Red Bull and vodka is scientifically proven to start fights, study says

Mixing vodka and Red Bull is a popular concoction for those trying to stay alert while drinking.

However, a new study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research suggests this potent mix compounds the effects of heavy drinking, and increases the “risk of fighting, violence, and participation in risky behaviors.”’

In other words, Red Bull vodkas turn people into belligerent bros.

Speaking to Science Daily, the study’s co-author Dr. Matt Parker of the University of Portsmouth, said, “This study is the first to show that the two together may be exacerbating some of the negative effects of binge drinking.”

Working with researchers from the Federal University of Santa Maria in Brazil, Parker tested how alcohol and taurine —the key energy-giving ingredient in drinks like Red Bull— altered the behavior of 192 zebrafish. Yes, fish. The pun didn’t escape us, either.

The fish were divided into different shoals, and exposed to either just water, taurine and alcohol separately, or taurine and alcohol together. The behavior of each group was analyzed at different time intervals for a period of one hour.

Scientists concluded that the fish exposed to both alcohol and taurine displayed more “risky” behavior (spending longer time in areas where they might be at risk from predators), and had fewer social interactions with other fish.

“Alcohol reduces our inhibitions, and in low doses can cause relaxation and euphoria,” Parker said. “However, in higher doses, this low inhibition can cause problems with fighting or risky behavior.”

So the next time you’re in the middle of an unavoidably long drinking session—a wedding, for example— it might be wise to think twice before ordering that one-two punch.

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Nigger we've known that for almost a decade.


Because goys and fish are literally the same: Animals to be exploited fot the benefit of the one true master race and G+d's *only* chosen people.

how dare you say these things about our drinks. thems fightin words

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I hope you're just trying to play devil's advocate here. Because mixing caffeine with alcohol is absolutely a recipe for disaster.

What would happen if you did? Caffeine is harmless; children drink it all the time so is mixing caffeine with alcohol really that much to be concerned about?

I feel dumber from having read this trash

I can only imagine how retarded the average psychiatrist is by now if this is their idea of "scientific research"

But it tastes so good though.
I hate the taste of vodka and I hate the taste of Red Bull but you mix it and it turns into a delicious concoction. It's like the peanut butter and jelly of mixed drinks.

And "science" is a joke.

you see what happend when the Irish started putting booze in coffee

they could of just got a bunch of colage kids fucked up for free and got valid data, one hell of a bitching party and street cred also. damn science get your shit together.

this report make me want to watch fish swim in beer or booze or something with alcohol in it.

No such thing.

i love science and have actually studied some. please stop saying your one of us. you're making us look bad.

did you get the test tube to fizz over with the acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate?

never really did much chemistry. i would use diluted acid and aluminum foil in plastic bottles to make pressure bombs when i was a little shit.

i tried to give my fish vodka and redbull to test this theory and they died

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thats the way a lot of us go

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