How come not all IFB churches are like FWBC...

How come not all IFB churches are like FWBC? I went to an IFB church for a while and they weren't as insane as Pastor Anderson.

Sure they held onto many of the same silly doctrines like KJV onlyism, but the Pastor never got mad and kicked the pulpit or screamed at the congregation. He always just gave his sermon to us and some people would shout "amen" every now and again but he never did hard preaching like Anderson does. Also, the IFB church I went to held to the rapture doctrine but doesn't Pastor Anderson hate that doctrine? Also, the Pastor there allowed for contemporary Evangelical music as long as it was outside of church. The Pastor there didn't believe gays were automatically reprobates either and he believed that if they accepted Jesus into their hearts they would be saved like any one else.

Why is only FWBC crazy?

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really gets the ol brainpan sizzlin

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every protestant church/pastor is unique, an island unto itself, it's a big buffet to choose from, pick whichever one suits your desires and thoughts best!

IFBs are literally the anarchist splitting upon splitting Church

We've got a salty one.

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I just want whats best for you. Come home.

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I think most or all of them are pro-Israel, pre-trib rapture type deals except Anderson.

Most of the IFB believes differently than Anderson on a few things:

* Anderson isn't anti-rapture, but he believes that the rapture happens after the tribulation. Many, if not most pastors believe it happens before.
* Most Baptist churches are rabidly pro Israel.
* The reprobate doctrine is pretty controversial, and even Anderson doesn't consider it an essential doctrine.
* Most crucially, Anderson preaches salvation by faith alone, and that once you're saved you're always saved. Not every Baptist church teaches that. He also goes a step further and teaches what many deride as "easy believism," that teaches that if you believe in Jesus enough to openly proclaim him the Lord, then you're saved. That's basically what door to door soul winning sets out to do.

Anderson's bunch calls themselves the "New IFB," which is more or less lockstep on these issues. But outside of that group, you're going to find a wide swath of beliefs, thus the whole "independent" thing. If you want an Anderson-approved church and don't live near one of the New IFB churches, you want an independent Baptist church that uses the KJV only, teaches eternal salvation by faith, and practices door-to-door soul-winning. That's a drastic oversimplification, but more or less correct.

you faggots sound like liberals, every single time Anderson comes up on this board a horde of you have to preface it with "insane" or some other buzzword that signals your virtue, let it go already

He venerates and respects the Bible, not worship it. Why is that so hard for you apostolics to understand?

I don't see him bowing down to and praying to the Bible like you guys do to Mary

That's idolatry and you know it.

Andersonites are stunningly delusional

Anyone got a webm of that part? He actually joked about people who think "the Word" refers to Christ and not purely the papyri Bible.

"what kinda name is "the Word" hyuk hyuk!!!"
Who taught Anderson christianity??


I have no idea how an honest person could investigate the KJV-Only issue and come out the other side still maintaining such a tradition.

And in order to get all of that, it needs to come from the truth that the word of God truly is inspired by God and safeguarded from error as it says and the final authority for both faith and practice. So to "use" the word of God is a bit of an understatement. Everything needs to derive from it which is including the things you mentioned.

Each IFB church is better than the previous one

I don't see Catholics calling Mary God. I do see Andersonites calling the Bible God though.

This is a picture I found off of an KJV only IFB church website of their pastor preaching at their church. Holy shit since when did IFBs get this liturgical looking?

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Are Andersonites this weak theologically? God damn dude, this post is so stupid.

"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;" - 1 Timothy 2:5

Why would you waste time asking saints to pray for you when you can talk directly to God himself?

Why would you waste time asking for people to pray for you if you could do it yourself? The Saints are as alive you are. That's why we ask for their intercession, just like I would ask my brother for his prayers.

This. You can hardly be surprised that a "church" with no organization or authority has completely different kinds of people in it.

Also don't call this false prophet a pastor.

You know, I'm actually watching some of his sermons and…is it really just listening to a pastor ramble for an hour? Where's the praising of God?

Why would you need to praise God when your theology says if you say "I believe in Jesus" once at any point in your life you're saved forever

Pretty easy to pick up cheap church furniture with all the Episcopalian churches closing.

Have you ever watched one of his church service livestreams? There's a lot more to it than him talking. There's also hymns, gospel reading, etc. Like an actual church service.

I want to go to Church to praise God, not listen to a vain man speak for over 70-80 minutes straight. Priests have to keep their homilies to 10 minutes tops, usually.

There are Orthodox churches like St. Barnabas in Costa Mesa, California that release hour long lectures by a priest or an expert. That doesn't mean they're not also worshiping.

I've looked up their youtube, these are lectures they provide throughout the day, not the obligatory Sunday service.

Their actual Mass have homilies 20-30 minutes, in addition to the liturgy, Stevie Anderson goes a full hour or more of just pure Stevie.

Anderson does not love his enemies and openly says that Gays need to murder themselves. I would question whether the Holy Spirit is in him before I follow him.

The Dimond brothers absolutely destroyed Anderson, exposing him as a demonic false prophet

But gays are enemies of God, they're not just any enemy.

All sin is offence against God, i.e., a making of enmity between oneself and God. Yet, as Our Lord says, we can repent of our sins and receive forgiveness. If a person commits the sin of sodomy and later recants and performs penance, why should they be barred from forgiveness? Are lairs, thieves and murderers not forgiven if they truly repent? This singling out of sodomy as if it's somehow an unforgivable "super sin" is completely illogical, not to mention lacking in any scriptural basis.