Is it ever ok to practice armed rebellion against an evil government...

Is it ever ok to practice armed rebellion against an evil government? Does it fall under the same requirements as the Just War doctrine?

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Just war is a necessity for any armed conflict to be initiated.

Also there is the informal idea that the voice of the people is the voice of God. That's an argumentum ad populum, but politics is not based on the rules of logic, it is based on the rules of people.

as a last resort>>663434

Yes and yes.

Yes, read Maccabees.

Christianity is against the morality that says "the ends justify the means" , this morality is demonic as it places temporal ends above inherent morality, (i.e we will kill some innocents for the greater good, so that the collective benefits) It's actually very hard/impossible to conduct a war that does not embrace this morality.

The war as such will always be immoral because of this fact, but that doesn't mean your actions have to be. You could be a soldier who refuses to take certain orders, orders that would involve collateral damage.

This is also why many of the wars in the OT don't actually use the "ends justify the means" argument, even if the ends create a more stable state, instead they paint all enemy combatants and all their children and wives as equivalent to demons and inhuman. So when hebrews are told to massacre thousands of people including women and children its because they are so morally empty the action itself is not deemed to be WRONG.

You mean God condemned the Canaanites as despicable. The Hebrews didn't make it up.

Maybe. Maybe not.
I have a hard time imagining an entire population of inhumans.
Hard to trust a hebrew. Given their track record.

Yes and see

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It never says they were inhuman, but that their cultural practices were despicable.

If the government fails in its Christian duties it is justified to wage total war against it.

yes, see the cristeros in Mexico.


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If you're just looking for an excuse to shoot cops, I suggest you stop now.

Way to jump to conclusions..

i was onboard until he started preaching about predestination and then he lost me.

user if you hear about how the japs were stabbing babies with knives do you think a war against them would be justified or unjustified?

Well, take what you can use. He's a baptist-calvinist. He is good on a lot of issues. And the right people hate him.

It is, but you don't get to decide which government or form of government that be. The Church will decide.

No, Romans 13.

Don't punish all for majority of a few. Don't kill their kids lest you become like them


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You mean the state-church.


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