They ARE Coming, Prepare In Advance NOW!

Their obvious goal is to destroy the culture of the United States, bring in third world scum, have legalized slave labor and then subjugate the rest of the nation if they are able to disarm us. Thats the goal, you were warned. And you will be slave cattle if you don't fight back when they come to take the guns. Because they ARE coming to take those guns. Block by block, and they have been training for it with their MRAPs ready to block each end of targeted neighborhood roads, with snipers trained on each house as they go in. Think about this, plan a trap to inflict maximum damage upon them (as many deaths as possible).

Attached: Mechanics of Gun Confiscation and Forced Deportation to a FEMA Camp.jpg (390x467, 51.39K)

The sooner they come for your guns, the sooner the zog will be beaten.

That's already accomplished
44% complete
heh, we don't like terms like slavery, we prefer to call it economic freedom.
it's been subjugated since 1913

No, they haven't gotten what they want YET. There is a whole lot more evil they intend for us… and the ONLY thing in their way is the vastly spread out, well prepped and armed population which right now is about 30% of all Americans. It would take about 4% of the population to raise hell for them, if as much as 10% rebel and fight back, they'll lose that war.

Do NOT give up. Because if you give up you best be ready to bend over for some painful butt fuckery and I don't intend on bending over for that.

What is income tax?

Does zog have zero recruitment fitness standards? I'm guessing that guy is out of breath just lifting each donut to his mouth.

You can bet it got his little dick hard pointing a rifle at a mother taking a photograph. He got to pretend he was a real life soldier!

I dont live in the USA lol.

Right, right. We believe you.

Doesn't matter. The jewnited states is fucked no matter what. Americucks won't do anything and happily become slaves. Then the rest of the world will follow.
Everything's fucked. No point in trying anymore.
You won't do anything. You will just sit there and be angry on the internet until you get redflagged and shot to death by cops. We all lost. Game over.

Which is exactly why these worthless threads hold zero weight.
Zig Forums - 90% random assorted shitskins from miscellaneous third world countries pretending to be american

Well, I don't live in the US so if even if you burgers admit to not resisting then I guess all hope is lost ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

We(American gun owners) are by and large either fat, stupid, old, or convinced that having a gun magically makes you invincible.

This. Don't count on americucks to care about their rights or guns when pressed up against the wall. We're fucked.

Isn't that the definition of the USA?

That's amusing, because I look at zog politics and think "at least Greece has Golden Dawn, so maybe there is still hope somewhere."

I do that with Hungary and Poland.

How is Golden Dawn doing, anyway? I haven't heard shit about them.

It's pretty funny how a majority of the police and military personnel I know talk about they plan to defect and go innawoods, while a majority of streloks these days talk about how they they plan to bend over as soon as the government asks them to. At this rate it'll only be streloks confiscating guns from other streloks. Zig Forums's become strange.

Spermutt detected itt

Attached: 1380081123199.png (346x193, 33.72K)

What did he mean by this?

Attached: 43fc03bab248c1d9e5403412d6e205041d933eb5831edbd933f9837bcf5c3e49.png (482x484, 400.35K)

He's a fed trying to trick people into thinking there will be military or police that would help us. There will be no defectors. Everyone will follow their orders to redflagged and kill anyone that would refuse be slaves to the jews and/or resist being forced to breed with shitskins.
He is right about how most people here would bend over when the government knocks.

uhhhh, try 1776.


Why don't you just kill yourself, faggot? You're not even willing to die for a cause you believe in, you're all too enthusiastic to bend over and take gov cock while licking boots. I want to kill you.

Oh and what cause is there to die for? Every single one has turned rotten. There isn't anything really worth fighting for anymore since everyone has cucked out.
And what are you going to do about it when the government comes knocking? Shoot them? You'll get redflagged long before that. They'll raid your house while you're at work, then wait for you to return just so they can shoot you.

Fuck off, kike.

Huh, your ID change again faggot? I assumed it was one cocksucker IP hopping and spamming the same blackpill shit in EVERY thread, but until now I couldn't confirm it. The only one "cucking out" is you, faggot, unironically suggesting people give up rather than kill cops to defend what's theirs. Wanna know how I know for a fact you're not from around here? You're preaching this defeatist shit.
You are trying to convince others here that we are a tiny minority, and resistance would be pointless.
You would not be doing so unless resistance is expected and feared. We will fight. We will win. You will die.
I have waited all of my life to fight in a civil war. Soon my time is coming, and faggots like you will be exterminated en mass.
There are more of us than there are of you, and we are better trained. This is what scares you.

Ave Nex Alea, fuck you. This is now an insurgency thread.

Attached: thermite_recipe.png (800x1200, 389.78K)


You could at least have drawn a schema for trap that can pour thermite onto your targets. This is what is worrying people. Retarded shitskins larp that never owned a gun and think thermite is good for anything but, uhm, melting old craps?
Ok, mr Gman.

Attached: Definition of race hwhite of muttmerica.png (614x647, 162.47K)

Surething bro. Where were all the "green berets" that signed the letters that stated they will revolt?
I mean they didn't have to revolt when the bumpstock ban happened, but gathering again for a few thousand more signatures would have been a pretty nice gesture during this time period, no?

It's spermutt

There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.

All I have are recipes I saved from lurking.
Tell me how to disable a car engine surreptitiously in lieu of a high temperature reaction, faggot? Thanks for contributing nothing.

Doesn't matter who he is, he's pissing me off.
These are for educational purposes only, pls do not reproduce or manufacture

I think you are replying to spermutt.

It is almost as if you are some retarded mutts or feds trying to get anons arrested for arsoning.


I never suggested anyone do anything, retard. Take your fed fearmongering elsewhere, maybe direct your attention to your overbearing police state?

Spermutt is board culture indeed.

Information is covered under the first amendment, buddy.

How about not telling feds what we are going to build with our power tools and only publicize the other kind of weapons that actually works in peacetime instead?

Attached: GAS_2.JPG (1024x640 105.62 KB, 127.05K)

I understand being a subject of a Rothschild state, you have no concept of free speech, but the U.S. doesn't actually penalize people for having pdf's.

i really want to know how you fags are gonna be able to handle a situation were a swat team is prepared to enter your home and confiscate your shit, you are all alone at 3AM shitposting and suddenly your hear POLICE OPEN UP. how would you fight against the zogbot army?

I for one welcome more mutts being arrested on NFA charges. Do what you want then.

By throwing Thermite, obviously.

There should be a rule that only people that own weapons can post here. How much did your internet license cost, my anglo friend?

Attached: 1500644326-3.jpg (1337x3574, 1.41M)

Hypothetically in a legal self-defense situation, the goal should be to inflict as much damage as possible. Even if it means shooting only one hostile criminal who's illegally breaking into your house to steal your property, that's one less criminal that can break into somebody else's home. Maybe that team of criminals will think twice before illegally invading another home. Hypothetically.

Reminder that 31f1b8 is either a fed trying to entrap people or a retard that's going to get redflagged.
Reminder that americucks won't do anything when push comes to shove. They will happily clap as they are disarmed, made into slaves for the benefit of the jews, and be forcefully bred with niggers.
Reminder that the western world is hopelessly fucked and beyond saving. The Europeans will also share this fate. To their benefit, they'll at least get a solid laugh as cuckmerica dies first.

I've been thinking about this stuff for a while. It really seems like there's not much hope. I'm a Zig Forumsfag so I'm used to blackpills and demoralisation posts. My usual attitude is just to say, "Well we can't just lie down and rot, we have to keep trying no matter how bad things get." But it really seems like nothing ever changes. We all wish we could take a stand and make something change, but it's very rare to see someone actually do it. And when someone does take a stand, there's no-one behind him. Everyone's too scared or too comfortable.

I suspect that the US ZOG will come for people's guns, and most people will give them up. There will be some who hide guns, which will work for a time, but the government will crack down bit by bit and label these people as terrorist threats. The public will see them as such and there will be very little sympathy for anyone with guns. Some will try to violently resist but of course they will be quickly suppressed. The only people who will have guns in the end are beaners, niggers and the government.

People shitpost a lot, both here and on Zig Forums, about DOTR or SHTF. But how many people are actually ready for such a situation? I'm not, and the few others I know who post here aren't. There are a lot of students who have too much to lose, NEETs who have no skills or motivation, and of course there are many who talk big but are scared. As they should be. It's a terrifying situation that we're in. As I see it, European civilisation has long been on the decline, but we're still pretty far from its collapse.

Realistically, I think there will be some kind of change, there has to be, but it won't be a DOTR situation. Things will slowly get worse and worse, and governments will become overburdened by debt, bureaucracy and the sheer cost of welfare etc. There will probably be a financial collapse that sets things off, people will get desperate and turn to more radical solutions, essentially a pre-WW2 situation all over again. In the end, I doubt much will really change, we'll end up with a different government but everything else will be pretty similar. I don't think we'll have any sort of radical increase in general freedoms, and I would expect a return to soulless consumerism after the financial collapse.

It's all so tiring. I wish I could be optimistic but the future doesn't look very bright. This will probably be the last thread I post in for a very long time, as my plan for the moment is just to read as much as I can, work out, learn new skills and try to find other non-NPCs to shoot the shit with. Maybe I'll join the reserves or something since it looks like the easiest way to get access to guns and training.
Sorry for the rant, really just had to get it out of my system. Sage for blogpost.

Thanks for changing your IP again, you sure tricked me. Why don't you kill yourself if everything is so hopeless?


Just to clarify for anyone that might be intimidated by this retard:
This retard is trying his hardest to blackpill every thread on this subject. Don't let his autism dissuade you.

Face it, m8. We're all fucked. We all lost over a hundred years ago. Except back then, we could've done something.

Having information isn't illegal one bit, as in I've got multiple hardcovers on all sorts of topics that would make a left wing nutjob screech harder than they usually do, yet again it doesn't cause much for their breakdown.

Take a knife and end yourself then. Why prolong your suffering? Honestly if you were around me I'd do it myself, nobody has time for the doomsayers and to be quite frank nobody has any need to hear of it.

Attached: 984ec20be34bfabc3749ca5928c5263b.jpg (720x416, 51.56K)

This guy has to be a fed or something. I refuse to believe any man with a shred of self respect would devote his time to bitching on Taiwanese Pot Sticker sites about the futility of life.

Attached: 6848b807350cedf506c9287c56b0960554075b1600ecccb3d0881545bde168f1.jpg (1610x2169, 609.25K)

Go ahead. Give me an example, just one, of things not being so fucked. That there is something actually worth looking forward to. That we won't be fucked over for once.
All I want is just one example and i'll quit blackpilling and properly apologize for all my previous blackpilling. Go on.

He's a troll whose bait everyone falls for


Attached: Bill Shorten anime.PNG (515x728, 478.27K)

When you stop shitting all over the website your fingers will be less tired.

There is a woman waiting for you. You're not alone in any fight you engage in. Now stop being a nigger.

Damn, I bet you changed his mind with that one.

Have you been paying any attention? The state, or should I say
of women in current year is not looking too good. I doubt any woman is waiting for anyone.

Look, I might buy secondhand cars, guns, and clothes, but why should I settle for a twentieth-hand slut?

Breddy gud

You should not. Embrace the way of the warrior-monks and sentence your life to knowledge and self-defense - like me.

Think of the children please

Valid. I had enough dumb luck to find a girl while in high school, before she could embrace degeneracy.

Women are trash. The only thing to look forward to is death whether it is your own or others.

Whatever faggot. Filtered.

Whatever you say, spermutt.

Attached: spermutt_exposed.png (1343x3083, 293.77K)

I'll just continue to filter whatever ID you hop onto next, faggot. I recommend you kill yourself if life is so pointless and bleak.

If there were really no point in anything, then why is he even expending the energy to post? Just lay in bed. It's a lot comfier and less stressful than blackpillposting on hatechan. That is unless you're getting paid 10 cents a post of course.

Nah, you're doing it for free. Isn't that right, spermutt?

The only way this might work is if they somehow ferreted out the country boys who would turn on the military if something like this were ever suggested. Granted it's easy to pick out the trannies dikes and other assorted faggots who joined up for the money. I doubt they would make it far.

What is with all the defeatist faggotry on here? Seriously, this wimpy depressed attitude is EXACTLY THE REASON why you dipshits will give up and lose.

I don't really care about death. I used to be afraid, not anymore. Blow me out of this hellhole already ZOG bots. I'm ready to put up the deadly fight when you are. And I know I likely won't win. Boo fucking hoo. If I slow down movement I'll consider it a win. Like the Vietnamese. And guess what? They actually won that war.

It's one faggot IP hopping and posting the same shit, over and over again. He has an IR fetish where Americans are forced at gunpoint to fuck niggers, cocksucker needs bullet in his head.

It'll work if enough people have the balls to shoot back, fight back, set fatal traps, homemade explosives, etc. What this will do is 1) slow down their gun grabbing operations, 2) it will make some cops consider quiting their jobs due to the high risk of fatality (or defecting) and 3) it will cause such a public uproar the govt may have to reconsider what they're doing due to serious peer pressure put on them.

FACT IS THIS: if you won't fight, you lose the guns. If you fight, you may lose anyway. Butif enough of us fight back, if enough of us grow balls….. THEN they got a big problem on their hands.

Pick your side. Its time to pick your side, and make this very tough decision. They're coming soon, like it or not.

Shooting cops as they come to you is stupid, you're literally giving them the initiative and letting them decide when, how and where. Thirty Timothy McVeigh wannabes coordinating with each other is all it'd take to make them reconsider their position.
tl;dr hey kid wanna bomb a federal building

Being scared of this is normal. If your not scared of war, then your are mentally unstable because war is deadly and even worse, can cause serious hell for you if captured by an enemy force. An armed civil uprising would turn into a war, and fast. Don't think being scared means you are defeated. In fact, what you will need to survive is lots of adrenaline when that day comes and not a seconds hesitation.

As for comfort, yes this is a problem. Too many of us are too comfortable and this does not suite well with being prepared. You better be ready to take action as soon as the lights go out, or the internet stops working in your area. Thats a tell-tale sign. When they go from neighborhood to neighborhood (talking about the US here) your internet will likely be jammed to prevent people from altering others. This includes jamming of cell phone and radio signals too. They're prepared for this, and you best be as well if you intend to fight it.

I really hate to bear any bad news, but we have really two choices: we get determined to fight this, or we get ready to bend over and let these fuckers have their way with us as they completely wreck our country beyond all recognition. You think its bad now? You won't even want to live if they fully have their way with us and then you'll wish you did fight back.

I'm not calling for violence for no cause. I'm calling to be ready for violence if thats what it takes to save our nation from humiliating defeat.

You'll know when they're after your guns. You don't go shooting at one or two cops at the door. If they're after the guns, they're coming with their MRAPs and a whole SWAT squad behind them. And you'll see them going from one home to the next, back and forth, back and forth.

The disadvantage they have is significant too. They are way outnumbered and are typically strained on resources. If two or more get injured (or killed) this puts a huge hamper on their gun grabbing operation. All it takes is one savvy prepared MF to bring that heat to them and it forces them to call for backups. And they don't have endless backups either. Now consider the whole damn country, same thing only local dispatches, one small community at a time. This would take two to three years to accomplish, its not all happening to everyone at once. Only communities that happen to be the most armed, where many people didn't hand them over when requested.

We are not fucked. Only if you choose to be a defeatist are you fucked. Let me explain something, we outnumber the enforcers 100 to 1. All it would take is for enough people to stand up and fight back when they decide to grab those guns. If we Americans turn cowardly, thats it, we lost. If we don't, these gun grabbers are going to have some major headaches and heartaches.

They will NOT grab the guns right off the bat. What they will do is intimidate you with a letter in the mail from the local police department stating "dear blah, we know you have X, Y and Z, you are required to turn them into blah blah blah its the law blah blah blah or you could be charged with a felony by blah."

Whether Americans will turn them in, thats up for debate. Hopefully they will not and grow some balls. A rebellion will have the feds and politicians pissed and they'll demand enforcement. THAT is when they will start going from one neighborhood to another. You need to be prepared for this.

What I foresee happening initially, is there will be a few casualties on our side until the preppers who've prepared for this since the 90's get a good drop on and raise morale. Most Americans unfortunately are sheeplike in that they won't take direct action until somebody else does. Decades of TV propaganda about the all powerful Fed has instilled a soft blackpill in a lot of people. As you said though, we have the numerical advantage. Once they start taking hits, more and more people will join in. Blackfags have this idea that every officer on the Earth is a devote Zionist child molester. Maybe a fair few of them are, but a good majority aren't and would gladly back the people they live around.

Slave labor (of criminals) was never outlawed in US.

Why do give heads up in advance?
Best guns grabbing tactic is stop owner of illegal guns on the road block with HMG armed APC support and arrest him. Then search his house without any resistance, find guns and give him jail sentence.
Unstoppable force.

Attached: 64565.jpg (480x360, 12.4K)

Heavy Weapons + Roid Raging Officers + Impatient Ameriburger commuters = The Dorner Manhunt cluster fuck on a nation wide scale

Attached: 2220efb8be04a352826c960a28740fb80275626c952076b10603d355c4128cd5.gif (200x150, 2.59M)

Man, wait until it turns into a shooting fest where nobody knows who the fuck they're shooting at.

Attached: Must kill.jpg (640x960, 250.16K)

I'm glad amerimutts are going to get BTFO. They deserve it for everything they've done in history. It's hilarious seeing the mutts here say they'll do something.

epic and brownpilled

Based muttspammer.

Much better meme than spergook/spermutt tbh

I don't care honestly. if this country erupts into anarchy, I won't need a license, just rob abandoned stores.

actually its Israel doing the shit, not us.

Both of you deserve to die, tbh.

I want to see americucks give up, admit they are cucks, and happily wait for their future as a corpse or a slave. All while saying that they deserve it.
I think it'd be neat to have an amerimutt slave. You can beat and torture them all you want and they'll be happy for it. Hell the other slaves would clap and enjoy the show.

Nope, YOU deserve to die, yid.

Americans will never give up, neither will anyone else.

Now go shill yourself elsewhere.

Your opinion does not matter because you are an amerimutt.

Flaming communist detected.

Why are americans so stupid?
Why do they assume they'll do something when they've already lost?
Why not just sit down and give up?
At least kill yourselves while you still can so that you can die on your own terms.

Attached: 1c9e0fc8710889c57a84282e55232fd59a82b4ecd073f033d2c1acf12b093ad8.jpg (599x585, 39.9K)

I think in the last few months, Zig Forums Zig Forums is now populated by 5% Zig Forums posters, 35% government shills, and 60% private cointelproesque rammer jammer shitposters attempting to ruin the board.

Says a man who has never done anything except complain about the quality of Zig Forums

Hey man, a man gotta earn his paycheck somehow. Dont judge me

Nice try spermutt. Go be a mutt somewhere else.
Remember that anyone against shitposting on Zig Forums is spermutt.

The only things you need to beat that are tunnels leading out of your house to a safe area, tripwire explosive traps and literally any kind of projectile explosive. M79, RPG7, or a fucking flare gun modified to fire 25mm grenades. All you have to do is set the traps, hit the MRAP or a large cluster of zogs with the launcher, then skedaddle down into the tunnel and drive away in the zogbuster van you made for when this day comes

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