Left-wing media begins banning all content questioning climate change narrative

"The mainstream media is known for promoting all kinds of propaganda, but the push on global warming definitely takes the cake. Not only does the fake news media refuse to report on science that undermines the big scary climate change narrative, multiple news outlets have flat-out banned any sort of discussion or dissemination of data that contradicts or questions the global warming hoax."

"Even though there is a mountain of evidence which shows that much of the science behind “climate change” has been faked or is fraudulent, mainstream news outlets like The Los Angeles Times and BBC have all but silenced any sort of discussion on the matter. Either you align with their beliefs, or you can kiss your voice goodbye."

"As Daily Caller reports (dailycaller.com/2018/08/28/media-global-warming-dissent/), multiple media outlets have fought to keep “dissenting” thoughts from entering their airwaves and articles. The Los Angeles Times banned the questioning of global warming from its “letters” section in 2013. Editor Paul Thornton Thornton said he wasn’t banning skeptics, but was really just eliminating “factual inaccuracy.”"

"The BBC also reportedly trains their reporters not to give climate skeptics space while on air or in print, and ThinkProgress went so far as to get a professor fired from another publication. Now, 60 politicians, environmentalists, scientists and other global warming activists just sent a signed letter to The Guardian demanding that the media further it’s efforts to silence so-called dissenters.

“Not only did the self-described ‘campaigners and thinkers’ refuse to partake in media debates with people they disagree with, they also called on the media to end the ‘false equivalence between an overwhelming scientific consensus and a lobby, heavily funded by vested interests’ when it comes to global warming,” reports Daily Caller."

"Apparently, these “campaigners” haven’t heard of Al Gore. Recall that Gore has been a leading voice in the “war” on “climate change,” and then consider how much he stood to gain from climate change. In 2009, it was predicted that Gore would become the world’s first “carbon billionaire.” What about those “vested interests,” again?"

"Under the Left’s rule, diversity of thought is a crime. And when it comes to climate change, they’re not willing to discuss the matter further — no matter what the science actually says. What the Left says goes, or else. If these people were conservatives, they’d be called tyrants, dictators or perhaps even fascists. But as always, the left-wing insists that its censorship and oppression is for public good and society’s safety. Thoughts are dangerous things for people to have — if you want to control them, at least. Now that the fraud behind the climate change narrative is being exposed for what it is — fake science — the Left is simply trying to shut down any and all conversation on global warming." - Vicki Batts of Natural News reports.


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Let's not

Leftists pride themselves on allowing diversity. They call this Democracy because it's for the people.
Or is it? The US Constitution says the US is a Republic and not a Democracy. The difference is that with a Republic, Sovereignty resides with the individual, whereas with a Democracy, Sovereignty resides with the group. In the US, the democratic system is just used to govern because it's easier to govern large groups of people using laws of democracy.
It is used to control large groups of people.
Also, if the Democrats are so big on Diversity and the allowance of all things, why don't they welcome the alt-right with open arms?

Democracy is much easier to subvert whereas a Republic is less susceptible. Note that it took over 150 years for Democracy to subvert the US Republic.

I guess my point is that Democracy is held to be everything that the poor, downtrodden masses should be praying for, when actually it's the very means that's been used to take away their Sovereignty and control them. It's the classic "the opposite is true" jew trick. People still buy it, so they still sell it.

It worked when it was only white men who were voting.

Any alternative to Fagbook is better m8

All social media is cancer by its very nature. Just because brain cancer is worse than stomach cancer, doesn't mean I'm ok with stomach cancer.

This is because the globalists have invested billions into that narrative and won't accept defeat…even if that means catastrophic consequences or even worse losing some shekels and dignity.

Swap out Medium for Minds.com. The former promotes leftist cancer.

My bad. You had it in YT alternatives. Regardless, Medium doesn't deserve to be on the list.

Even if it is "fake", how exactly is giving a shit about the environment a problem? You tards are unbelievable.

yea but what if we make the world better for nothing?

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Actually it was white land owners and a serires of other restrictions.

The issue with democracy, wide and open, was highlighted as far back as Plato and Aristotle - essentially most people are not qualified to make policy decisions. The people who are qualified to make policy decisions are pushed aside by people adept at taking advantage of other people. IT fails because of the same god damn Pareto principles that govern everything else - actual competence in the arts of statecraft is concentrated unfairly, and through no fault of their own, in the heads and hands of a stark few. That's a key point; leadership was a burden taken on with dignity, it was not a loud obscene thing to be shouted about and sought after if the person in charge or seeking such was any good at it.

I often wonder what it will take to humble us into realizing it is a mistake to give the vote to everyone unconditionally.

The fact of the matter is most "environmentally conscious" people don't really give a flying fuck about the environment at large. If they did, instead of nitpicking on what plastic utensils are acceptable and how much you can use an automobile, they would be attempting to place sanctions on areas like China and India which produce the vast majority of pollution on this planet.

well at china is making a better attempt at fixing things than you amerilards. they're dumping everything into solar and wind. amerifats decide to remove limits on how much mercury is allowed in coal smoke

Even if it's "real," how exactly is threatening to keep third world countries in third world conditions solving the problem? You tards are unbelievable. Because if we're being honest, countries like India and China are the real polluters. America has more trees today than we had in the early 1900s.

Or as another example, how can you claim dumping billions of gallons of fresh water onto random plots of land/the ocean "good for the environment?" How are almond farms "good for the environment?" At least with coal we can clean and scrub it before venting into atmosphere. Nuclear would be better, but you environmental hippies fail to realize nuclear energy has THE LOWEST actual and potential environmental footprint of any energy source. You niggers switch everything to solar/wind and either end up with power shortages during peak hours, or using natural gas which releases a shit ton of pollution in the form of methane, all while destroying more of the environment building them because they're inefficient and "recycling" involves some bugman in China burning the fucking film without any filters to extract precious metals.

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a small increase to almost nothing is better than a small decrease to mostly everything

As someone who works in the electrical industry, solar and wind are both shit-tier sources of energy. Solar isn't good unless you live in a desert, and wind is a shit all around unless built out in the ocean (at which point you have to build additional environmentally harmful transformers and containers to transport it. The wind lobby specifically lobbied to hide data because when you include the creation of wind turbines, they're actually more polluting than using coal with modern scrubbers in terms of carbon footprint, space taken up, and other factors. It would take a wind farm the size of six New York Cities including suburbs in order to meet the energy requirements of the US, and about 80% of that energy would need to be transported across large distances. As an aside, solar panels are relatively neutral if used in a proper environment at only a net negative footprint of something like -3%, comparable to coal's -5%. In regions that don't get enough sunlight at the correct angle for moderate efficiency, such as Germany, they're as if not more pollutant than wind turbines. Geothermal and Nuclear are the only two energy sources that aren't complete shit, and geothermal is a meme because of how expensive it is. The only place wind is useful is in Canadian-style nuclear reactors that bleed off the excess heat to create "miniature tornadoes" to produce a little extra power naturally from the waste product. All that being said, waste product is lost profits, so really the environmental benefit of being eco-friendly IN A PROPER MANNER is that you're wasting less money as a producer using the waste for other by-products, but then hippies bitch a fit about said by-products because they're made from waste products.