Toronto Jihadist's family hired pro Muslim PR Spin Doctor,"Muh mental illness"

The man who has presented himself as the point of contact for the family of Faisal Hussain is a professional activist who has reportedly committed himself to “framing a new narrative of Muslims in Canada” and creating a “national political movement.”

Shortly after the Ontario Special Investigations Unit revealed the identity of the Danforth shooter as 29-year-old Faisal Hussain, a news release was sent out to select media attributed to the “Hussain Family”.

The polished statement began with the family’s “deepest condolences to the families who are now suffering on account of our son’s horrific actions.” It then went on to explain that “our son had severe mental health challenges, struggling with psychosis and depression his entire life.”

While there have been cases of high profile individuals hiring PR representatives for crisis management – such as Michael Bryant and Jian Ghomeshi – it’s rare to see it happen with someone not already in the public eye.

The media-savvy Hashim has been featured in stories for a variety of his activities including in his capacity as president of the board for the Erin Mills Youth Centre and as a leader of the Muslim community group DawaNet

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Here are the 2 dead girls this "mental'' fucker murdered

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it was jihad

then he should not be allowed outside until neurons are certifiably fixed which wont happen


He's dead

No value was lost, then.

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Your thread is boring

your comment is boring

your life is boring

this is boring.

the one on top is a hottie.
the other one is boring.

have you noticed how Julio Nutsucktune has literally crushed the life out of Zig Forums?

“our son had severe mental health challenges, struggling with psychosis and depression his entire life.”
Women use emotional and mental problems to get away with crimes so what's the problem when a man do it. I see you cucks just want to apply double standards because it's a man.

and what value was lost?


they are leafs so they don't really matter.

I disagree with you. I'd say it's more like three or four people tops that still come to Zig Forums, including the losers who actually create the threads in here.


This guy is living proof that Islam is a mental health issue.

Found the muslims
You want some bacon?

Do the world a favor and let women build a bridge above your house.

boring but not as boring as , who is still less boring than

but none of you are as boring as

Just following their leader


- you

-this thread

-you & your boring thread

Islam is a codeword for pedophilia and degeneracy. Islam is top cucks. Youre a bad person, kill yourself while i pretend to care about you or your spirit. Allahu fagbar.

At least Islamic men are heterosexual….

unlike you

Oh that's a good one. Guess you never been on the Middle East. They are faggots through and throught


Well he's not wrong. Islam is a mental illness.


Did I strike a nerve, towelhead? Don't worry, you and your fellow muslims will be put out of your misery as you, along with the jews, will be massacred with a bullet between your eyes and burned alive in your own mosques and synagogues

how about the people the well adjusted LA shooter killed in the name of america. boy that sure makes a brown guy killing 2 people seem more dangerous than the mental disease that's called american

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Have a nice day

Yeah obviously he was mentally ill but that doesnt excuse illegally gettting a gun then shooting people in a restaurant. More to it then just mental illness…

That not very nice young man

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