U.S. Life Expectancy Drops, Now Lowest Among High-Income Countries

Life expectancy fell across the majority of high-income countries, signaling a collective and simultaneous decline among affluent nations for the first time in decades, a new study finds.

Among 18 high-income countries — including Spain, Sweden, Japan, Australia, the UK and the United States — most countries saw declines in life expectancy between 2014 and 2015, according to the study, published Wednesday in the British Medical Journal.

Australia, Japan, Denmark and Norway were the only countries in the study that showed an increase in life expectancy across all years for both men and women.

The drop in the remaining 14 countries was “notable both for the number of countries and for the magnitude of the declines,” the authors wrote.

Outside the United States, declines in overall life expectancy were focused among people 65 and older, with the rise in deaths among this demographic probably attributable to an unusually severe flu season, according to the study, which was co-authored by Jessica Ho of the University of Southern California and Arun Hendi of Princeton University.

It’s a trend that highlights some potential issues around health-care provision within these countries, according to Domantas Jasilionis, a research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Germany who authored an editorial that accompanied the study.

“The fact that modern healthcare systems in the most advanced high-income countries were unable to cope with this unexpected challenge, resulting in the first reductions in longevity for decades, is striking and might signal more profound problems,” Jasilionis wrote.

The study also suggested that respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease and other mental and nervous system disorders contributed in part to driving down life expectancy among those 65 and older.

In countries where environmental threats such as air pollution and poor air quality have become more problematic, deaths from these diseases may become more commonplace, suggests Holly Nelson-Becker, an expert in social gerontology at Brunel University in London,who was not involved in the study.

“The issue of susceptibility to influenza and respiratory problems speaks, in my view, to increasing issues of environmental problems such as smog and other forms of pollution,” Nelson-Becker said.

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No guys it's not because of high fructose corn syrup or our shitty ratking health care system no it's the tiny invisible elite of da jewz who hate all white people. Never forget how most Americans can't even afford healthcare yet Zig Forumstard virgin shut ins will never ever shut the fuck up about thinhs that are not real to begin with.

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The reason that U.S. life expectancy is dropping is because the proportion of the non-White population is rising and they are dragging down the national averages. White genes = god tier, non White genes = shit tier.



Wow so unexpected very thought-provoking

And who is responsible for/running the corporations and other stupid bullshit that you listed here?:

When you agree with them, the companies are white, when they do something you dislike they magically become jews. It's more than a little ironic that you use the schrodinger's white status more than the jews themselves do.

projection the post.

Friendly reminder that "high-income country" doesn't actually mean that the people who have a high income are in any danger of a low life expectancy.

Life expectancy across all high-income countries is down. The US is hit hardest because we're fucking America and this shit always starts at the top before trickling down to everyone else. The opioid crisis will only get worse, obesity will only get worse, depression will only get worse, in all 1st world countries, before it gets better.

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So you're implying most Zig Forumsacks are wealthy enough to afford healthcare themselves?

Depends on whether you consider "still mooching off their parents" to be wealthy.

enjoy your (((fentanyl))), fellow white people

Welp, I guess schizophrenia is also another (((conspiracy))) to fuck you over right lad?


>(((American))) "people"

No one's targeting whites brainlet. These deaths are linked to over prescriptions. This is an issue of doctors, not da jooz

We need more funding for the spic nig cycle.
They are bringing the averages down.

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Except in japan. You go to prison for 100 years for weed.


>(((drug smugglers)))
>(((over zealous doctors)))
>(((pharmacology corporations)))

my (((faggy meme parentheses))) are all the argument I need

>I blindly believe the attributions of (((parentheses))) without any need for proof or rigor
You have any proof at all that the mystical jewish hivemind is behind a bunch of whites deciding to become drug addicts?

piss off kikes

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What do you think "isn't real" you worthless dung heap? Race? Family?


>muh academic (((sources))) trump all logic and common sense
Slick one rabbi, got any more strawmen to pullout of your skullhat?

Civil war wasn't about slavery, shemitah conspiracy, canadian minister related to fidel castro, MLK being communist, etc., etc.

You want me to go on?

You heard it here: all empirical studies are jewish plots except when they agree with you.

Educate yourself:
Only a brainlet or a shill would deny the obvious kiking of the (((academic))) system to destroy the West.

You got me, hook, line, and sinker. I completely thought you were being serious until I visited that site.

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it's high if you're not a nigger or a millennial

Good. Let those who refuse to take care of themselves experience the full consequences of their actions and inactions.

Natural selection and Darwinism need to get kick up if we are to improve quality. Besides, living until your 90 or 100 is not always a good thing especially if you are kept alive by machines or handful after handful of drugs.

Truly a shame that those superior genetics can't run a civilized society

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One good market crash and the US is el goblino Brazil forever

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