How does one save himself from the continuous sorrow of existing in this fallen world surrounding us?

How does one save himself from the continuous sorrow of existing in this fallen world surrounding us?

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Pic related is the percentage of babies aborted across the globe

Why is the percentage so high in Russia, anyway?

The Soviets tore down all churches to enforce state atheism. That is the result.

So the resurgence of the Orthodox church has been grossly understated?

Or rather, overstated?

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It's a lonely road…

I have the same feelings as you.
I'll let you know if I find a way.
Certainly eternal life is eventually unshackle us but for the time being I want to do God's will on Earth, as He commands. It hurts me that I can't.

Actual Christians aren't 1% in anywhere of the world.

I know exactly how you feel user. These are the end times. And I am happy for it. I would not want them to drag on and see more souls go to Hell.

The Russians are embracing Orthodox culture, but they don't actually practice the religion.

Bless you, friend.
May you share exactly what afflicts you?

For me, it's the war described in Ephesians 6:10-18. I see it being fought in the way of indoctrination through watchable media.
Everytime I see young men wearing superman t-shirts on the street I feel a deep pain in the back of my mind. The way I see it, our youth is so far removed from reality they prefer to engage and present themselves through the works of fiction. I've had recently a big fight with my brother over him playing video games.
I care deeply about this issue, it physically hurts me like in a war against flesh and blood. And I can't help but to sin in wrath and sorrow.
I pray everyday that I may have the strength to bear the armor of God. I see it as my life's mission even, to raise a family away from the mental poison that is the media and help people get away from this vice, which I have struggled with in my teenage years.
I'll pray that you too can bear the armor of God, friend.
Remember, if it hurts you, it means you care. And that's a great thing.

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Our paths are very similar my friend. In a world of apathy and tolerance of evil, we are very few in number. I will pray for you as well.

As for what afflicts me currently. It is the fact that 25% of all females in my country (USA) are legal murderers, walking around uncaring that they've killed their own children. And even worse, the apathy of which many who would proclaim themselves Christians seem to react with.

Spiritually I am torn between following the Bible, and surviving in this world. Comedy is my profession, and every day I am forced to choose between what is right, or putting food on my table. I am torn, knowing that my father and my mother will both likely end up in Hell for their many sins of which they are unrepentant, and even after all my attempts they will not budge in apathy.

I am told that I need to relax, to loosen up and care less about the world around me. I am told that the passion which burns everyday in my soul is wrong. I am told to ignore it, and be happy with the current state of sin. I cannot remain in this lack of ignorance and be happy as I watch the world quickly fade around me. And I have dreamed dreams, dreams of prophecy. I have spoken to Enoch in a dream, who told me to be kind. And I have seen the sun go down at mid day, and I have seen the end of many lives be destroyed by nuclear weapons.

Every day I live with these things. Every day I bear the burden of knowing many souls will be damned to Hell, and that each of them has hardened their hearts. Every day I bear the burden of knowing that many souls will be damned to Hell, and that each of them has been lied to by false prophets within our churches.

I am torn every day, because I know that following Christ is a lot more than faith. And I am torn every day because I know that the Law of Moses still stands. And that heaven and earth pass, one jot or one. tittle shall in no wise pass from. the law, till all be fulfilled.

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No, I'm legitimately curious, as someone who likes Russians and had the understanding that they are generally religious, despite the setbacks of the USSR.

Ouch. Are there any trustworthy, current statistics reflecting this?

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All sorrow and suffering is nothing compared to the Agape of God. This much, to know his enless love… To bath in it… to know how far he went for our sake… That is enought for me to always be happy or generaly happy, at least.

What the winnie the pooh is going on in Greenland

I can’t point you towards any specific statistic clarifying the lack of true faith in Russia, however I can speak about the general issue.

Putin, a loyal member of the KGB, watched the fall of the USSR in his youth. His whole generation watched the collapse of their country. And ever since then they have been thinking, “what went wrong?“ Grasping at straws they came up with, “well maybe the people do actually need religion.” And so the Orthodox Church of Russia is on the rise with plenty of communist/oligarch monetary backing. Isn’t it interesting that a man so evil could rebuild so many churches?

(USA oligarchy is better than USSR oligarchy, any day the week!)

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My words almost exactly

Thanks, brother. I know it is tempting to kneel before man but do not do it.
I'm not saying you should quit your job but have you ever thought about starting a youtube/streaming channel? That way you could practice your text but also vent about christian issues without repercussions.

It is not wrong, I can assure you that. Christ himself suffers great pain when he sees sin. And so should we.
The difference is His skin is tougher than any armor man can bear. Still, we must hold to our convictions while being strong inside the full armor of God and cultivate inner strength to bear a heavier godly chestplate everyday.
For that we need an absurd amount of discipline, which derives from obeying the Lord (Hebrews 12:7-11).
Do not turn apathetic like outsiders might say to us. Apathy is the opposite of Love, Anger is the other side of the Love coin.

Jewish-led communism killed tens of millions of Christians in the country. Did a number on the country.