State Department Employee Exposed In Project Veritas Deep State Sting

State Department Employee Exposed In Project Veritas Deep State Sting



James O'Keefe and his undercover investigators have once again exposed extreme left-wing activists pursuing a progressive agenda within a position of power - this time infiltrating the State Department.

Today, Project Veritas released the first installment in an undercover videoinvestigation series unmasking the deep state. This video features a State Department employee, Stuart Karaffa, engaged in radical socialist political activity on the taxpayer’s dime, while advocating for resistance to official government policies. In addition to being a State Department employee Stuart Karaffa is also a ranking member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America (Metro DC DSA.)

Metro DC DSA is a socialist group that works to advance progressive causes in the metropolitan DC area.

Mr. Karaffa’s loyalties seem to be with DSA, not with his employer.

Karaffa told an undercover Project Veritas journalist that he performs DSA activism while at work for the State Department. He explained that he drafts DSA communications while on the job at State Department:

“… I’m careful about it. I don’t leave a paper trail, like I leave emails, and like any press s**t that comes up I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my like draft messages ready to send out.”

Karaffa also admits that on behalf of DSA he monitors Virginia political news online while at work:

“You could put two and two together probably. With like web traffic…. So with web traffic, I mean I could make the case before a court of law that- I’m going to the Virginia sort of, campaign finance website- that I’m just interested in what people are doing politically. But if they also go and look at like DSA minutes and like Officer positions they’ll be like, ‘that’s weird, you were the co-chair of the electoral caucus, and you spent three hours on a Virginia campaign finance website.'”

Karaffa does not believe that he will be caught and punished by the appropriate authorities, saying, “Maybe someday I’ll go to board of elections jail, probably not.”

Karaffa does not seem to be concerned about disciplinary action from the State Department: “I have nothing to lose. It’s impossible to fire federal employees.” When asked if his supervisor at the State Department knows about his activism, Karaffa reveals that “nobody knows” about it.

Some government employees are required to regularly submit disclosure forms to help management identify any potential conflicts of interest that may interfere with job responsibilities. Despite disclosing his political activities and officer positions on his financial disclosure form, Karaffa alleges that:

“… somebody just rubber stamps [the form] and it goes forward… I don’t know if [the ethics officer is] all there. He’s so checked out…”

"… I’m careful about it. I don’t leave a paper trail, like I leave emails, and like any press s**t that comes up I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my like draft messages ready to send out," says Karaffa, who doesn't believe he'll get caught for pursuing his own agenda within the Department of State.

"Maybe someday I’ll go to board of elections jail, probably not," he said, adding: "I have nothing to lose. It’s impossible to fire federal employees." Karaffa says "nobody knows" about his activism - and that it's easy to circumvent State Department ethics disclosures because "… somebody just rubber stamps [the form] and it goes forward… I don’t know if [the ethics officer is] all there. He’s so checked out…"

Attached: State Department Employee Exposed In Project Veritas Deep State Sting.png (400x310, 170.74K)

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Quality journalism.

This should be making news headlines, I know it won't be though because it doesn't fit MSM narratives.


I can smell the fear, they want this one to slide.

another govt employee working against the orange idiots policies?! im shocked :)

Sponging off taxpayer money and violating ethic codes that prevent discrimination / political bias while on-duty. Thats called CORRUPTION.

wow. pretty much described trump to a T.

Imagine if this was on the other foot, where State-hired employees (funded by your taxes) were busy working for the NRA instead of doing their damn job. Would that be OK with you?

Trump is a politician now. This State Department employee is NOT a politician. He has to abide by his contract and by the ethical codes to prevent bias and abuse… which he did violate.



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Hopefully the FBI or DOJ is the next to get exposed. Much bias in those two agencies.

there. i fixed it for you.

Most presidents played golf.
Trump is the first one to donate his wages to veterans.

Im interested to see if other presidents keep that tradition up. You would expect them to get crucified by the press if they did but with the severe case of TDS thats going around the media at the moment who knows what they will do.

Obama played golf too, I don't see a problem with that. Got to take some breaks dude.

No because the NRA is a bunch of niggers that do nothing to protect our rights.

GOA is where its at, dude. They get shit done, mostly on the local level which is important.

Precisely although security would have been way cheaper if Obama had his own golf course like Trump does.


did you retards miss the point on purpose or is it too hard to read and breathe at the same time?

Obama played gold on the taxpayer dime too. In fact, ALL presidents do. So your argument is kinda moot.

Even if I couldnt read and breathe simultaneously I could have easily held my breath while reading the short sentence you typed.


All sages disqualified

fake //realnews//


ultra news

sage repelled by truth, blown away by ignorance and stupidity, denied access to all such reality double-negated


so… you just decided to ignore the part about how we pay for him to golf at his own resort?

I already mentioned in my post that you quoted that most presidents played golf.
Obviously its a bit cheaper for the taxpayer if a president can play golf at his own courses because I presume they dont expect him to pay for membership.

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legit news

bumping back to the top

such is

The more you know!

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bumping this again, deserves to be seen

actual news

real bump


such news

another overblown exclusive from them.


real news


Heres another they just released. Looks like a series with upcoming expositiins.

THANK YOU! See how hard they are trying to slide this?

Heres another they just released. Looks like a series with upcoming expositiins.

Should be posting anytime soon…

the names list is forming and the spy satellites are coming.

Attached: a8fdcb85b811aa765281b2bf8f07a378.gif (624x510, 415.64K)

Could you be more specific user? Are they watching us?

have another bump

have another brumpf

Gematria Effect News Learn the Code so they can't take it from you people died to get this out. They are real demons.

i was speaking about the deep state. i didn't mean you personally. if someone is watching you i don't know about it.