Lol, california AG xavier becerra is super fucking salty

militate against a stay. To the contrary, an immediate stay is necessary to prevent further irreparable harm to the State and to avoid potential harm to individuals acting in reliance on the Judgment before the request for a full stay is considered.

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say something nice

Pretty funny he actually confirmed it's currently legal for normal magazines to be imported.
GunMag Warehouse was down for a while yesterday from the extra traffic, and Brownells alone said they already sold 350,000 over the weekend.

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I got an email from big daddy that talked about magazines and that they're shipping to California. I was shocked to see that in big bold letters.

Other ban states when?

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I'd wait for the appeal taking to a higher court where the Supreme Court would rule in favor of the 2nd. The salt will be glorious.

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This x1000

All AGs are traitors.

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Sounds about right

This case was mostly won on an attempt to confiscate existing mags bundled into a revision. I actually expect higher courts to uphold this purely on those grounds and state it's purely on that ground. This would let them pass a new ban next time the legislature is in session and avoid setting a national precedent. Even many judges on the left are leery of seizing private property, at least since they know that will get their ass kicked at higher levels.

Yeah, there was some question on if it only applied to the new version or killed all the magazine ban. Good for him to clear that up.

why can't they get this same Judge to make similar rulings on other CA (and other state) laws that degrade gun capability on similar grounds.
What if you need a collapsing/folding stock?
What if you need flash-hider (thanks to J-Left battling cartels armed with full auto AK-47 is real possibility).
What if you need a pistol grip because of arthritis and can't do bullet button for same reason?

I read the important part of the actual ruling, and it was that 10 rounds just aint enough for self defense. That's a lot easier to sell in terms of need than ergonomic features. Not saying it isn't doable in a courtroom or that god forbid it shouldn't be fought for, but you're less likely to get it through the same court.

das rite

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What's going on? Califags can get real magazines now?

fuck yes. And mag prices are going to skyrocket for a bit across the states since the jews got out jewed by the jewdicial system. All in all, not a bad thing since an additional million mags will make further enforcement/confiscation impossible and califags will pay out the ass with their inflated goybucks.

Also gas the kikes

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Joke's on you. I made my purchases a few months before the current panic buy. :^)

I have a bunch of AR, AK, and G3 magazines I haven't used and are still in their packaging

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Cuban judge issues ruling, then a day later issues a stay of his OWN RULING.
No new info was produced. Just typical Mexicant in action.

"disability" has a lot of power in USA and especially in CA.
Clint Eastwood was getting his ass sued-off because IIRC one small section of his restaurant-in-the-hills didn't have full Wide (__*__) Ass wheelchair access along the path. Regular WC access, just not Two Axe Handle Ass wide access. Or maybe it the the weight and chair's wheels sinking into gravel.
Neat thing about Disability is somewhere, someone, has that Disability. What if you got NO arms??? And Govt pretty much has to allow anyone to be able to do what the Disabled Person has to do. I'd be arguing a DP (which means anyone not currently serving in Special Forces and/or over 30yrs old) can't be expected to be changing clips in a Self Defense Situation like a non-disabled person.
