Zig Forums Husband Gets Gunned Down by Pure Aryan Waifu in Front of Their White Babies

A 31-year-old US woman has been arrested in Louisiana after allegedly shooting her estranged husband dead in a Walmart car park on Saturday morning.
Police say Kayla Giles was meeting Thomas Coutee Jr to undertake a child custody exchange when she shot him once in the chest.
Despite emergency efforts to revive him at the scene, the 30-year-old died from his injuries.
Police confirmed three children were present but uninjured in the incident.
Local news website Town Talk says that Mr Couttee had filed a police complaint about his wife being violent in the past, and had filed a motion against joint-custody.
Police said the Saturday handover was happening at an "outer section" of the supermarket car park without many other cars around.
Officials have not revealed any motive or any further information about the shooting.
Ms Giles, who is still referred to as Kayla Couttee by some local outlets, has been charged with second-degree murder by the Alexandria Police Department, who set her bail at $500,000 (£385,000).
The couple wed in 2014, according to Mr Couttee's Facebook page.


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Why isn't OP using the article's mugshot?
Looking at the photos of the couples, Kayla didn't look in love

Because the video is more entertaining.

This bitch needs to be strangled

Women shouldn't be allowed to own and/or carry a weapon.

((( )))

Your mind on 2016+ Zig Forums

She won't even get a slap on the wrist. The court system will treat her like they treat commie terrorists.


bumping real news

9/10 would bang bang

Attached: giles.jpg (599x363, 117.8K)

Yeah, all she has to do is squeeze out some fake tears and utter m-muh a-abuse!

She has a real creepy stare, alright. Who's got that infographic with a guide on different eyes.

Go outside user.

Before Zig Forums

Attached: 2014.jpg (624x624, 48.63K)

Women are incapable of romantically loving men. Every man to them has a role:
Sometimes a man can fulfill more than one of the roles but fail your role and they dispose of you. She's going to get a pussy pass and walk free like she did nothing wrong.

user must be drunk.

Basically this.

Might not work, seeing as the dude filed protection orders cause she''s a crazy bitch. But, know the clown world we live in, the jury will be all female, the judge will be a dual Israeli/American citizen, and the prosecutor will be a fuckingwhitemale, and she'll win AND get the kids

Attached: 54fba0a91026db98d797088e2e7345c236689df303a9475013ad811181971dc1.png (424x318, 180.15K)

Zig Forums and Zig Forums are both cancer.

To be fair she doesn't look like an Ess Jay Dubya. Still. Don't stick your dick in crazy.

Attached: IMG_20171212_214148~2.jpg (1488x779, 183.84K)

Attached: the revolution comrades.mp4 (1280x720, 7.52M)


Alternatives To State-run Social Media: >>>/prepare/20 | archive.fo/u7LTM

Learn Proper OPSEC: >>>/prepare/22 | archive.fo/CYc78

BE PREPARED: >>>/prepare/1 | archive.fo/elYwR

HOW TO GET A DECENT PAYING JOB AND SAVE MONEY: >>>/prepare/40 | archive.fo/vbkbW


OP's pretty easy to uncover.

Attached: 80a923b1629e07d3f8ca817eb1776f39458291473600190c8e2fbcdce07289c5.jpeg (708x533, 63.88K)

Jews ARE White.

Wrong. There are Indian, Ethiopian, Yemeni, Lemba and Sephardic jews. None of which are white. Only the Ashkenazi bred with European stock to create a double-blind. The jews hate white. Get it right.

Attached: 1508806619893.jpg (974x928, 280.74K)

If Jews aren't White than how come they're white?


The jews hate all non-jews. All non-jews are cattle to them.

all humans are cattle to me
am i jew?

Giles is french, french people aren't people nor are they french.

No just jew-ish

ethnic french are celts, faggot
celts = the whitest of whites

I am a 100% White Sephardic Judean, NUMBSKULL!

jew nose != Zig Forums, he wasn't /ourguy/
She's probably Zig Forumsish though

what is white, dumbfuck?

the white knighting cuck arrives right on time