Anyone noticed the most cringe-worthy people in cartoon fandoms appear to always be atheists...

Anyone noticed the most cringe-worthy people in cartoon fandoms appear to always be atheists? What draw atheists to cringe fandoms?

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They do not dedicate their lives to God, therefore their lives are automatically cringe-worthy,and birds of a feather flock together.

As an ex-atheist slob, I can confirm the accuracy of this.

From (((the Independent))):

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How long until the anti-anime fags show up to peddle their bullshit?

shame that also means muslims will breed

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I should look for a gf…but I first need to connect with God on a proper level.

I am afraid in Europe, we Christians will become an endangered species, maybe something closer to myth than reality in like a century or so. Sad, but alas that's what we get for betraying God: sow…reap…

There is only one way to kill a Muslim. The answer to the Islam question is the same answer to the Jewish question.
Evangelize them to Christ
trust me
don't believe me?
look back at the books of Joshua and Judges
violence didn't kill the worship of the fagan Canaanite gods

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There is not a single place on earth where missionaries converted people to Christianity proper.

t. Santa Muerte worshiper.
Get winnie the poohed, Cortez. Xipe Totec is still alive.

Found the LARPagan
Catholicism won't save anyone Jesus Will.

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This has to be a troll.

So by that argument, every man can succumb to sin, but the Church herself (the Catholic Church) can not because she is the mystical bride of Christ. Your clergy are just as susceptible to sin as ours, yet your churches were started by men and not God, so you do not even have the pure, immaculate bride of Christ that is incorruptible in her teaching and doctrine, you also have corruptible men *on top* of corrupted teaching and dogma because they have split away and rebelled against our Lord and do not keep themselves under His authority which would otherwise prevent them from teaching error. Why be protestant then, using that line of argumentation?

Yet, this poster has a point: at time we indeed act like bullies and retaliate in a vindictive manner.

The only thing that you're only capable of raising a fist to is your boyfriend's ass.
I'm baiting too.

Is that image saying Pope Paul VI is telling the truth or misleading people? I don't quite understand.

He's posting that like it's some controversial statement that we will always be struggling to keep evil out of the church and be the men Christ wanted us to be. It's even one of the first points in 1.Cor in reality, where Paul talks about them letting evil take root in their midst. The church can only be really as good as the christians that are part of it, I think.

I'm not sure if he's a divider or just didn't know any better. None of those would make him a great christian and he didn't make any good argument at all, which also makes him a crappy poster.

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Its because people are inherently religious. Those who do not follow a formalized religion will be drawn to pseudo-religious activities. Most shows/stories which form "fandoms" have an underlying moral framework which, to some extent, typically draws from religious archetypal forms.
A "fandom" is nothing more than a group of people who have largely deprived themselves of organized religion, coming together to form a pseudo-religious community.

tldr: they're replacing God with a pantheon of ponies

As an extra note, these "fandoms" are considered cringy because they are in denial about the religious nature of their activities. They further try to hide this fact by distorting their practices in unnatural ways, or feigning an "ironic attitude" to through of suspicion. Those of us on the outside can plainly see this dissonance, and the "cringe" that inevitably comes is in response to the unauthentic religious practices.

Like pottery

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You've got to be retarded. By your logic gay people will die out by next generation

That's not the point. The idea of "le inevitable atheist victory" has been punctured by atheists' own utter lack of desire to survive, preferring to spend their time with video games, vastectomies and cummies, which contrasts with their idea of evolution and the desire to pass on one's genes. This is pretty much the postivistic, materialistic equivalent of a "cultural Christian".

I'm not arguing atheist will die out entirely, I'm pointing out that they will go back to being an obscure and mildly irritating fringe like they have been ever since the year dot.
Homosex is also a legitimate disorder, so I'm not sure it's entirely comparable with the "FUG U GAWD" crowd.


You have a point, but there won't be any less atheists, at least I don't see any reason for that. Gay people rarely reproduce, yet there are more of them by the minute; that's what I meant

Sure, the militant ones will always be around, but most of the hedonistics or apatheists will be swept up into religion (if only for convenience).

Only because western man is now a tabula rasa which can be turned to anything TPTB want it to be. I don't think gays are that numerous, you're just falling for the media's Delphi Method propaganda, shoehorning them into everything and making them seem more numerous than they are. As it goes Homosexuals are still not that common, and I will be that most of them are hopping on the bandwaggon, being "turned" either by desire or deception. I really believe that there are few congenital homosexuals.

That isn't the argument I was making. My point is this: Put not your faith in men to give you salvation. The Pope can't save you. He has as much authority to save you as a Rabbi has to save a jew. Only by letting God into your heart can you be saved. Only by believeing on Jesus and having your full faith in God can you be saved.

The traditions of the church and the acts you do in it wont save you. Thats my point.

Yes that is true. Many evil pastors have led Jesus' flock astray. But those evil pastors don't speak for the whole church. On the other hand, if you have a wicked Pope, he represents the entire Church.

There is a difference between relying on God and relying on dogma/church traditions.

I have a feeling it is in regards to the pedophilic and abusive preists/bishops. Abusing the state institution that is the Church™.

Just like how it was subverted by the wicked in the times of ancient Israel, it has been subverted today.

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Are they conflating Catholics with EVERY religion on the planet?
Is the journalist REALLY that stupid, do you think?

The REASON we're having more children is because we're not self-absorbed a-holes that hate life and willingly kill babies and children for our convenience. NOT just because SOME of us hate constraception.

Idiots. We're surrounded by idiots.

Another reason the UK gubment is trying to remove parents from the raising of children

The history of the Church would like a word with you

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I wear the same shirt every day too. It's just that I have 5 identical shirts because I'm lazy and this is easier to maintain. Am I still a slob? I can assure you that I only rewear the same shirt for two days at most! My underwear gets changed almost every 12 hours with each bath! (The "almost" here is an approximation of the time-duration, not the likelihood of the underwear being changed).