Dude triggering some thots dressed like whores around children

Dude triggering some thots dressed like whores around children.


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wanna bet she didn't have the jacket on hiding her nipples at the time? also this trend of girls with huge holes in the knees of their jeans is obviously meant to imply that they spend a lot of time on their knees.

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It's not necessary to call them sluts, but come on.

Make me laugh.

That's right, "whore" is the more accurate term that God preferred to use.

This thread is kind of weird.

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pic related

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I really hate Western women. The only good thing about the Islamic invasion of the West is that these spoiled, supercilious thots will get what they deserve, and vote for.

I dont like the secular ones either, user, but we must remember, they're victims of our fallen world and the ((((((((((((((((((((society and media)))))))))))))))))))) that exists within it. Thats really whose to blame here, they destroyed the family unit, destroyed the prominence of religion with the help of "tolerant" Christians and this is where we are now.

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Oh c'mon.
I love it when stuff like this happens, but am i the only one who thinks this thread is just made so incels can bitch about women, after the "celibacy revolution" one didn't have the intended effect, and lost steam?

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You glow in the dark when you remove Original Sin in a Christian board, fem/pol/.

Go learn about Christianism and then you will see why this rethoric fails every single time.

pls enlighten us

I chuckled.

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based kiddos

They're dressed like literal whores.

Makes me completely sick to to my kidneys seeing girls walking, posing and dressing like that. These whores are all about themselves and try to get every grain of male attention they can get. Trying to not masturbate and treating women like they're not whores is very difficult when 96 % of teens and twenties are dressing and acting whorish and have no concept of male authority. Man in OP could've handled it in a more corteous yet hurtful manner, but still, he is the hero we need in those degenerate and godless times. With all sincerety, I hope Europe and America get nuked, purged like the Sodom and Gomorrha they are.

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This is what happens when dads are spineless, agreeable and (((tolerant))) beta males, moms raise their kids with "girl power teehee" and then their ((((((educators)))))) fill their impressionable minds with filth about how theyre little angles who can do no wrong and if any man criticizes them for how they dress or act, they just cant handle a strong woman. All the media filth doesnt help either.

tl;dr I unironically blame the jews for all of this. They're destroying the Christian family unit by removing the Christian aspect of it, then getting the women to devalue themselves as much as possible.

This is what happens when you spare the rod

I'm sure they've had plenty of rod.

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Wait. Weren't the girls with the green and the one with the neon-green top just wearing sports clothes?
Did those two just participate in some sports event? Would be kinda harsh to insult them for wearing sports clothes.

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Also, going to point out that bras can be really uncomfortable at times and as long as you aren't showing them off there is literally nothing wrong with going without.

Is this some double ironic memefecta?

Maybe if you're dressed like this instead of wearing a skin tight shirt made of thin fabric to show off your mammaries as girls do now.

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Does wearing a spandex top with no bra count as showing off?

How anyone can say the guy is based or whatever I have no idea. There is no reason we should be celebrating some guy name calling some passing girls in public in front of everyone, whether we agree they're dressed as whores or we lament the decline of traditional femininity and rise of degeneracy in general. Only God can judge in the end, and I wasn't there to witness the whole thing, but from the video but it seems pretty clear the guy was just provoking and looking to stir shit and felt he had to say something, even if fired by the righteous indignation you're all expressing regarding the state of those young women and women in general now, it was not the correct way to go about whatever he was hoping he would achieve by doing it, assuming he had sincere intentions and didn't just accidently let his anger and frsutration and disgust get the best of him in a lapse of self control. Two wrongs do not make a right, and he was wrong to do what he did. Lord have mercy on you guys who are calling him a hero for winnie the pooh's sake.

I chuckl'd

That's a horrible notion that never crossed my mind, I don't think/know if fashion designers explicitly and purposefully thought *I know, what types of clothes styles can we design and develop that indirectly implies girls have worn their clothes down from specific sex acts* Maybe it's a design choice led by satan to induce such thoughts/implications in the imagination, but the designers themselves I don't think are as smart as that, if they want to use sex to sell the clothes it's about revealing skin, getting close to being as close to being naked as possible without actually being naked (which these jeans do and I assume is the more straight forward rationale behind them), other triggers led/made fashionable by porn and music videos (the same thing, really)

Righeous anger is at times justified, but seriously get a grip

You're naive. Look at the trend of girls wearing chokers for another example. It resembles a dog collar, it evokes S&M. All this is intentional.

Thats the obvious example I was thinking of when I referenced fashion taking it's lead from porn, specifically. Chokers were big in the 70s too, and then in eras before then (I think I remember reading they were worn by prostitutes in Victorian times but would imagine they had lost that association because they were considered pretty if there was that large a gap between their use- I'm thinking a young wholesome (at least sounding) Emmylou Harris wearing one while on stage). But no, the recent trend of chokers and their darker dehumanising implications borne of their inspiration (modern porn) has not escaped me, trust me.


You are either a faggot or a womyn. Whatever you are, leave this board and never come back. We don't need pussy-ass lukewarm Christcucks like you who make Christianity look more of a joke than it already is.

So? He judges if you are in His grace, but we, as Christians, are supposed to judge and rebuke those who transgress the Law. Where did you get the idea that Christians aren't supposed to judge? Jesus 3:16 maybe?

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No, only you are paranoid about incels.

So…only God knows his heart and his intentions in full, being the only one that is omniscient, was my point.
Where did you imagine that I posted something that implied otherwise?

It's over for him.

Doxxing a man and acting like they are the righteous ones.
Whores will be among the first to get it on the day of the rope, then we will let God decide their fate.

Someone warn him so he can sue that woman. She just committed a crime and boasted about it on twatter.

The unrighteous, in this case, whores, who are given over a reprobate mind, get their way. How long is it supposed to go on? The Japhetites need to be purged.

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What is spreading this is idea for women going bra-less, at work I've bagged groceries for a few women who went around in white tops with decent sized breasts and nipples notably visible.

And I mean a actual societal explanation, it's too easy for people to just say "blame Satan".

For me I'm just curious about the motivation, the only ones I can think are they're feminists pushing the "breasts aren't sexual" meme or just attention seekers wanting men to stare.

Girls like attention. Showing tits gets them attention. ol

Sorry for dubbleposting. But now I've seen the second video. Come on man these girls in the video don't even have boobs yet. Why should they wear a bra lol and what about a sportsbra. I think this guy was staring at their boobs and then got busted so he had to make an excuse

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I seriously hate how easy it is for women to destroy lives now out of petty vengeance. They just took away the income from a man with a family. I mean yeah he seemed like one of those aggressive assholes who always need to speak their minds, but that doesn't warrant getting him fired and likely blacklisted from whatever business he worked in.

Not to mention, we never really see the full extent of the clothes these girls wear. If nipples are visible at a public event then they're behaving like sluts, if he's raging over nothing then just let it go.

I've encountered assholes like him, and despite in the heat of the moment wanting to bash their brains in, after the moment passes you realize it wasn't worth it and move on.

A lot of sodomites work in the fashion industry.

That's why fashion models look like skinny, flat boys. And then all men get the blame, as if we were the ones attracted to anorexics.

When dealing with women, shame is a very powerful weapon. In some cases, women would actually prefer death to shame and there's enough stories of women remorselessly throwing others under the bus just to preserve their own social standing.

makes sense.
quality thread.
very Zig Forums related

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she's already over it

The guy is most definitely a pedophile.

"The last virtues of a dying society are tolerance and apathy." - Aristotle

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If it ain't for sale, don't put the "for sale" sign on it.