Hello Zig Forums. I am by no means a religious man...

Hello Zig Forums. I am by no means a religious man, but you lot seem reasonable enough so I wanted to ask you a question. If I were to make a death pact with somebody, inject meth with them, have one final laugh on this miserable planet, then we both shoot each other simultaneously and bleed to death…would your God punish me for such a thing? Obviously we would both be circumventing suicide by simply killing each other and putting the other of out their misery; an act of compassion really.

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Murder is still murder so yes, you would be condemned. Don't fool yourself with (((satanic lies))) OP. I sincerely hope you don't do any of those things.

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I know it sounds edgy and there is nothing I can say that will make it seem "more reasonable." I've never been happy until I put meth into my arm. On that day I realized that I should have been aborted and that life for all humans is just suffering. So wouldn't it actually be compassion if I killed someone else as winnie the poohed up and miserable as I am while he kills me? Obviously for anybody to entertain the idea would be hated by everyone around them and would like to die with a kindred spirit right?

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Again, murder is not compassion.
Compassion would be trying to help them beat the blue devil. My friend, you need professional help.

Here is a number you can call:

It's a meth addiction hotline
Take it if you want help
but I already know you chose your fate
a coward's fate
if you want to prove anything to me, if you want to impress me, fix yourself

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You'll have to stand before God and answer for the sins of murder and suicide, brother. Besides that, this plan has an enormous flaw in that it's highly unlikey that you'll pull the trigger at the same time; meaning that one of you will simply kill the other. I sincerely hope this is simply bait and that you're not in such a dire state tgat you'd entertain this notion even in passing.

Why do you idolize happiness? What needs has it ever satisfied?

I don't do that hotline crap because it's just as trite as life itself. I simply wanted a different perspective on the subject than my own or a normalfag perspective. I have nothing to repent for and if I killed somebody who would live a life of misery, then I would be compassionate because I returned them to energy sooner rather than later.

It's not suicide or murder. Ideally, I would have the other person deal me a mortal wound by shooting me in the chest right next to the heart. The agony of it would probably spurn reactive anger and I would shoot them in the head and subsequently bleed out, while high out of my mind on meth and feeling the last of my brain chemicals flow through me before death.

I don't idolize anything. I was simply stating that life is the sort of trite misery that isn't really worth a damn. I have only felt what I can surmise as being close to pure joy when I put meth into my arm, so I figure I should do that again before the person I have made my death pact and I decide to seal the deal.(USER WAS SEVERELY WARNED FOR LOVING DEATH)

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You act like you need happiness more than you need air, I wonder why that is

Like I said already.
You dont want help.
You chose your fate.
You will be punished.

You pervert the meaning of love and compassion because you allowed the blue devil to take your mind. Remember OP,

Eternity is a VERY long time


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You can't game God. Suicide is rejecting grace.

It seems like you're the one that needs Jesus Christ and read your Bible. Go to church and repent.

I'm back from hell and it's a wonderful place compared to your Jewish God's winnie the pooh gay earth. Happiness is bathing in a Jew/Christian/Muslim's blood and thanking Odin for the chance to kill you semite trash.

I am going to get back into chemistry so I can stockpile tons of meth for my brothers in blood. Catholics and Christians have tried to attack me all of my life and now it's time to set you winnie the pooh scum on fire and sacrifice you to the Demiurge, Odin, and the multitude of Gods who despise your evil semite God.

Mars hates Christians and the only grace you will recieve is annointing my blade as I cut off your semite head.

Jesus would smirk his evil smile if I shoved a knife up the cunt of a woman and slit her open to the neck.(USER WAS BANNED FOR BAN EVASION)

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No, you're not and no, it's not. You may act edgy because you feel neglected, but you don't really believe what you're saying and while I'm glad of that, you should recognize your own lack of faith in your words. That's the first step towards sanity.

Wow an edge lord how original…..

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Hey Mods can we change Odin to cum drinker it would be funny

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Foolish man. We have been here long before the Cult of Pythagoras and Babylon. You don't realize that you are the children of an evil god, not us. Without us and our influence…humanity would have been destroyed long ago. The pagans made their fables with names like Odin…but we have been the solidarity that holds together your pathetic mammillian race.


Damn bro you got me good, good job

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And so the power of paganism is that you’re going to kys in a death pact while on meth, very interesting stuff well that’s your choice in life good luck with it

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Ohohohoho, I am no pagan…but they do not worship an evil god. Thus, their existence is rather trivial.

Don't you know? Reincarnation is near instantaneous after brain death. As long as you've accumulated enough knowledge and power within the eternal spirit…you can retain enough memory to essentially become an immortal. How many times have you died Christling? We are going to ensure that you and the Muslims destroy each other after we annihilate all of the Khazari Kikes. You have been warned, scum.

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talking to a brick wall covered in razors
have fun in hell, edgelord

Sure whatever you say buddy but you really should kick the drug addiction your friends & loved ones wouldn’t like to see you on that stuff and it’s not good for you either

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Hell doesn't exist.

I overdosed and died at least twice now. Much like all the other times…I reincarnate and continue on in a slightly altered mortal coil. My loved ones have all died or been killed, but they did not return. I am bound to my fate and eternal spirit, just as you are bound to serve your evil god. This cult is not easily escaped, now is it?

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Hell doesn't exist.

I overdosed and died at least twice now. Much like all the other times…I reincarnate and continue on in a slightly altered mortal coil. My loved ones have all died or been killed, but they did not return. I am bound to my fate and eternal spirit, just as you are bound to serve your evil god. This death cult is not so easily escaped is it user?

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oh dear

Okay guess that’s the gist of this conversation I can’t convince you because you’re a immortal drug addicted being well a another interesting conversation on Zig Forums for me well bye

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This for this post

May Lucifer The Lightbearer save you from the evil influence of YHWH the evil desert semite god of the most foul wicked Khazari Jews. YHWH hates his followers and sees them as slaves, but Lucifer…the true God of this place will return all of us to energy beyond joy you could possibly imagine.

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I’m Good

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Mods recommend you Kill this thread, it's just being used for some edgelords trolling grounds no real discussions going on here.