the addiction to pleasure - has finally made people apathetic towards the truth of the gospel.
If they are unbelievers, then it's their fault for rejecting gods grace and there is little to nothing you can do.
I would advise you to focus instead on becoming more like Christ and keep your faith undettered.
Ideally they will recognise, how the faith changed you for the better, which could be a stepping stone for further developments.

Lead by example. Yet respectfully engage in conversation.
My parents are unbelievers as well, and it hurts me deeply too. They've mocked me for my beliefs as well.
The hurt is a good thing, it means you care about them, but if you care about them more than they do about themselves, there's little you can do except moving on and building your own family when you are ready.

kek, I remember being 19 like OP

I agree with this post.
You can take a horse to a river but you can't force it to drink.
But if you truly care about the horse, you'll keep leading him there for as long as it takes.

OP. Don't forget to not give pearls to the swine. It will simply drain you of your time and energy. Pray for their conversion and focus your attention on strengthening yourself in matters of faith and morals. You are commanded to respect your parents but that does not mean you have to listen to them. See your mothers aggressiveness as a great opportunity to learn basic apologetics instead of getting discouraged. Also you better get used to people hating you for simply believing in a life worth living.

That's a command to destroy the canaanites' idols, not destroy your own ancestral history.

the only ancestral history that's popular these days are the old idols

Unless you're a canaanite, that's not a problem.

Yes, I'm sure God makes an exception for Jupiter (the adulterer) or Odin (the gay rapist).

I guess we should erase everyone who did something bad from the history books too? The point of history is to learn from it as not to repeat it.

And when did we ever throw out the Illiad? Or the Odyssey? When did the monks who preserved all this ever destroy your culture?

Protestant confirmed as the ISIS Sunnites literalists of christianity.

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So, cling to Him.
Do not doubt that He can save you from the devil that lurks in and around your family.
Do not believe the lie that the devil's trials can snap the faith that Christ has gifted you from you – Jesus says, "no one can take from my hand". Believe Him!
And if you DO doubt, pray daily for faith.

I KNOW your feels, OP. I lived them. Imagine, if you can, your own father, who'd been "converted" as a youth at a Billy Graham rally, tell you that "you'll understand one day" that I will drift away from faith, just as he did.
Thirty fuggin' years, Satan, but I have not failed yet. I will yet die with His name on my lips!
Yep, heard that one, too.
In my earliest days, I prayed this man's plea almost every day, stuck it to the back of my bedroom door:

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Sorry, one more thing: this is a hard life to traverse, but for this God gave your two things: (1) His Spirit in your, that you may grow in faith and be comforted during trials; and (2) the Ekklesia.

Find a good body of believers. Cling to them, too. Do not come to rely too heavily on them, that you lean on them not Christ, but learn from them, be comforted by them, and comfort those grieving or discouraged among them. It's something you must learn better than I did: that we are not made to serve alone.

She is a lunatic. I never even brought up this topic. I am only still a teenager and she seems to be obsessing over my future death so she can burn me. Maybe she herself is afraid of the path of nature because she knows she will be judged in the end. She is sick.

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As it stands you're both winnie the poohed for now. I advise reinforcing your resolve to resist her evil until you can gtfo.

thank you for this post

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Fundamentalists think and destroy alike 🤔 who knew

Your mother is exactly the same as my mother.

I find it difficult to believe that people from such distantly removed geographic locations can have identical minds without the intermediation of some kind of supernatural agency, in this case Satan.

This tbqh.

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Stop posting Anime nuns, especially blatant fanservice ones like that one.

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You're very welcome. But know from whom it came: I can only give you what He has first given me. And believe the truth of bitter experience in that post. I hope it aids and strengthens the faithful. Be strong, for you serve an infinitely strengthened God.

There's your clue up above of what you must do.