Hypothetical German technological development in a post-WWII scenario

Hypothetically, Germany pulls off a victory in WW2. Bongs peace out after Battle of Britain, Americans still declare war on and win against the Japanese, but Hitler never honors the tripartite pact and declares war on America. By 1946 the Soviets are pushed back east of the Urals and what's left of Russia breaks up into a myriad of China-esque Siberian warlord states and claimants to the former Soviet Union. Chicoms annex Vladivostok, but are beaten by Nationalists with German, American and British support. Central Asian countries break off from the failed USSR to become German-influenced states. The world prepares itself for a Cold War between the democracies and the fascists. But what type of technology will the Germans pursue? Jets, Flying wings, nukes? Will they ever finish that aircraft carrier?

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What happens to manchukuo?
what about african nat resources?
african uranium from belgian congo is what melted the japs…

That wouldn't have stopped the lend-lease to the UK and the USSR, and there would be a new Lusitania incident every few weeks.

Almost every NATO and USSR technology developed in our timeline only 5-40 years earlier and with less design flaws and wrong choices. If Japan too avoided going full retard, the unholy combination of nip and kraut autism would accelerate things even more, especially given the presumed state of Cold War with the US to motivate both sides. Optimism aside the downsides would be Adolf's soft-spot for sandniggers that would alienate even Axis satellites like Croatia and Bulgaria and even more so irredentist subjects like Serbia, Fyrom and Greece that would consequently act as a constant communist-breeding thorn on the Axis' side with the clandestine support of the now even more zogged USA that would not only not have gone under the red-scare that matured them on the subject of marxism, but would have gone full commie-sympathizers.

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on top of that Israel located in Madagascar would certainly not affect white colonies in any way, especially not a negative one.

The kikes would be probably shipped to America.

I thought that apart from Madagascar the suggestions for 'Muh HOLE-EE LAN 2.0" were Ohio and some territory in Canada?

Aryan … Mecha …. dare we dream?


I mean jesus fuck, how can anyone take ANY "historical" book serious at this point?

You don't.
>stick to books written more than forty sixty enough years ago to ensure minimal pozz.

The book is another case of anglokike unsourcable half lie half truth. And dissing on Rudolf Hess?
Rudolf Hess as some kind of "collateral"? Some lackey of Hitler that didn't even matter? What kind of retard takes this book seriously?

Yeah. But the fact that some retards here actually take an anglokike book obviously wrote to salvage SOME KIND of "face" for the anglo as the definitive argument against Hitler, despite said book doesn't even deny the miracles that he did for the German internal affairs, makes me absolutely seething.
Bet some retard will post muh "vampire economy" now.

Muh book muh book muh book. Even here there are too many actual gullible retards.
Shit, the putrid puke written by the anglokikes and promoted by double digit IQ retards here makes me spergout so fucking hard.

Like you, believing in holocaust, ignoring bohemia (heh, muh lebensraum moffuga), ribbentrop-molotov (which fucked up anti-comintern pact and prompted Japan to ignore USSR).


You've a got a severe case of fucking butthurt because somebody insulted your waifu.
top lel

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Well, it's bad when the #1 selling point of the man is made up and didn't happen.

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t.low IQ subhuman, likely cucki

Of all the slave labor you can do over here, you know what you love to do instead.


The book was obviously picking on the anglokikes. They just had to dance with the nadzee and "German menace" narratives so they wouldnt be holohoaxed it was published in England. Thats why the conclusion looks like a schizo mess when read by anyone not a dumb boomer mutt.

It was just a meme. Subhumans like you are more likely to hangout with our mutts in front of Netto and drink pisspils, while riding on welfare.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Learn to read, my Bismarck post never decried keynesianism.

Like pottery

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wtf i love greekmod now

One word: Tannengrün

During the year 1944 Germany started to replace the old field grey uniform with a new green grey, which is usually called Tannengrün in Germany. The West German Federal Border Guard later continued this trend by having their helmets and some of their equipment in this color.
If Germany had pulled of a victory during WW2, regardless how it would have happened, Tannengrün would have been used for a wide range of equipment similar to how OD was used by the USA during the Cold War.

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Anything not covered in Tannengrün, would be painted in Leibermuster. The planned standard German Camouflage for all forces after 1945.

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The Webbing and Field gear of the common German Soldier wouldn't change much for decades.
In our timeline both West Germany and East Germany continued to use the same system that was introduced during the time of the Reichwehr in 1931 until the 1970s.
The only change was the material the webbing was made of, the introduction of a folding spade, different sized pouches for ammunition and the use of aluminum for the canteen.

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Having developed a good assault rifle with the STG 45, a good semi automatic rifle with the G43 and a great Machine Gun with the MG42, there would be little need to change its Infantry weapons for Germany until the 1960s.
One of the few changes would be the replacement of the iconic Stielhandgranate with Nipolit discs hand grenades after 1946.

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What about Body armor?

Not happening, unless Alternative Germany gets a special reason to develop it.
In our history the body armor developed from FLAK vests worn by Allied bomber crews during WW2, being further developed during the Korea and Vietnam War.
Germany not operating long rang bombers caused them to never need and develop FLAK vests during World War 2. The lack of wars after World War 2 also caused that there was no need to have them afterwards.
Thus despite the material for ballistic vests being known and existing since the 1960s, the Germany Army only uses them since the 1990s.


What a surprise!

Be a nigger somewhere else.

There is nothing wrong with 4 fuses.

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Would the Reich switch over to those M45 Stahlhelms like the NVA used? They were tested extensively but I've read that the boss personally intervened because it looked strange.

The soviets were the only ones using infantry armor for their sappers/nkvd shock troops late in the war, they might have gotten the idea from them or are we going "Hitler decided to not invade the USSR was probably a good idea"?

They built gas chambers with wooden doors and extremely high tech crematoriums that can't even be replicated using modern technology. Totally bad ass.

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How would armored fighting vehicles have developed in the Axis-Burger cold war following a German and hopefully Japanese victory over Bongland and the SU in WW2?

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We wouldn't have to deal with retarded weight limits because
A. Under superior German architecture all bridges and roads in Europe would be tough as fuck
B. Autism

Great to get into the small window slits of enemy tanks and bunkers.
Possible to shot it with a crossbow style grenade launcher.

Late war Germany developed the E-series of tanks to standardize its armored fighting vehicles.
The goal was to create better and more reliable tanks, which are also easier and cheaper to mass produce.

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Are you thinking of the M56 instead?

That open INWARDS

The E-100 is eerily similar to the modern tanks like the body of Abrams or Leopard.

I know it's fantasy level without proof but flying discs that defy the laws of inertia and gravity for fucks sake. We all know that militaries can keep weapon ideas secret unless it's already well understood by everyone else. I bet my life that some shady parts of the military are still experimenting with those till this day. If we are talking about hypothetical… Unfortunately there are so many bullshit stories floating around, I don't even know where's the end of truth and where assumptions begin. For example "Reich of the Black Sun" is a fun book but it's like a "dude trust me" type of talk about the secretive stuffs. For example Tesla always gets brought into it, because it was claimed that he frequently visited the German embassy to exchange technological information.
This is one of the soo many theories floating around and this makes way more sense than ayylmaos from whatever star system channeling it through some woman's vagina. I'm just ranting at this point. Tesla was a huge advocate for eugenics though and probably a huge supporter of NationalSocialists which is never mentioned. Makes sense why he was suicided in 1943. From the February 9, 1935 issue of Liberty magazine:
"The year 2100 will see eugenics universally established. In past ages, the law governing the survival of the fittest roughly weeded out the less desirable strains. Then man's new sense of pity began to interfere with the ruthless workings of nature. As a result, we continue to keep alive and to breed the unfit. The only method compatible with our notions of civilization and the race is to prevent the breeding of the unfit by sterilization and the deliberate guidance of the mating instinct. Several European countries and a number of states of the American Union sterilize the criminal and the insane. This is not sufficient. The trend of opinion among eugenists is that we must make marriage more difficult. Certainly no one who is not a desirable parent should be permitted to produce progeny. A century from now it will no more occur to a normal person to mate with a person eugenically unfit than to marry a habitual criminal."

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According to some, the Germans were the first breakaway civilization from earth. Mars settlements, underground.

Deep down our hearts it's all real.

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How would they advance their small arms? make them cheaper and easier to produce but also alot sturdier? interesting how much modern weapons borrow from the german ones. you ever think post-war germany would have terrorists?

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What is that first image? Reverse search results only label it a 7.92mm Mauser M41, a designation it shares with some obscure AT rifles, with no further information. Is it documented in any literature? Looks like the lovechild of an MP-40 stamped body and the Kurz cartridge, with a not quite MP-44 magazine. What action it might be using is a mystery since it's all hidden in the sheet metal tube.

Looks like a nice simplification for mounted or mechanized troops and tank crewmen, somewhere between the AKS and AKSU in length but minus the tooling/parts interchangeability with any parent rifle. So, not very much like those weapons at all, but similar or identical in role.

Considering how the Germans dealt with partisans in the Eastern Front and the fact that the French can't couldn't do anything without material support from America, I doubt that partisans would be a major issue in the Reichskommissariats. The Ukrainians, Belorussians, Balts and even a shit ton of Russians absolutely hated the Bolsheviks. There might be minor actions, but it would be akin to how Werwulf acted post-war. The Russians would be just as tired of war as the Germans were.

As for small arms, I would be interested to see a CETME rifle made by more than 2 men from Mauser in a Spanish shed. H&K improved it, but H&K wouldn't exist without the fall of the Third Reich. Hitler would give ungodly amounts of funding for a rifle that could outperform the STG45 seeing how many problem they had with it during the prototype stage. I doubt they would move away from their new 7.92x33, but I don't know much about that round. Considering people still choose to use it in Syria, I think it's at least a decent round.

I highly doubt they would change anything about the MG45 other than doing minor modifications to it. Don't fix what isn't broken, but who knows. Some autistic kraut could make the MG1488 that shouts DEUTSCHLAND when you pull the trigger and SIEG HEIL when you pull the charging handle. Who knows, kraut autism is an endless font of interesting innovations.

Maybe Mikhail Kalashnikov would be Operation Paperclip'd by the SS and told to work with Ludwig Vorgrimler on a rifle. Imagine a indestructible G3, a monstrous hybrid of kraut and slav autism. Same thing could happen with Georgy Shpagin, Vasily Degtyaryov, the list could go on. I doubt that the German army would waste any talent when they have the whole of Europe under their thumb and a blank check from Hitler.

I mean if we're talking ALL tech and not just strictly weapons, von Braun wrote a whole book on how to build a space ship to go to Mars. von Braun got a blank check to make a wonder weapon and by all account succeeded with flying colours. I'm not sure how Hitler would feel the need to go to space, but if he wanted it done I don't doubt that the Third Reich would've been to the moon by the 50s. Maybe they could've had a base up there by the 70s or 80s, could be colonizing Mars by the early 2000s. That however is purely speculative, as I think Hitler would put a major focus on rebuilding Germany into an architectural paradise. I mean the guy had plans to totally redesign a city at the age of 20, Munich I believe though I may be wrong. Skies the limit and whatever Hitler said to do, would be done.

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Better yet, despite alleged killings of millions by poisonous gas, not a single corpse of a person was found that had died of said gas poisoning.
Despite hundreds of autopsies, despite the fact that they have complete access of the alleged crime scene and the corpses, they couldn't find a single one.

Hitler was 56 years old in 1945 and had Parkinson's disease in a progressed stated. Its doubtful that he would have seen the 1950s, even if Germany had won/survived WW2.
If he made it until the 1950s, it would be in a state that couldn't be called worth living or dignified.
After his death and if his political testament if followed, the position of Führer is abolished and Germany is once again lead by a Chancellor and a Reichs President.
Who becomes what from the original Nazi Leadership is anyone's guess, there is a chance for a fallout between the Wehrmacht and the Nazi Party Organizations, leading to coup d'etats and even a short civil war.
Because the war never went bad for Germany, the SS couldn't blame the losses on its internal enemies like the Abwehr and its Brandenburg Division.
Equally Operation Walküre never happens during Hitlers lifetime, meaning Stauffenberg and Rommel are still around.

The MG60 that never saw the light of day was an improved, modified and/or simplified MG45, so it's a given that the roller-delay MG42 derivatives are the line that will be followed, unless the funky Barnitzke flywheel delay gun performs above and beyond expectations. It's reasonably simple & inexpensive as an action after you do the hard math behind the roller lock surfaces and cycles standard spec ammo very reliably, which is what you need in a GPMG.

Maybe they'll take a hard look at Korobov's lever delay action as historically used on the TKB-517? Or Kurt Horn's gas delayed blowback Grossfuss assault rifle? Both of these were simpler, lighter and even more reliable than Kalashnikov's long stroke gas system, with the Grossfuss design doing especially well in Soviet torture tests, but were never adopted for tooling and familiarity reasons. Beside that, the Germans were quite happy with the tunable short stroke gas piston of their FN-FALs right up until FN refused to license production rights, leading to the G3s' development. Roller delay is kind of temperamental about cycling under or overpowered ammo, or cases & bullet grains that are off spec, so there might be a place for these actions after all.

I imagine the rifle that would develop will ultimately have a (semi) tubular external body like the STG45-CETME-G3 line, but might be a little less overbuilt than the historical G3 due to chambering the lighter Kurz round and/or a 7mm medium cartridge in the vein of the .270 Brit or the bevy of modern 6.5 rounds. They likely won't double back from the roller delay system just because of the cost savings and tooling. But if it uses the Korobov/Kiraly lever delay system, the receiver might be fatter/squarer bodied to accommodate the delay lever like the flat side TKB517 or sort of polygonal angle FAMAS. If you take the Grossfuss system and adapt it to the more familiar STG body & ergonomics instead of just adopting Horn's rifle outright, the front tube might be shorter and more bulbous, front heavier.

Would there be benefits to diverting from the G3 line like this? I can't say. The FAL system is more expensive than roller delay, but you can tune your gas cycling as you please and even disconnect it if necessary. Lever delay is a similar animal to roller delay and likewise takes chamber fluting for reliable extraction, but I'm not sure if the large claws/levers are potentially less ammo picky than roller guns. Gas delay is a densely packed system which, since it uses gas impinging on a piston or annular chamber to hold the bolt closed, is more or less self-tuning, and can be run very hard, as in at least one case the Grossfuss gun ran through 1900 rounds without stoppages; it's also an inherently dirty system, and in the Steyr GB-18 and HK P7, resulted in fast overheating and gas clogging.

The former was admittedly an annular ring system, but the Modern Firearms article for the P7 states 'such systems are somewhat sensitive to bullet types and powder types, and require more complicated and frequent cleaning than most recoil-operated guns of the same class.' Powder I can understand, it's the same problem as the M16 had/has with fouling from unclean powders, but I don't quite grasp where bullets come in. If the bullet is heavier, it'll be in the barrel longer and high pressure will likewise be exerted on the delay piston as much as on the bolt until it exits, and the inverse for lighter bullets propelled by less powder. Heavy bullets with light load and light bullets with heavy load might cycle funny, I suppose? Speculating on obscure mechanisms like this is a pain.

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Could Willy or one of his sons try to make a comeback?

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They shouldn't be allowed to. Both catholics and royals where some of the biggest anti-hitler forces in germany. fuck 'em.

Albert Speer.

Hitler could choose Albert Speer as his successor, that or Himmler.

I've never heard of this, it sounds completely made up. If you can provide some documents otherwise I'd like to see them.

Because the war never went bad for Germany, the SS couldn't blame the losses on its internal enemies like the Abwehr and its Brandenburg Division.
Doubtful, while there were tensions between the Wehrmacht and the SS I highly doubt they would cause any fuss after the medals and honours were dolled out after the war. An attempt on Hitler's life only became reality after it became clear that Africa was a lost cause and the Russian were pushing back hard. As for who would succeed, it's fairly obvious. If Goering is still alive, then it's him unless he's incapable of assuming the post. Next is probably Goebbels or Rudolf Hess if he never made his infamous flight to Scotland to try and talk to the Anglos. After that, it becomes a toss up but I doubt that unless Himmler did a coup that he would ever get close to holding the Fuhrer's office.
Rommel's entire involvement with Operation Valkyrie is a huge debate even today. He was friends with Hitler and to an extent, agreed with government policy. Though Hitler did consider him politically naive. Stauffenberg would never get the support he needed to hold a coup, and it would get crushed by a fully armed and battle hardened SS. The majority of the Wehrmacht would probably stay relatively neutral until the winner was decided.

Why would the guy who organized factories and the war economy ever be considered for the face of the nation.

I'm right there with you. If the Reich had won the whole state of weaponry might develop in a radically different way than we could ever predict. Really depends on who becomes what after the war. The furthest point we can speculate from is 1945, and the entire reason they wanted the StG-44 to go into mass production iirc was to make every soldier act as a one man MG crew. The next logical step from the StG-44 is to make it simpler, lighter, and increase the rate of fire. The G3 to my knowledge weighed around half a kilo less than its predecessor and had a much greater rate of fire. When you take into account having it use an intermediate cartridge, it fills the job of impromtu MG perfectly. As for simpler, the G3 is arguably far simpler than the StG-45, so it passes in that regard.

FN would be under a German friendly government, so they could also influence the successor to the StG-45. It's honestly up in the air what would happen, but I would love to see what that unfiltered and over funded kraut autism brews up.

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Why not?

He's charismatic and his job is actually meaningful, can't have war without logistics.

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Would the Luftwaffe under Göring's command in postwar conditions go full Belka/Zeon in terms of prototype cold war superweaponry or would they just stick to shitting out krautistically layered IADS and highly accurate ICBMs to deter judeo-burgers?

Attached: [FLAMENCO_INTENSIFIES].webm (423x240, 5.79M)

Would be nice if Poland could resume exhumation in jedwabne and then move on to bigger holocauster cinematic universe myths but unfortunately the closest country that matters and doesn't subscribe to it is Iran, #2 is China.

Google Hitlers political testament, called „Mein politisches Testament“ in German, made public by Hitler on 29, April 1945. There is a pdf of it.
Its actually not the first of its kind and similar ones existed before the war went south for Germany in a case that Hitler gets assassinated, but they never went public.
National Socialism was never the end goal that Hitler and co. had in mind for Germany, it was just the tool to bring Germany back on the rights tracks after Weimar.
As such, there should only be one Führer(Guide) and after his work is done, the German Nation can resume its normal operation.
You would be wrong with your doubt, there was really a bunch of fanatics that wanted to replace every state institution with a Nazi organization and they had to be held back by Hitler.
For example there were people inside the Nazi Party that wanted to replace the Wehrmacht, since they considered it tainted by all the officers and generals with aristocratic background.



Junkers and co were generally a powerful force to be reckoned with. There is a reason why Hitler had a night of long knives.

Old aristocracy were some of the biggest traitors in Germany because they were butthurt over being treated like everyone else. Many of them purposefully leaked intel, fudged numbers, and delivered fake orders.

What's worse, enjoying hedonism so much you sell out the entire country into inexistence, or being so high on your own farts you need to feel superiority over your own ethnic group and to that end you'll sabotage your own war effort even though you're fighting people who want to murder all non-jewish middle and higher class men?

If nothing else, you can be glad that the Allies didn't give a fuck about them either.

As someone who knows nothing about helmets, is the M56 actually more protective than the M40? Because if it’s purely a battle of style the M40 wins.

Both will bounce handgun ammo. What your brain/skull/spine will do when it absorbs that energy is a whole other deal.

Yeah but not that kind of noble.
Basically the German Aristocracy was harder to kill than a cockroach, were the hardcore old school Right Wing of German politics and in favor of feudalism/monarchism until the late 20th century.
To survive the French Revolution and all the other Revolutions that followed inside Germany, they more or less made deals with everyone.
For example they helped to establish the Weimar Republic by selling their service to the Socialist Politicians in charge of Germany, after the German Emperor abdicated.
With the Socialists blessing they organized the Freikrops that eradicated the Communist Uprising inside Germany. This causes extreme butthurt inside the political left of Germany to this very day, because the Aristocrats and Socialists used to be archenemies.
They were also in charge of the Reichswehr more or less, that shot at Hitler when he tried his famous Beer Hall Putsch in Munich.
After WW2 the communist in Germany had to send children to destroy the old mansions of aristocrats in East Germany, because the adults wouldn't do it out of fear that the aristocrats would return like they always did.

That what's I have heard. Better against shrapnel due to its slope shape. I can't seem to find a source to corroborate so take it with salt.

Would the current political situation at that point in time have influenced the logic in his decision making to make that announcement? I'm very intrigued about the NSDAP after Hitler and any possible succession crises.

Kaiser Wilhelm II made similar claims about allowing a British style Parlament near the end of WWI if I’m not mistaken.

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Burger-kun, I…
Wilhelm II initially supported the NSDAP but only because he thought Hitler was a reactionary party and would reinstall the monarchy. Hitler was quite clear that he thought monarchies were not good for the nation and it’s in the first few pages of Mein Kampf he states how the Habsburgs were awful for Austria by conquering so many other ethnic groups and were the sole reason Bismarck’s Reich didn’t encompass all Germans. Just because you realize Jews are Jews doesn’t mean your political and economic views match Hitler’s. Do you honestly think Jews were the only issue Hitler cared about? Do you think he allied with anyone and everyone who said kikes were rats, solely because they said kikes are rats?

To further stress; if you listen to the Horst Wessel lied it clearly says they fought monarchist in the line “Kameraden die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen.” Pardon if erschossen needs to be capitalized my German is base. Reactionaries in the 20’s were anti-Weimar imperial groups.

erschossen is a verb
verbs are handled the same way in all European languages
You did okay with your copy paste :°)

It should be understood that National Socialism didn't develop from the classical factions of German politics, but that it was born from the Völkisch Movement which had supporters amongst all parts of the population, with the exclusion of the Far Left(Marxists) and the Far Right(Reactionary Monarchists).
The origin of the Völkisch Movement are the Romanticism of the 19th and 18th century, not only in Germany but the whole Western World. Many people have difficulties to understand this movement, because its largely based on an understanding of beauty.
It is precisely because of this nature that it was easy accessible for the majority of people in Germany to join and partake in it once National Socialism took control and why National Socialist ideology doesn't really fit into the traditional political Left/Right dichotomy.


I'll try again

It's more like a desire to know moe.

Canadian school system is trash, we never learned grammar terms or rules so I don’t even know what a verb is without looking it up.
If I had to look it up wouldn’t it follow that I didn’t know what the words meant? Unless you’re implying I googled “Horst Wessel Lied English lyrics” just to see if there was a section that was relevant to my post and then translated a segment to find the German part that I wanted.


I thought it boiled down to doing the best for one's people?

We did at some point but then they kept changing the terminology every year in grade school for some reason.
The general aesthetics and tone at public school were so garbage everyone made their best efforts to forget all that was learned post-exams in order to erase/suppress as many memories of that wretched institution as possible, ultimately resulting in the absolute state of german millenials of today.

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Romanticism sees beauty in raw unadulterated natural strong emotions and every piece of romantic art, music or literature you find, will try to awake strong emotions inside you. It values heroism and thinks that society can only be maintained and made better by the heroic acts of individuals.
Because of this emotionality, it was part of the Anti-Enlightenment movement and had a huge love for the Medieval period(chivalry) and Nature, this stand in opposition to the realistic Academics of the time who had a fetish for Classic Antiquity.
You could basically say that in a way the Romantics were the people that protected and continued European culture during the radical times of Industrialization and were the reason why the people of the time still had a connection to historical personalities from their countries, despite living and dying in factories.
Yet despite this fetish for the past, Romanticism had no aversion against technological progress if it makes life better and has a fever for exploration and making new discoveries.
They were idealists, creators of high culture and because of this they influenced both liberals and conservatives and were a driving force behind the creation of Ethnic Nationalism in general, for they were the first to define a Nation by a shared ethnicity, heritage and culture.

And the later Völkisch Movement were basically people wanting to protect, preserve and continue Germany's high culture created by Romanticism against those people that were of the opinion that it needs to be destroyed, because in a nutshell they accused it of having caused World War 1.

What is beauty and emotion? They are both controlled by our instincts and instincts exists to keep an organism alive and healthy.
Much of the degenerate art the Nazis were against? They glorify ugliness and with that an unhealthy life style. Now can a society be stable and prosper if the individuals that make it up are made to belief that unhealthiness is good? No it can not.
There are people both on the Left and Right that claim that disgust is entirely a learned behavior, but in truth to a large part its your body screaming at you that something is unhealthy.

My teachers never even bothered, it’s a pain now trying to learn German (and sometimes French on and off) because I have to look up all of these English grammar terms or names that I don’t know. Obviously I know English grammar rules but I have no name for them because middle and elementary schools just told me what was wrong or right. So now when my text says past particle, for example, I have to spend as much time learning the English words as I spend learning German words.
My mom told me she was bullied terribly in middle school (or whatever you have before Gymnasium/Realschule) to the point where she would be cut or brusied and the teachers all just watched and smoked, she also said they were hit by teachers for using a double s instead of an eszett in words like heißt, because muh SS. It sounds like a fucking terrible place for children, though that was in the 70’s during peak guilt, I assume it’s much better now.

I don't know the academic meanings of half the English vocabulary I picked up I just speak and type according to 56% intuition, which seems to be some genetic trait considering I picked it up fairly quickly just from listening to people on the Internet back in the day and my dad+ancestors all had fairly sophisticated vocabularies despite not being of high standing.
In fact thinking about Grammar rules and shit always slowed me down instead of just watching people talk or reading random wikipedia articles, gathering some base context and then imitating it to show everyone online I did.
It's arguably gotten worse.
The guiltnigging has infused itself in the very being of the average German Teacher since the late 90s, back then they already acted like robotic soykin despite these terms not having been defined.
To them nothing exists outside of some goverment-prepared list of things that are real, e.g. Turks beating up Germans doesn't exist because Turks are oppressed by evil Nazis, whereas a German child protecting his friend from a Turk is a cause for anti-violent negotiative solutions which always end in half the blame going to the victim regardless of the situation, and a German attacking a Turk is an anti-semitic offense requiring Psychological counseling if not having the child grabbed by the Police and put into a institution for troubled youths.
Girls would also be favored 100% of the time in any discipline some youngfag teacher in second grade even told us how women were the future or some shit. Things like that only caused bitches among the girls to turn into Dragons and pure girls into bitches by bullying from angry boys who did not know how to question the state of things in their conscious minds and thus needed to vent.
They also had this bizarre autism regarding kids who didn't act to their predefined spec outside of the more obvious areas, they would often bug me while I was trying to complete assignments for no reason other to complain about something I apparently did wrong during the last assignment, they would complain how I was writing my assignment too fast and how I should stay in pace with the other kids, how I was writing too slowly and should put less effort into it so I could catch up with the others, how I shouldn't use complex words, how I shouldn't use simple words, somehow skipping ahead a subject with the entire class because I tried and imitated certain grammatical styles which I wasn't supposed to know yet then indirectly blaming me for it and so on.
Worse, they would constantly praise themselves and the (((school))) by how they were furthering progress with brave acts against evil violent nazis/for eliminating racism/encouraging women's rights etc. etc. while kids forced to wear some dumb T-Shirt with some gay propraganda slogan would beat each other up because they were stressed out to hell from all this shit all during class and elsewhere patchwork families and television.
Admittedly when you asked them directly why they weren't using their authority to quiet things down or made suggestions as for to improve classes they would usually ignore you while twitching somewhat, or just zone out in visible confusion. Past grade school such actions would incur a good chance of outward hostility in the form of random spergouts by 40-something alcoholic clowns on various meds catching a glimpse of the truth but not wishing to explore it further

This was all during the late 90s and early to late 2000s, it's said to have declined even further since then.
Worse that alot of those teachers weren't necessarily bad people, they were just helpless proto-soydrones lacking the necessary context/reference points to break free from their mental shackles.

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This is what mutt propaganda and occupation do to you.

God I hate the mutts so much. If only…

Im sorry that Amerimutts did this to your people. I just want to remind you and everyone that pure white Americans were in the anti war movements and only subhumans acrual 56%ers and uneducated living redneck memes are still proud of that shitshow.

It makes me thankful I was raised out innawoods away from it all. downside is I honestly don't fit in anywhere, almost relatable to that old guy from shawshank.

I studied German in college and now I can’t not capitalize every proper noun, it just makes so much more sense and makes the sentence much easier to read. German grammar is super hard though, I mostly just tried to speak without thinking about it too hard and let my mistakes be. When I lived there everyone assumed I was German because of my accent and vocab, until I got to more complicated sentences and then they assumed I was a Pole who had lived there awhile but hadn’t picked up the grammar yet. No one thought I was an American, and I was very proud of that.

On a more related note, check out these WW2 German vet interviews, a fun read for any Wehraboo Zig Forumsommando:

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World peace

lol, no

They would go with whatever was most effective, problem is, towards the end of the war they were low on supplies and had several unproven designs that they had to make do with. Development probably would have followed a similar path to what we see today as america inherited their scientists.

Based kraut-user.
I wish I knew someone like you, it gets so lonely being the only NatSoc person I know :(

Also your experience in school is eerily similar to mine in grade school, after seeing the truth years later and looking back on it all, it pisses me right off, and even back then I was acutely aware of the bullshit but had so much liberal shit and propaganda shoved down my throat constantly there was hardly a thing I could do to resist besides letting my 'tism take the wheel for a while. What a bunch of shit that all was.

(and check'd)
All my this.