Hungarian town is too white and too christian to win "Capital of Culture" by EU panel

Hungarian town is too white and too christian to win "Capital of Culture" by EU panel.

According to Cser-Palkovics, one member of the jury of “experts,” whom he identified as a Belgian politician, strongly disapproved of the promotional video, calling it a “propaganda film for white Christian Europe” in which “everyone is white, happy and dancing in the streets.”

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>caring what the (((EU))) thinks

Why tho?

because they influence the masses with policies and propaganda

For now, but if the VisegradGroup keeps up their pace, the (((EU))) will be irrelevant. Besides, Hungry doesnt need some meaningless title like "Cultural Capital of Europe"
rebirth of Austria-Hungary when?

the title isn't the issue, but the mentality of the people in charge is.

I agree with you. There is a clear (((agenda))) to destabilize europe. Based Hungarians kinda redundant lol wont be affected by this and neither should you. If anything, it can be a excuse to draw the VisegradGroup closer.

Somewhat unrelated :
Did Austria ever say anything about supporting the VisegradGroup? I know their recent election went "far-right" (read More Christian)

Attached: visegrad_group_by_janemin-d7nyq3f.jpg (954x838, 176.24K)

that's old news

You forgot to mention the source.
Oh wow, its frikkin nothing


How does the EU even operate?

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Also, youve had eastern and non-immigrant filled cities elected as cultural capitals for a decade, and continue to be chosen, so yeah, im gonna take it with a mine's worth of salt.

user if you take this away from them then they don't have anything else

Dog bites man.

Here's something tastier to those who like (((credible sources))).

Attached: ajELqXw_460svvp9.webm (460x460, 1.23M)

That's racist.


who is they? and this is just a minor issue, there are bigger ones and far many more.

EU takes Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic to court over migrant quotas

Attached: diverse halal rape gangs.jpg (618x400, 52.87K)


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ok here's another example
pic related


Attached: c10cd350bca3656cd8c1ba8808d7086f54ba755e7ade80b7268716bf39d52279.jpg (206x244, 5.86K)

Pretty much a clear case of racism and hatred towards religion. Oh wait, whites and Christians does not count. Here is to the second Babel, hope it crashes magnificently upon the its workers of iniquity.

Except OP's subject wasn't talking about immigration as a whole.
It was talking about Székesfehérvár, in particular.
Reading comprehension, tigga.

The problem wasn't that liberal mainstream news websites weren't reporting it, the problem is that NO ONE ELSE, fringe or mainstream, outside of that Russia Today article(and one or two reposts of that article) has said this shit, which is a huge red flag.

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